《Grimoire's Soul》Bonus Worldbuilding Chapter 2: Kesterline's Book of Spells!
This decades old journal has been successfully retrieved, deciphered and restored to the majority of the real names of the sources:
From the desk of Michel Bisset,
I write this with the intention to transcribe every spell known, both commonly and rarely. This is an incomplete attempt, but I truly believe it is imperative that we understand the world around us if we are to reach greater heights.
I will write this so that any young Mage, fresh off of Adreday, will be able to understand what is in store for them.
With special thanks to:
Abelard Dubois, Regent
Raphael Quolle, Regent
Elroy Moreau, Volterra
Fontaine Laurent, Volterra
The schools of magic, in its entirety, are defined as thus:
Chisel’s Devotion
Gaslamp’s Mind
Gift of the Initiate
Spearhead’s Body
Tower’s Heart
World of Rites
And, controversially, Eido’s Blade
Chisel’s Devotion, Gaslamp’s Mind, Spearhead’s Body and Tower’s Heart are all gifts of the King and Crown.
Gift of the Initiate, the spells of every mage, is the internal source, their very core. If they are lucky, they will be able to take on the gifts of other cores as well, and serve Kesterline to the greatest extent possible.
In some very radical circles, Chisel’s Devotion is called Lighthouse’s Submission, as the feminist alternative. We will not grace this record with such a name, but for the sake of transparency, and the possibility of changing times, it is noted here.
Eido’s Blade is not considered a true magic school but has been included for the sake of completion. It is with this ink I commit legalist-defined treason for the sake of knowledge, and pledge my heart to the crown, for there was no treason in core, only in the fallacious law. My rites surpass any law, and I truly believe this record will surpass our judgment.
Is Eido’s Blade another core? I do not know. I do not know if King Arthrus possesses it either, but I can only assume he does.
I will not be transcribing spells known only to the Crown. For one, I do not know them. And even if I did, they are not capable of being learned by mages, so to transcribe them here would truly be treasonous, abhorrent, and worse yet, functionally useless.
Chisel’s Devotion
Method of Learning: Dedication to a craft.
There are several methods to learning the methods of Chisel’s Devotion (also simply known as Devotion). It is used to create magic weapons, as well as become a more efficient Mage overall in day to day work. The school of Devotion is taught to retired mages who are unable to perform their duty in combat, and Volterras who are not fit for combat. They will make wands and tools to outfit the younger Mages and the Balustrades. The spells are incredibly difficult to cast, and often require a clear mind, free of miasma, free of ruminations and completely cleansed rites, and work best when cast in a secondary demesne, one outside the world of rites.
The school is grouped by forms, not spells. A successful use of the form counts as a spell cast. The source never fully explained the difference between a form and a spell, but I suspect it has to do with the feeling that comes with casting. Each form grants the Mage a beneficial use in their life. For the forms listed, we will be using carpentry for illustrative purposes.
Elroy Moreau, who passed away before the completion of this transcription.
Recreation: Chipping away at a wooden statue on one side causes the chipped portion to be mirrored on the opposite side.
Protection: Gain immunity to splinters and cuts from the blade of the saw. Of note, this form will have no effect outside its intended method, so the carpenter mage will not have immunity to splinters and cuts from the blade if, say, lumber jacking.
Precision: May instinctively know the precise timing of when the lacquer dries.
Create Wand: An item is molded, and spells are cast around it. With time, in this form, it will take on properties of the spell(s). All magical items are, in technicality, wands. The youth clasps we use to monitor ruminations are wands, specifically ones fused with the power of the Tower’s Heart. Additionally the wands can be used to achieve results normally not possible with magic. For instance, encasing a wand in water and casting magic near it (usually magic beam) could impart the ability to generate water. I am unaware if the process requires further intricacies.
Alert: If the wood is about to fracture or if a wand is about to explode from its power, the mage will hear a mental ringing in his ears.
Expediency: If one can make a chair in a day, then with this form, one will be able to make a chair in half a day.
