《(On Hold) Regarding my time being a God, it was fun》[Volume Two] Chapter 019


I was busy lately, so I didn't check RRL too much. Then a few days ago I logged on an saw this series on #4 Monthly and #2 Weekly...

What. The. Fuck?

Would you ever think a story you put together on a whim and wrote the first 6 chapters in one go the same day you think of the concept without any preparations would jump onto the top list of a community? I had never thought about it either... I stared at the screen for a good minute...

Welp... Thank you for all your support!

Headache (1)

Just as estimated, the Utopia of Souls came into view after another half day of nonstop running.

It looked like a wasteland, to be honest...

No trees at all, as if there's a constant drought in this place.

In the middle was a dungeon-like cavern structure that looked like small mountains with doors on them.

And in front of the main gate was...


There's a whole fucking crowd!!!

All of them were transparent and looked scary as hell...

Never in my wildest dreams had I thought of one day when I witness a festival of ghosts like this...

I'm sorry mom I didn't believe your bedtime stories...


Warning? What is it?

Are they that dangerous?


Where's Leila exactly???

I tried to speed up even more to close the distance.

The scene before me was a crowd hanging their heads like they have given up on life.

And right in front of them was a pair of people, 1 male and one female soul.

The guy had blue hair and white robe on...


What the hell is he doing here with a whole festival of souls like this?!?

And moreover, that woman looks pretty damn familiar if you ask me...

She had violet hair and something like a long sleeved sleeping gown on her.

On her back were 6 angle wings with 2 of them being jet black.

Her facial features looked familiar as fuck but I just couldn't recall right away until Ori-chan told me:



Don't just stop there, Miss Secretary!!!

I don't understand at all!!

No way...


I can't...believe this...






I mean, taking a Seraph Bunny in as a priestess in Miko clothing?!?

Oh damn, you're sooooo not taking her away (scum)Bag-kun!!!

But I soon got snapped back to seriousness seeing him reaching one hand out to click on her neck.

I immediately kicked the ground, focus my essence and used [Physical Boost] on top of [Short Blink] and closed the distance even more in one blink of an eye.

My speed far exceeded the speed of sound but with my God senses, together with [Eyes of Origins] and Essence focus, it seemed like I was just running leisurely in a frozen period of time.

I'll admit that it was the best feeling ever, running in a almost frozen world like that...

But of course, Bagdur is a God, he would have noticed and should now be preparing to counterattack me. I should hurry...

Let's do this.


After done dealing with the transaction between himself and Rhunan, Bagdur gathered the souls out to the front yard and began the ritual.

He finally gets the chance to put his ultimate invention to use.

[Brew of Harmony], or slang term "blue blood of god".

A divine elixir that will be used to draw a magic circle for a summoning ritual.

「Stop this madness Bagdur!!! How can you still grieve over that time and try to pull this off again!!!」

「Aliel, you're naive... I don't grieve over the past, this is for the future, summoning the 『Fortune Artifact』only serves the sole purpose of helping the world...」

「What part of that is helpful to the world?!?」

「You should know better than I am... A divine artifact that has the power to turn a possibility of 1/1,000,000,000 to 100% success... Just imagine how prosperous the world would be with this?」

「Hypocrite!! You only want to conduct experiments on forbidden spells that have low success rate!!」

「That's how you see it... hmm... time's running out... let's begin sacrificing all 100,000 souls... together with the 『Golden Key』 inside you... the legendary 『Wheel of Asmel』 will be mine」

(Author's note: Yep... that's the thing turning Ralph into a God)

Bagdur was about to activate the lock on Aliel's neck when he heard a sonic boom.

Since Ralph was faster than sound, the moment Bagdur noticed the sound, his right arm has already left his body.



Bagdur clicked his tongue.

The arm that fell to the ground turned into goo and returned to its original place taking shape back into a normal arm again.

