《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》5. The Last of the Mortal Dragons
Beni and Aaron were in their third week of school and discovered more aspects of their majors that were difficult. Fortunately, Tenseiga was there to tutor them. “You know, Tensei, you make this make way more sense than my professor does,” Aaron said, relieved that he was done with his essay. “Yeah! I can’t believe how tough this stuff is, but you make it look so easy,” Benimaru agreed. “I’m glad to help,” Tensei smiled, “I think we are at a point where you can handle these yourselves, so I’m going to go prepare dinner.” “Okay!” It was quiet for a few moments before Tenseiga rushed out of the kitchen, drying his hands moving towards the dining room and out to the foyer. Suddenly the front door slammed open loud enough that it could be heard all the way into the dining area. This caused Aaron and Benimaru to jump. “Wh-what was that?” Benimaru asked nervously. Aaron took a defensive stance in front of Benimaru, “I don't know, Beni.” A pair of unnaturally gold eyes passed by the doorway followed by crimson, and there was some banging. Beni and Aaron were confused as to what they saw exactly. “Did you see that?” Benimaru squeezed Aaron’s shoulder, pointing. “Yeah, that’s so strange,” Aaron stroked his chin. There were more banging sounds and a low growl. Then there was a rustling as if there was a fight when the back door slammed. Benimaru and Aaron stared at each other wide-eyed and then jumped when they heard a roar. They couldn’t determine what it was, but they were pretty sure grizzly bears and lions do not just go roaming about the city. “I’m going to see if they are okay,” Aaron headed toward the door. Benimaru grabbed Aaron, “I- I don’t think we should. Whatever it is seems dangerous.” “I know, but Tenseiga is out there alone.” There was more banging as Charlie rushed past the dining room door into the backyard. The house started shaking. “What in the actual hell?” Beni jumped as his glass of water fell over on the table. Fortunately, he had already put most of his homework back in his bag. There were more bellowing sounds, and it looked like lightning or fire was blazing outside. Benimaru held onto Aaron tightly, eyes squeezed shut. “I’m scared shitless, but so is Beni. Now Charlie is out in that. What is happening?” Aaron thought. “All right, that’s it. I’m going to check on them,” Aaron declared. “O- okay,” Benimaru held on tightly to Aaron’s arm as they approached the backdoor cautiously. When they got to the backyard, they could smell the burning foliage—the brownness of the dirt peeking through the usual green grass. It looked like someone clumsily ran a giant tractor over the lawn, and some trees were knocked over. They noticed Charlie was cradling Tetsuya, who was audibly sobbing into her lap as she stroked his hair. “What the hell happened out here?” Aaron exclaimed. “Just some lighting, boys. Nothing to worry about. Do you mind giving Tetsu and me a minute?” Charlie smiled at them. Tenseiga walked towards the door to herd them back into the house. Aaron and Benimaru were still confused and kind of terrified. What type of lighting storm does that? And why were they all standing in the backyard during it? “I wouldn’t overthink about it,” Tenseiga said, breaking them from their thoughts, “sometimes you have to accept what seems impossible for what it is. As Charlie said, it was a freak lightning storm and nothing more.” Tenseiga was hiding some scratches on his body. “That idiot dragon. What was he thinking?” Tenseiga was fuming, glad he managed to stop the bleeding outside so Benimaru and Aaron wouldn’t notice. “Well, is Tetsu okay?” Benimaru asked. Tenseiga sighed, “Well, to put it mildly, Tetsu’s father passed away today. Tetsu is the last remaining member of his family.” “That’s so sad!” Benimaru exclaimed. Tenseiga looked remorseful, “Yes, it’s painful to be the last of your kind, I imagine.” Aaron thought for a second, “I mean, it's not like he can't have children, right?” Tenseiga kind of chuckled, “If only it were that simple, Aaron. If only it were that simple.” -- Tetsuya sat there wondering why it was always like this. What’s so great and heroic about killing a dragon and wearing his bones like a trophy? Moreover, when and how exactly did mortals figure out how to slay dragons in the first place? The dragons of the mortal realm weren’t always the beasts that they were made out to be. On the contrary, dragons were a gentle species until they had to use what they were to defend themselves against attacks. They dispersed themselves and hid to cull human interest in slaying spiritual beasts, but it didn’t help. Mortal dragons got no help from the celestial ones, save Tetsu’s father, who gave up his status to save Tetsu, his mother having been slain. Much like Charlie, Tetsuya was also partially of the mortal realm, but dragons from the mortal and celestial world had very few differences except for residence. Before he met Charlie, Tetsuya was sure that he would die alone in that mountain, much like his father just did recently. Tetsuya’s father didn’t return to the celestial realm because Tetsuya refused to leave his mother behind, and when she died, Tetsuya resented the celestial dragons deeply for it. Charlie was also frustrated but was glad that Tetsuya at least had them. She was reminiscing on the day that she and Tetsuya met.
