《Elemental Trinity: A Harry Potter/Pokémon Fusion》History and More Training
Elemental Trinity
A Harry Potter/Pokémon Crossover
Jan 28, 1995; 11:30 AM; Chamber Of Secrets
“Dodge!” I called out.
From where he was, Squirtle leapt to the side, just barely dodging Charmeleon’s stream of flame. Squirtle’s tail twitched, the fire not really hurting him, but making the poor turtle Pokémon sweat.
Bulby sat by my feet, crying out in encouragement for her friends.
“Bubblebeam!” I said, swiping my hand to the left. “Slow him down and use Tackle.”
“Getting a little flamboyant in your gestures, aren’t we?” Red said. I was suddenly feeling ridiculous.
“Shut it, Red.” I stomped on the urge to swear and cried. “Now, Squirtle!”
With a look of determination, Squirtle dodged another stream of fire, reared his head back and opened his mouth.
Shining bubbles blasted out, converging into a beam which flew into Charmeleon at incredible speed, filling the Chamber with a roar of pain— and anger.
Well, Squirtle’s screwed. I sighed and braced myself for the upcoming beatdown.
Charmeleon didn’t even wait for the dust to settle, rushing through it and slashing his claws at his victim, not even bothering to wreathe them in fire. It was a testament to his restraint.
To his credit, Squirtle managed to dodge a series of slashes, and even managed to take quite a few when he withdrew into his shell— but Charmeleon was having none of it, instead blasting the immobile turtle with fire until he emerged, looking like he was going to pass out at any moment.
“That’s enough.” I called out, ending the skirmish. “Charmeleon wins.”
Charmeleon didn’t even bother reveling in his victory, instead stomping his way to the side and lying down as if he hadn’t even been in a fight.
Squirtle, dazed and sweaty, cried in frustration but made no move to attack Charmeleon.
“You’ve done well, Squirtle.” I walked over to him, kneeling to get a closer look.
Charmeleon was careful not to cause any permanent injuries. I smiled and pointed to the irritable lizard. “Look, see how he’s favoring his right side? That’s where you hit him with Bubblebeam.”
Squirtle stared at the spot for a long time before smiling in satisfaction.
“Told you it would work.” I said. “Why don’t you take a break in the water, over there?”
Squirtle nodded and quickly dove into the cold waters of the Chamber, crying in delight as he floated around.
“Cute.” said, before turning to Bulby. “Ready for more practice?”
Bulby nodded, gaining a look of determination.
“It’s going to be the same as before.” I said, getting into position, ten feet away from her. “You attack with Vine Whip, and I use my shield.”
Bulby cried out in acknowledgement.
Here goes… I pulled my wand out and held it at the ready.
“Protego!” I incanted, watching as the bright, translucent shield came into being. Looking over at Bulby, I nodded to show her that I was prepared.
With a cry, Bulby sent her vines towards me, whipping the shield for all it was worth. It flashed with every strike, sending wisps of green and white into the air as my arm buckled under the strain.
I kept my breathing steady and focused my will. My Aura responded in kind, infusing the spell with my intent and power.
Right before my eyes, the previously small, white shield, maintained its thickness even as it spread to cover my entire form, turning green as it did so.
“Protect! You did it!” Red called out in fascination from his spot by the basilisk.
Bulby continued to whip my shield, but this time, I felt absolutely nothing.
I marveled at the barrier just long enough for me to lose focus. Instantly, the green shield cracked and then shattered under Bulby’s last strike.
I felt the whip slam against my shoulder, sending me tumbling over the stone floor of the Chamber of Secrets. I curled into a ball to minimize the damage, but still took a hit to the head, dazing me.
Eventually, the tumble ended and I lay still on the cold stone floor. I tried to move, but even the slightest motion sent me into a world of dizzying nausea.
There were other noises, frantic and hurried, but I couldn’t make them out. And so, I laid still some more.
That was until I felt Bulby’s vines jostling me.
“-ry! Harry!” Red’s voice was blaring loud and painful. “Can you hear me?”
I groaned, scrunching my eyes shut. “Too loud.”
“Bulby, get me closer to him so I can run a scan.” Red ignored me as he gave clear and concise directions.
A few seconds later, and I could hear the soft humming of the Pokédex. I was being scanned.
“Scraped left knee, right elbow. Bruised ribs, big bruise on the left shoulder— not dislocated, luckily…” Red listed off my injuries, one by one. “Bruise on the side of your head— no wonder you’re telling me to quiet down.”
