《Ebony Chitin - Eclipse》Evolution
The sun arose on a new day. Sleeping in the nook of the cave's mouth, I woke up stretching. It had been almost four days with the bug mistress. Every day, I felt I learned something new about her. She herself was a quick learner, and picked up a rough understanding of the language commonly used. It felt as though she must have known it at one point in her life, or at least heard it used before. We actually had basic conversations last night while cooking. Though they were a bit strange.
She had asked if I had a hive, which I hesitantly corrected her in calling it a city. She asked if anyone would miss me, if I didn't return to it. To which I replied with another yes. There were periods where she tried to use different words to ask or phrase a question I already answered differently. Sometimes she simply grew frustrated and reverted back to hissing, only to leave us in silence for a few moments. Thankfully her desire to communicate seemed to rival my own as she never let her frustration keep her from trying.
She was even answering my own questions, as she came to understand more. She could apparently share her senses with them. Calling them her 'family' instead of bugs or summons. More concerning was her reply; when I asked if she knew anyone else at all. She considered the question and commented on the fiend that almost killed me. She even talked about some 'old one' that was similar to herself. From the way she spoke this old one, was some kind of mentor figure that taught her how to hunt, and fight. When asked how old she was, she legitimately had no idea.
Perhaps the most concerning thing was explaining the concept of parents and adults. She considered the old one the closest she probably had to a father. Though sometimes asking her to think about the other adults in her life, caused her to wince as if in pain. It wasn't until I asked how big she was when she first started hunting; that I started to piece it together. She had been living in this forest since she was a child, or perhaps before then. Given her body, and her strength; it was probably some cult shit that backfired.
In Eclipse it wasn't uncommon to have people that couldn't pay their debts go into servitude. There were even times where bandits were to be captured and sold. It was especially common during war times to have the same thing happen to enemy troops and families. Such things were becoming less public, since Eclipse was acknowledged as it's own kingdom. Though even during it's early years, the practice of selling one's children to a cult for debts to 'mysteriously' disappear had been a little too common. It was the only thing I could think of that made sense for why she was here from such a young age.
Keeping my speculation a secret from her, I had resolved to find her a place to stay in the city itself. To give her a chance to live the life she never had the chance to enjoy. It was the least I could do, since she saved my own. It worked out, since she actually wanted to visit it. She was at the very least curious herself, from what I could understand. In honesty, I felt she wanted to make sure that her hive wasn't in danger. She also had other odd things that I still needed to help her over come. Like how she liked to have some of her workers pick her teeth clean after meals.
It still sent shivers down my spine, when I saw bugs crawling out of her mouth. I have also seen fit to call her 'family' dread wasps. Namely because of their braided stingers. When the time comes, I will let her come up with a name herself. Since she isn't quite able to grasp the meaning of names yet. She understands the terms, but now she thinks every normal person will be "Richard." Something I'll no doubt have to correct when we arrive. I still don't know her name, or what she calls herself. I've taken to calling her 'Mimi' given that she refers to herself as, "me."
Shaking those thoughts away, I refocused on the present. A routine sort of settled into place. I gathered during the day, while her 'family' guided me to collect whatever they needed or wanted. This ranged anywhere from dead snakes to ripe fruits I had to catch while they fell. I learned that she and her dread wasps were omnivorous, and more than happy to kill pests. Catching fruit, and stuffing dead things into my pack; I began to lose track of time. Before I knew it, the sun was starting to set on another peaceful day.
That was when I heard the 'marching' from the dread wasps. The warriors would beat their wings in a peculiar way as a method of warning. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I started to turn the other way, figuring I was almost too far from the cave for their liking. That was when I saw the rustling in the trees above. Quickly realizing that something was coming, I started running where I knew the cave was. Something big was coming. An overwhelming sense of deja vu, as I started sprinting. An all too familiar roar erupted from behind.
Buzz buzz |"Large"| Buzz buzz |"Strong"|
Waking up to the reports, it seemed that it was finally time for a fight. Every since chasing the brute off last time, I knew this day would come. I was more surprised when I realized that it was allowing the Richard to lead it to me. Realizing the mistake I made, I moved towards the mouth of the cave. The Richard had taught me how to communicate with it, and that was important for what I was going to tell it now. Squinting from the ambient light, I could make out the Richard making it past the trees. Seeing it's prey alive, probably enraged the brute. It was coming to kill me, for flaunting.