Attention of the Eye:The carving knife, the paint, and more, will float around you and come to your call when summoned.
Meditation: A form that reduces outside distractions.
Return to Form: A carving knife will return to its shelf once it is no longer needed, pocketed in its sheath.
Marriage: When the paints and dyes are mixed by hand, this form will complete the process automatically, assuming it’s a color that the mage has mixed before.
Repetition: When cleaning up the workshop, this form will perform the repetitive movements required to finish the job.
Gaslamp’s Mind Method of Learning: Meditation in The Demesne of All
The spells of the Gaslamp are complex and difficult for the average Mage to learn. It is incredibly prestigious for a Mage to master any Gaslamp spells. Only Regents and above are capable of learning such spells.
These spells will warp reality itself, changing everything about the world. To learn it is of great honor, and while it is no means exclusive, it is a sign of great talent and skill.
To learn, one must travel to Nevan, and enter the Demesne of All. I do not know where it is, as it is held secret, but there, once trained in proper meditation, a mage will learn a spell after two months of intense concentration and rigor. Those who leave will often find themselves marked by white streaks of hair. At first the spells are weak, and to improve them, one must return to the Demesne of All. Each spell has six levels, with a seventh level that only the King and his chosen people are capable of casting, and an eighth level only the King is.
Raphael Quolle
Abelard Dubois
Telekinesis: the art of controlling movement with your mind.
Telekinesis I -May control one pound worth of mass with your mind. The force with which it is controlled and moved is directly proportional to one’s own unmodified strength.
Telekinesis II - May control five pounds' worth of mass with your mind. The force with which is controlled and moved is directly proportional to one's own unmodified strength.
Telekinesis III - May control ten pounds' worth of mass with your mind. The force with which is controlled and moved is directly proportional to one's own unmodified strength.
Telekinesis IV - May control ten pounds’ worth of mass with your mind. The force with which is controlled and moved is now 1/16th stronger than what is proportional to one's own unmodified strength.
Telekinesis V - May control twenty pounds’ worth of mass with your mind. The force with which is controlled and moved is now 1/14th stronger than what is proportional to one’s own unmodified strength.
Telekinesis VI - May control thirty pounds’ worth of mass with your mind. The force of which is controlled and moved is now 1/12th stronger than what is proportional to one's own unmodified strength.
Teleportation: the art of teleporting across distances. It is impossible to teleport inside a solid item, such as a wall. Teleporting into something that is displaceable, like snow, fog, rain, or a waterfall, has been known to make teleportation increasingly unpredictable the more extreme the conditions are.
Teleportation I - May teleport a foot away if there are no solid structures in the way of any kind.
Teleportation II - May teleport twenty feet away, if there are no structures in the way of any kind.
Teleportation III - May teleport forty feet away, and through a variety of structures that are less than five inches thick.
Teleportation IV - May teleport fifty feet away, through a variety of structures that are less than eight inches thick, and may take another living being with you.
Teleportation V - May teleport one hundred feet away.
Teleportation VI - May take three living beings with you, and can go through structures that are a foot thick.
Teleprojection: The art of projecting sounds and images outwards without using your voice or physical self.
Teleprojection I - Can create a small glowing shape that is half your size and speaks at a regular speaking level.
Teleprojection II - Can create a glowing you-sized shape that speaks at a regular speaking/yelling level.
Teleprojection III - Can create a glowing you-sized shape that looks like you and speaks at above speaking/yelling level
Teleprojection IV - Can create any shape you’ve seen that can be your own size or smaller, with a voice that is now considered “booming”.
Teleprojection V Can create any shape you’ve seen that is one and a half times your size, with a booming voice.
Teleprojection VI Can create any shape you’ve seen that is twice your size, with a voice that can be booming or highly directed.
World Expansion: The art of creating space within a set space, often by altering the preexisting space around it. I have gotten very little information on this spell, save from [Redacted], and I suspect it is not commonly taught, or perhaps uniquely cultivated. It is a tricky spell to conceptualize, and perhaps best worded as "the ability to create a pocket dimension."
