《To Protect》Chapter 16: Enchanters Arrival
I didn’t have to wait long for my clothes to be ready. Sitarre had them stitched up in two days, faster than his initial estimate of three. Thankfully I was able to receive them myself as well as pay the due amount. Needless to say, after we parted ways I rushed up to my room to shed these awful robes into real clothes. They fit a bit loosely which I liked as I preferred baggy clothes in my previous life. These weren’t designed to be baggy for long however. I had to hand it to the man, not only was he a great tailor, he also had enough foresight to see that I’d grow into the clothes. Stuck in-between the clothes themselves, was the sketch of that amulet with the man holding up his fist in front of the sunrise.
I placed the sketch upon my desk and hung my new threads in my closet before sitting back down to look over the sketch. Sitarre was a man of many talents, as the sketch was just as detailed as the real medallion. My observations were interrupted by the patter of feet and the banging open of my door.
“They’re here!” an excited voice belonging to Freio exclaimed. “The Enchanters are here! Come on Daen lets go see them!” I placed the sketch down upon my desk, stood up, took my sheathed dagger from under my pillow and belted it, and grabbed my empty bag. I’d be dropping by the slums after meeting the Enchanters so it paid to be prepared.
“Alright.” I smiled, “Lets go!” I followed my small, energetic guide.
We wandered through the halls until we reached the old throne room of the citadel. There at the table sat the five High Priests accompanied by three men and three women in green and golden trimmed robes. After gawking at the new arrivals for a bit Freio excused herself to go back to her mother for their studies in numbers.
“Ah, Daen. We were just speaking about you. This is Grand Enchanter Nalm Elwiss and his pupils that he has brought for your plan.” Rolst spoke as all eyes turned to me.
“Indeed.” A gray haired Enchanter wearing a plumed hat spoke. His beard was long and silver and had a pale complexion. I quickly glanced at the other enchanters, but none of them wore hats. They were also young. Really young. He was clearly their leader. “I had heard that you had renovations planned for the hilly region to the north of our most holy city.”
“That I do Master Enchanter.” I bowed to him, but he raised his hands to wave me off from my motion,
“Please, do not lower yourself in such a way to this old man.” The table chuckled at his words. I smiled,
“Regardless, we’re going to be flattening out the land for a new farm.”
“Hear that lads?” The old man spoke to the younger Enchanters. “Your lesson for the next few days will be a destructive one!” Cheers rose from the group of Enchanters who raised their fists high. “I assume you have an area in mind for our destruction?” Nalm smirked as he asked his question.
“I do. The map I’ve looked at has a small stream that runs a ways north of the city. We’ll flatten the area around that so there’s fresh water for the plants.”
“You were right Rolst. The boy’s a sharp one.” The Grand Enchanter grinned, “How would you like to come to our College of Enchanters? You could-”
“His place his here, Grand Enchanter.” Utelle interrupted pointedly. “Daen was blessed by the gods, and in our Blessed City he will stay.” The old man raised his hands in deference.
“Just a joke lass.” He stroked his beard as he stared at me. I nodded slightly at him and he grinned even wider than he had before. “We can discuss the finer points tomorrow when we set out. For now I say we feast and relax.” Grateful murmurs sounded from the man’s students. With cracking bones, the man rose from his seat. “Daen, would you be so kind as to escort this old man to the kitchens? I feel hunger pains from my journey. A man cannot live on bread and salted pork alone.”
I nodded, “If you would follow me, Grand Enchanter.”
“So you’re the golden boy, eh?” Nalm asked curiously.
“Thats what some call me.” I responded.
“I hope you’ll forgive an old man his curiosity.” He rummaged around in his robes before pulling out one of the testing orbs. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all.” I grabbed the orb which was glowing red from the man holding it. As soon as I touched it, the red shifted rapidly to gold.
“My oh my.” He stroked his beard. “You certainly are an interesting individual, Daen.” He took the orb back. “When did your power first awaken? Did you experience any form of sickness after it did? What did your power do after it activated?”
“Uhh, what?” I asked in response to the man’s barrage of questions.
“Your powers boy! Tell me about your powers! One can only wonder what sort of magical aptitude a boy such as you possesses.”
“I don’t even know if I even have powers.” I spoke carefully, “If I do, they haven’t revealed themselves yet.”
“An orb doesn’t react like that unless the person holding it has unlocked their power.” The man smugly stated.
“If the orb glowing gold was indicative of me having magical aptitude, wouldn’t it glow black if a person had aptitude in black magic?” I countered. The old Enchanter smiled and held out the orb. It began to shift from red to a black vortex.
“Now my boy, are you going to tell me what you can do? Or would you rather keep your secrets. I promise to not tell a soul if you wish your gift to remain a secret.” Nalm placed a hand over his heart as he spoke.
“Perhaps I’m just blessed by the Gods.”
“That ninny Utelle may believe that, but I can assure you, the rest don’t. Myself included. They’re merely waiting for when you openly display your powers. Whereas I don’t have that kind of patience anymore.”