Sadly, that was all it could understand. I appreciated the Richard's way of communicating without a hive. It would be far easier to explain the Richard was something like bait. Still, brutes were not the type to learn or think. They relied on brute force, and throwing large objects. They were also annoying to hunt. The few that I had fought, managed to tear a limb off, forcing me to resort to more extreme measures. The worst part, was their mass enabled them to survive an explosive stinger or two. I would miss out on it's brain, or heart, things I needed if I wanted to get stronger still. Despite this, the two brutes I had eaten were more than enough to regenerate the lost limbs, and keep the hive fed for a long time. It should probably last the entire cold season if turned into syrup.
Stepping into the light, I heard the snapping of a large branch. The warriors that clung to the beast used this chance to sting it's eyes, causing it to miss the Richard. He looked at the branch which fell short, before looking at me again. Pointing a thumb inside the cave, I let the warriors pour out of the mouth once again. The Brute bellowing in pain while I stepped forward, unfurling my wings. "Do not come out Richard." Once the Richard was safely inside, I had my kin spread out. The Brute had challenged me on my territory. I will tear it's heart out, devour it's brains and grow stronger for my hive because of it.
The Brute managed to kill the warriors that had attacked it's eyes. Jumping from one tree to the other, before landing on my sand. It stood on it's hind legs beating it's large scaled chest with it's upper arms. The brute let out a deafening roar, before falling forward. It stared right into my eyes, with it's own three. With my wings draped low, and arms spread out, I gave a hollow hiss that echoed in my mask. Accepting it's challenge while positioning my kin as a cloud above us. Workers moved to fill leaves with black sand. I needed to be able to see, as they worked to block out the light with a curtain of sand.
The Brute lumbered towards me, thinking I was weak because I was much smaller than it. I just needed the light to dim more. Brutes could not see in the dark, and in terms of pure strength it had me outmatched. Stinging its' eyes again wouldn't work, as it had it's own protective eyelids covering it. It wanted me to suffer, and that worked to my advantage. I could work on crippling it, before killing it. I could see the scars on it's arms. It had been in some fights before, it's moose antlers spreading out proudly. The creature was a gorilla with kangaroo legs, and a pair of tiger claws under it's upper arms. One set for grabbing, the other for mauling and cutting. It held the face of a gorilla, elongated with a slight goat muzzle. A set of normal eyes, with a third right on it's forehead. This third eye held sage pupils, and I could see my reflection as it looked down at me.
Smiling under my mask, I tilted my head, goading it into attacking. This seemed to remind the brute of it's rage. I was smaller, weaker, and yet I dared to challenge it. It took a quick swipe towards my head with one of it's claws. Ducking under it, I attacked it's scaled leg. Quickly feinting one direction while it lazily tried to roll on top of me. It certainly had experience dealing with prey, but I had fought older ones. This was a young brute, grown fat on lack of competition. Pressing myself to the ground and rolling in the space under it's roll, I allowed it to catch my wings. Tearing them from the joints with a loud pop. I let it to think it crushed me while moving to it's legs. It laughed for a second before crying out, bellowing in pain as I bit into it's knee. My poison stinger puncturing through the other, as it's ligaments melted.
Quickly moving away from it attempting to grab me, I jumped back away from it. The jaw of my mask moving back into place after letting it see me spit out half its' knee. It bellowed with rage once more, rolling onto it's side, and trying to lunge at me with it's 'good' leg. What followed was a satisfying snap as the flesh gave way to the weight of the brute. I quickly pressed the attack, pretending to lunge at it's neck. It's arm swung up to cover it, while it's claws tried to swipe at me. What I really wanted, was it's remaining arm that it was attempting to prop itself up with. Dodging just out of reach from it's claws, I slid under it's arm and side. Using my momentum and grabbing the arm's fur. I swung to a crouch, biting merrily into the elbow. Turning to meet it's antler as it swung it's head. I managed to use it's own power against it. Pressing my hands into the blunt of the antler, I dug my heels into it's bicep.
The arm became mangled and twitching from the force that transferred through me, into the weakened thing. Quite pleased with how this battle was turning out, I swiftly climbed onto it's antler. It bellowed again in pain, shaking it's head wildly, while trying to prop itself in a position to defend itself. Sadly the Brute wouldn't bleed out. Even now, I could hear the pops of it's joints trying to fix themselves. It had a slower regeneration than myself, but ending this sooner was better. Giving it a sharp kick to the head, managed to stop it's thrashing. It reached at me with it's only good arm. I jumped towards it's back, stinging it's elbow twice. The corrosive liquid surged into it's flesh causing it to fall behind me in an unnatural motion. It's tiger claws unable to reach behind it, I sunk my teeth into the nape of it's neck. Blood sprayed, as I ripped and tore through it's muscles. It jerked and twitched before finally letting out a pitiful groan.
