《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Chapter 8: Interesting Interruptions
Richard Adams
It ended up taking about an hour to sign everything. Though I knew it should be worth it in the long run. Grim had left his rookies to do the paper work with me, while he took Mimi to another private room. It had a window, so I could look over and see what they were up to. I feel he did that part on purpose to keep me from getting nervous about him trying to bond with her. Even while filling out form after form, I had a couple tamers offering me some coin just for the chance to try and bond with her.
Naturally I turned them down, and focused on what needed to be done. Grim walked us both to the door that led into the city proper. Rubbing his chin, he'd grin. "Listen kid, if you need anything. You come to me alright? Not a lot of monsters are allowed inside, especially ones no one has seen before." He handed me a badge, that was apparently my mark as a tamer. "Don't take that off, until you pick up the tags in a few days. Don't let her out of your sight either. The Rookies filled out the paper work, so it won't hurt me too much."
Nodding, and taking the badge, I stuck it on my new set of clothes. One of the rookies were nice enough to give it to me. "Grim, I appreciate everything you've done to help us. I won't let anything happen to her if I can help it. I will see you if I do need help, and I hope you might come to me one day."
We'd both smile at that, and ended up laughing. "Don't say it like that kid, it's bad luck you know?"
Letting my laugh die down naturally I nodded, "Yeah, but you're being awkward as well. Where do you live anyway?"
Snapping his fingers, he pointed into the air a bit, "I knew I forgot something. I live just South of the slums, between it and the Barracks."
"I see, you live pretty close to here, huh?"
"You know it, less time I have to spend walking home."
Smiling I walked off, with Mimi following me. "I heard that man, stay safe."
"Heh, that's my line kid." He closed the door after we walked into the large alley. It was made to allow us to follow through it's twists and turns to keep people from seeing the monsters that were guided about from time to time. Naturally others knew about this, and steered away from the alleys. It was a glorified holding pen with large buildings for the Tamers to keep their pets really. Though an outsider wouldn't really know it's purpose, and sometimes a kid might dare another to come here.
Navigating through the maze, and bumping into a couple guards. I flashed my badge and they allowed me continue on without issue. It was still quite early in the morning as the sun had just risen. People were starting to go about their daily lives. I wanted to head to my house for now, to give Mimi a place to rest for the day. A place to at least set her hive down, so she wouldn't be so stressed. It would probably take a few days before one of these buildings in the monster alley belonged to her.
We crossed through the final alley, onto the streets that should lead to the slums. Thankfully the people here were a little more accepting of monsters. The rough looking bunches giving a few looks over Mimi, then myself. It wasn't worth heckling me, with a very clear body guard. I looked at them, and slightly bowed to show proper respect, and that I didn't have any intentions of causing trouble. They slowly nodded in response, allowing us to go on our way. A few of them probably knew of me, since I was working under the old man.
We headed deeper into the rougher side of the city. The buildings now had boarded up windows, magic wards when certain businesses weren't open. There were many entrances to the underground in this area, and it was easy enough to get lost. Mimi squeezed my hand for some reason, and looked towards an alley. Looking up at her, I gently pulled to help her move again. She seemed a lot better now, her ears flicking to pick up the sounds all around us. She probably was distracted by a small scuffle or mugging that might have been happening.
We walked the streets, until an acrid odor filled the air. The old man's laboratory was in this part of the slums. Which happened to be where my home was. A lot of people moved out, because they were afraid of the chemical smell, but Oswald assured me it was harmless. More like a deterrent for any gangs that might try to pester him as somebody working under the king. Never really understood that dynamic, but because of good old Oswald, I got the chance to meet some people.
He would probably be upset if I didn't go to his lab soon. He always did get upset when I didn't come back to him after a trip out into the wilds. Opening the doors to the almost abandoned motel, I led Mimi inside. The area around the old man's lab, became something of a neutral zone in the slums. The smell scaring off potential tenants, and businesses. Those that didn't have coin, or that were strung out, could find a somewhat decent place here. It was rent free, and not a lot of people wanted to spend their time searching for someone that ended up here.
Guiding Mimi through one of the halls, I showed her my room. Regretting a bit on how messy it was, I started to point to the closet. Then I realized I was about to tell her to just put her hive on top of my dirty laundry. In the same room that I did experiments on a desk with my alchemy kit. Mimi tilted her head, as I started to move the clothes about. This room was too small for her to really get comfortable. I could tell from how her ears were flicking, that she didn't really like the smell either.