I grunted.
“Squirtle! Bring the healing salve from his backpack. You know the one?” Red continued.
The sound of water rushing, followed by rustling filled the air— my backpack being searched— before Squirtle cried out in success.
“Good.” Red praised. “Bulby, I want you to start applying the salve on his scrapes and bruises. Do you think you can do that?”
Bulby made a noise of uncertainty.
I took a deep breath and tried to sit up, propping myself up with my arms. It was a big mistake, I realized as my left shoulder flared in pain. Falling back down, I was assaulted by another wave of vertigo, accentuated by the pain coursing through my body.
“Harry, don’t move.” Red spoke, his voice urgent. “Just lie still and let us do our work. You’ll be right as rain in no time.”
Right as mud, more like. I thought, but didn’t say anything.
“It’s all right, Bulby.” Red’s voice turned softer as the Pokédex beeped. “You only have to put the salve on his head, here. It should cure his dizziness. He’ll be able to do the rest, on his own.”
I kept my breathing steady as Red continued to give the scared Bulbasaur instructions. Moments later, I felt Bulby’s vine softly caressing my head wound, covering it with the healing salve.
I felt much of the tension leave my body as the healing salve did its work.
Daphne makes some crazy quality stuff— I don’t think even Madam Pomfrey can match her skill, there. I thought and sighed in relief.
The rest of me was still in a lot of pain, but the reprieve from the vertigo did much to heighten my spirits. I finally opened my eyes.
Bulby was hovering close by, her red eyes wide with worry and anguish. Squirtle wasn’t far behind; he looked scared, as well. Charmeleon made eye contact with me, and snorted a dismissive puff of smoke, as if telling me to ‘walk it off’.
I smiled at that. What a tough guy.
“I needed that.” I said, taking a deep breath and propping myself up with my right arm. My left shoulder pulsed, sending flares of pain through my body with every movement, but this time, I was able to grit my teeth through it and sit myself up.
Bulby’s vines helping me all the way were most welcome, as well.
“Easy, now.” Red said. “How do you feel?”
I considered the question as I tried to get my bearings, my eyes roaming around the Chamber. “Like I just ran head headfirst into a wall.”
“It looks like the salve did its work.” Red said, still analyzing me. “I don’t recommend making any sudden movements, but you should be fine after a couple of meals.”
“Al-all right.” I said, wincing as my shoulder flared in pain.
I lightly patted it. “I guess I have a few injuries to deal with…”
Two dozen minutes later, and I was feeling like I was back to my old self.
“Amazing what a little magic can do.” I said as I checked myself over for any remaining injuries.
“You’re just lucky that your barrier negated much of the move’s damage.” Red said, the Pokédex shifting its image to show his annoyed expression. “I told you that it was a bad idea to try and learn Protect while you’re being attacked.”
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance. “I know you’ve said it, but I’ve tried every other method, and nothing ever works!”
“Have you considered the possibility that it will take time and practice?” Red asked, his annoyance increasing with every second. “There’s less than a month left for the task. Injuring yourself like this only hinders your chances.”
“I got fixed up pretty well, didn’t I?” I said, getting heated. “Besides, the deadline coming is all the more reason for me to push myself further.”
“Harry.” Red said, his expression almost pleading. He sighed, resigned. “I know. Just take it easy for a while, will you?”
“I’m not telling you to stop practicing.” He added quickly when I was about to argue some more. “But just take it easy. You’ve already hurt yourself.”
I sighed and accepted his advice with a nod. “Sorry. I just want to be as prepared as I can for this thing.”
“That’s perfectly all right.” Red said. “Just remember that you’ve gone above and beyond, this past month.”
I said nothing as Bulby came closer to me, nuzzling her face against my arm.
I smiled down at her. “Thank you, Bulby. You’re a treasure, you know that?”
She made a noise in the affirmative, snuggling into me.
"And thank you, too, Squirtle." I waved him over. Squirtle ran to us, joining in the snuggles. I’d expected to get wet, but he was completely dry.
I guess he really needed that water.
"Charmeleon?" I turned my attention to my third companion, but he gave me a dismissive look before wailing on the basilisk's corpse, filling the air with the roaring of fire and the scraping sound of claws against scales.
I guess this is what the teenager phase looks like to a parent? I thought, my mood turning melancholic as I began to think of my parents. How would mum and dad have dealt with me if I was behaving like this?