— Teruma, Charlie, and Tenseiga were sitting in a bar. It was Charlie and Teruma’s first time in the mortal world. They wore cloaks to blend in as best they could. Charlie commented to Tenseiga about how mortal ale tasted like flavored water when they overheard something interesting. “I’ll tell you, ten more men went up that mountain, and none of them came back.” “I don’t know why those fools keep trying to slay that dragon. Don’t they know that once he gets pissed, he’ll fly down here and kill the rest of us?” “I mean, it’s good for my business,” the barkeep shrugged. “You won’t have any business if he comes down here breathing fire.” “Excuse me,” Charlie piped up, “Did I hear you say something about a dragon?” “Yeah, big blue thing, golden eyes, nasty attitude. I’ve seen him destroy at least five villages,” one of the older men said. “And he lives on top of that mountain?” “Princess,” Tenseiga reprimanded. “I just want to go take a look,” Charlie shrugged, smirking. “No more pets. I always end up cleaning up after them,” Tenseiga rubbed the bridge of his nose, “I can only imagine what cleaning up dragon poop would be like.” “Well, what if he’s like you and Teru?” Charlie got misty-eyed. “Fine, if he’s like Teru and me, he can come with us, but if he’s an actual mortal realm dragon, his ass is staying here,” Tenseiga stated, “oh, and he can only come of his own free will. We will not be in the business of spirit beast napping.” “Sure, okay! Okay!” Charlie said, eyes glinting. “Tensei, I don’t think she’s listening to you,” Teruma pointed out. “Ugh, I know, Teru!” “Tensei, I don’t want to go see a dragon. They are big and scary,” Teruma hugged his cloak tighter around himself. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to either of you. Now, which way is that mountain?” Charlie asked the barkeep. “Hold your horses there, lass,” a man got up, “You three aren’t thinking of going up to face that dragon?” “Yep!” Charlie smiled really big. “Oi! Let them go. If they’re a decent snack, maybe we’ll live another day!” one of the patrons hollered. The bartender sighed and gave them directions on how to get to the dragon’s cave as best he could based on the information he received from people who had been foolish enough to go up there. “Let’s go!” Charlie dragged Teruma out of the bar, followed by Tenseiga. -- “Ch- ch- Charlie, d- do we have to do this,” Teruma tensed up as Charlie was holding him by the hand. They were wandering through a dark and dank cave. Tenseiga created a ball of fire that was lighting their way. “It’ll be okay, Teru! It’s just a dragon!” Tenseiga scoffed, “Just a dragon?” “Yeah!” “Have you ever met a dragon, princess?” “Nope!” Charlie replied, still marching through the cave. Tenseiga groaned, “Why me?” As they went deeper into the cave, Teruma asked, “What are these crunching sounds? There shouldn’t be crunching sounds here. Why are there crunching sounds?” Tenseiga moved the light around their feet, and Teruma screamed. The crunching sounds were the bones of the people who tried to slay the dragon and failed miserably. The whole situation was frustrating to Charlie because her soul collections have increased since the dragons began defending themselves. Usually, she sympathizes with the mortals, but this was one thing that made her kind of despise them. There was a roar in response to Teruma’s scream. “Well, it sounds like he’s not in the mood for company! Let’s go!” Teruma tried to lead the march back down the mountain, but Charlie dragged him by the collar towards the sound. “You know, for someone who can’t die, you sure are a scaredy-cat,” Charlie giggled. “It’s not funny,” Teruma sniffled, shaking. “My poor little deer, it’s okay. Tenseiga will protect us!” Charlie chimed. Tenseiga groaned in frustration and facepalmed. Though, he didn’t mind playing papa fox when he needed to. They finally saw him at the back of the cave. He was a big beautiful beast, a mix of the mortal realm and celestial breeds of dragon. His sapphire skin was glinting in the light. The dragon let out a monstrous roar, which caused Teruma to break free and hide behind a rock. Charlie spread out her arms, “He’s magnificent!” “He’s dangerous,” Tenseiga said, “We should go before he notices— too late.” The