I quickly tossed all the different clothes aside to find the nook in the wall. Using my alchemy on the latch I had made. I was able to remove the piece the hid my coin pouch. I pulled out the decently sized sack of coins. It was a coin sack stuffed with 200 copper coins. I could hopefully find a better place for Mimi to stay for what amounted to twenty silver pieces, or two gold. It was my entire life's savings, and I looked at it with a bit of pain.
It was more than most people in the slums had, but it wasn't anywhere near enough to buy a good house, or a lot of the tools needed for the trade. I grabbed an extra satchel, to stuff the bag in, so that it should be quiet while I moved. The last thing I needed, was to get mugged for walking around with this much coin. I would have to explain to the old man why I couldn't afford my own component sorter later. Heaving a heavy sigh for that argument to come. I got back on my feet, with Mimi looking down at me still.
I gave her a smile, because she seemed worried, but to my surprise she pulled me into a hug. It seemed she knew me, better than I thought. After a moment, she pulled away to observe me. I gave her a more heartfelt smile this time. Walking out the door of my room. I decided to lock it, before heading back to Grim. He probably knew of a place that might let Mimi and I stay, no questions asked. I knew that if I took her to the old man, she might not get away without him taking a piece of her. Crazy old bastard.
The Richards were very capable when it came to controlling fire. Despite how cold it was outside, their hive's walls. It was much warmer then I could have expected. I never expected there to be so many of them. Even when we walked through the fields, it was clear they were growing the fields for some purpose or another. I felt the prodding of other Richards while we sat in a very warm room. It seems that some of them were able to connect to others without antenna! I was tempted to take a few, and invite them into my hive, but such would be rude. I also did not want to risk losing myself to an even greater mind, that could keep so many Richards going about and being productive. Each of them could think, and respond for themselves.
I shudder to think of the monster they call 'king.' While their soldiers were not that impressive, the sheer number of them was more than enough. I felt deep down, that there were also more capable soldiers further inside the hive. The ones that needed to train were expendable. Another thing I noticed about the Richards, was that they seemed to love their 'clothes.' They all seemed to wear different variations, and even those that wore similar clothes, wore it differently. I could not fathom any meaning behind this, but also couldn't help but wonder if it was like molting.
Even after we exited some large open tunnels, which the Richard call 'alleys,' I could see more variation in these clothes. Different castes control different areas within the main hive itself. A sort of delegation in knowing that all Richards will look out for the overall well being of the hive as a whole. I wondered if such a concept could truly work, when I smelled the acrid odors coming from a particularly large building. With my ambient energy senses, I came to realize that a single Richard was the source for the smell. Probably an elite of some kind. Even as we moved closer and into a strange structure not too far from it. I then realized that the way the elite Richard used the ambient energies was on a much larger scale than my Richard. Though they were still the same energies. Hopefully this king wouldn't be too upset, over this young elite Richard helping me.
I could see that he was distressed when we entered it's personal chambers. I heard some kind of skittering above us, that did not belong to any Richards. Even in the alleys, I could hear constant skittering. I noticed that Richards allowed many types of creatures in their hive. Perhaps as a food source, or to handle specific tasks? It made sense given that the average Richard was much larger than my kin. There were probably a lot of small spaces they wouldn't be able to get to. Such would suggest that I could potentially have my own hive working under the Richards' larger hive. It would be so much safer than the cave I left behind!
Hugging the Richard to make it feel better, I followed him out into the open once more. These 'streets' were rather interesting. They had such large streets for a lot of Richards to move at once, with smaller streets breaking off into designated areas. It was a shame, that we had to use the alleys. I wanted to observe them more. I also recognized that they seemed to enjoy some shapes more than other.
|"Over there."|
The inner voice called out to me, to look towards a dark alley. I didn't see anything, and the Richard started to tug again. Though the inner voice was growing restless for some reason. Promising to help if I followed it. This hive would be a terrible place to fight with it. I pointed towards the dark alley.
Richard looked up at me, "Do you really want to go there? It's just abandoned stuff there."
Nodding, I started walking towards the alley. "I need to go there. I do not know why." He let out a defeated sigh, and followed after me. Walking through the alley, the world seemed to shift slightly. The structures around me falling away to their foundation, where things were just starting to be built. Holding my head, at the throbbing pain. I could feel the inner voice wanting to show me something. Perhaps, it wanted to see if what it was searching for was there.
I stumbled a little, the Richard starting to try and help me. The inner voice was growing desperate and pained. This really wasn't helping me, but I needed it to calm down. Righting myself, I kept my hand to the wall. My hive growing restless, as I tried to calm them. I used my other hand to hold the Richard's shoulder. No... his name was Richard. The voice was screaming, causing me to wince. We continued down the alley. The Richard growing more distressed.
