《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Chapter 9: Now Together, Never Apart
Mimi Alice
I tried to spread my wings, but I found myself covered with a sticky black tar that clung all around me. Countless stars moving past as I fell helplessly towards a light surging beneath me. I tried to send a call out for someone to help me. Perhaps my kin? But, no one came. I found myself crashing into the light, sinking into the depths of it's warmth. The light blinding me as I closed my eyes, struggling.
I woke up in a small room, surrounded by dark figures. This was a memory, and knowledge of where I was, started pouring into me. This was a classroom of sorts. Made of sturdy wood by the adults. I could see a young elf with ivory skin, and lavender hair sitting at her desk. A small village, meant a small classroom. A single teacher helping multiple students in different age groups. Everyone here was a shadow, without any features. Like memories long forgotten, save to make the place feel less empty.
Looking around, I saw glimmers of their faces. I saw that we were supposed to be practicing math. All these vague ideas that I had never known while I was hunting. The words that I heard, were similar to the inner voice. Was it fighting me? After everything I did to appease it, it was seeking to ruin us both!? Anger was swelling as I attempted to claw at one of the desks in refusal. My hand could only phase through, aggravating me.
Wanting to leave, I took a swipe at one of the dark figures. Nothing happened, they seemed to move around my hand as if they were air. Turning my attention to the small girl, that seemed to glow, I walked over to her. As I grew closer, the rage seemed to subside. Replaced by warm innocent emotion. An eagerness to learn, the joy of being surrounded by one's friends. The bitter pain of not knowing where your sibling was while in this classroom. I quickly pulled away, to lessen their intensity. I had never felt another's emotions stronger than my own. It worried me how easily these new emotions seemed to wash away my strength and resolve.
I turned as the shadow known as 'teacher' started to shift. An older version of the ivory girl seemed to appear behind the desk. Her hair longer, and braided. The same silver eyes as my own, with glasses on her nose. She seemed malnourished to the point that I could see her bones. She smiled at me, gesturing to a large seat and desk. Feeling her desire for me to sit in it, I walked over and did as much. Was this the king? I was told they were male, perhaps there was a queen after all?
After being seated, I looked at her, waiting. She pointed at the board, where the words shifted and changed. |"Class is in session"|
Hearing the inner voice caused me to jump. It came from the whiteboard itself. Glaring at the white board, I heard the voice coming from the teacher this time. |"I can feel what you are thinking. You don't need to say a thing."|
This was bothersome, I had no way of fighting back against this inner voice. |"Why do we need to fight?"| This startled me, as it proved the inner voice could finally hear me. Though it was soft and kind this time. Thinking about it's question, I came to realize that the answer was, I felt this voice was another queen trying to control the hive.
I heard a soft giggle from everywhere at once, before it died down. |"I cannot control your hive as well as you can."| This time the source was the small girl. Though I wouldn't get closer to her to try anything. Even now I felt the raw emotions seeping off her. I started to doubt if this was actually the inner voice or not.
The whiteboard seemed to shift and change. It became a memory itself, replaying my first hunt. At least proving it knew what the inner voice should know. That hunt ended terribly, because every movement caused a headache. I had not eaten the troll the old one brought for me, and so my body was covered in bite marks from the slithers I had found. The hive was so small then, so much weaker than it was now. As I began to wonder what the inner voice was trying to do. I felt the entire room starting to shake. The teacher returning to a featureless shadow. The whiteboard having gained a hastily written, "Run!!" on it. Fear and panic started to wash over the classroom, coming from the small girl herself.
A door opened, as all the small shadows followed after the larger one. The girl herself one of the last ones to run. I didn't want to follow after her, and be subjected to those emotions, so I sat. Seconds began to tick past, as the wall to the other side of the room was blasted open by a large fiend. It seemed impossibly big, but that was more flesh. I made the attempt to strike at it, phasing through it's arms. Gritting my teeth, I tried to claw and bite to the same affect. Finally it's hand came swiftly towards me. I did not want to see if it could cause me harm, and so I tried to jump away from it. The fiend seemed to anticipate this and casually flicked me through the wall.