dragon started breathing fire, which Tenseiga managed to jump out of the way but did not manage to grab Charlie. “Princess!” Tenseiga yelled. “Charlie!” Teruma cried. But upon second glance, they noticed she was holding a hand up, and the flames parted around her. “Since when can she do that?” Tenseiga wondered. Teruma shrugged, bewildered. The dragon, at first taken aback by this, seethed with rage. He started thrashing about in the cave until Charlie appeared in front of his face and thumped him on the nose. “That’ll be enough of that now,” Charlie reprimanded. The dragon held his nose, tears in his eyes. She hugged him and kissed him where she thumped him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Dragon, but I can’t have you going around making a fuss when I’m just trying to be your friend,” Charlie nuzzled his face. The dragon shrunk to a 6-foot tall man with golden eyes who was very much naked and still holding his nose. Charlie was now holding his shoulders. “What the hell?” He yelled. “Well, you were being a brat!” Charlie stamped her foot. “Me? I was behaving like a dragon. You are the brat coming into my cave and thumping me on the nose,” Dragon man yelled, “Nobody comes to a cave to befriend a dragon anymore. Are you out of your damned mind?” “Nope! I’m Charlie,” she chimed, “What’s your name, fussy dragon?” “I’m not fuss—“ he stopped because she was going to thump him again, “My name is Tetsuya Ryu.” “We immortal beings sure are creative in our choice of last names,” Tenseiga said sarcastically. “Okay, we’ve introduced ourselves. You can leave now,” Tetsuya tried to wave them off. “Wait a minute there, Tetsu. We came up the mountain to say hello. The least you can do is be a good host,” Charlie crossed her arms. “A good host—“ he bellowed, “I’m a dragon! This ain’t a tea party, and since when did I say you could give me a nickname?” Charlie used her underworldly voice, “You will not speak to me as if you’re some sort of beast!” “I am a beast!” Tetsuya bellowed again, “I’m a dragon!” “He’s either really brave or really stupid,” Tenseiga murmured. Teruma nodded. Charlie grabbed him by the ear, “Just because you are a beast doesn’t mean you get to act like one. Also, while your chiseled body is a beautiful sight to behold, where are your clothes, Tetsu?” “Y-you like my body?” Tetsuya was confused and blushing. “Of course, but just because you’re strikingly handsome doesn’t mean you get to go around being naked, Tetsu.” “Seriously, what’s with the nickname?” Tetsuya crossed his arms. “It suits you because it’s adorable,” Charlie also crossed her arms, mirroring him. “I don’t understand why you insist on putting clothes on him. Tenseiga walks around naked all the time,” Teruma questioned, “and so do you come to think of it.” “Yes, yes, but that’s around the house, Teru. Tetsu is about to go out in public,” Charlie said, rummaging around the cave. “I am?” Tetsuya was still reeling. “Duh! I’m sure you don’t want to continue to stay in this dark, dank cave by yourself. Also, there are better things to eat than idiot mortals with small dick syndrome,” Charlie tossed a scorched skull aside. “Princess!” Tenseiga reprimanded. “What? Aha! Here are some clothes. I mean, they are the only ones not burnt to a crisp. I feel bad for taking it off this dude’s corpse, but he’s not using them anymore. We can give them new clothes in the underworld. The men’s fashion down there is all the rage! I think you’ll love it, Tetsu.” “The underworld? Oh no. I’m not going back there, no matter how many times you thump me on the nose,” Tetsuya crossed his arms. “What did you do?” Tenseiga squinted his eyes. “Why are you looking at me? This witch Kumiho came up to me talking about avoiding prison for some shit she set me up for,” Tetsuya raged. “You too, huh?” Tenseiga sighed. “Tensei, your cousin can be a real b-word,” Teruma crossed his arms. “Awe, sweet, Teru still can’t curse,” Charlie got glittery-eyed, “anyway, don’t worry about Kumiho. She learned not to fuck with me and my friends after I finally got father to release Tensei from prison.” “My friends and me,” Tenseiga corrected. Charlie groaned, “She learned not to fuck with my friends and me. Anyway, let’s get you dressed and get going!” Charlie