Bulby wrapped her vines around me, as if giving me a hug. My heart melted as I looked down at her— at both of my friends.
"I love you." I blurted. "All of you."
This only made them cuddle me harder. I winced at the sudden pain. "Easy, guys."
They relented.
I looked up to see Charmeleon's gaze locked onto mine. He nodded in acknowledgement before going back to his self imposed training.
"Coming from him, that's like a declaration of eternal adoration." Red seemed amused, a nostalgic look crossing his face. "Like mother, like son, I suppose."
"His mother was just as bad, huh?"
"The Charmander line is especially prideful, as you know." Red said. "But my Charizard… she took it to the next level. Like Charmeleon here, she had almost endless excess energy. She craved for a good fight. That's all she wanted."
I smiled, looking over to Charmeleon. "I know. I'm just glad the trips to the Forbidden Forest helped him get a grip."
The road to taming Charmeleon's newfound wild side had been a long and tiresome one.
He'd been a nightmare in the first few days, refusing to obey even a single command. Getting him to do anything I said was a miraculous feat, back then.
Fighting overwhelming odds in the Forest over extended periods of time had broken him out of that particular mindset.
An endless horde of Acromantula would do that to anyone, really. I thought. Acro-Therapy!
I snorted at my dumb joke, wincing as Squirtle shifted in my arms.
"Easy, Squirt." I patted Squirtle's shell. "Those new claws of yours are digging in deep."
Squirtle corrected his position and made a noise of apology, but I waved it off with a smile. "These things happen. Don’t worry about it!"
As Squirtle snuggled back into me, more carefully this time, I stared down at him.
"Those claws are getting sharper every day." I mused out loud and scratched the back of Squirtle's head.
"It's a good sign." Red said. "Young Squirtle is nearing his evolution."
Squirtle looked up, his brown eyes meeting my green.
"You hear that?" I smiled and ruffled his head some more. "Soon you'll be a mighty Wartortle."
From his spot near the basilisk, Charmeleon grunted dismissively, as if to say 'about time'.
"Yes, Charmeleon." My smile widened. "We know you've been itching for a 'worthy opponent'."
Charmeleon glared and went back to abusing the basilisk's hide.
I rolled my eyes, turning my eyes to the Pokédex beside me. "How long do you think, until…"
"I'd say a week?" Red answered. "Two at most. At some point in his growth process, Squirtle will simply evolve— no need to battle or do anything so grandiose."
"That's a relief, at least."
"He could even evolve in the Pokéball, and you wouldn't notice until you brought him out again." Red laughed.
"Really?" I felt a hint of unease bleed into my voice. "Is that, um… safe?"
"What do you mean?" Red asked.
I didn't answer immediately, considering my question instead.
"I mean, what with the cramped space and all." I said. "Wouldn't it be an issue?"
"Cramped?" Red looked incredulous. "It's everything but cramped, Harry."
I didn't say anything, instead mulling it over in my head.
"Isn't the space inside finite?" I asked. "How much could you possibly fit into one ball?"
"You'd be surprised at the answer." Came Red's immediate reply. "Besides, it's very comfortable inside— almost like being in the perfect bed."
"Speaking from experience?" I said as Bulby's vine started gently poking me in the head. "Hey, quit it."
Bulby smiled up at me, but did not stop.
Little rascal. I sighed, resigning myself to my fate.
"An old friend of mine, Bill—" Red took a moment to smirk at my predicament. "He once got himself put into a Pokéball. After that, it was the only way he could comfortably sleep."
"... Right." I said, not really knowing what else to add. Bulby’s vine moved to poke Squirtle instead. Her poor victim squirmed and smacked Bulby in the face with his tail.
Bulby growled.
“Hey, calm down, you two.” I held them tighter, putting a stop to it before things could get heated. They relented. “You were saying, Red?”
"Yes. How the Pokéballs actually work…" Red said, shrugging. "I wasn't going to cover any of this with you so early, but I suppose a general idea wouldn't hurt. You Wizards use expansion Charms, correct?"
I remembered the tent I'd stayed in for the Quidditch World Cup, last summer. "Yes."
"From what I can surmise, your space expansion Charms give you the ability to set certain sizes." Red explained. "They don't change. At least, none of the Charms I’ve analyzed or studied in books, so far."
"And you're saying your method allows for change?" I asked.
"Oh, yes." Red nodded. "Pokéballs are a one-size-fits-all creation. A true wonder of Aura manipulation."
