《Space, Sex & Therapy》Chapter 7
Aria walked as briskly as she could without breaking into a sprint back to her quarters. It was already so late and she needed a full night’s sleep for once. She jumped inside and locked the door. Sweaty clothes piled onto the floor. Water spiraled down the shower drain. She could hardly wait for her first peaceful night.
She picked up her bedside drinking glass and lifted her mattress for a bottle. It was gone.
“Tinsdale! You thieving snake!”
She ran her hand along a ledge above her door. That bottle was gone too. So was the one in her desk drawer. With an annoyed sigh, she unscrewed the vent in the wall. She poured a quarter of the bottle into a cup and downed one swig straight from the source before corking it back up.
Aria tucked herself into bed. Just as prescribed, she set her bedside alarm clock for eight hours later. With her glass, she shouted, “Last drink!” She wished for results and sent the pills down the hatch.
She curled up inside her bed sheets and closed her eyes. A tenseness in her lower back prevented her from relaxing so she tried an old technique that could put her to sleep anywhere. An old man taught her this when they were hunkered down together during the worst days aboard the Discovery all those years ago. A memory seeped into her mind of when she last used this. The non-stop explosions, the jostling of the ship, and the echoing cries of the injured. She needed to fall asleep now.
Starting with the tips of her toes, she relaxed one foot at a time. She let out a deep sigh and breathed relaxation into her legs. Her chest felt lighter as she slowed her breathing, counting to six between each breath. Her fingertips started to let go too. Her shoulders melted away and she unclenched her jaw. Maybe it was in combination with the pills, but at some point she dropped into the beautiful unconscious void like a meteor.
Shortly thereafter, as if no time had passed yet she was confident it had, she found herself sitting upright in her bed with all her blankets piled onto the floor. She was covered in sweat and her skin was icy. A ceiling vent above her relentlessly shrouded her with arctic gusts that chilled her to the bone. On top of this, she felt sick. Something inside her gut was trying to claw its way out.
“Oh god. Is it morning already?” She picked up her clock. She had only been asleep for an hour.
Something was definitely wrong and she needed medical help. She forced her body out of bed and quickly dressed herself. Fastening all the buttons of her uniform felt like a hundred years when she was unsure if she was going to vomit or pass out at any moment.
Aria swung open her door into the hallway. The lights were blindingly bright. Who could she go to for help? She considered heading to Tinsdale’s quarters, but what could she do? Hold up her hair? No. She began sprinting toward the pharmacy.
The hallways were practically empty and she was thankful for it. She did not want anyone seeing her green in the face. As she entered the pharmacy, the light of this white room was almost too overwhelming. She covered her eyes from the brilliant glare and searched the back shelves for any sign of her little, nervous man. “Hello? Dr. Gray, are you here?”
A woman poked her head out from a shelf of bags. “He isn’t working right now. Oh, Lieutenant. If you’re looking for him, he’s probably in his quarters. Julian doesn’t get out much.”
Aria shook her head. “Never mind him. Maybe you can help me. I took some mood levelers and now I feel absolutely terrible. I need help.”
“Oh gosh. I’m sorry, but Dr. Gray is our only specialist in that area. I’m not really sure what to do. You should talk with him immediately.”
“Thank you!” She checked the first navigation screen she could find and located his room a few levels down. Using the back hatches as shortcuts, she was at his door quickly. She knocked loudly.
“Hello, Dr. Gray? Are you there?”
Julian opened up and gawked at her with bewilderment. He was wearing a small white shirt and his boxer shorts. Conversing with him in this half-clothed state, someone she barely knew, felt unprofessional. Yet she needed help fast.
“Lieutenant Pantel. How can I help you?”
“I’m feeling really sick, Doctor. I think those pills you prescribed are acting something strange.”
“Oh my! Come in!” He ushered her inside his quarters and shut the door. She sat at his desk and held her stomach. He picked up his datapad. “Describe your symptoms.”
“Nausea, sensitivity to light, I was freezing when I woke up.”
He nodded while he read his datapad. “And you followed all of my instructions exactly?”
“Look, Dr. Gray…”
“You can call me Julian. I’m off-duty at the moment.”
Aria nodded. “Okay, Julian. I’m going to level with you. I may have downed the pills with some liquid carbs.”
Julian looked up from his datapad. “Alcohol? That was not in my instructions! I recall specifically ordering you to drink eight ounces of water!”
“Urp! Do you have a trash can?”
He looked around his room and handed her one. She did not use it, but was glad it was near.
“Oh, for goodness’ sake, Lieutenant. I am confident you are experiencing some of the unique side effects of misuse. No worries though.” He walked into his bathroom. A cabinet opened, pill bottles rattled about, and he returned with a glass of water and a handful of colorful vitamins.
“Here. Take these.”