World Expansion I: You will become aware of the unused space in a given location
World Expansion II: Can magically utilize .1% of the space in an area, and expand it thusly. Exact parameters seem to be limited by a 5x5x5 room.
World Expansion III: Can magically utilize 1% of the space in an area, and expand it thusly. Exact parameters seem to be limited by a 5x5x5 room
World Expansion IV: Can magically utilize 2% of the space in an area, and expand it thusly. Exact parameters seem to be limited by a 5x5x5 room.
World Expansion V: Can magically utilize 4% of the space in an area, and expand it thusly. Exact parameters seem to be limited by a 8x8x8 room.
World Expansion VI: Can magically utilize 8% of the space in an area, and expand it thusly. Exact parameters seem to be limited by a 8x8x8 room.
Secondary Spells:
Usually, for each spell learned in the Demesne for All, a second, weaker spell is learned once the Mage leaves the area. It is cited that it is reminiscent of a Gaslamp’s natural thinking capabilities to hold two thoughts in his mind at once. My source also made a note that there are some "implications" of taking on these spells, but would not elaborate further. I can only assume that those who specialize in these secondary spells are accused of ludicrous perversion.
These spells are called the Spells of One. That is because while a spellbook will only read as having one spell, it will actually contain multiple spells. Furthermore the average Mage will learn the same spell over and over again until it finally becomes powerful enough to use. The spells must be learned in order, and few make it very far, as the toll of learning the main spells eventually becomes too great for the Mage. They are very small, minor spells, but are considered great boons to have in combat.
It should also be noted that I have not met a single Mage that could cast past Contract of Rites. All spells recorded beyond that are based on eye witness accounts, and other transcriptions.
Spells of One:
Alter Perception: the ability to speed up the world around you by slowing down your own mind and eyes. Works on a ⅔ timescale.
Remembrance: capture a moment in time, and be able to play it back, perfectly, in your mind's eye
Numeration: When focusing on an action or an object, if you can successfully crystallize it in your mind, this ability can be used to “count” it for a period of time. The spell is incredibly finicky for beginners, but most experts can specify what they wish to count with ease. If the parameters are established correctly, it will be able to count even if you cannot perceive it. However, the spell can only start relative to the caster’s initial position. One cannot cast the spell to ask how many babies are being born across the continent.
Metronome: The ability to judge how long it has been since the last time this spell was used.
Countdown: the ability to mentally alert one's self in a set amount of time
Relative Distortion: the ability to perceive time through the lens of someone else.
Contract of Rites: When casting this spell, you are able to sleep and dream simultaneously, thus ensuring a more full rest. It can also be used to forcibly stay in the world of rites.
Alter Perception in Reverse: the ability to slow down the world around you by speeding up your own mind and eyes. Works on a ⅔ timescale.
Alter Perception for Others: an ability to speed up the world around someone by slowing down their own mind and eyes. Requires physical contact the entire time. Works on a ⅔ timescale.
Alter Perception in Reverse for Others: an ability to slow down the world around someone by speeding up their own mind and eyes. Requires physically ontact the entire time. Works on a ⅔ timescale.
Stasis: Freeze someone or something in time in a protective wall. While in this, they cannot perceive the passing of time. However, nothing can harm them either, unless it involves temporal distortion. They remain in the same position and cannot be moved. It is not fully known how else this spell works in extraneous situations.
Gift of the Initiate
Method of Learning: Faith
Initiate spells are what Mages are first taught, it is the true embodiment of their own core. While not all can learn it, those who can are of deep passion and ambition.
Spells (ordered from easiest to hardest, roughly):
Expanded Senses: All senses are expanded on a radius by extending and collapsing. This means that the magic will go outwards, and then return, allowing someone to see behind walls, but not inside boxes. Fallible.
Light: Creates a light only the caster can use to see. The light is moldable and can take on shapes.
Enhanced Body: Makes certain parts of your body stronger.
