《(On Hold) Regarding my time being a God, it was fun》[Volume Two] Side Story


Side Story: Before the incident

On a peaceful day, I was researching as usual when—

「Bagdur-sama... A letter just came straight into your Mail Box...」

—my messenger received a strange letter that went straight through the [Filter] menu.

「Hmm... let me see it, you can go now」

「Then please excuse me...」

The messenger disappeared using [Spacial Blessing]. I gave one of those to all my subordinates so they could move freely around the place performing their tasks.

Anyways, the letter was neatly sealed with magic. Not just any magic, but divine magic, in other words, this person used a mini holy barrier to seal the letter.

No wonder it went straight through...

I called up the Menu and checked the seal. There was a lock that was let loose on purpose.

「This brat... Looking down on me...」

Even without that, I could've easily broken the barrier in no time at all. Who does this person think I am?

The letter was anonymous. No sender's information was displayed on the front, at least that was what it looked like to naked eyes. To me, it's different...

『Hasegawa Masaki. Stellar God. Classification A. Rank 9th. Sanctuary - Sky City of Metéo』

This bastard...

How dare you send a letter straight to me... He's just a young god who recently found himself on 9th rank when he destroyed the former 9th rank, and that's it. He didn't achieve anything too crazy...

Unlike me, who successfully made "blue god blood"...

Tch. Oh well, as a reward to bypass my filter system, I'll read what you have to say.

『Ayy! Bagdur-san... You might have heard about my name before, but greetings!! Now, I know you hate beating around the bush in business, so let's get straight to the point. Do you know a guy named Ralph?』

Ralph? Who the hell is that...? I don't remember seeing his name among the top 100 gods. If he's not in there then I don't even care about if he exists or not...


『I know you're thinking that he's no one, but let me tell you something real fun about him. The Second Golden Key, he's keeping it in his hand』

My eye twitched hard upon reading this.

How the hell does this young brat know about the Golden Key?

What happened to Divine Secret? Aren't only ancient gods know about this?

Ancient Gods are the beings that were born from evolved Angels through the luck granted by the Fortune woman. She's long dead together with that old man anyway...

I'm one of the very first 10 Gods of this world, aside from us, nobody should know about the Keys.

『Hehe~ Then about how I got this information... Hmm... Let's say I asked a friend』

*snort*... Who do you think I am getting fooled by that stupid white lie...

A Stellar God can obtain even classified secrets through Horoscope. So this bastard, I'm 100% sure he summoned one of the Zodiac and asked about it...

『You might or might not have figured it out, but anyways, a low level God, a nature spirit named Ralph is now keeping the 『Golden Key of Lust』 in his sanctuary, and he has no idea about it, ain't that funny? Hahaha! ! 』

I'm losing my patience really quickly with this.

The 5th Exiled Princess... Aliel Luxuria and her 『Golden Key of Lust』...

That made my heart throb remembering about the time we spent together. We indulged in lust and enjoyed ourselves. Until that goddamn day...

Hmm. Anyways...

If this piece of information also came from the Zodiac, it can't be wrong in anyway possible. The stars do not tell lies, not to the Stellar God himself...

Not good. I need to take her back... My body is trembling in reminiscence of the old days... If I look at the mirror now, I think I'll see a creepy smile...

(Author: Imagine Onsoku no Sonic from One Punch)

Which makes me look bad, so it's no good. I gotta control myself and behave in front of the Princess of Lust.


「Ha... haha... ha ha haha ha... 」

With her golden key, I'll be able to revive the Fortune Artifact. That woman is no longer here to stop me anymore this time around. Turning the possibility of 1/1,000,000,000 into 100% success... Haha one can already feel 'lucky' about obtaining this thing...

I then can resume my experiment of cloning Zoras' genes, reviving only a piece of her Father would be enough to control this dimension. And then...


...and only then can we once again enjoy ourselves and indulge into Lust.

『I won't ask for payment this time around, 'cuz I wanna sit back and watch how this plays out. I attached the location of Ralph's place in this letter, you'll receive it in your Menu at the end of the letter. Be sure to make this fun to watch, 'kay?』

My joy was cut short by the next few lines of this bastard. You're trying to make us dance in your palm?

Hmm... If this was the me a while ago I'll go for him and destroy his sanctuary right away.

But now... now I finally found Aliel and her whereabouts, so I'll play along with you this time Stellar God.

『I also attached a talisman. Using this, you'll be able to borrow one of my favorite invention, Ultra-sonic Meteorite. Use it wisely, please』

So he's telling me to attack? That's against the laws for a top 10 to suddenly attack a low ranking God...

Hmm... no, actually I can do it.

I'll use the Stellar bastard as a scapegoat. Together with [Empty Chronicle], I'll be able to set it up as an accident where the mortal body of Aliel will die. Meanwhile I'll obtain her Seraph soul and at the same time blame it all on the Stellar bastard.

Nobody but him can use meteoric magic after all...

Then, what's next? What's next? Haha I'm excited for this...

That's right. I should put my invention to use, I can obtain 100,000 sacrifices at Rhunan's place. If I'm lucky I'll be able to directly summon a piece of Zordas together with the Fortune Artifact without needing to attack the Ralph guy again...

But just in case, if I fail, I'll have to retreat and prepare a quiet war.

Tch... making up excuses to talk to the Eastern Holy Land is going to be a pain in the ass, but I got no choice. Let's do it that way...

『Then about the Fortune Artifact itself... Fufufu~ surprisingly... it's...』

I was shocked at the location of the Artifact shown by the Stellar bastard. This guy, he must have planned all this ahead. You want a joyful act? So be it, I'll be the one on the main stage with all the praise anyway...

『Then, that's it for me. All related information can be transferred to your Menu by clicking the seal bellow. Have fun~ I'm intrigued to see Zoras roaming around~ Fufu~』

He even knows about Zoras huh...

Fuck it... I have something else to worry about.

Next morning, I received information about Princess Elma of the Kingdom encountering that guy named Ralph. After confirming about the location, I concluded that the Stellar bastard gave me the correct coordinates.

I immediately made my move. A sudden attack with a ton of surprised elements would be more amusing than anything else.

Poor guy... He won't even comprehend what just happened to him all of a sudden.

Let us not waste time, we have a perfect tragedy drama to set up. I wonder how should I use this Meteorite Talisman?

Should I just throw it out all of a sudden? Yes... Let's do that, that sounds good. It's gonna be fun to watch the Ralph guy's expression when this thing just appeared out of nowhere...

Let's go.

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