She held out her hand. “What...urp...what are they?”
“They’re anti-nausea medications. A bit of a concoction, not standard, but that’s because your condition is a little complicated with the alcohol. Don’t worry, I came up with this at school when a friend of mine did almost the same thing.”
Aria popped the vitamins and downed them. “And your friend, did he live? Oh god!” She grabbed the garbage can again, but was fine.
Julian nodded. “It takes a minute, but you should be back to normal soon.”
Aria had nothing better to do so she looked around his room. It was certainly more disorganized than she thought it would be. It was not exactly the kind of place you would want to bring a woman, but then again she did not exactly warn him of her visit ahead of time.
She further scanned the room and spotted a nudie magazine poking out from under the mattress. Suddenly, the vitamins hit. She felt her nausea leaking from her body. She felt better. Better than better. She felt great! And her head was quiet for once. She could actually hear her thoughts about the current moment without a whisper in the back nagging about her troubles. One thought rose to the top. She had a treatment plan to follow and that magazine lit a little flame inside. She liked being efficient and this was convenient.
Julian Gray, she thought. He was facing away from her. His tight, little bottom was barely contained within his shorts. Could he be the one? Maybe she would ask and see. Just test the waters a little. There was no need to be too aggressive.
“Julian. What do you think of me?”
He turned. “Hmm? You’re the Lieutenant. I don’t really have an opinion of you yet, but I think your position lends you considerable credibility, if that’s what you mean.”
“No. That’s not what I mean. Rather, do you think I’m attractive?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you asking me if I find you attractive or if I think you are objectively attractive in a general sense?”
What was with this guy? He was like a stick in the mud. Interestingly, this made him more alluring. She was going to grab a hold of his stick and see if she could wrestle it out.
“I’m going to tell you straight, Julian. I’m looking to relax with someone and you don’t seem like a bad guy yourself. Are you interested in having a little fun?”
The hairs on his head almost appeared as if they stood up. “Lieutenant, are you coming on to me? Because if so, I’d say absolutely, but I don’t think it would be wise for us to fraternize with each other given the regulations concerning…”
She waved his words away. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know the rules. The only way we’d get caught is if one of us blabs. You wouldn’t be that kind of guy, would you?”
Julian shook his head. "I wouldn't dare sully your good name. Two consenting adults should be free to do as they please. At least that's how I think about it."
Aria smiled. She pointed at the magazine under his bed. “Ah, a proprietor of the fine arts, I see?”
“Oh my. I apologize.” He rushed to his bed and pushed the magazine deeper underneath. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
She stepped behind his bent over form and placed both hands firmly upon his waist. She felt a rush of power flowing through her arms. It was setting a fire to all those desires and pent up emotions that she never dared let out into public. She was ready to release the floodgates and finally find some peace on the other side.
“Is this what you want?” She slipped her fingers into his waistband. He was trembling ever so slightly.
“O-oh my! Yes, I believe we are on the same page. Please, continue.”
She felt his pants tightening as she slowly pulled them down over his bottom. He was slender and his cheeks were sculpted from rock. She marveled at their definition and how they led down to two marble pillars. “Oh! You certainly never skip leg day, do you?” She let the pants drop to the floor.
“It’s important to give cardio its proper due.”
It was not the sexiest response but she was still enjoying the view so she continued. “Julian, this is your Lieutenant speaking. I command you to turn around and face me at attention.”
"Sir, yes sir,” he said with what she perceived to be a tone of anticipation.
This sent another surge of joy through her body. From her toes to the top of her head, she finally felt relaxed and free for the first time in years.
Julian turned and he raised his hand to salute. That was not the only thing that was saluting. His member was slowly rising at the sight of her authority. She almost failed to recall the last time she saw a man’s glory so close in person. Every inch of her body began to radiate heated anticipation. She wanted to reach out and touch this respectful, well-trained, miniature soldier, but there would be time for that later. First, she wanted to fulfill another fantasy.
Aria straightened her back and lifted her chin so she could look down upon him. “I don’t have all day, soldier. I require a full salute or you’re going to have to start over.” She cast a single impatient finger down below.
“Maybe, sir, and I don’t mean to tell you how to do your job, but I might be more competent if you provided a little encouragement.” His eyes drifted toward her chest.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion, soldier.” How bold he was! His playful engagement pumped her blood full of thrilling passion. If he wanted a little encouragement, that was something she was happy to provide.
“Look into my eyes.” She loosened each button of her jacket slowly tracing her finger over the entirety of each clasp. Her suffocating breasts sighed with relief as they emerged into the cool air. His unbroken gaze pleased her until his line of sight began to wander south.
“I said up here, soldier!” She aggressively grasped his pointed chin with a firm hand and redirected his attention to her glistening face.