Shield: Creates a temporary wall that will protect against physical and magical manipulation. It will sometimes be able to move with the user, as if telekinetically linked. It will even be able to lessen the impact of a fall, although not completely.
Magic Beam: A forceful attack
Magic Armor: Defends your body from forceful attacks. Unlike shields, they always break on contact.
Deflection: Deflects a spell away from the target. The competent mage will be able to block a spell or two and send it flying directly back at the user, or at least back in the direction it came from.
Haven: Creates an area where magic is greatly amplified, and mages are born. There is an elaborate ritual done here to find out if a mage will be a spell caster or not. If they are, they will be classified as a Volterra or a Regent. If they are not, then they are a Balustrade.
Mimic: The Mage may automatically cast a spell they do not know, if it's in a school they are familiar with, if someone nearby casts it. It does not work with the spells of the World of Rites or Gaslamp's Mind.
Internalization: Absorb a spell and consume it for energy.
Sense Magic: Allows you to sense magic. You can determine how many casts are left in your wand. You can tell if an item is enchanted. You can tell when someone is in the world of rites by glancing at their body.
Window into Rumination: Grants the ability to cast Initiate spells in the world of rites and interact with it in other ways.
Amplify: Empowers your own spells
Spearhead’s Body. Method of Learning: Take on the Mark of the Crown
A Mage is given the Mark of the Crown, which can be a brand, a tattoo, or a scarification process. From here, they are granted access to the magic of the Spearhead. This is one of the most common schools for a mage to learn who wishes to branch out of the Gifts of the Initiate. Only some Volterras are capable of learning such spells, but most Regents are.
Once the Mark is given to the mage they will find they now have five “indents”. These indents can either have an alteration cast on them, or a transformation. An alteration costs one indent, a transformation costs five.
The desired change must be visualized for one month, and then it will come into fruition. It should be noted that incorrect visualization will lead to incorrect alterations and transformations. If you picture wings that will be nonfunctional due to your own lack of understanding of wing anatomy, you will have vestigial wings.
Raphael Quolle
Elroy Moreau
Examples of alterations:
Dual Irises
Sharpened Teeth
Long Hair
Examples of transformation:
A redundant heart
Additional thumbs
An acid pouch
Once a transformation is added, an alteration to it will still take up only one indent. An indent may be rendered “inactive” with concentration. This will remove it from the person, but not destroy it. If someone wishes to destroy an indent, it will take another month of visualization to cast it away, after which it cannot be restored.
To gain more indents, they must submit to the mark again. Any more than three marks is highly dangerous and not allowed under any circumstance.
It should be noted that some Mages report gaining indents after grievous injuries or old age, and cite this as an example of their mark activating to protect them and changing with their body. Those who learn Spearhead’s Body first, and then go on to learn Gaslamp’s Mind will also sometimes find an initial indent after they leave the demesne.
The full list of known alterations and transformations can be found in my secondary journal.
Tower’s Heart Method of Learning: Resisting temptation
The spells of the Tower are unfortunately unpopular in Kesterline. They are, however, incredibly easy to learn and teach. When a spell is learned, the next one is made immediately clear to the caster. It should be noted that if one does the correct steps out of order, it will not work, and they will have to try again when the time is right.
To gain access to the first spell, one must go through an initiation ritual where they are kept in solitary confinement for three weeks.
Abelard Dubois
Fontaine Laurent
Step One: Beginning Rumination
Spell 1: Boredom. You must resist the bile and ruminations that come with boredom. Once felt and mastered, you may be able to cast a spell to feel bored whenever you wish, for a period of time.
Spell 2: Nausea.
Spell 3: Apprehension.
Spell 4: Annoyance.
Spell 5: Disapproval.
Spell 6: Apathy.
Step Two: Intermediate Rumination
With more emotions being learned, the older spells can now be projected momentarily. These can be learned simultaneously or one at a time, depending on the dedication of the Mage. While the previous emotions are usually brought on by being in frustrating, never ending situations, this new section is sometimes downright positive. As a result, most do not make it past this category, and it only gets more difficult from here.