Not stopping until I tore it's head from it's body. I grabbed ahold of one of it's antlers, letting out a victorious khri. Then I happily set about chewing through it's face and skull to get at my prize. I hardly noticed the pale Richard stepping out of the cave. It seemed suitably impressed by my display. My workers and warriors setting about biting and gnawing on it's thick hide. The last rays of light falling over the horizon as I feasted. I gestured to it, then the corpse. Letting it know, that it could help itself to the flesh. It seemed shocked, before blinking and shaking it's head.
"It's blood is poison! Don't eat that!" He stared at me intently.
Looking at him, I smiled, "So is mine." Cutting a line across my cheek, I drew a bead of black blood; same as the brute's. This seemed to stop the Richard's protesting, as it let me continue eating. The Richard went into the woods, likely to gather what it needed to make a campfire. I finished the fiend's brains, before gingerly tearing into it's chest. The scales on it's stomach were quite tough, but nothing I couldn't chew through. The ribs were sturdy, and large, but still couldn't stop me from claiming the final prize. Tearing out both it's hearts, I decided to head into the cave while they slowly beat. This hunt should make me stronger, to better protect the hive.
I walked into the woods, just past the tree line before keeling over. The fight had been short, but brutal. Something that I had come to expect, but I had never seen her actually bleed before. Seeing her bleed, didn't bother me as much as the color of her blood. I felt cold washing over me, as she drew her blood. Monster blood. There was no mistaking it, but it made me question more about her. Was she some kind of intelligent monster like a vampire? Why was she so focused on eating the hearts, and brains of everything she killed?
Shaking my head, and realizing it wouldn't be safe to ask those questions; I reluctantly set about gathering wood. It was vital to get her to the city and registered. If a monster hunter were to stumble upon her, and saw her blood... I actually don't know who I should feel bad for in that situation. She single-handedly took down a fiend, and was much quicker than one might expect from her size. Even a seasoned monster hunter would probably have trouble against her, especially if the bugs were to attack. Though... she didn't act like a monster unless she was fighting. There were rare examples of friendly monsters, that wouldn't attack unless provoked.
Some even joined towns and villages to protect them in exchange for food, or other services. If I could get Mimi to town, and land her with monster hunting as a job. Then she wouldn't have to worry about coin, and could eat all the hearts and brains she wanted. Only if she wanted to do that though. Maybe the church could shed some light on this. It could be an extremely rare demonic union. Though that wouldn't explain why she wasn't acting like a demon.
Scratching my head, and realizing that this line of thought would lead no where. I headed back with an arm full of wood. I quickly looked around to see that she was missing. Her 'family' working on tearing the fiend apart. They were making good headway in that regard. The entire hive was working on it by the looks of it. As far as I knew, she could have buried herself in it's guts to gorge on it's insides. Seemed like something she might do...
Settling down and starting my fire. I grabbed the pack that hadn't been emptied yet. Making sure to cut off the head of the snakes, and skinning them. Placing the hearts in a small pile for the mistress to eat later. I set about cooking the meat. I was getting better at controlling the fire, and smoke. The meat was cooking wonderfully on the stick I had chosen to use just for this purpose. Losing myself in the practice. I spent quite a bit of time cooking everything I had near me. Just as I was starting to worry where exactly the mistress was. I finally saw her coming out of the cave, her wings having grown back half way. They were like a cape, complete with fluff at the edges?
Blinking to make sure I was seeing right, I took her form in, realizing that I hadn't seen her front before. While she was fighting, even with her wings torn off, she had been completely covered in her chitin. A battle form as she liked to call it, but now... I got to drink in her supple ivory skin. The light of the moon hitting her just right to make it seem as if she were glowing with an unnatural allure. I saw that she kept herself decent with her chitin where it mattered, causing me to click my tongue in disappointment. Still, I felt something was off. Looking at her stomach, I realized that her abs were scaled like the fiend's tended to be. She even had a smaller set of arms under her first set. I swear she only had two! Though, it was possible she kept this sharper looking set hidden under her wings most of the time.
