《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》New Adventures
The night passed without any incidents. Mimi stayed in her cave after breaking down the fiend. I quietly got into my nook, with the blanket that I made and slept. Waking up, I found Mimi sleeping at the entrance to the cave, where the sun wouldn't touch her. Rubbing my eyes, I saw that she had some kind of crude sack with thick straps beside her. Getting up to see what she did, I soon found that there was a pretty large hive inside the sack. The marching started, and Mimi opened her eyes.
Taking a step back, I put both hands up to show I wasn't trying anything while she was sleeping. Giving me a soft smile in return, I felt a little embarrassed. "So, what's with the," gesturing to the sack hoping she'd tell me what it was for.
"Sack? I need family to think. Feel lonely, with so few."
Blinking, I looked outside, "What do you mean?"
Looking back to her, I saw an almost sad smile as she traced the outside of the sack. "Want to see your hive. To see more Richards. Keep family, safe."
"Wait, you want to go to Eclipse?" The disbelief in my voice. I never thought we'd do this so soon.
She nodded, "Yes, enough food for family without me. Safe for me to leave them, but lonely." She stopped stroking her sack at this point. I could make out the comb inside it. A small transportable hive.
"Will... will you be alright away from your hive? Your family?" I really didn't know what might happen.
She leaned forward, holding out her hand. Unsure of what she wanted, she reached past my hand, to tear off two strips of my shirt. "Will be fine. Left before, was welcomed back. Small then, very weak. Remind them of our smell." She'd rub one of the strips over her face, before breathing on it. Offering the other to me.
Taking it, i realized she wanted me to do the same thing she just did. I nodded slightly, while rubbing my face with the strip of tattered cloth. "Why?"
She took it back, after I was done, "Keep Richard safe, if have to run. Richard can help family, keep safe." Placing the strips down in the darkness, I could hear a few workers taking it away.
Tilting my head at her, I started to ask what she meant. I found the words catching in my throat, as I realized that she felt she could trust me enough with her hive. If something happened to her, she wanted me to take care of her family. Lowing my head, I let out a small sigh, "I won't let anything bad happen to you."
She moved, before gently using a finger to raise my chin so I could look at her. "Richard control fire, protect family. Please?" Judging by the look in her eyes, and that her ears were low. I realized she truly felt she might not be coming back for some reason.
Blinking slowly, to let her know I was thinking about it. I kept her in suspense before smiling. "Sure, but you have to promise not to cause trouble."
She tilted her head, pulling her hand away. "Trouble?"
Smiling back at her, I'd hold up a finger, to explain it better. "No hunting in Eclipse, er... my hive. No killing anyone, er... no kill Richards." It was hard to actually talk to her at some times, but I found that repeating things helped a lot, and showing similar meanings she could latch on to. A third finger rose up, "No fighting anyone. Only run."
She quickly nodded, "Promise, no hunting, no killing, only running. Richard promise to protect hive?"
Smiling back at her, I gave her my own nod. "Yeah, if anything happens to you. I will keep your family safe."
This seemed to appease her, as she got up. It seemed that sleeping helped her recover her wings fully. She grabbed her pack. She'd hold it in front of her stomach, as if hugging it, while wrapping her wings around herself and it. I blushed at how it made her look pregnant. Hopefully no one I knew would see this. We had a few days travel to correct this anyway, but I doubt she could simply carry it on her back. On the plus side, I was right about the wings covering her lower arms.
She moved into the sunlight, walking past me, before looking back. "Lead to hive?"
Letting out a small sigh with a smile, I corrected her. "Guide me to the city please."
She nodded, holding out a hand for me. Taking it, I looked up to see her eyes were closed. Her hand felt cold as I held it, the start of fall. I could make out my breath as I guided her. I needed to teach her all the phrases and meanings I could while we walked. So, I did what I did best. I started talking up a storm.
I felt relief in the Richard's promise. He had set conditions that I already planned on following. Even if the other Richards were to attack myself, I could at least count on them not going after one of their own. Ordering my kin to not forget our scents, even if the worst were to come. I could count on this Richard to at the very least carry the spoils of their hunts. If need be, it might be able to help move the hive away from danger. Despite everything I was worried about, being taken care of. I couldn't help but feel anxious. I had not traveled so far from my hive in such a long time.