started to dress him. “I- I can do that myself,” Tetsuya said awkwardly, “You know, you’re handsy for a princess.” “Well, I try,” Charlie beamed, proud of herself. “That wasn’t a compliment,” the three men thought simultaneously. “All right, does everyone have everything?” Charlie looked around at her friends. They nodded, Tetsuya carrying his treasure in a special pouch Charlie made for him before they arrived. “You knew we were going to meet a dragon today, didn’t you,” Tenseiga facepalmed because all of the treasure in that cave fit into that tiny coin purse. “Whatever do you mean, Tensei?” Charlie fluttered her eyelashes. “Is she always like this?” Tetsuya asked. Teruma and Tenseiga nodded. Suddenly she wrapped an arm around Tetsuya, shouting, “Let’s go!” as she led the way, partially dragging Tetsuya out of the cave. -- “You know I don’t recall explicitly saying I wanted to leave that cave,” Tetsuya gave a small smile. “Do you regret leaving it?” Charlie was stroking his hair. “Never.” Charlie leaned down and kissed his forehead, looking grave, “You know they are going to start hounding you to take a seat on the council directly now.” “I know. I’m still not going because they abandoned my father too. One that is exactly like them,” Tetsuya muttered. Charlie touched her forehead to his, “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I can see to it that they leave you alone.” Tetsuya sighed, “No. If you can face your cousins, I can face this. It’s going to be difficult being a roughneck and all.” “Don’t take father so seriously, and please don’t do this for my sake,” Charlie grabbed his face. Tetsuya touched a hand to hers, “You know I would burn heaven and earth for you.” “I know, but you are worthy just as you are,” Charlie stroked his cheek. Tetsuya nodded, still contemplating the situation. -- Tenseiga was taking notes of what was going to need to be repaired. “I seem to keep failing our lessons,” Benimaru slumped down next to Tenseiga. “What do you mean?” Tenseiga took off his glasses. “I hid behind Aaron again,” Benimaru put his head down on the table. “That was probably a terrifying situation for the both of you,” Tenseiga pat Benimaru on the head, “There is no shame in how you reacted.” “Maybe I should learn how to fight or something,” Benimaru sighed. “I assure you, Beni, combat skills would not have helped,” Tenseiga was keeping his usual relaxed demeanor, but inside he was screaming bloody murder from how much pain he was in. “Right...” “Well, I have to go restart dinner since it burned in the exchange,” Tenseiga sighed, taking note of that expense also. “Where did Aaron go?” “Up to his room, perhaps?” Tenseiga glanced back before heading into the kitchen. Benimaru went looking for Aaron. He knocked on Aaron’s bedroom door, but he got no answer. Benimaru opened it and poked his head in. “Aaron?” Benimaru looked around. It seemed empty, but he heard sounds in the bathroom. Benimaru went to the open the door to investigate. “Are you okay?” Benimaru exclaimed, rushing over to Aaron, who was kneeling in front of the toilet. Aaron wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “I’m fine, Beni. Don't worry about it.” “You’re pale,” Benimaru exclaimed, feeling his forehead, “And you're clammy.” Aaron grabbed Benimaru’s hands, “Beni, I'll be okay.” “Do you often do this when you're scared?” Benimaru asked. “When the adrenaline wears off, sometimes,” Aaron admitted. Benimaru looked concerned, “Why haven't you said anything?” “I didn't want to worry you over something like this,” Aaron was a little shaky but managed to get up. Benimaru helped steady him. “Thanks,” Aaron said, “Maybe you should also wash your hands. I didn't mean to touch you after I puked my guts just now.” “So, it's okay for you to keep secrets, but I have to be an open book?” Benimaru muttered. “What?” Aaron turned around. Benimaru shook his head, “It's nothing. I have some Zofran in my medicine cabinet. I'll go grab it for you.” As Benimaru trotted off to grab the medicine for Aaron, he couldn't help but remember the lecture he received from Laurelie and his conversation with Tenseiga a couple of weeks ago. “Maybe I do depend on Aaron too much,” he sighed.
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