We had stopped walking and stood in the hall and met one another’s stare with our own. I didn’t blink once, nobody can beat me in a staring contest. The old man however, had no qualms about blinking during out match of wit and will. After a few moments, he shrugged and walked ahead.
“Rolst said you were different from other children your age. I had originally assumed this meant your gift, but I see I was wrong. I’ll be watching you very closely Daen.” The man walked off energetically. With a sigh, I followed. I still had to show him to the kitchens after all. We had spoken little until I dropped the old codger off in the hands of the head chef. I then grabbed a bunch of loaves of bread and stuffed them in my bag.
After parting ways with Nalm, I dropped in on Freio, Kyrrah, and their teacher who were hard at work with their numbers. I let them know I’d be back in about an hour or so. I’d have to drop by the slums to get word out that work would start tomorrow morning. They offered to come, but I declined, their education was more important than helping me out. Once I left the Citadel I was followed by a few Holve devotees.
A kid cant even walk the streets without needing an escort, just what is this world coming to?
Wealthy looking homes faded as we marched towards the slums, replaced with regular worker’s homes and then replaced with ratty shacks as we descended the depths of the West District. I took a deep breath once we were deep in the slums and coughed. Yup, smelled as awful as it looked. My guards looked tense as we traversed the slums, their hands constantly on the handles of their weapons. Calm the fuck down guys, worst comes to worst we get murdered.
I kept my hand resting upon the handle of my dagger. Mostly to look cool, but also just in case.
It wasn’t long until we found a group of small children of various races chasing one another around through the alleys. I handed them each a quarter of a loaf and told them to tell everyone they saw ‘Daen said work begins tomorrow morning. At the Gate of Wisdom’. Once they scurried off we continued on our journey through the slums, handing out food to people and getting word out that work was coming. More than a few of those people cried while thanking me.
One Beastkin, a male bear type, begged me to help his son. He pushed forth a young cub who looked very sickly beyond the whole emaciated look. I briefly touched the boy’s forehead and felt him burning up. A familiar tingling left my hand as I touched him. I quickly removed my hand, grabbed my handkerchief and soaked it in water before placing it atop his forehead. Strangely, the tingle didn’t return. I then told the father that his son had a bad fever and to keep a wet cloth on his head to help keep him cool until the fever breaks. He looked towards the handkerchief with worry, but I told him he could keep it. His son’s need was far greater than mine. I then gave them my last loaf of bread and told them to stay strong. The father thanked me profusely as he embraced his son.
Of course, I told him about my offer for work. He nodded and said he’d be there. That was good, even as skinny as he was, one should never dismiss a bears strength. Once the bread was all gone, we made our way back to the Citadel, arriving just in time for lunch. I’d need the energy, later today was physical building exercise with those Holve muscle-heads. I hoped today wasn’t leg day. I hate leg day. Freio was looking forward to running around the city again. Oh to be young and have such energy.
Oh right, I was young wasn’t I?
As it turns out, it was leg day. Again. As we jogged around the city I cursed Holve for creating this gymrat cult. They may have understood the need for exercise to keep their bodies in shape, but they had no idea on what a balanced exercise plan was. Their idea was to do things that would need strength to make their strength increase. Simple, effective, and unbalanced. More than a few of those muscleheads had a strange look about them. As I jogged I reminisced about one in particular.
He had thicker legs from all of their legwork. It looked like every day was leg day for him. Unfortunately, the man neglected his upper body strength through lifting and other exercises. The result was big bottom, little top. However, thanks to the man’s leg muscles I once saw him land a kick on a target dummy that had old plate armor on it. He ripped it from the post with a single kick and caved in the armor where his kick landed.
By the power invested in me by the Five, I dubbed that man Sir Legman. May his enemies fear his iron legs and kicks that could crush iron. I’d have to see if he was available for construction once we started building up the slums. I’d need a wrecking crew after all.
Once my lap was done my instructor instructed me to begin lifting and setting down buckets of rocks until Kyrrah and Freio showed up. They still had to take things slow, but they were getting better. Well, except for Freio. Kyrrah at least knew how to pace herself. Freio took off like a bullet at the start. I passed her not long after the jog had begun, her breaths heavy. She’d learn one day. They’d also need better clothes for exercise, but that was just one more item on the ever increasing list of things that needed to be done.
I was exhausted by the time Kyrrah and Freio showed up. Luckily, I could use my power to relieve some of my exhaustion. Fatigue floated away as I wiped my head to get rid of my beading sweat. The two noticed my slight change in exhaustion instantly, and with heavy breaths they stared at me.
“Good run you two?” I patted them on the back twice each. They straightened up,
“Yes. An enjoyable day for a run.” Kyrrah spoke.
“My legs hurt.” Freio whined.
“Nothing a long soak in a hot bath can’t fix.” I said with a hint of longing.
“You’re not done yet you three.” Our drill instructor laughed. “Lift these buckets of rocks until you drop!” Freio fell to the ground groaning. Our tormentor merely laughed at the display. The heartless monster made us lift rocks for another hour before it was time to head back for some much needed relaxation.