Stepping out of the alley, and into another, I continued. If Richard was making noises, or saying words; I couldn't hear, or understand them. We walked from alley to alley. The images of hastily thrown up buildings showing and disappearing with every blink. Finally we reached the last alley, to come upon a burned down building. It's charred timbers standing like a skeletal frame despite the wear the weather had on it over the years. The ground around it was unpaved, allowing soft grass to grow inside this hive. I could see the remains of a wall still standing despite how many decades had passed.
The sun rose just over the buildings, casting brilliant rays upon this ruined and burned down church. The inner voice was silent, as we stepped forward into the light. I walked towards the still standing wall, where a wreath of flowers sat around a stuffed doll. It was a crudely made thing with silver button eyes. Felted elf ears far too low on it's head, but it belonged to the inner voice at one point. It belonged to us. I knelt, to softly pick it up. As I reached for it, I found a strange liquid falling from my eyes. The world was too bright, too blurry. I couldn't see it anymore. I couldn't see anything, I didn't like this. I didn't want this.
I felt something pressed against my cheek. A soft cloth, drying the foreign liquid. Had this doll blinded me somehow? No, this never happened, and the doll did not cause the blindness. My hive was still, as I realized there was a deep pain in my chest. Why wasn't I healing it? What was this gnawing that tore so deep inside me? I winced as the burned building became a beautiful church covered in the rays of the sun. It wasn't too bright anymore, as I felt my head about to split. I grabbed the doll, holding it to my chest. The world soon started to spin, as I fell onto my side. My ears flicking to detect slow footsteps in the distance.
Richard Adams
Leaving my home, I started to lead Mimi back through the criss crossing alleys. She seemed to hesitate where she could see other people. No doubt interested in what they were doing. I had to tug on her hand a few times to remind her that we needed to keep moving. I was surprised when she simply just stopped moving, looking into an alley. It seemed dark, but from what I understood no one actually went in those alleys unless they wanted a certain captain of the guard cleaning house. I looked up to Mimi, "Do you really want to go there? It's just abandoned stuff there."
While not completely wrong, the only thing I could think of being there was an old church that burned down when the kingdom was just getting started. Not a lot of people knew the story, but it was where the orphans could go for a safe space. The alleys all around the church were an interconnected network. It was practically the back yard of the orphanage more than anything, protected under the captain. A thought went through my mind, wondering if Mimi might have sensed the children. Though realizing that even if she did, she would never actually hurt one. No, looking at her, there was something going on here.
"I need to go there. I do not know why." Was all she said, and I couldn't help but sigh. She was taking long strides, in a more natural gait for her size. It bothered me how much she had to slow down for me to keep up. I was literally jogging to follow behind her. Then she started to stumble, bringing a hand to her head. Much like the wincing she did whenever she seemed ready to attack someone. I quickly moved to her side to try and help her, but if she fell, all I would really be able to do was move out of the way. She was just too heavy for me to even try dragging, and thankfully she was supporting her own weight with very little on me.
We were continuing towards the burned down church of all things. I was familiar with these alleys, as I used them before getting kicked out. Still it bothered me deeply that Mimi was struggling like this. It was clear she was in some kind of pain. She needed to lean on the walls of the alley for support. It was honestly starting to terrify me. I asked if she was okay, or if she wanted head back. She didn't seem to be able to hear me, as we walked from alley to alley. I turned to see some of the kids watching us, while others went to get whoever was in charge these days. Some of them, might even try getting a local guard that was on patrol.
All that should be fine, since I had my badge. Though I would be hard pressed to explain why I actually let a monster anywhere near the orphanage. My ears were already starting to hurt from that lecture. Then we stepped into the spot around the church. Mimi seemed to want to come here for some reason. She looked over the burned ruins of the church, as if in a trance. The sun was just starting to peek above the buildings, and a few rays were coming in. She seemed stunned by it for some reason.
Whatever had gotten into her, unfortunately did not let up yet. She moved forward, hyper focused on the flower wreath. It was well known that the captain came here every year to replace the flowers and fix up the doll. No one could explain why he did, but it was just accepted. Intense was how I liked to describe the man. Which was why, whenever someone tried to tried to mess around here. They were either beaten within an inch of their life, or arrested on the spot. The orphans of course loved this, because this whole place was likely the safest in all of Eclipse. Even now, I could see a few crudely drawn pictures hanging on the walls of the buildings surrounding this place. Many of them featuring the captain, and the things he brought.