I frowned and reached for one of the balls. I wondered how something so obviously technological had roots in magic.
"I know what you're going to ask." Red said before I could open my mouth. "The ball in your hand isn't the kind I'm talking about— the kind you will be making. No. What you hold there is one of the last remnants of Silph Company."
I stared at it as Red continued to speak. "While the traditional Pokéballs are impressive examples of what you could do with Aura, Silph Pokéballs were a wonder of science. I don't have the faintest idea on how they work. Silph’s secrets were their own— I guess they are gone forever, now."
My gaze hardened. I'd never truly looked at the balls, all that much. They were so small, so sleek, and forgettable when compared to the creatures they held within.
And yet, looking down at it now, I couldn't even imagine the level of work put into perfecting this. So many people, working in concert over years— no, decades even.
All of those people… annihilated by whatever calamity befell Red's people.
Not just his people. A part of me added. All of the Pokémon, too. What kind of disaster could bring down entire armies of Pokémon?
I stared down at Squirtle and Bulbasaur, still snuggling into me.
They had somehow escaped annihilation, but only by being in the most remote part of the planet.
"Harry, are you paying attention?" Red's voice cut through my thoughts.
I started. "Sorry. You were saying?"
Red sighed. "I was going to explain how the Pokéballs worked, but maybe you should really head to the Great Hall for a meal and some rest."
“I was just thinking. I’ll get some rest, later.” I protested, feeling annoyed. “Though…”
I felt my stomach gurgle.
“I wouldn’t say no to some food.” I smiled down at my companions. “Do you guys want to stay here, or come with?”
My eyes followed Squirtle as he hopped off and ran to Charmeleon, challenging him to another fight. I guess I have my answer there.
“Bulby?” I turned my attention to her. She responded by giving me another vine hug, before tapping her head against the center of Pokéball in my hand. With a flash of white, she was sucked back inside.
Grabbing the Pokédex, I placed it in my pocket before getting up and stretching. “Shall we?”
Red hummed in agreement, and we were off. Exiting the Chamber, I was met with Myrtle, who looked ecstatic to see me.
“Myrtle.” I greeted as the entrance to the Chamber closed behind me. “Keeping well?”
“Oh, yes.” Myrtle said. “I’m always well when you’re around.”
I stifled a wince, trying to figure out how I can get out of this predicament without angering the fragile ghost.
“Well, it’s nice to see you, too.” I stalled, smiling as I finally found my answer. “I’m going to do some preparations for the task, so I can’t really talk right now. Rain check?”
She grew silent, and I feared she would burst into tears at any moment.
“You promise?” She ended up saying, instead.
“Of course.” I said. Myrtle brightened in an instant, before whooping in joy and flying into her favorite toilet, flooding the stall with water. I grimaced at the sight.
The things I do for privacy. I thought as I exited the bathroom with a sigh. The Chamber needed to be somewhere other than a girl’s bathroom.
“Good save.” Red complimented me.
“For a second, I thought she’d blow her top.” I admitted to the older man.
“Ah, yes. It’s always a risk, isn’t it?” He said.
We fell into a companionable silence as I made my way through Hogwarts’ halls, my mind running a mile a minute. Turning a corner, I spied Neville ahead of me, walking alone.
“Hey, Neville!” I called out and ran towards him to catch up.
The pudgy boy turned to me with a smile, though it disappeared as he saw my ruffled state. “All right, Harry?”
“Oh, just a bit of practice.” I smoothed over my clothes as well as I could, feeling a little self conscious all of a sudden. “It got a little intense.”
“Charmeleon, again?” Neville asked, half-smiling and half-wincing.
“No, actually.” I shook my head as we fell in step. “It was Bulby, this time.”
“Little Bulby?” Neville’s eyes went wide. “There’s no way.”
“Oh, dear me. You know Bulby’s a grass type, right?” I said, trying to hide my smirk and failing. “Neville Longbottom underestimating his much loved plants— truly, these must be the end times.”
The boy scowled in response, though it was half-hearted at best. “Very funny, Harry.”
“But, really, it was just a few bruises and scrapes. No big deal.” I assuaged his concerns. “A decent meal and I’ll be fine.”
“That’s good to hear, at least— oh!” Neville said, turning to me with an excited look. “I almost forgot to tell you.”
“Tell me what?” I blinked at the sudden change in demeanor.
“I think I got it.” Neville blurted.