Even if she was a monster, she was beautiful. She took a moment to do that slightly unnatural smile with a tilt of her head. Walking towards me, she'd take the snake heads, and hearts before turning away to eat them quietly. I was surprised by how quickly she managed it this time, but didn't even feel like questioning it. She was at least learning etiquette and had learned I really didn't like watching her eat. She pointed to a couple of the cooked snakes. "Hungry?" I asked with a laugh.
Nodding, she took that as permission. She ate half of them, before moving to the fiend's body to eat her fill. Letting out a soft sigh, I'd eat my fill of snake. Perhaps the fluff was like a winter coat, and that was what was different? The nights were starting to slowly get colder.
Heading into the cave, had been the correct choice. Setting all the workers, warriors, and even the scouts to breaking down the brute. I should be able to find peace in my personal tunnel. Eating the hearts, kick started something I had not felt in a long time. My body began to change. Laying on the ground, gripping especially hard stone. The pain spread, as my muscles changed from the inside out. They became denser, more compact, while more grew to fill the space. My wings started to grow back out, their regeneration kick started by the blood of the brute. I could feel that the outside now had fine dark fur that likely couldn't be seen. Even in the dark, I could see the color adjusting to the shade of it.
The inside of my wings filled in with slightly thicker fur. An attempt to stay warm despite the cold that was growing with the passing days. They did feel comfortable when rubbing against my skin, but I did not like that it made me more flammable. Realizing that my new strength crushed the stone I held, I did not get enough time to sulk. The process was rather painful, as I felt my jaw changing. Regret coming in with the waves of pain for having eaten so many slithers. I felt the pops and cracks as I focused on keeping the pain to myself. No need to scare the hive, and aggravate them for nothing.
A sharp pain grew in my sides, as a set of new arms started to grow in. I could feel that they were sharper, and more capable for tearing. The fingertips themselves were edged like claws in that way. Looking less like a Richard's, they had clearly defined segments with white chitin joints. These were certainly going to be useful when I needed them to be.
Even my tongue changed slightly, becoming more sensitive and forked. The better to hiss with, and detect heat oddly enough. Though perhaps the strangest sensation was growing a third eye in the back of my head. Hidden under my stingers, I could sense something I didn't know was there before. Some kind of ambient energy, that flowed everywhere. Even with the eye closed, I could sense this energy all around. I even sensed it being used outside. The energy freely flowing, and swirling around the Richard. He was manipulating it somehow.
Suppressing the waves of pain, as my stomach grew new armor, I quietly rested. The changes from eating so many slithers, and even the pack were welcomed. Though most impressive was the new found strength the brute had granted me with, and it's third eye not being for show. My body felt much stronger, and even faster. I enjoyed the sensation of moving all over again, while unhinging my jaw and setting it back in place. Overall, the changes weren't too much. Hopefully it wouldn't scare the Richard away. The Richard was showing me new things I never could have thought of. Plus, it would be better to stay on good terms if this 'city' really had as many as it said there were.
Walking to the cave entrance, I observed the Richard using this ambient energy to somehow move the fire. No matter how I tried, I was unable to touch or harness this energy. It was surprisingly frustrating to learn that it was literally everywhere, but I couldn't so much as touch it for some reason. Even more frustrating, when I could now see the Richard using it freely. Could all Richard's do this? I should probably ask after I satisfied my growing hunger. Changing in such a way, always left me famished.
The Richard noticed me watching him and seemed relieved. Then he blinked, only to stare at me with that uncertain look. I had taken the time to memorize the multiple looks he had. To better understand what he might do next, and how to keep it calm. The inner voice seemed to like the idea, and so set about helping me in this. Currently he seemed intrigued, and slightly disappointed. Some part of me was upset he had the gall to be disappointed at all. Though realizing it didn't matter, and such was coming from the inner voice. I set about watching him some more.
Flicking my ears, I realized that he had never actually seen me without my wings before. Giving him a smile, that I felt go a little larger than it should have. I put it in the back of my mind to practice it later, to make it seem more natural. I didn't want the Richard to suspect anything and grow weary. Moving to his side, I acted natural, taking the tributes he offered. Turning away from him and making certain he wasn't looking. I quickly swallowed all of the slither heads and hearts. Which seemed to be a relief to it. He had asked if I was hungry after all. Quickly devouring the danger noodles as Richard's sometimes called them. I took my leave.
