《To Protect》Chapter 15: Slumming It
Time passed rapidly as I devoted myself to my studies and teaching my two servants the fine art of reading and writing. Their progress continued unabated with ferocious speed. In terms of their physical health, they were starting to gain back some much needed weight. Granted, they were still skinny as hell, but they no longer looked like skeletons. After my second day of instruction, Rolst spoke to me about how my plans for flattening out some land north of the city were ready to be enacted. The only delay was that we had to wait for a group of Enchanters to arrive from the country’s magical academy from the city of Sydellos. Which I learned in one of my classes that it served as the country’s main port of trade. Another lesson I learned was that the Holy Kingdom had five main cities, which my instructor said that it was purely by coincidence and not by design.
I honestly doubted that, these people really had a fetish for the number five. Five walls, five gods, five gates. Sick bastards.
Over the course of the week, I tested my powers more and more on myself when alone. Kyrrah and Freio would never forgive me if they knew how much I tested my gift, but the information was worth more than the pain. The amount of energy I needed to use was based on the severity of the wound, as I had originally thought. But an interesting revelation came when I found out that I could control the amount of energy used. It all depended on how I touched the affected area. If I used a single finger, the power left in a trickle and the wounds would heal slowly. If I used my hand, my power left much faster and heal the small wound I made almost instantly. I decided that the next night I would make a bigger cut on my leg and use both hands.
That night was rough. I really didn't enjoy the feeling of being cut. I didn't truly feel pain, as my knife was sharp and cut quickly and I would heal myself before the pain could register from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. But still...I spent like, two hours psyching myself up to actually go through with the cut on my leg. I held my knife, took a deep breath. Okay, maybe like five. Began to count to five but at two I sliced my leg open quick and easy. I then quickly dropped the knife and placed both hands on the wound.
My hands tingled before I passed out.
The next morning Kyrrah and Freio found me passed out on the floor of my room next to a bloody knife and no visible wounds. In my moments of lucidity, they explained that I had also broken out in a fever. That may have made them worry a bit. But once I was in control enough to speak, I explained to her and her daughter that it was just ‘magic sickness’ and that I’d recover quickly.
Needless to say, they were extremely agitated that I could be so reckless. Kyrrah had even sternly stated that if I were to use anyone in my experiments it should be her. But I couldn’t do something like that to her. What kind of person would I be if I let others feel pain over my curiosity? Every man has his line that he would not cross, hurting others when it could be avoided was mine. I promised her that I wouldn’t do something like that again, but we both knew it was a lie. At least I knew now to not use both hands for healing unless it was an emergency. While I lay in bed, I silently cursed myself for being so stupid when I realized I already had known what would happen if I used both hands. I had to use them to set Cyn’s arm after all.
Daen the Dummy is what they should call me. Or Derp Derp Daen.
I had to take that day off from my studies, and a large amount of priests came by to try giving me herbal remedies. I declined their offers, insisting that I just needed water and rest. I told Kyrrah and Freio that they could get additional instruction from the priests that now had the day off, but they declined and stuck beside me the whole day. Once we were alone, Freio gave me a firm whomp on the head and called me a dummy. Kyrrah apologized for her daughter, but I shook my head.
“Shes right, I can be quite stupid at times.” My words made a smug look cross Freio’s face. The next day I felt right as rain and studies went on as normal.
On the final day of the week we began our first outing to the slums with Gollard. We packed early and heavily with bags of fresh bread and salted meats. Freio, Kyrrah and I strained under the weight of the bags we carried. Meanwhile Gollard, the most honorable person of all, carried only a single bag. I respected my elders and all, but gods damn that man should pull his own weight for once! We weren’t even given a cart to haul our goods to the slums! Our escort of four Holve devotees offered to help, but Gollard waved them off, saying how it would help build strength. And those muscle-heads readily agreed and left us to our struggle! By the time we had made it into the “safe” part of the slums we were exhausted. At least it was a cool morning, I didn’t sweat too bad.
I called it “safe” because it was relatively open in an otherwise extremely crowded area. Poorly made shacks made up the majority of the homes all around us. We didn’t have to wait long until hungry looking eyes accompanied with sniffing nostrils began to approach us. First to come to us were a pair of rat folk. After speaking with them briefly, they agreed to spread the word that they were there to hand out food to those most in need. Namely mothers, children, the sick, and the elderly. As for young to adult males and females, I had them spread word that I was looking for workers.
In minutes the slum square was swarmed with Beastkin of various races and even a few humans in the mix. Sadly, we would never have enough to feed everyone here, but at least we made sure that the children all got a quarter of a loaf of bread each. Once the food was gone, the crowd began to disperse, but more than a few stayed behind to hear my offer of work. To this group I offered them ten bronze coins a day for hard work removing rocks from some land and flattening it out. Excited murmurs spread through the crowd and even a few smiled when I said we’d be supplying them with the tools needed for such an endeavor. All that they had to do was show up and work. The work and payment would begin the following day after the Enchanters showed up to the city.