Pain exploded from my back, as I was left reeling and gasping. It was unfair that I couldn't do anything to the fiend itself. The pain kept coming, as I managed to stand. Run scribbled in blood all over the walls and dripping. The hallway that we were now in, was growing darker. I heard the fiend bellow, to assure me that it was coming after me. I started to run, as the pain seemed to lessen. The fiend barreled through the door with the ceiling collapsing around it as it moved. I could see a few shadows ahead of me, too afraid to move. They were foolish enough to stare at the fiend as it chased after me. I tried to grab them, wanting to carry them out. I had felt the inner voice held some attachment to them.
If I was able to keep them with me, then it was unlikely the inner voice would continue this chase. The fiend seemed to saunter closer, as I moved away from it. My hands going through the shadows again. I tried to grabbing them again, to the same affect. The small shadows starting to fall away from the fiend as if remembering to run. Though it was already too close. I felt a painful premonition and lunged at the fiend myself. Everything seemed to stop, freezing around me.
I wasn't certain why I lunged at the fiend. I knew it could hurt me, but I could not even touch it. The small shadows would have made excellent bait to distract the creature. That would have been better for my survival. I couldn't see or feel the small girl that I had wanted to avoid. Even as I lunged, and phased through the fiend, I decided to look back and confirmed she wasn't there. Everything was simply frozen, allowing me time to think. It wasn't that I hated running, nor that it was my pride at having defeated a fiend before. All the words written on the walls told me to run, so I should have ran. Yet, I lunged to protect bait?
Bait... Richard? These were small Richards. They were being attacked by a fiend, and should be running. I am trying to protect them? I was not sure why myself. A wave of pleasure washed over me, in a familiar way, erasing the pain I had felt before. I enjoyed it for a second, before hating it. This caused it to stop instantly. I could almost feel the inner voice wanting me to explain why I felt the need to protect the tiny Richards. I truly did not know. Still it almost seemed to want to beg. I did not know still. I started licking the blood on my forearm, trying to heal it.
Everything was frozen, as I took the time to lick my wounds. Then everything seemed to go backwards. The fiend moving back, the small Richards standing back up. As if it never happened. My blood tasted bad mixed with the tar that kept my wings from spreading. Then the fiend started to move again. I stood in front of the small Richards, as it approached. Lunging at it, did not cause the world to freeze again. Instead, the fiend smashed me to the wall. Forcing me to watch as it crushed the shadow in a spray of mist.
This angered me, as I grabbed what rubble I could and threw it at the fiend. Hitting it's eye, caused the world to freeze, and rewind again. I quickly moved to grab the shadow that had been crushed, but was now okay. I felt pain in the attempt this time. The pain became sharper, as I finally grabbed the small Richard. I carried it in one arm, while grabbing the other. The pain still there, but less than when I was flicked earlier. With them secured, I started to run.
The world started once more, as I saw the fiend bellow in anger. I felt satisfaction at making it angry and keeping the Richards from it. Though as I looked back, I saw the Richards I was carrying had disappeared and returned back to their spots. Growing angry myself, I lunged back at the fiend again.
This continued for five more times, with me ending up standing in front of the Richard's my arms crossed before a now crying fiend. It attacked me less and less with every attempt. Though I still ached from the pain. Smug satisfaction filled me, as the tiny Richards started to run away from it while I stood blocking it's path. Richard promised to help my hive if I were to die. Other Richards would likely do the same if I helped them somehow. Even the smallest Richard could do more than fifty of my kin. Aside from breeders since I still did not know how Richards made more of themselves. Though their breeders were probably something very special for there to be so many Richard's running around.
If it came down to it, I would protect my hive from Richards, but the fiend was a bigger threat then them. The Richards had not harmed me in any way. Which meant they could be useful. If they are useful, then they should be protected. Such was the conclusion I came to. This seemed to make the inner voice weep, but I didn't care. These were my Richards, and I wouldn't let the fiend or the inner voice hurt them.
The world started to fall away, with the fiend becoming some kind of religious building. The walls falling outwards, to become open ground, with the sky above us. The images that I had seen before with buildings just starting up. The Richards had multiplied and were going about everywhere. All of them doing something, while small Richards played games. |"They aren't Richards, they are people."|
I liked my name for them better. I didn't know what name a Richard was, that it was called people. It must have been a pretty good Richard to have all the other Richards called such. Though the first Richard I met was named such. I was rather fond of it because it taught me many things. I wasn't going to let some 'people' impose it's name upon my Richard. Thus they are Richards. This frustrated the inner voice, as they gave up, and continued letting the world move again.