“Got what?” I asked, starting to get confused. “You’re killing me with the suspense, mate!”
“Oh, sorry.” He apologized. “The apricorns, I think I’ve got it. I won’t know until a few hours from now, but it looked just like the image you’d shown me.”
“That’s…” I said, not knowing what to say. “So soon? I thought, for sure, it would take ages. Months, maybe years?”
Here, Neville smiled, as if to say ‘do you even know who you’re talking to?’
“Right, of course.” I gave him a nod. “Your mythical green fingers. You’re sure you’ve got it?”
“Well, not completely.” Neville admitted, smiling a little sheepishly. “I was hoping I could get another look at the image? It’s been a while since I’ve last seen it.”
“Oh, of course.” I stopped walking, pulled the Pokédex out and opened it. The image of an apricorn was already on display. “Thanks, Red.”
“You’re welcome.”
Neville ignored this and examined the apricorn and its measurements, before deflating. “Maybe I got it wrong, it looks to be the same size, but…”
“But what?”
“It’s just a different color.” Neville admitted, frowning in frustration.
“What color is yours?” Red asked.
“Oh, um… It’s black.” Neville revealed, eyes widening as the screen switched to show a black apricorn. “Just like that! They come in different colors?”
“Correct.” Red said. “Red, green, blue, yellow, black, white and pink.”
“Any difference between the balls made from them?” I asked.
“Nothing that should interfere with their functionality.” Red waved it off. “Any apricorn will do, though some are better than others at certain tasks.”
I nodded, closed the Pokédex and placed it back into my pocket before resuming course to the Great Hall. “Do you think you can get me one?”
“Maybe not yet?” Neville said. “I want to see if I can plant another apricorn tree with the one that I just got?”
“The tree should bear fruit once a day.” Red said, muffled as he was by my pocket.
“Oh.” Neville said. “My previous attempts each took weeks to bear fruit. I don’t think it’ll take a day… Well, maybe if I change the soil content to compensate, but it would require a lot of nutrients to be able to bear fruit every single day.”
“We’re not in a real hurry.” Red said. “The apricorn tree, itself, should be fine. They’ve been known to grow in all climates, in all regions.”
“Whether it takes a few days, or a few weeks doesn’t really matter.” I added. “Take as much time as you need, mate.”
“Thanks, Harry.” He smiled as we were joined by the remaining Gryffindors right at the doors to the Great Hall. Seamus, Dean and the others nodded to us as they entered, while Ron and Hermione stayed behind.
“Harry.” “Bloody hell, mate. You look awful.” Hermione and Ron greeted, respectively.
“Ronald!” She chided and swatted his arm, making the redhead mutter about violent bookworms. It only seemed to make her hit him harder.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
“Ron, Hermione.” I smiled and entered the Great Hall with them, mouth watering at the scent of lunch.
“Are you all right, Harry?” Hermione asked as I got seated at the table, helping myself to some chicken. “You look a little…”
“I’m fine, Hermione.” I waved her concerns away, suppressing the flash of annoyance. “Just took a bit of a tumble.”
If one more person asks… My eyes flashed with the promise of pain to whomever irked me next. The group seemed to pick up on this, immediately changing the topic.
“How’re you and Tracey?” I asked, snatching the plate of potatoes before Ron could get his hands on it.
He glared, but it died quickly as he started talking about Tracey. “Brilliant, I think.”
“You think?” Hermione asked, one eyebrow raised in question.
“I— erm…” He looked like he was having trouble coming up with the words. “It’s just that…”
“Yes?” Hermione pressed.
“Well, it’s great.” Ron said, voice rising slightly. “It really, really is. It’s just that I feel like she’s keeping something from me.”
“Hmm…” Hermione made a noise and took a small bite.
“Everyone’s got their own secrets.” Neville said, a little quiet.
“I know that.” Ron said quickly, eyes scrunching in frustrated resignation. “But, I can tell it’s eating at her, and I don’t know what I can do.”
A moment of silence passed before Hermione spoke.
“You can be there for her.” She said, as if it was obvious. “If she wants you to help, she’ll tell you.”
“Yeah.” Ron nodded, starting to pick at his food with more enthusiasm. “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe that’s all there is to it, huh? Thanks, Hermione.”
“Thank me by not talking with your mouth full.”
“I’m not even eating!”
“That was for the future.”
And here we go… I snorted at the sight of my friends arguing, face breaking into a wide smile.
Everything was looking up.
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