When one loud Beastkin, a werewolf, asked what I needed the land for I responded that once the land was prepared, I’d be using the land for farming. I also said that I would be willing to hire anyone that wanted to learn how to farm. They’d have homes built on location so that they didn’t have to constantly travel to the farm and back to the city. The reaction was very positive as I outlined my plans, and a cheer arose when I then stated that my plan was to use a quarter of each harvest to feed the people in the slums. A few older folk asked why not use all the food, but with a quick response I told them that we would need to sell the rest to make some money. Some nodded, others looked confused, and some even looked angry that I wouldn’t share more of the food.
To put their minds at ease, I said that the coin gained from selling our produce would go back into expanding the farm and investing into the slums. Those ramshackle homes could be torn down and replaced with real homes and potentially even shops. Everyone seemed a bit disbelieving of my plans. A few even asked what I got out of this deal. When I said I’d barely gain anything out of this deal, other than a small bit of money to keep everything rolling, a few walked off and muttered about me being a foolish child. That I was nothing more than a dreamer. Reality had beaten these folks down to the point where they couldn’t believe in others anymore.
A few unruly members of my audience began to yell out how I was nothing more than a fake. That this was a plot to make them into my slaves. That I was no better than any other human. I winced at that last one, not because the words stung or anything. I didn’t really care what they thought of me, what mattered is what I would do. Actions speak louder than words and all that. No, I winced because I heard a faint growling which turned into very loud snarling beside me.
“You dare?!” Kyrrah yelled at the crowd who instantly turned silent at her outburst. Her fur stood on end as her ears flicked backwards with her tail twitching angrily. Personally, I found her bared fangs by far the most intimidating part. “You dare call Daen no better than any other human? When none would stand for us, he did! When I begged him to take care of my daughter, to give her a better life than I ever could, he took us both in! When the High Priests wanted to enslave us, he wouldn’t allow it! We can read and write now thanks to this boy! We have learned numbers! We have learned history! We have learned so much and its all thanks to Daen!”
The crowd began to rumbled curiously, no Beastkin had ever been taught such things.
“And you say he is no different than any other human.” Her voice was quiet and her fists shook at her sides. “I owe him everything and more. Until the day that I die I will follow Daen!” Kyrrah announced to the world and stared directly at those who had disrespected me. Freio stood alongside her mother and growled as well. Though, her growling was way more adorable.
I gently patted the arm of the angry mother.
“Master Daen…” She slowly relaxed at my touch.
“Its alright Kyrrah, you don’t have to come to my defense like that. Though it is appreciated.” She nodded lightly. I turned my attention to the crowd not even uttering a whisper. “Work starts the morning after the Enchanters arrive. Don’t be late.” I spoke firmly, turned on my heels and walked away. My escorts and Gollard followed close behind. As we traveled the streets of the slums, a familiar werewolf stood in my path. “Brute! Hows are you? Is Sitarre around, I could use some new clothes.” I greeted the big beast. At the sight of the hulking bulk of a werewolf, my escorts put their hands to their weapons instinctively.
“Good. Yes, Sitarre here. You follow.”
“You know this Beastkin, Daen?” Gollard asked as my escorts kept their hands at their weapons, ready to act in a moment’s notice. I waved for them to cease. Brute may have looked relaxed, but he was eying my escorts with a critical eye. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going through his head. I’d bet all my money on him if it came to a brawl.
“That I do. Brute here is the bodyguard of a wandering tailor that I met when he came to our home. He made me some fine clothes back then. I wish to see if he could make me some new ones.” The best lies are those that contain a hint of truth. I had to get out of these god awful robes.
“Very well then, I shall return to the Citadel. You two, follow me if you please.” Gollard spoke to two guards and they walked off back towards the main street.
Brute led my escorts, servants, and I out of the slums and into the residential district where humans lived in comfort. Streets abuzz with people passed as I followed Brute to the best of my ability. Humans looked at Brute, Freio, and Kyrrah with open disdain, but said nothing. Mostly because of Brute. You really don’t want to mess with a muscular werewolf.
We traveled through the district until we came upon a decently sized establishment that many would frequent after a hard days work. A tavern! I glanced at the sign that was nailed above the entrance. ‘The Divine Mug’. I snorted lightly, a holy tavern? Even as we stood outside I could hear the sounds of merriment and yelling. Lots of yelling. Brute gave no care as he swiftly entered the building that I now saw was filled with people. Few looked to us curiously before returning to their drinks and friends.
I never understood people that hit the bar so early in the day. Didn’t they have better things to do? I guess no matter what world you’re in, everyone loves their alcohol.
“Sitarre upstairs.” Brute spoke as he marched through the crowd that parted before him.
“You guys take a break and have a drink, I’ll be back in a few moments.” I spoke to my guards. Who nodded in appreciation before they turned to a table to have a seat at. Kyrrah and Freio followed, their eyes drinking in the surroundings as their ears and noses worked overtime. They both looked a little uncomfortable in the crowd, but then they were the only Beastkin around besides Brute.
We followed Brute up the stairs to the second floor, walked down the hall and stopped before a room at the very end. Not even bothering to knock, Brute opened the door and walked in.
“Brute how many times have I told you to knock before entering a room! Gah, almost punctured my thumb because of you!” I heard Sitarre yell at his companion.