It should be noted, any spell after the -1 does not need to be learned to progres. Spells that do not end in -1 often require re immersing oneself in the emotion, often for twenty four hours.
Spell 7-1: Pensiveness. You must resist the bile and ruminations that come with pensiveness. Once felt and mastered, you may cast a spell to feel pensive whenever you wish, for a period of time.
Spell 7-2: Boredom. You may make someone else feel Bored for a few seconds.
Spell 8-1: Distraction.
Spell 8-2: Nausea.
Spell 9-1: Serenity
Spell 9-2: Apprehension
Spell 10-1: Nervous
Spell 10-2: Annoyance
Spell 11-1: Awe
Spell 11-2: Disapproval
Spell 12-1: Worry
Spell 12-2: Apathy
Step Three : Advanced Rumination
The capstone for Tower’s Heart. Those who have reached this stage are considered truly devoid of any miasma whatsoever, and will often go on to become Rites Givers.
Spell 13-1: Sadness.You must resist the bile and ruminations that come with sadness. Once felt and mastered, you may be able to cast a spell to feel sad whenever you wish, for a period of time.
Spell 13-2: Pensiveness. You make make someone feel Pensive for a few seconds
Spell 13-3: Boredom. You may emanate an aura of boredom around you for approximately 10 seconds.
Spell 14-1: Surprise
Spell 14-2: Distraction
Spell 14-3: Nausea
Spell 15-1: Fear
Spell 15-2: Serenity
Spell 15-3: Apprehension
Spell 16-1: Trust
Spell 16-2: Nervousness
Spell 16-3: Annoyance
Spell 17-1: Joy
Spell 17-2: Awe
Spell 17-3: Disapproval
Spell 18-1: Curiosity
Spell 18-2: Worry
Spell 18-3: Apathy
Step Four: Unknown.
Abelard Dubois stated there were further steps past this point, but would not elaborate on what came next, save that the next spell to learn was Anger. Of interest, I have not been in contact with Abelard since our letters, and when I showed this structure of Tower to other Mages, they expressed surprise, as this is not the standard method of explaining the spells learned in this school. I was initially inclined to change it, but every other version was far more tedious, dense, or just poorly explained, and I shall not disgrace my words with clutter.
World of Rites Method of Learning: Confession
The World of Rites is a mysterious mirror world that coexists with Kesterline. It is held in reverence and considered a great secret. There are many spells for the World of Rites, almost a thousand, and will be listed in my second journal, as many are merely simplistic add-ons to existing spells. For instance, there is a spell to turn the light in one’s demesne purple. The World of Rites is accessible to almost any Mage, with even some of the Balustrade being able to access it in their meditation.
There are three areas in the World of Rites.
Patrie: The real world, but overlayed with a dreamy exterior. It is a holy realm, that only the chosen ones may walk through--the sons of Kesterline, the King, and those the King has deemed worthy. It is an elite area with heavily guarded spells.
Relevant Spells:
Mirror Gaze: Used in the real world, cast to interact with living ghouls (the projections of dreamers). Can also be used to see what Patrie looks like. Flight: Can fly in Patrie. Shifting Visage: Alter your image in Patrie. Rumination’s Bane: A combative spell, similar to Initiate’s Magic Beam, specifically made for fighting in Patrie. Glow: Make all Patrie structures and living ghouls glow in your vision. Swift Strides: Can move incredibly fast in Patrie. Has been known to accidentally wake individuals up from the sheer force. Textural Dreaming: Able to project simple shapes and images both in Patrie and in the real world.
Demesne: The location of a Mage’s demesne. It has two sections: the front and the back. The back, also known as the core, the true demesne, etc. is inaccessible to anyone without the Mage’s consent. Many will never show this to anyone except their Rites Giver, as demesne must be private. The front area of a demesne has been known as a visage or a soulbearer. This is where individuals often visit and freely interact with your demesne. If a door to your demesne is placed in the world of rites, it will always lead here and there is absolutely no circumstance where it would lead to the back.