I thankfully had this small hive with me. To stay connected with, despite the decrease in activity. The air was growing colder, as the winds brought the scent of salt. Rain would be coming in a few days. It was already uncomfortably chilly without my wings around me. The small hive I carried, needed to be kept warm. The breeders were hard at work, making larva that would help to grow this small hive. If I understood the Richard, there should be ample space for my own hive to grow inside their hive. Such an outcome would be very favorable considering they could control fire. It was because of that and other reasons, that I struck out to escort this friendly Richard home.
He spoke freely, trying very hard to explain more of these words to me. Thankfully I was close enough to the original hive, to bounce the concepts. With their help, I was able to better understand what it was telling me. Still, I could only hope it would be enough. Once I was far enough away, I wouldn't have the main hive to help keep track of all these jumbled noises. Imprinting the important ones on my small hive, I continued to follow as the Richard guided me, by my hand.
When the sun was at it's highest point, I asked the Richard to rest. It was warm enough to do some hunting. The Richard could carry the food we needed during our journey, while I carried my little hive. Letting the scouts fly about during the warmest hours of the day. I could hear more concepts, learn more words to communicate better. The large hive still feeding me information, while I guided their questions back to themselves with slight suggestions for the smarter ones.
After a successful hunt, with the loss of 100 warriors, fifty scouts, and 100 workers. I was content with the amount we gathered. It helped that I personally dealt with some of the more dangerous creatures for my kin. The workers turned the blood into what Richard called honey. It was a very useful thing that helped food last longer. We started a campfire, with the Richard cooking what we were to eat. He seemed a little saddened by my lack of small talk. Though I merely had to mention that I was preparing to say goodbye to the main hive, for him to stop. He attempted to cheer me up with a few fire tricks. Making it dance around his hand as he held a stick with the top on fire again.
I gave him a chittering laugh for his actions, which seemed to make it happy. He rested in shifts at his suggestion. Working out that sleeping through some of the colder hours of the morning was for the best. I could see in the dark, while his vision was limited. I naturally did not mention my ability to detect the ambient energies; instead, choosing to watch him work with it. I felt a bit jealous that he could use it so readily, while I could only just barely see it. Though strangely enough, I was able to help him manipulate it with suggestions and hand gestures. It was a curious thing to see how he was more able to 'focus' on what he desired with certain gestures.
The night passed without anything odd happening. We were in the territory of the now dead fiend after all. The Breeders had laid eggs the previous day. These eggs hatched during the early morning hours, growing the small hive by five hundred larva. It should take four more days to see what they might grow into. I allowed the Richard guide me, once again. Warning him that rain was coming tomorrow morning. It didn't seem to believe me, as there were no clouds above us. With the ambient light, I could not see. Though I did warn him to use his nose instead of his eyes for such matters.
To have such a warning dismissed as me being 'paranoid' was rather frustrating. Though perhaps if a Richard could control fire, it might control the rain as well. Perhaps it was picking up it's own signals from it's hive, and simply wanted to return that much faster. We rested once again during the warmest hours of the day, spending time gathering and hunting. The Richard claimed the trip to Eclipse, should take five more days. It was strange how the Richards measured their time by the rise and fall of moon and sun. Even going so far as to create days based on the cycles of the moon. Personally, I much preferred going by the times where it was cold, or warm. Much simpler that way, though I suppose a Richard's life might not be as long as my own.
No matter how short a Richard's life was compared to my own. I found it to be far longer than even my oldest workers and warriors. Checking on the hive, I found that we lost another fifty warriors, ten scouts, and fifty workers during our hunting today. The breeders managed to produce another 450 larva, and the eggs that did not hatch were eaten. The breeders were to go dormant for now, to allow the larva a chance to grow. Since we had more than enough honey for the next five days.
The Richard assured me that there would be ample flesh and food for this small hive. That he was going to find the perfect spot for us. Being two days of travel away from the main hive. I could hardly hear them anymore. When the rain comes tomorrow, I will be disconnected. Only having the few thousand minds I held within my wings. The Richard seemed a bit worried as I pointed to the clouds at night. Asking me to gather as much wood as I could. He seemed to want to make some kind of shelter instead of seeking something better out. I could not argue, as the world was growing very dull and quiet.
Mimi is an amazing traveling companion. Using her dread wasps to hunt, and find things I never could have seen. I was impressed with how she was able to keep us both well fed on our travels. I was a little unsure about letting her hunt in the daylight, but it seemed that the things she found weren't really a problem for her. Her monster blood made her immune to any poisons from snakes, scorpions, spiders and so on. Though I did notice she was feeling rather somber for some reason.