Lost in my own memories of this place, I immediately jogged to Mimi's side as she knelt in front of the flower wreath. I started to panic when she reached for the doll. My words catching, when I saw her tearing up. Then she actually started to cry, with tears running down her cheeks. It hit me harder than I would have thought, because I had never seen her cry before. Unable to say anything, I reached into my satchel, to grab a clean rag. I dried her tears as best I could. "Hey... are you okay Mimi?"
She didn't respond, holding the doll for a few moments. Then she fell onto her side, curled around her hive and the doll. Her ears flicking quickly. I tried to catch her, I really did, but she was far too heavy. The somber moment passing, to be replaced with panic, as I looked around. Then I heard slow tapping footsteps. Looking in their direction, I saw Captain Lindell walking towards us. He was kited out in his mithril armor, complete with runes. One hand on his studded pipe, tailor made for his unique fighting style.
I had only met the man a few times in my life. Once when I used to live here after my dad finally disowned me. Another, when I bumped into him on the streets while getting things for the old man. And finally my last encounter roughly a year ago; he personally oversaw everyone's first exile to give them a few life saving tips. If he knew you, he would give you repellent. Now, the man stood before me at the end of the alley, taking in the scene. I shakily reached for my badge, to show it to him. He was not someone I could ever hope to fight.
The dark elf man, with pale blue skin stared at me for a moment. He seemed to dismiss me, as soon as he saw my badge. The light of small recognition in his piercing green eyes. Like all elves, he didn't have a single beard hair on his face. Though I knew he was more a man of action than words. He seemed rather passive, as if a great burden was lifting off his shoulders. His white dreadlocks falling just past his neck, as he walked towards us. He wasn't even bothering to look at me anymore, instead focusing on Mimi while she laid on her side slightly rocking. He took practiced steps towards us, as if gliding without a sound. I only heard him, because he wanted me to hear him earlier.
He loomed over her, as if trying to confirm something. I wanted to speak up, but felt this was a speak when spoken to situation. I could only watch as he looked over her face, and at the doll she was still holding to her hive. He seemed displeased about something, but I saw something like kindness as he looked at her. A deep longing, before he turned to look me in the eyes. It was a quick movement, that made me jump a bit.
"What happened to her?" It sounded more like an order to know the answer, than an actual question. His voice low and coarse.
"I... I don't know. I went through the process of getting her registered, and went to my home. On the way back to ask the monster tamers if they might have a room for her. She saw the alley leading to here, and well... now it's like this. She was crying when she held the doll sir." I had no reason to lie here, and this seemed to help lessen the intensity of his gaze.
He took a step towards me, but I managed stand my ground to look up at him some more. I wanted to ask why the captain of the guard was interested in her, but kept my mouth shut. "Where did you find her exactly?"
"I found her after about two weeks of travel away from the wall. She had a large hive in the cave. I think she needs her hive to function, since after we left she became less lively. Though I'm also not sure if that was because of the cold." As far as I knew, he could be recording this. An extra test maybe?
"Is... is she pregnant?" He looked me dead in the eyes.
I blinked, my mouth opening in shock. Why the hell did he care? Then I really saw his facial features. He almost looked like he could be her brother. I blinked again, "No? That's just her hive sir. She... she has it under her wings. It was in the report?" Then I realized by how he blinked in turn, that he had not even read the report about her.
Captain of the Guard, Lindell
After hearing what I needed from Vivian, and promising I would not harm the creature or anyone next to her. I marched straight out of our building. I desperately wanted to search from the air with my power of flight, but I was taking a personal day. I was essentially grounded from using my elemental magic unless something extreme came up. I still kept my armor on, since it was better to let others think I was still working today.
Stuck with having to walk, I continued to march through the streets. Ignoring those that stopped to stare, I pressed on. Everyone in the innermost walls knew to stay out of my way, when I was marching. The guards at the gate saw me, and took the time to stand and salute while the rookies opened the doors for me with haste. They were well trained, and the rookies that were allowed here at least had some sense. The sun had risen not too long ago, but it was going to be a long walk before I made it to the Tamer area.
Still, there was no time to waste. With luck, one of the Tamers might know just where the kid took her. I had plenty of time to muse while walking there. A part of me deep down knew she was alive. As a dark elf, we could tell when those with our blood pass. I was younger when it happened, already filled with grief. I could not tell back then if the pain I felt was her dying, or something else. The dull ache in my chest starting to flair up again. I had supressed it, not knowing why it was there. It wasn't until a fortune teller clarified that someone close to me was in pain.