The visage of a demesne will often be inspected by higher ranked Mages, in order to ensure there are no toxic ruminations. Instead of confessing to your Rites Giver, Mages must open their true demesne up to a special Rites Giver once every 2-4 months, to be thoroughly inspected.
Relevant Spells:
Thatching: A spell that will keep track of numbers. It is often used in training and for combative activities to keep score. Connect To Patrie: Open your demesne to Patrie. Connect to World of Rites: open your demesne to the World of Rites.
World of Rites: An overgrown area, festering with ruminations. A few demesnes will float in the sky, and apprentice Mages will often experience their first true training here.
Relevant Spells:
The King’s Boon: Be able to cast weak, muted versions of the spells you know in the World of Rites. Call Forth By Name:A spell that allows you to meet with someone who also has the spell, and whom you have met in the real world. Strength of the Abyss: A combative spell that can be used to fight in the world of rites. Often used against ruminations exclusively.
Ruminations are the stuff of whispered terror. The less populated an area is, the more likely one will see a rumination. They are formed from miasma, and thirst for human essence and will drain a Mage dry if left alone. It is not possible to die in any part of the dream world through traditional means, but the stress alone can lead to complications once leaving the World of Rites.
Ruminations are traditionally depicted as horrifying horses, often in association with death, but in truth they can look like almost living creatures, or fictional ones, usually warped and distorted. They are impossible to see when looking straight on, only in one’s peripheral vision or in the distance. They chew through demesnes and try to reach the real world by erupting from the Mage’s spell book, where they will feed on the fear and tension of the humans around them. If they make it to the real world, they are often skittish at first, but can slowly gain power the longer they persist, often absorbing more and more nightmarish imagery. They will sit on the chests of sleeping individuals, slowly suffocating them. Additionally they are invisible in the real world, only visible through the spell Mirror Gaze and others like it.
The elderly are the most susceptible to attacks from ruminations.
Ruminations are not sapient, and are comparable to animals.
Eido’s Blade Method of Learning: Overwhelming Power
Eido’s Blade is a school of magic only whispered about amongst Mages. It is not technically illegal, but methods for learning it are not fully known. The name “Eido” is believed to be a corruption of the first King of Kesterline, Edgard.
Those who are worthy will be visited by Edgard’s ghost, distorted and frayed, and given a chance to dive even deeper into the study of magic, provided they follow the tasks given.
This is controversial amongst Mages, as it would be sacrilege against King Arthrus to say there is one above him. Others see it as a higher devotion to the King itself. There is a great deal of debate to be had if the crown is what matters, or the man wearing the crown. Those who follow Eido are said to see the crown as more important than the man, which has become a resoundingly unpopular opinion since Arthrus’s reign.
I have thought long and hard about my own stance on such a thing, but I ultimately must say I am at a loss. I know the history and shall not mindlessly submit to the divine words that have yet to even span three decades. However I find those who follow Eido’s Blade highly misguided. Seeing Edgard’s apparition would imply he is still here, and not ascended, and that truly is abhorrent.
But I have seen the spells with my own eyes, and I will transcribe them all the same.
Fontaine Laurent
Starter Spells:
The caster will be granted a random starter spell, loosely based on what deeds they carried out to get into Eido’s good graces.
Fear: A spell that overwhelms someone with fear.
Blood Needles: A spell that generate a thin needle point from your blood. It can be lobbed at others and used as a weapon. It is able to pierce magical shields.
Paralyze: A spell that will instantly paralyze.
Bind: A spell that creates metal rods from thin air that will bind the targeted body parts together. While binded, the caster may feed directly on the target's magic, so long as they have compatible spheres.
Post Starter Spell:
Learning spells afterwards is cloaked in mystery, and can taint one’s other spells if done incorrectly. It can taint one’s tools as well, such as wands or swords. Many of those who try and take on Eido will fail after only gaining a paltry few spells. As a result, these spells are not widely known or recorded. The spells you see here are the ones I was able to gather based on my sources and descriptions of magic from records that matched with Eido, and by no means comprise a complete list.