Her mood improved a bit when I showed her a few magic tricks with my alchemy. Though I felt she was much more upset at saying goodbye to all her bugs. Getting homesick would do that, but once we get to Eclipse, everything will be right as rain. Sleeping until morning, we set about again. She did mention that some rain might be coming, but there wasn't even a cloud in the sky. How did that make any sense? Sure the wind was blowing the tops of the trees a little, but that happened practically all the time!
As we pressed on, she seemed almost sluggish, or outright reluctant to continue further. Still she was more than able to keep up with the pace I set. Night came as usual, as I made the fire again. Her suggestion about using hand signs did help me focus on what exactly I wanted to have the fire do. I had always thought that some alchemists were just showing off, but I couldn't argue that it worked. Mimi seemed to sulk even while we ate, her ears bobbing low. I hated seeing her like this, but there was no way to bring her hive with us. I couldn't exactly make it back without her help. If things went well, we could get a large wagon and move all of her 'family' with us.
I focused on controlling the fire a bit more, before having my shoulder tapped by Mimi. Looking at her, she'd point to the sky, where I could just barely make out huge dark clouds and lightning. Realizing that she was right; I told her to gather as much wood as she could, so that we could make a shelter at least! The storm was moving fast, and Mimi didn't know how to really make a proper shelter. It was barely large enough for her to fit, but the branches themselves weren't that large around here either. The first bit of rain started to drizzle down from the branches above.
Telling Mimi to get into the shelter, I tried to feed the fire more. We needed something to dry off after this was done. Though with the wind blowing so much, I realized it was useless as a stray branch was blown hitting part of the fire apart. Quickly using alchemy to stop the fire, I was drenched by the time I finished. Shivering and wet, I went to Mimi. Realizing the shelter simply wasn't big enough for us both, I clutched my arms rubbing them to try and warm up. The rain had the temperature dropping fast, as it sapped my body heat.
I swore to myself, that I would never doubt Mimi when it came to a storm coming again. I'd make a proper shelter next time, as I paced back and forth in the rain. She seemed confused by my pacing. The shelter itself had plenty of holes, so she wasn't exactly better off. I quickly lost the feeling in my fingers as the rain started to pour down harder. My teeth chattering, I couldn't bring myself to look at Mimi. I didn't want her to come out into this rain.
I was pulled into the shelter by Mimi, still drenching wet and cold. I felt her press her back to the slanted roof we had made, causing it to rise up. Water was streaming in slowly, making the ground below us damper. Then I felt a soft wing wrapping around me, and pressing me close to her body. She was warm and dry, but my current state sapped her warmth. She seemed to shiver slightly, as she kept me from trying to push away. I shivered against her body, unable to think of anything besides warming up. Burying my head in her chest, I started to quietly cry.
I wasn't quite sure what it was that pushed me to crying. The cold that made it feel I was about to die. The fact that I was putting Mimi in danger despite her warning. Maybe even the fact that I couldn't think of anyone else that would so much as risk their comfort to help me; besides the old man. I stopped trying to push away, instead moving my arms to embrace her. One of her lower arms gently rubbing my back, and holding me as well. I realized that no matter what I did, I could probably never pay her back.
I understood how foolish it was, thinking I could bring her to Eclipse safely. I was just some kid that caused trouble to the guards. An outspoken brat that would sooner get thrown out, than admit he was wrong. I grabbed things without thinking, and didn't bother checking if they were safe or not. As I was held by Mimi, I realized how much of a child I still was. I knew she felt cold as her stingers wrapped around the holes to guide the icy water down her back. She was suffering to keep both me and her hive just a little warmer, a little dryer.
I didn't have the strength to push away from her. Even if I did, and if I got free. I would just be insulting her, and spitting on her kindness. Closing my eyes, I started to sleep. Promising myself that I would let Mimi decide what she wanted to do tomorrow. I needed to respect her choice of going back, or continuing. Though I needed to do everything I could to make it clear she wasn't a threat, or a monster to be slain.
The rain was coming as the shelter did very little to keep me from getting wet. Though it was better than standing in the rain and mulling about like the Richard. It was clear he was cold, but he made no movement to come inside. I felt a sharp pain as my connection to the large hive was severed. This caused me to wince, and panic mildly. A part of myself, thought that the large hive was lost forever. That they would all die. While the small hive I held assured me that all was fine. The silence was painful, going from hundreds of thousands of minds, to near complete quiet.