Needless to say, I took a long bath. Shame it didn’t have any bubbles. A bath is incomplete if it doesn’t have bubbles. Like peanut butter without jelly.
After my relaxing soak I changed into a new set of clothes Sitarre had tailored for me and walked upstairs to my room. It was a few minutes from dinner, so I had time to do a bit more studying about the various crops we’d be using at the farm later on. However, once I entered my room I found Nalm inside waiting.
“Hello Daen!” the old Enchanter grinned.
“Hello Grand Enchanter.” I responded, “What brings you to my room?”
“Curiosity mostly. I have to say, that is a quite exquisite sketch you have on your desk. You must be a fan of history.” I felt a chill run down my spine. I had forgotten to hide the sketch away.
“Yes indeed! That is a sketch of an old medallion of the first King of our land, Lenzero. Back then, people believed that if he commanded it, the sun would rise!” The man scoffed, “As if such a thing were possible. Still, it is an old symbol of power dating back many many years. It was also worn by supporters of the Monarchy during the revolution that changed this country’s government.”
“Huh, I didn’t know that.” I stated in surprise, “I just sketched it because it looked important. I was going to ask a teacher about it later.”
“Well then my boy, you’ve come to the right man! You see, these medallions first began to be forged after Lenzero’s reign…”
Even as the call for dinner went out the man was still talking. Even as we walked through the halls he was still talking. Even as we sat down to eat, he was still talking. Somehow, the man was talking even as he ate. Neither I nor Freio nor Kyrrah could get a word in during our meal. He didn’t stop until we finished and returned to my room. And he only stopped talking about history to ask why the Beastkin were coming into my room. That I wasn’t old enough for nightly dalliances, which made Kyrrah fidget and Freio glance at the old man curiously.
“Whats a nightly dalliance?” She asked in a wondering tone.
“Its a meeting between two, or more, people at night little miss!” Nalm explained without missing a beat. Kyrrah sighed in relief, obviously happy she didn’t have to explain the birds and the bees to her daughter yet. Freio still looked confused.
“What do they do together? Why can’t they just have their meeting during the day?” Poor Kyrrah was going to have a heart attack.
“What they do depends on the people, and its more of a secret meeting than a public one.” I explained carefully, which made Kyrrah and Nalm look at me with confused looks. Sorry guys, this ain’t my first rodeo. Freio’s tail began to wag excitedly,
“Momma, we should have one of those nightly dalliances with Daen! We can stay up late reading and sleep in his comfy bed!” Bless her innocent heart, for it was about to make her mother’s burst. Nalm laughed heartily as Kyrrah’s ears fell down upon her head. Even I couldn’t help but laugh at the innocence of youth. I patted Freios head and she made her happy growling sound.
“You’re thinking more of a slumber party, Freio. A nightly dalliance is between adults.” I attempted to diffuse the situation.
“Slumber party!” Freio exclaimed happily, “lets have one!” mission accomplished. Kyrrah gave me a thankful look. I responded with a thumbs up, which she confusedly returned.
Note to self, explain significance of a thumbs-up to people.
“Slumber parties aside,” Nalm interrupted, “my original question stands. They should be returning to their quarters by now.”
“I’m teaching them to read and write.” I spoke plainly.
“Hmm.” He looked at all three of us critically.
“Master Daen has been very kind to us.” Kyrrah spoke in my defense. The Grand Enchanter shrugged,
“Who am I to judge? Do as you will.” He waved farewell and exited my room. Nobody said anything for a few moments, Kyrrah and Freio’s ears twitched as they listened.
“Hes gone.” Freio stated.
“My goodness.” Kyrrah sighed, “That man certainly can speak at length.”
“You only heard a fraction of the lesson I received in ancient history.”
I then set up my desk for the two to practice their reading at. Meanwhile I had a new test to try with my powers. As Freio and Kyrrah happily read to one another, I took my knife from its sheath along with a few pieces of cloth of differing thickness. I lightly cut my palm with a small slice and placed a heavy cloth over my uninjured hand. Touching the injured hand with the covered one gave no tingle. No matter the thickness of the cloth, so long as I wasn’t physically touching myself with my skin, my powers didn’t work. But as soon as I removed the cloth and touched my hand, the wound healed.
“Master, what are you doing?” Kyrrah asked as she stared at me from the desk.
“Just a small experiment. Nothing too big. Apparently my powers don’t work if there’s something between my hand and the wound. Like this cloth for example.” I explained while holding the cloth I used.
“You need gloves then.” Kyrrah inferred, “We shall see if the gardeners have a spare pair for you to use.”
“Those might be a bit big for me at the moment.” I smiled, holding aloft my small hand.
“Sorry. You’re right Master.” Kyrrah bowed her head.
“Its fine momma!” Freio spoke, “Daen understands you were trying to help!”
“Just as Freio said.” I arose from my position and walked over to them, “Now do either of you need any help?”
The night ended on a calm note as we conversed amongst ourselves. Mostly about Freio wanting to have a slumber party. Under her daughter’s iron will, and unwavering insistence, Kyrrah reluctantly accept the idea of all of us having one. Just not tonight.
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