Pretending to have eaten my fill, but still quite ravenous, I pretended to struggle with the brute's corpse. It was far too large for the mouth of the cave. I happily dragged it a little, to realize the 'error' and started breaking it apart. Taking the chance to bite through more fleshy bits to sate my hunger without scaring the Richard at the same time! The Richard didn't even want to watch, so it was a perfect crime as he might put it.
Carrying the Brute, bit by bit, I discarded the unsavory bits with the orange sprouts. I soon realized that the hive could finally have ample food for the entire cold season. At least, if I wasn't here to eat with them. Realizing that all of my pressing concerns were no longer an issue. I steeled my resolve to take the Richard back to its' hive. Setting about making a 'pack' like the Richard had. I knew that I would need to take some of the hive with me unless I were to lose myself to the silence. It had been a painful experience during the cold season of my youngest years. To not have so many voices telling me everything that was happening. I simply couldn't stand it. I needed the hive, and the hive needed a capable queen.
Making a large sack and directing a large amount of workers to constructing combs. I managed to settle down to rest. Three breeders, a thousand warriors, five hundred scouts, and two thousand workers were to be all that I would take with me. Some older ones in case we needed to eat them, and some from the new generations to last longer. Traveling away from the hive was going to be quite lonely.
An Overview of the "Fiend" -by Oswald Manfred
May the gods and goddesses above have mercy on those poor souls that encounter these exceedingly ugly brutes. These creatures are used as the poster boys of monster kind. Supernaturally strong, quicker than one might expect, ugly as sin, and with the telling black blood. Highly territorial, and huge as a damn house. These beasts spend their time in the branches of the tallest trees in the forest. It is here that they rest in a sort comatose state. They will rest until suitable prey comes along, which is the only reason they have a terrible habit of surprising adventurers.
After all, you can hardly call these things stealthy otherwise! Towering at a whopping 731 cm (24 ft) tall from base to antler; and 815 cm (26 ft) from snout to rear. Their girth varies tremendously based on their diet. Though it should be noted that there are no recordings of a fiend dying of starvation. As for the weight of the creature, the only conclusive weight we can get is after it's death. It likely uses a form of pseudo magic to affect it's weight while alive to glide through trees as they are known for. There is simply no way such a creature, that weighs 1200 kilograms in death, could jump from branch to branch. I don't give a damn how tall or sturdy the branches are.
The debate surrounding it's weight mainly has to do with those that can observe weight from safe distances. Different reports from multiple sources do state that the same fiend's weight changes wildly between jumps. Though no one has been able to replicate such magics, and this is the crux of that debate.
The fiend itself is also known as the bane of mages. With it's third eye, it can apparently sense ambient disturbances in the Aether that supplies magic to the world. The fiend will explicitly target magic users, to bring to near death or kill them outright. When a fiend devours a magic user, it will change to become adept in that field of magic. Resulting in the extreme variety of fiends and fiendlings out there.
The general behavior of the common fiend is best summed up as cruel. They have been observed to enjoy the suffering of their prey. Often taking the time to tear them apart limb by limb, before devouring those that are still alive. They will roll onto creatures that attempt to climb it's back. Often starting off with little weight, before increasing until they are crushed enough to just barely remain alive. Even going so far as to throw objects near prey to scare, or injure them.
Now, onto the part that anyone would put off. Actually describing the features of this abomination. Not to be confused with actual abominations which are their own type of monster. The fiend falls within the beast category, if anyone reading this gets confused. The trademark of the fiend is how it appears to be multiple creatures put together by some mad god. Searching the ancient documents, one can find signs of goat, kangaroo, gorilla, moose, tiger, and even dinosaur.
Starting from the worst, the fiend's face seems like a mixture between a goat and a gorilla. A large forehead, with a sage eye in the center. Nose slits that lack cartilage, and are affixed directly to the skull. A pair of eyes right where the forehead ends. A snout that bends roughly forty five degrees in the shape of a goats. Fangs jutting out over the bottom of it's jaw. It's thick leathery skin fading to brown as it meets the snout. Thick antlers just as large as any man. Black curly fur falling from it's scalp and running the entire length of the body, save for the: underside, forearms, legs, chest, and back.
The upper limbs for the fiend are quite thick with ample muscle. The top of the two sets is quite bulky with the black fur growing well until the forearm. On the forearm, is a set of thick leathery scales that act as bracers in a sense. The hand is exceedingly large, but within correct proportions to a creature it's size. The hand is much like a gorilla's complete with opposable thumbs, thick black nails, and tough leather skin.