Gritting my teeth, I kept moving. It took every ounce of discipline not to run. I had a status among the people, I couldn't let my personal feelings get in the way. At least, not in public. I had learned she was out there so long ago, right as I was becoming a rookie myself. I threw everything into my training. I learned that I had a very unique talent; called escalating strikes. It allowed me to multiply consecutive hits on an opponent. One strike would become two. Two would become four, and four would turn into sixteen, and so on. I had to spend decades honing it, to be able to keep the strength just right.
Early attempts with a multiple lash whip were extremely messy. I just couldn't control the power fast enough for consecutive blows. Which was why a studded pipe was perfect for me. The edges and divots could catch, counting as single blows. With a twist of my wrist, I could also direct the direction of the force where I wanted it to go. Plus the holes were simple perfect for my wind magic to strike through at angles the opponent wouldn't expect. It was too easy to kill someone otherwise, especially with a lashing whip. Though when it came to monsters, I had something special for them.
A dark cloud washed over my eyes, as I continued marching. I understood, that I might have to fight whatever had become of my sister. She was both herself, and not herself. Two minds fused into one entity that was struggling with itself. I truly hated how vague oracles could be on the important stuff. I would find out what happened, and how it happened though. I was not going to let this lead slip past me.
Arriving at the entrance to the alley complex that led to the Tamers, I continued to press on until I found Grim. He was a reliable man, if a bit over the top at times. I knew he had connections with the underground fight dens, where monsters were made to fight for gambling. He was surprised to see me here, and had his guard up. After assuring him that I was not here for him, for now, he happily told me that the kid took my sister to the slums. Balling my fists at this, I had no choice but to head to the orphanage.
I had expected to wait there, but what greeted me was a few of the orphans at the entrance to their alleys. They seemed worried, and were quick to tell me about a monster that was creeping through. I quickly told them that they did the right thing, and hurried towards the remains of the church. The spot where that fateful night went down. Even I didn't know why I kept coming back to it. Perhaps, I was searching for clues, or some lead to finding out what happened.
I did not bother asking what monster had come into this place. Which is why it came as a surprise when I saw just who I was looking for. Placing my hand, on my pipe; I took in the scene before stepping forward. The boy seemed to notice me, a somewhat familiar hybrid. A dwarf's stocky height and size, but no beard to speak of. Ah yes, I could remember him a bit now. Though his name escaped me, he was Oswald's apprentice. He had enough wits about him to show his badge, claiming responsibility for the actions of his monster.
It was refreshing to have events turn in my favor for once. I had been prepared to spend my day waiting for the chance to find these two. Then it just happened that they ended up right here. I saw the creature holding my sister's old doll. I saw the tears, but still I was hesitant to call this creature my sister. Alice herself might not be in there after all. Still, I needed to assess the situation properly. This was an unknown monster doing something next to an orphanage.
I moved towards the two, keeping my eyes on the creature in question. Seeing that it was unconscious, I could only guess at what was going on with it. Though that face was certainly Alice's. After all this time, I might finally get the answers I longed for. Taking in the rest of her, I saw a swollen stomach wrapped in wings, was she pregnant? Regretting that I didn't take the time to fully go over the documents, I took a look at the boy. This seemed to cause him to jump.
It was good that the kid knew respect. I asked if he knew what was going on. He thankfully seemed to respond with honesty, which made this easier for me. I was given the impression that he really didn't understand this himself. Taking a glance back at her, I looked at him again. I wanted to know where she came from, where she was found. Thankfully, I got my answer. Which did not make sense, as I explored that area before. I had at least hoped to find a body. What bothered me, was that there was no cave in that area. None of the reports had mentioned it, and even when I searched the area myself. There simply wasn't anything besides forest there.
I only had one more question to ask, before I needed to send the boy to get some priests. If this creature was sick, she would need treatment. It was safer for me to stay here in case she went on a rampage. I looked the boy in the eyes, to ask if she was pregnant. This could be caused by labor pains or something. I knew crude field medical care, but when it came to this kind of thing... I just didn't have a basis for it. Blinking at his answer, I looked at her stomach, "Oh... I see. Go to the closest church, and get some priests here. We'll need help moving her away from all the kids. Do not worry, I will keep her safe until help arrives. Now get moving."
The kid started running after I took my hand from my pipe. He had a good head at the very least. Though he was still a bit rough, from what I could tell. I walked a small circle around the creature, wondering just what was going inside her head. Finding a good spot to lean on, I decided to wait; telling the orphans to make sure no one came here besides the priests and the guy that just left. While alone with this creature, I couldn't help but smile a little. Finally, that damn dream might stop haunting me.
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