I regretted not building a bigger hive to carry. The world around me growing darker, as my own perception suffered from the loss. It was never an enjoyable experience to have that recoil. My head felt as though it were splitting, as I watched the Richard shivering out in the cold.
|"Save him."|
The inner voice spoke clearly, and I welcomed it. Another voice was welcomed during this time, even if it was that one. If I did as it asked, it was going to help me with this pain. With this sense of overwhelming loss. Grabbing the Richard, I pulled him into the shelter. It was not big enough for us both, even as I was already kneeling. Rain found it's own way in, and was now pouring more. Planting my head to the bark of the tree. I felt the water running down my stingers. Moving them in a way that the water will trail down my back. I found the sharp pain of cold welcoming.
The Richard pushed against me, as if to get away. I shushed him, holding him tighter.
|"He's freezing. He will get sick."| Images of a small child seemed to show.
There was nothing I could do about that. The inner voice seemed to realize this, and stopped trying to make me feel worse. It instead, started to help me sort through everything. To help me with the pain, and to grow more comfortable with the smaller hive. Feeling the Richard cease it's struggles, I took a moment to make certain it was alright. It hugged myself, and I returned the gesture. This prompted the inner voice to release feelings of warmth and subdued joy. To reinforce this kind of behavior. I couldn't drown out the loud voice with sheer numbers any more. I could hear her clearly now.
Thankfully the cold was numbing the pain I felt, as I continued to hold the Richard. It fell asleep as I held it. Resting my eyes, I managed to enter an off and on sleep. To take stock of my surroundings every hour. There was not likely to be any threats, given we were still in the Fiend's large territory, but it was always better to remain alert.
The night slowly passed, with my entire back feeling cold. Thankfully it was not the time that the white sand might come. Though it was the time when ice might form over the ground. The storm did not pass so quickly, the wind blowing in the other direction after a slight lull. Even as morning came, it was still quite dark. Though the Richard seemed to shiver despite being warmer than he usually was. He started emitting coarse grunts that were not words I was familiar with. Gently trying to rouse him, I soon found it impossible as he only groaned while I did such.
|"He is dying."|
This got my attention, as images of tiny sick Richards were arranged in a room. Unsure what these images meant, or what the inner voice was trying to convey, I waited. If the Richard could control fire, but not water. It made sense that the hotter the Richard was, the better off it should be. I pressed my wing tighter against it, hoping that it might heat up enough to feel better. I could feel it's heat warming my body, but it was not too uncomfortable. Especially since my back was still quite cold. After an hour, where it warmed up quite a bit, it muttered, "Too hot..."
It needed to be colder? I didn't understand, but I let a bit of heat escape. This would allow the cold to creep back in, as I continued to hold it. The Richard cooled down a little, but I stopped when it started to shiver again.
"Thirsty..." It murmured again.
Using one of my stingers, to gently guide a small stream of water to it's lips. I pulled away when it tried to suckle the stinger. The last thing I needed was for it to get poisoned. Moving the stinger above his lips, I settled for allowing the water to drip into its' mouth. This seemed to satisfy it, while I used the same method to drink myself. It was too cold to risk grabbing one of the 'canteens' that the Richard always stored water in. Giving water to my hive, I settled in for resting some more. Though the Richard seemed pale again.
The morning passed, while I fulfilled the Richard's needs. Giving it water when asked, keeping the heat just right for it. The Richard apologized for some nonsense, rambling meekly. It sounded like nonsense, and so I ignored it. Only listening for important words; like food, water, hot, and cold. I still continued tending to it, and resting myself. Night came without the Richard seeming to get better. If the inner voice was correct, and he was dying, then there was no reason to continue.
Still feeling a bit cold, I reluctantly placed a stinger close to it's chest. If it did not get better after this, I resolved to end it as painlessly as possible. Stinging the Richard with my healing stinger, I could feel it gasp as it's body jerked a bit. It struggled to kick and thrash, gasping as I held it close to me to keep him from hurting itself. A minute slowly went by, and color had returned to the Richard's face. It stared at me with a questioning look, before shaking his head.
"How long was I out?"
I did not know what he meant by this, but felt he was asking the time. "It is night. Storm passed. Richard okay?"
Nodding, and pushing away from myself. He got out of the shelter. "Am I okay? Yes. Are you okay!?"
He seemed a bit worked up over something. Moving my wing to better protect the small hive. I nodded, "cold... campfire?"
The Richard set about trying to find anything he could start a fire with, as I went to sleep.
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