《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 20 - Get a job


The summoning flashes and a form appears in front of me, Celica and the mage. My prediction featuring endless amount of teleporting druids turns out to be unfounded when the identity of the sudden visitor is revealed. A demon rises from the circle, a regal looking fellow with almost human appearance, apart from the creepy black eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Does he often bite his tongue off with those?

"Greetings, Ais of the succubi kind."


"I bear a word from the demon lord Antamankataxas. He requests your presence."

"I'll pass."

"You are to be rewarded for your efforts against the druids."

"... Let's go already."

Last time I spoke with that one, he gave me a reward that had no effect whatsoever in practice. But since I have nothing else to do, I'll see if there's something better this time. Celica, who was around too with her pet mage, joins in.

"Oh, it's-a Sharky~!"

"Celica. Always a pleasure."

He says it in voice that indicates a suffix '-- not!'.

"Whatcha want my lil' sis for~?"

"That reminds me. Celica, you are to come too."

"Sure, I juuust~ love to come. Tehhe~."


Celica is invited too, as an afterthought maybe, but still. So, summoned to hell? Just how is this different from banishment? Or is it an actual banishment? In any case, we step into the circle that will take us from this world. Olden (or was it Olton? Well whatever...), the wizard guy Celica had following her dashes after us.

"W-what about me?! Celicaaaa!"

He'd literally go to hell - and for Celica's sake? Charm really can be powerful...

"Celica, what will you do with your charmed mage?"

"Huh~? Oh~, I didn't charm~ him~."

"...You mean he allowed himself to be dragged along like a dishrag voluntarily?"

"Well~, big sis~ is just that magnetic~! Tehe~."

Or rather he was just that pathetic. The mage is left sobbing desolately as Celica and I warp straight into the demon lord's hall. Braziers and red glowing light lit the room containing just us, the still meek-looking demon lord, and the shark teethed butler. Demon lord waves his hand and speaks without further ceremony.


"Ais and Celica of the succubi kind, I have witnessed your efforts in the mortal world. You've dealt a blow against Druidic Clans, who are a most stubborn enemy of our kind."

Previous time I was requested here doubled as him welcoming a new demon - he's a big softy - but this time it's just because of the clashings with druids. Since he's speaking to both Celica and me, he's referring to the incident where we were summoned into Aber-something town, which was quickly turning into a giant bonfire the last time I saw it. And there's of course my recent fight with their retaliatory squad. Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed with the beardy bastards.

"Celica just~ happened to be in right place in right time for teeny ball of hellfire~. But Ais here was magnificent~! Sadly, Celica~ wasn't there to see it that time~..."

"A demon hunter group, even hastily formed one, is certainly a serious danger. I hear you used almost all of you essence of malevolence to deal the killing blow? That's quite reckless, but I have to admire the dedication."

I wasn't really aiming for the 'death before dishonor' approach, but I had completely forgotten that being killed normally isn't the end for a demon, so I saw no alternative.

"And that deserves a reward..."

Reward? Right, like the previous 'reward'. I have him figured out now... He just loves to appear as benevolent boss who gives rewards generously, but those are actually just empty words or even more work to do. He's a real demon!

"If this is going to be another unreward, I'll cut you."

"Uhhhh... Cut me?! Let's not... Anyway, I wouldn't call it 'unreward' really..."

Is he sweating? I'm a few months old succubus and the demon lord is intimidated by me? Is there something I'm unaware of? Maybe I actually hold untold potential which makes even the who-knows-how-ancient demon who reigns over a whole region of hell scared of what I could do? ... Or maybe he is just that big a wimp.


After a bit he regains his confidence enough to continue.

"Ahem... Since you have gained some reputation in the Empire because of your... ummmm... what actually were you trying to do in that town?"

"Even I myself am not sure anymore."

"Is that so? ... In any case, with your skill at handling mortals I believe you'd be ideal for a certain task..."

Task? Task!? I knew it.

"So... The reward is more work? I'll really cut you, you know."

"Please, no cutting... Just hear me out!"

"... I'm listening."

"I'd like you to accept position as our emissary in the Empire. As you surely noticed, they are more... accepting of our kind than most other factions of the mortal world. Of course, only the leadership of Empire would know your real identity. To everyone else you shall appear as a military advisor. And in that regard our previous liaison had certain troubles..."

Celica interjects here.

"Oh, that guy~. Hard to pass as a human~ when you got four feet~."

"Indeed... He was a great diplomat, but his physique posed a problem. He had to retire from the position."

Four feet? What the hell was he, a demon centaur? And you, just what were you thinking sending someone like that onto an undercover mission?

"But a succubus like you would not have troubles merging with the mortals, right? Will you accept the position?"

"Isn't there anyone else to do this? A-ny-one."

He looks forlorn for a moment.

"They... all refused..."

Yeah, small talk with imperial nobles, dancing in balls, and all the other crap that I presume comes with it... I can see why that'd bore most demons. Succubi do have taste for that kind of mingling though, but if others are at all like Celica, then being ousted as demon wouldn't smoke them out: the sex scandals would. I can see why he'd want me, a lust demon minus the lust, on the job.

"So... please?"

Now he starts making puppy eyes at me. The demon lord is seriously making puppy eyes!

"... I'll quit if it's too much of a bother."


Why'd I accept something so troublesome? Had I had anything better to do, I probably wouldn't have. But I didn't have. And so I chose a direction pointed for me at the assumption that any path could lead to annoying annoyances, but at least this one is more likely to be lucrative, if nothing else.

Celica seems to have something to say about this though.

"You are leaving~ big sis~ behind!? I wanna~ come too!"

The demon lord looks like he'd rather she didn't. I understand. And if I cared at all about the successful accomplishment of the task, I'd discourage her.

"With your history of--"

"What kind of jerk~ are you~? Don't~ leave Celica behind~! Celica & Ais~ go together like two things that go together very well~!"

As if you'd be the one to talk, you left your mage behind without a second thought.

"Listen, Ais can handle it better without--"

"BUUUUUU~! Stupid demon lord~! Buuu~ buuu~ buuu~!"

"Be reasonable--"


"Alright, alright, you can go too! Just stop with the ruckus..."


Great, he caved in. Not that I can criticize him, path of the least annoyance etc.

So, now it's decided. Accompanied by Celica I'll go to the capital of the same human empire I've spent most of my time in so far, and pull double duty as a military advisor slash ambassador for one of the demon lords? What could possibly go wrong?

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