The Richards seemed to blur past with a speed I had not considered they possessed before. The day passed, when I realized that time was just moving faster, or that I was moving very slow. Seeing the same girl multiple times, and realizing that she was a Richard as well, only caused the inner voice to sigh in pain. I was happy to cause it pain, since it enjoyed hurting me before. |"That's because you were going to eat Richard!"|
Pouting a little, I thought back to when we first met. I had some intention there, but that was because it was going to die anyway. If it tasted bad, or if I got nothing from it. The next one would have been safe, unless it attacked. Besides, I knew better now. The inner voice showed some Richards setting the building on fire, as I blinked in confusion. Clearly this was a mistake, Richards controlled fire. Why would larger ones set fire to a place with smaller ones? I was not going to fall for such blatant tricks.
Still the fire was growing, and the Richards made it out safely. Other Richards came that could control water, and they set about putting the fire out. It seemed that some Richards could control fire, while others could only control water? This was a revelation! Sadly these Richards were only shadows, and I couldn't see the markings that made it clear which Richard could do what. It was pleasant to watch as the water Richards were putting out the fire. Though the world seemed to shift and spin around me, forcing me to look at large Richards grabbing small ones.
Tilting my head, I could only watch in confusion. Ah, the fire must be dangerous for little Richards, because they cannot control it yet. The inner voice sighed again. |"Please... just follow them."| Since the inner voice asked so nicely, I decided to do just that. It was strange, since the big Richards were carrying the little Richards away while everyone was focused on the fire. The small girl Richard following after them. She found where the other Richards were being taken, before heading back towards the large group. Then I saw her brother was captured, and being carried by three.
There was rage and anger from the small girl, as she threw rocks at the big Richards. Two of them chased after her, as the rest faded to black. Following the girl, unsure what I was being shown. I figured that there were some faulty Richards that simply did not know where to properly take the little ones. The girl Richard continued running from the other two. Dashing between trees. She was about to be captured, but managed to escape with her clothes torn a bit. She was feeling very real panic, as she continued to run.
Then came the laughing of a pack. The screams of the big Richards, as she continued to run. Darting between the trees to try and hide. She came to the cave where it all started. The place we decided to build a hive in the end. It was strange that she had only run for a few hours and found it, but even the inner voice wasn't sure why that was the case. The small one entered the cave exhausted, and panting. I remembered this part.
She fell with her back to the darkness. My hive in the midst of another war for who should be queen. I was able to eat and grow stronger. The chitin of a warrior, the wings of a scout, and the legs of a worker. I was so much smaller then. The inner voice allowed me to show my memories for once. I had marched through other warriors, eating their heads as their bodies fell away. I had killed the last would be queen, to bring all of the hive under my control. Though I fell to land on something soft and warm. Ignoring it, I tried to find my way back. Practically blind back then, I could only try to establish connections with the others.
The sleeping girl wouldn't move even as I saw my small self crawling into her ear. Then the pain and the screaming started as she tried to pull me out. This only scared me, causing me to go deeper. I was too large, and didn't have another way out. I continued in the only direction I could. Blood was drawn, as the screaming became louder outside, but inside there was less noise. The taste of fresh blood spurring me onwards. The screams finally stopped as the small one convulsed, everything fading to black for us both.
I was the inner voice? |"No... I was the child you almost killed."| What happened? |"I don't know."| We are... the same? |"Yes... I have been trying to tell you this for some time now."|
Looking around, I could see nothing but darkness. Then a light appeared in the distance, the same form the inner voice took as the teacher. She seemed to be a reflection of myself now, with ivory chitin instead of ebony. She still seemed malnourished, and I almost felt bad. I did not understand what she wanted to show me, what any of this meant. The inner voice... no Alice walked towards me. She placed her hand on an invisible barrier between us.
I walked towards it, placing my hand where her own would be. Not understanding why this was here. Looking back, I could see the countless stars once more. They were not stars, but my hive, all their minds flickering with thoughts. I turned back to Alice, to see her own mind. A flickering fire of emotions that constantly flickered and sputtered. Memories overlapping to help give strength to her thoughts and feelings. I realized that individually, my hive was weaker than her mind. Though together I had used them to drown her out. I could still sense the slight rage she held against me for such. I looked at her feet, "I am sorry."