The second set of arms are known as its' claws. Again, black matted fur grows until it changes to finer hair. Growing longer, with stripes it behaves just like the tiger's claw. These arms are shorter than the ones above it, but with thick black nails that are both blunt and sharp to tear through armor like paper. It hardly needs them to be longer. It has been observed that the fiend will use both sets in tandem, to restrain the prey with it's hands, while merrily carving into it with the claws. The color of the fur changes depending on the season, from white with blue stripes in the winter months, to dark brown with black stripes in the summer months.
The belly of the fiend is covered in thick leathery scales. These scales continue until it's chest, which a fiend can be observed beating during mating season, and when angered. The leather is extremely durable and resilient, often making those that can harvest such quite a bit of coin. Though while on the fiend, it is more potent than any fiend leather armor one can find. Attempting to stab or cut without runic weapons, is a fruitless endeavor.
The back of the creature has a sort of bald spot, where thick leathery skin is exposed. This is the best place to attack the creature. Though the fiends know this, and will simply roll over onto would be heroes. It should be noted that this same spot will grow tufts of different colored fur, when the fiends enter into a crude pack of sorts. Usually gathering in a small group of three to five. To that end, the leader of the pack of these fiends will grow red fur, while those under it will grow black fur. A sort of symbol of status among the creatures.
The legs of the creature are bent in a manner that seems similar to a kangaroo. Made for jumping from one tree to another. The legs are covered in thinner scales than the underside of the fiend. Making this a good place to cut and damage. It only serves to slow the fiend down however, as it is a monster with mild regeneration properties. It is unable to grow back limbs, which is helpful. Though that doesn't mean one should throw their life away in trying to keep it from jumping. It can move around just fine without it's legs.
The feet are talons, allowing it to grip. With surprising flexibility, it can grip around itself, allowing for surprising grip. One might even say that it's feet are deadlier than it's claws, but thankfully the fiend is known not to be bright. It is often easy to confuse a fiend by zigging and zagging through trees and doubling back as it passes to buy oneself extra time. The best chance one has of escaping a fiend, is to find an area without trees, so that you can simply outrun it. That or finding a cave or some other place to hide. The senses of the creature mostly deal with finding magic, so long as you aren't using any you can lose it.
It should be noted, that all monsters, with extremely rare exceptions, have black blood. This blood is toxic to anyone that would ingest it. Transfusions with such will result in, the best case, death. The blood can be used to make poisons, salves, and certain potions. Typically this is used to harm rather than help. Though experimenting with black blood without permission is a severe offense in any kingdom.
-Signed: Oswald Manfred (Aide of the King of Eclipse)
- In Serial161 Chapters
Before They Came (Magical Apocalypse)
Our way of life it ended faster than we ever thought possible. It didn't happen with a nuclear war, an asteroid, or a damn ice age. It ended because of another war, far away from us. The Ripples from that war changed the fabric of everything. If only we had known that it was just the beginning. Btw, the beginning chapters are short, but get longer as the story goes on. Thank you for your time and your patience. CLARIFIER: The MC struggles with himself. He has human flaws including IGNORANCE. The MC starts the story out drunk, which has a major impact on the story in the beginning and way beyond. The story takes time to unfold, please be patient. This story does not shy away from the darker elements of life.
8 217 - In Serial8 Chapters
To Kill A God
Sandstorms form, people shit, and undead rise. That has been the way of life in the world of Middle Plane ever since the first few men sinned. Despite the curse, one man achieved immortality and became the first Flesh God mankind has seen. Then the world took a hike downwards. Eshikel, an undead, was tasked by Death to kill a God. Bent on redemption, he battles through wars, conflicts, betrayal and his own self. All in order to take what was rightfully his— a chance to live again. Book cover made by me Art made by: JAKO5D See his profile here Image I used
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memoirs || beomryu
[ completed ]in which, when you suddenly get old memories of your past life.and it leads you to your destiny."do you believe in what they said earlier?" - choi beomgyu"if they were really made for each other, both fate and destiny will surely have its own ways to connect them together once again." - shin ryujinmemoirs:↳ a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.I would advise you to read the first two books, although this book isn't in the same timeline as those two, they are all still connected, this is just so you wouldn't be confused with the plot.book three of the royalty series.↦ royalty series: royalty || beomryu heiress || beomryu↠ memoirs || beomryumost impressive ranking:#1 memoirs: 01 - 23 - 2021date published: 01 - 12 - 2021date ended: 06 - 03 - 2021© Center_Queen
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