《(On Hold) Regarding my time being a God, it was fun》[Volume Two] Prologue


Volume Two: Artifacts

The woman I searched for

Time stopped.

「Empty Chronicle...100,000 Points...it sure worked...」

An original magic created by Bagdur, Empty Chronicle, a forbidden spell that stops time.

Right now, he's surfing on the ground, not walking, but floating, towards a specific person in this frozen period of time.

The leaves stayed in mid air, the dust kicked from the ground froze as if it was brown ice.

In this circular land, a temple with 3 buildings stood gloriously in the middle.

The people's expression were fear and terror.

However, their eyes weren't locked on the floating Bagdur, but an object in the sky.

A yellow meteorite crashed down straight into this land.

But just seconds before it touched the ground, time was stopped.

The meteorite, just as everything else, froze in mid air...

Bagdur just now walked pass an individual that he deemed interesting...

「Hmm...how did he materialize without any world wide notice??」

He tilted his head but the answer did not come.

The frozen man with black hair is still glaring towards the sky with his mouth in the middle of shouting.

He was bulky, about 185cm tall, even taller than Bagdur himself.

「His body is also strange...hmm...but let's cast that aside...」

He turned and continued to stride (float) towards a woman.

「Ah...my love...how long has it been...」

A beautiful woman with bunny ears in miko clothing.

She was in the middle of running towards the earlier man Bagdur just passed by.

Her face was uneasy, it seemed like the man she was running to was the only source of reassurance to her...

Paying no attention to her expression, Bagdur proceeded to come closer.

To the frozen woman, he placed a kiss on her forehead and muttered...


「By the power of the 5th key...release the sins of "Lust"...Unlock "Luxuria"...」

Instantly the girl's body glowed.

Something was pushed out of her, a transparent figure.

Bagdur widened his eyes and smiled in admiration.

The figure of the woman he has been longing for...


Floating mid air, the woman slowly opened her eyes.

Her pupil were purple, her hair was a lighter shade of violet.

On her back, 3 pairs of angel wings, 6 wings in total, were spreading out...

A Seraph.

But not just any Seraph.

Out of the three pairs of wings, one was jet black while the other two were pure white.

「The 5th Exiled...Aliel Luxuria...at long last...do you...remember me?」

「B...Bagdur...Bag...dur...*grasp*...NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! STAY AWAY!!! RALPH-SAMA!!!!!」

「Not so fast, my love...Binding of Sins(2,000P)!」

Black chains coming out from spacial holes in the air binded the woman.

She couldn't move nor could she escape a LV.8 Divine Binding spell...

「You bastard!!! What have you done!?!?!」

「I came to revive you...」

「Removing the seal is against the doctrine!!! Do you want this world to crumble?!?!?」

「We'll see about that...the time when I revive all 7 Exiled Princesses...this world...this dimension won't even be able to crumble anymore~」

「Do you think the Emperor will let you do as you please?!?」

「What Emperor...he's long dead with that Fortune woman...but if you're trying to point at this strange guy right here...then...」

Bagdur released a beam of light from the index finger he was pointing at Ralph.

The beam hit his back, but Ralph was still frozen in time, no reaction occurred.

「Goddamn you!!! What did you do to him???」

「Ahh...just a little interference...what is that...you're worried more about this lowly trash than your ex-fiance?」

「You're no fiance, fucker!!」

「Such cold words, as always...beautiful but cold just as a blue rose...as expected of the former Queen of Succubus...」

With those words, the figures of Bagdur and Aliel faded into nothingness.

What left was the resumed disaster at Ralph's sanctuary...

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