I could feel that she was stunned by my words, that she never expected them. To her, I probably seemed like the worst kind of monster. I stole her mind for my hive. I ate some of her brain, and when I had my fill, I merely took her body for myself. Repressing her, silencing her, and fighting the whole time. I did not know, and could not understand how she felt. I could not comprehend how she thought, but I realized that it was similar to another queen taking my hive. The thought alone hurt me, to see through my hive, but be unable to guide them. To merely watch and try to help guide the one in control. It would be maddening, and she had every right to be upset with myself.
I could feel her emotions pouring through me, as mine went through her. Our memories mingling as she cried. |"I don't know what will happen if we take this barrier down."|
"It is your barrier, not mine. I sense that if it were to go down, we would truly become one. Our memories joining, and creating a new us." I had no reason to lie to her. She could feel it if I did lie regardless, and while I was concerned something told me that joining with her would be for the best. It would be the best solution for the hive as well.
|"You really do only care about your hive don't you?"| She almost laughed bitterly, but stopped because she knew the answer was yes. If I could perish to ensure that my hive would be safe forever, I would not hesitate.
Trying to stretch my wings a little, I had realized that the black gunk that clung to me was pus. We were rejecting each other, and such would ultimately kill us. The regeneration we had keeping us alive this long. Though it had only served to buy us time until this moment. If she rejected me, then we would both die. Her from the gray matter I devoured, and myself for having evolved to a parasite that could control her. This barrier was a divine magic of some kind that kept us apart, but offered a great potential solution.
This caused her distress, from the uncertainty. The realization that we could and would die soon, not helping her in the slightest. I looked at my hive, flexing my real legs a bit. I tried to move the pus between us, but my legs were fused to her brain. If I moved them, then it held the potential to destroy or alter her. I could only turn back to her, seeing she was afraid again. Though she did not need to be, I would let her understand my intentions. I had already accepted one Richard into my hive, and she was another to me. Even if I were to cease being, I would rather one of us live to protect the hive. I accepted her, and would do what I could to help her without hurting her.
She did that thing the Richards did when they felt sad or hurt. Ah, she was crying, but this was because she felt relief? It seemed they did this when they were too happy as well. Such strange creatures they are. I managed to move my real head, finding it was not bound or fused. I used my mandibles to take a small piece of her with the pus. Prepared to evolve and fuse with her completely.
She seemed worried, but understood what I was doing. I have the ability to change after eating, and so I would give everything I had to her. She took down the barrier as parts of my being started to fade. Running towards me, she pulled me in a hug. This seemed to stop me from fading more, as she glowed brighter. Our memories were fusing, our lives spreading out before us. She would have my everything, as she gave me her own. Now together, we will never be apart.
The last moments for the dark elf known as Alice
I woke up to feel the sensation of sun on my skin once more. It was no longer dull, but crisp and clear. I could see how Mimi always felt the world was too bright. Even as I thought this, there was something I had to do. Every second counted, because we would both lose ourselves. I looked around, to see a man in a glowing suit of white armor. He had his hand on a weapon, as if ready to attack. I could not make out his face, because of the light. I did not know how much time had passed since I fell in that cave. Speaking in my native tongue, I asked the man, "Does my brother Wyatt still live?"
They seemed to be stunned, and I wondered if they were not a dark elf. I was about to ask again when they quickly told me, "Yes."
Smiling I closed my eyes, "Good, give him a message from me please. I was his sister, Alice. Sir, kind sir, please call him moldy butt. He will know it is from me. Tell him that this was not his fault. Tell him that I love him, please sir. I might not remember him after I fall asleep again. I am losing myself, but I want to keep living for the chance to make him smile again one day." I started to cry a little, but still smiled as Mimi allowed me what time she could. "I know this sounds strange, especially if you think I am a monster now. Please grant a poor dying girl's last wish kind knight. Tell him I love him, and goodbye."
The knight rushed towards me without pulling out his weapon. He yelled my name, as everything fell to black. I felt something deep inside me shifting. I never did find out if I had a talent or not. I probably didn't, knowing this disturbing but beautiful world. I let out my final laugh. I always wanted to be special, and now we will be.
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