The jacket slid slowly off her shoulders and crumpled on the ground. She grasped the bottom of her shirt, lifted up, and arched her back as she threw it to the ground. Her plain bra may not have impressed anyone, but the sight of it was still a miracle for this junior crewmember. She felt scandalous standing in front of him without her trademark steely expression on her face. Instead, her panting sent much the opposite message. She reached back and unclasped her bra. As that too fell into a pile, she cupped her chest, hiding her pointing antennas, and leaned in toward him. “Is this helping inspire you, soldier?”
“Sir, yes sir!”
She could not help her growing grin. “This pleases me. Take off your shirt and march around the room for me.”
He rocketed to full attention. His slanted shoulders rose and fell with each excited breath. The bareness of his chest was like a tundra of a snow planet. Julian was not the type she had ever seen herself with before, but she could see the charm in his timid shell.
She sat on his bed and watched as he paced back and forth with his member bobbing up and down. He was so excited, hoping to please her with every step. It was adorable. She gently squeezed her chest and moaned. This caused him to look over at her.
“Don’t look at me, soldier! Keep your eyes straight ahead and keep marching!”
He promptly responded and resumed his dance.
She moaned again and noticed his member twitching at the sound. She imagined all the trouble she could get into with it. Then, she realized that there was no need to dream. “Get on your hands and knees and crawl over to me.”
He did as she commanded and came to a halt near her knees.
“Now climb up here, soldier. You’re going to fulfill the objective of the Century. Explore my new frontier.”
His small hands gripped her thighs and pulled him up past her waist and forearms like a mountain climber. He squeezed gently although she wished he grabbed a little harder. He steadied himself hanging over her. His arms were planted above her shoulders and his legs spread over her waist. His eyes were twinkling like open space. He was eager to seek and understand the edges of his knowledge.
She ran her fingers through his hair and gently pulled his lips toward hers. She engulfed his lower lip and bit softly. His body wiggled ever so slightly, surging with anticipation. But she did not give him satisfaction so easily. She let him go with a deep, hot breath that flowed into his lungs and further cemented their intentions with each other.
Aria craned her neck to the side and laid kisses across his neck. Tiny pecks on both sides sent his head back and his member flexing below, occasionally tapping near her door. He gently took a tuft of her hair in his hand and reciprocated light pecks from the tip of her chin, down her neck, to the center of her chest, and then back up again leading to a final, brief kiss.
“More.” She let her head fall to the side and rest upon his sheets.
He pressed his lips onto her collarbone and dragged them across to the other side. It was strange.
“What are you doing? No, not like that. Kiss me like before. Small smooches up and down all around here.” She pointed to her nape and chest.
He complied with quick, tender smacks from her ear down to the top of her chest. She let out a gasp like an airlock releasing and her mind began to swirl. “N-now you may p-perform a scientific expedition of my mountainous region. I expect a thorough survey of all the natural land formations with no peaks left unconquered…ah!”
He suckled upon her mountain peak, first the east and then the west. His tongue dove into her crevasse and began exploring every curve of her chest. Like a skiing researcher, he rose to her tips and swirled down the full circumference to each base leaving a wet, cooling trail on her burning skin. He explored eagerly and tirelessly to complete his research of her uncharted cordillera.
“Yes! Like that! Keep searching.”
“Mmm…ma’am, would you like it if...”
“No words!” She snatched his face up and planted his lips upon hers. His little mumblings sent seismic shock waves down her throat and into her stomach where surges of excitement traveled back up her spine. She began to feel lightheaded again as if she was being lifted to a higher plane.
Perhaps it was not just in her head because she felt the mattress under her pull away from her body. She broke off from their embrace. “What’s this?” Her frazzled hair floated up past her face and covered his face. Could it be another side-effect of the pills?
They floated freely away from the bed with a loss of centripetal gravity. She released his head and twisted in midair to reach back for the cloth tethers tucked into the bed’s perimeter. These were meant just for this occasion. Well, technically for sleep to ensure you would not float away, but romance was a strong second.
“We don’t both need to be tied up. Just you.” She pulled Julian close and swirled him around. She pushed his back onto the mattress. She climbed on top of him and bound each of his arms and legs.
“Can you move?”
He struggled but he was firmly in place. “No, Lieutenant.”
“Good. Now all I need to do is firmly anchor myself to you and we’ll be fine.”
She gripped his wrists and locked her aching lips back onto him. Their tongues circled each other like planets locked in a gravitational pull and she darted in and out of his black hole defying the laws of physics. Ecstasy tickled her body like feathers brushing up and down her skin.
Suddenly the room was awash with a red light as gravity returned. With a shock, she fell onto him and bumped her head upon his. Her vision went fuzzy and she blacked out.
AUTHOR NOTE: Don't forget to 'heart' and 'rate' this story, you beautiful person! -Dr. Dan
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