Of course, Ralph wasn't so leisure just to let the arm reform as he kicked the ground again.

The moment the sound of the sonic boom hit Bagdur's ears the second time, his neck has already been sliced halfway.

Quickly moving, Bagdur managed to avoid the core of his body to be scratch by the sword.

His whole body was made from the 『Philosophy Stone』, or in other words, liquid metal.

Yes, Bagdur also uses a homunculus so that he can use his full God powers outside the sanctuary.

What the hell is this guy... That wasn't the speed of a materialized God... And I knew for sure I jammed his powers... What the hell is happening really...

Slicing through the artificial body of Bagdur, Ralph's sword shattered as it was only [Rare] class.

Focusing once again on using Essence, Ralph coated himself in a blue glow and dashed towards Bagdur.

What the fuck? An after image!! Tch!!

Bagdur hasn't noticed Ralph using Essence so using his God senses, he blocked one of Ralph's strike and got the spiritual part of his arm destroyed instantly.

「Gahhh!! 」

Shit. This guy... don't tell me... that's... Essence??

There was confusion all over Ralph's face as he always thought of Bagdur as a powerful 4th rank God, while Bagdur himself was panicking all the time dodging the deadly attacks with Essence.

Ralph's speed was too much for him to handle at the same time with the Essence attacks aiming at him..

Bagdur became more and more panic every 0.1 second as Ralph confusion also got clearer.

Then suddenly his face turned angry and his attacks became a lot deadlier.

If I continue like this... I'll be dead spiritually in 2 minutes... Shit... I'll have to use that thing to escape...

A smile floated on Bagdur's face as he dodged the last blow and pulled out a talisman.

The item glowed and dissolved.

Bagdur's figure disappeared.


I don't get this at all.

What the hell is that guy doing?

I blew up his arm too easily, he barely dodged everything by a hair.

His face wasn't even focusing on the fight, seemed like he was pondering about something else.

Really though, I expected a 4th Rank God to be a hard pill to swallow.

But somehow he didn't even care to counter attack...

Oi... Don't tell me...

He's looking down on me and playing with me?

Alright... alright...

This (scum)Bag-kun... Let me show you some serious action.

Looking down on Ralph-sama ain't something you should do after abducting my Miko...

I entered Battle Mode and let Chaos Origin dictated my parallel thinking.

That drastically refined my movements and made it smoother with faster speed.

He still didn't even care to return a single hit and kept dodging...

(Author: WTF Ralph? He didn't cuz he couldn't at all LOL)

What the hell... how lowly I am in this guy's eyes?

And now he even has this evil, devious smile on him and...

...he disappeared.


I looked back at that crowd and the souls were disappearing one by one.


I ran straight to where that Seraph was.

「R-Ralph-sama ?」

「Yo, Leila... The hell is happening?」

「There isn't much time left, but please listen to me. Bagdur's going to attack your Sanctuary again in 3 days. He's summoning the Whee—」

And the conversation was cut off as Leila's soul was transposed away.


Yo, Ori... Can we go into the place and summon her back to ask her the rest now?

Sigh... That makes sense.

Now we have no idea where she is.

Moreover, what, he's attacking us again in 3 days...

What the hell is that all about?

I don't have any treasure back home...



...don't... tell me...

Oh shit... He wants that?

Bagdur, the God of Sorcery, who kidnapped Leila's soul...

Don't tell me he wants... her PANTIES?!?!?!?

Right, sorry... back on the seriousness of the topic...

I turned away and started to walk into the Sanctuary of Rhunan to see if I can dig anything out from him.

Then a soft voice called out to me from the side.

「Ralph...is it? Fufu~ we actually met...」

When I turned towards the source, a beautiful woman with light purple hair and a black cloak was standing there with a smile that sent chills down my spine.


This look in her eyes... my goodness... when the hell did I raise a yandere flag...?

What now, really...

But when I heard the information from Ori-chan, I was stunned.

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