Mind Control: You can impose your full will on someone, usually via contact with their spinal cord, and give them brief, simple orders for a period of time.
Clot Wounds: May seal up your wounds with immense and improbable clotting.
Blood Chain: A weaponized skill allowing one to wield blood like a whip. It allows for one continuous flow out of the body and back into the body, meaning blood is not lost, unlike blood needles. It can be used to bind individuals, and takes the form of a single, long chain.
Synchronized Reflexes: A mental state that shuts off the conscious part of one’s brain, and heightens their reflexes to the extreme, allowing them to react with near impossible timing.
Enrage: A mental state that induces incredible rage and allows the caster to fight with immense physical strength and resolve.
Sleep: Completely overwhelm someone’s senses and put them to sleep. Can be cast on self.
Hunter’s Victory: An animal that is killed and then fully consumed or burned will gift the person with some of the creature's core, usually making the person stronger, faster and more attuned to themselves for a period of time, as well as possibly imparting an affinity for whatever the animal had affinity for (a love of water if it was a fish).
Torment: Can cause pain to someone you are making contact with.
Sharpen: A spell for any object. When cast it will become sharp and deadly.
Siphon: May touch an active, static spell and drain it of strength.
Spiked Garb: The spell activates when anyone touches the caster. It will automatically create a thorn-like apparition that stabs the toucher.
Weakness: May weaken someone’s spells so long as the person is in range. It does not discriminate between friend or foe.
Imprison: A cage will be formed from surrounding objects, trapping the target inside.
Obscure Core: The ability to cast without summoning a spellbook as well as making one resistant to Initiate’s Sense Magic.
Glistening Eyes: May see in the dark as clear as day. Also works in fog, blinding light, and muddy waters.
Force Magic: Force a wand to show its spell.
This is an incomplete resource, and I intend to expand it when I gain more information. I hope to travel to the Nevan Mage Base in the summer. There are certain items that Mages call "antiquities" that have as of yet undefined power. I greatly look forward to this expedition.
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8 145 - In Serial33 Chapters
Champions || DNF [Ancient Rome AU]
A DreamNotFound fanfiction.-•-"Well, you certainly look... strong.""I'm glad I meet your expectations, emperor."-•-Dream was taken from his home as a young boy and forced into chains; trained as one of the most formidable gladiators in Rome.George was born into imperial royalty; into a life of marble and gold; living a life as the heir to the Roman throne.One had nothing.The other had everything... or so he thought.-•-[This story will contain aspects from both Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece][!!contains!! violence, coarse language and such themes relevant to the time period]Complete :)
8 161 - In Serial45 Chapters
You Give Me Problems (Van McCann)
Whoever you're mixing your drinks with, is dying to, go to town on you... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ He was wearing his usual uniform of black skinny jeans and a sweater, although the sweater he was wearing now was especially significant. It was the one I fell asleep on a few nights after we'd met. "Hi Van." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Carmen meets Ryan "Call me Van, it's more class" McCann at some seedy bar she gets dragged to by a new friend. To say things move fast is an understatement. But as fast as they move, as painfully slow they end. While Van and his mates get the band rising quicker and quicker, Carmen can't help her feelings as she sees her striped sweater wearing messy haired cockish boy become the rockstar he swore he would.
8 78 - In Serial5 Chapters
Forbidden to the World
In the under city; Wall Sheena; it was what people would also call, "hell". With its chaotic and constant never ending crimes, no one was safe. It was a living war, but it was normal for them all. Especially for a 16 year old, Levi Ackerman. Known as the "Prince of Blood". For such a psychotic young man like him, it's obvious that he has no heart. All he could feel is hatred, disgust, and dark desires of snatching people's lives away from them. He thought that no matter what, he shall not let anyone get In his way. Although, there is a little someone who's about to show him otherwise.
8 72