“Only a scratch.” Came Brute’s curt reply.
With a grin, I entered the room. “Housekeeping!”
“Well well! If it isn’t the golden boy himself! Hows the holy life treating you my young friend?” Sitarre rose to greet me, dropping the cloth that he had been working with, only slightly stained with a prick of blood. A curious look crossed his face as he stared behind me. “Who are they?” He eyed me critically, “Slaves?” I turned to introduce them, but was interrupted.
“Master Daen would never!” Kyrrah exclaimed as Freio shook her head rapidly.
“Ah, forgive me Daen. I tend to jump to conclusions from time to time. Would you be so kind to introduce yourselves?”
“I am Kyrrah.” The woman spoke and curtsied.
“And I’m Freio!” the young girl followed suit.
I gave Sitarre and Brute the summary of what had happened during my Gifting Ceremony. They both grinned wickedly by the time I had finished recounting the tale.
“Daen good.” Brute rumbled and patted my head as Sitarre chuckled.
“Not the way I would have handled it, but you did well for a child.”
“Oh? And what would you have done Sitarre?” I asked genuinely curious.
“Simple. I’d have set them off to the side for the time being, waited until everyone else had given me their gifts and then accepted those two once everyone else was gone. You stepped on many toes Daen. Toes potentially connected to powerful men. Speaking of which,” He motioned towards Kyrrah and Freio, ”Are they…involved in our troubles? And if not, do you want them to be?”
I shook my head, “No, you’re right. You two mind stepping outside the room for a bit? Sitarre and I have a bit of a private matter we need to discuss.”
“Of course, Master.” Kyrrah bowed.
“Okay!” Freio agreed and together they left us in the room.
I turned back to Sitarre once the coast was clear, “Brute demanded I follow him earlier, did you inspect the area where I was attacked?”
“Yes we did.” Sitarre sighed. “We didn’t find much, your Enchanter guard created quite the hole in the ground. At first we didn’t find anything, but then Brute followed a peculiar scent with that keen nose of his.”
“Rotten.” The big man spoke.
Sitarre rooted around in his coat pocket and pulled out a chain of silver that linked to an iron medallion. He then handed it to me to inspect.
“Its a fine work to be sure.” I spoke as I rolled the object around in my hand, inspecting every inch of it. Etched upon the medallion was a man with a crown holding aloft a clenched fist. A faint etching of a rising sun behind him. “Ever see anything like it before?”
“Not in all my travels and studies, no. And I’ve been almost everywhere.” Sitarre spoke as I returned it to him. “I’ve taken the liberty of sketching the object in detail to send to my father, perhaps he’ll know more. I should receive word back in a day or two, but all we can do for now is theorize on what it could mean. It may not even have a connection to the culprits at all, merely an odd piece of jewelry. But at this moment its all we have.”
“Can you sketch me a copy as well? I’ll send a letter to my father with the sketch, see if he knows anything.” Sitarre nodded,
“Sure, I’ll bring the sketch to you as well as a few sets of clothes. Those robes really don’t suit you my boy.” I laughed,
“Yeah, they really don’t. I’m a working man, not a holy man.” He winked,
“So you say, Daen of the Five.” I rolled my eyes as Brute chuckled. “Just be sure to pay for the cloth at least this time.”
“Yeah sure, no problem Sitarre. I’m staying in the Citadel of the Chosen, if you couldn’t guess.”
“I’ll ask for the one Beastkin, Kyrrah was her name?” I nodded, “I’ll ask for her to deliver the bundle of clothes I’ll bring with the sketch in-between them. They should be ready in three days, so be sure to have the money at hand! Say, three bronze coins per pants and shirt. I’ll whip up five sets so fifteen coins my boy.”
“I can do math.” I snorted, “Thanks ahead of time Sitarre, you’re a good fellow.”
“Bah,” he waved me off. “You just don’t know me well enough. I’ve a heart as black as night with the robes to match.” I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah sure. Good to see you Brute, don’t be a stranger.” The werewolf nodded,
“Strength, Daen.” I nodded in response and exited the room. Only to find two curious ladies standing right at the door with their ears twitching.
“You heard it all, didn’t you.” Freio looked away quickly, but Kyrrah nodded.
“Yes master.” I heard Sitarre laugh from behind me.
“You’ve a good pair of servants there, my boy. Loyal to a fault it seems.” Their tails flicked in annoyance, but neither of them denied the accusation.
I sighed, “There’s no helping it then. I’ll fill you two in on what happened after our studies.”
“We’ll help you like you helped us! You’ll see!” Freio rubbed up against me.
“Just giving you two fair warning, the people who attacked were dangerous. And there could be many more.”
“No matter what, Master Daen, we’ll be there to support you. Even at the cost of our lives.” Kyrrah bowed deeply.
“Yes! I’ll train extra hard to keep you safe!” Freio vowed.
“I’m sure those who go against you will live to regret it, ferocious Freio.” I patted her head as she growled happily.
That night, after our reading lessons, I filled them in on everything about my journey to this city. I don't think I deserved the loyalty they were showing me, but I'd do my best to earn it.
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