《My War: The Warpath Of My Own Life》Reconsider


Chapter 7: Reconsider

It's already midnight, the Village Elder is sitting on his chair, trying to taste some new sweats from the strange people that brought to their village that noon, he slowly feels the deliciousness of the sweats called "Chocolate" then he hears someone knocking the door.

"Elder! Are you still awake?" - A villager calls the Village Elder

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong happened?" - The Village Elder opens the door, walking outside and asks the villager

"There is a group of people that came into our village 2 minutes ago, they look like the people we met this noon recently because of their similars clothes and their language, they wanted to see you, Elder! So I came here to call you out!"

"I'll get there soon, just give me a few seconds!"

Then the Village Elder and that villager get to the place of those men, the people around are all gathering there, they're curious about a strange metal box that those men are riding.

"Are you the Village Elder?" - The man seems like the leader of that group asks the Village Elder

"Yes I am! Are you from the group of two young men came in our village this noon? Our villagers are appreciate at what you brought to us for the our first meeting! I really like the Choco, co, ahh sorry! I can't say that word properly, so what do you want from our village?

"We demand you people bring us foods and women here!"

"We can bring you people foods but not the women, what are you going to do with them?"

"Fine! Adolf! No need for this trash talk anymore, kill them! Remember to keep the women!" - Igor orders Adolf to kill the villagers

Then, in a blink an eye, the villagers around Igor's car are all being teared apart, the destruction of M2 Browning is so powerful, the villagers are being killed, some of them managed to hide, they're all terrified at the gunshots, the people who died, some of their limbs are being removed away from their bodies, blood keep flowing out of the bodies of dead people, as it like a river which is covered in blood.

"Adolf, it's enough! Men, let's get out and find some beauties!" - Corporal Igor orders his crews

Then, the crews coming out of their car, holding weapons in their hands and go find the women villagers, in that progress, they shoot the people that being shot but not dead yet, they also using the knives or mounting them on their rifles as bayonets and slicing, thrusting the children, the men, the old, shoot every men they see on the their path.

Within 10 minutes, it turns into a massacre, Igor and his men walking around the village, corpses everywhere, then Igor stops at a house, he hasn't checked it yet.

Igor kicks the door of that house, seems like it has been held tightly by someone inside it, then he firing his M16A1 Assault Rifle to the door, then kicks a very strong blow, the door is now opened.

"No! Uncle! Ahhhhhh!"

A young beautiful blonde haired girl seems like that man's relative that died on the ground is now screaming, scared. Igor then grabs that girl, holding her as a human shield and pointing his knife to her neck.

Around Igor's eyes now are 3 people also look like having relative with that girl, a young man, an older man and a adult woman.

"Please don't kill my daughter, please!" - That older man begging Igor for his daughter's life


"Then stay still there and accept to be tied up!"

Then that family stays still, accepts to be tied up by Igor's crews, Igor is now asking one of his crews, Private Aikichi to know if there are still any men except those two villagers in the house or not. When Akichi said to him that no one except some of the women still alive the village, Igor makes a sick laugh.

Then Igor forcing the young girl:

"Say to me, "I, from now on, will be your sex slave! I'll do my best to sastify your need, my body and soul are all yours!"

"No! No way I would do that!" - The young girl rejects Igor directly

Then Igor grabs the man looks like the girl's brother, who is now being tied and thrusts the knife into his stomach, then using the knife, ripping his belly until the organs coming out of his belly, blood coming out from the body of that man.

Igor then takes the organs out of that man's body, he shows it to the young girl, the man that being ripped is now dead, but the blood still spurting out, the young girl is now dies inside, then Igor drops the organs and heading to the older man and brings him in front of the young girl, that man and the adult woman looks like his wife just keep crying, they cannot talk because their mouth are being tied by the ropes.

"I'll say it! I will! I, fro, from now on, will be, be your sex slave! I'll do my best to, to sastify your need, my body and soul a, ar, ar, are all yours!" - The young girl finally talks, she hestiates a little bit but she finishs the line perfectly

"Good girl! But I only keep women, not men!"

Then Igor slices the man's throat, blood keeps spurting out from that man's throat, then he dies with both eyes open. Igor later cuts that man's head off and shows to the girl, the girl is now silences, her eyes are now souless.

Igor then orders his men to bring the women who are still alive in the village out and gathering for him to see, after seeing many faces of the women they captured, he decides to kill all the women except that blonde haired young beautiful girl, Igor and his men then grabbing the young girl inside their car and start the raping.

Now is already morning, John is now wants to find Igor and his crews, but he doesn't have any intel, another grave for Corporal Winston is already done digging, John and his soldiers put Winston's body down the grave and makes a military salute for the farewell.

When John is still considering his next move, should he go find Igor or staying with his men, waiting them for the answer about going with him or not, then Private Grants and Private Harry rushing into his tent in a hurry.

"Captain! Haah! Haah! Maybe we've found the next information about Igor's location!" - Private Grants talks in a hurry

"What?" - John surprised

"A small village that we visited yesterday, has now been massacred, me and Harry went to the village and saw nothing but corpses, look likes no one in that village survived, must be Igor and his men did that because we found many bullet shells on the ground!" - Grants continues his words

"Lead me to that village! Tell Lieutenant Dan and Private Fal to get in their Helicopter, also tell Sergeant Grey to follow, Grants, you also follow with me! - John orders Grants


"Yes sir!" - Grants runs out of John's tent and calling the soldiers

John is now with Sergeant Grey, Private Grants, Private Fal and Lieutenant Dan searching around the village by the UH - 1 Helicopter, John orders the pilots to fly closer the village and looking through the binocular.

John sees many of corpses that were shot on the road, also corpses look like being collective executed, he doesn't like to see innocent people be killed, that is a war crime, he angrily squeezing the binocular then orders Lieutenant Dan to make a radio contact to Igor.

Igor is now eating a Chocolate Bar, he and his crews had spent the entire night to gangbang the young girl they captured from the village, Private Francois then goes towards Igor and says:

"That was my first time, ohh! That was so good!" - Francois confesses to Igor that was the first time he ever had sex

"Isn't it? It would be better if you joined us earlier, we had had a lot of fun than that!" - Igor talks to Francois while eating his Chocolate Bar

"Ohh! I can't take it anymore, I'll get inside an do the next round!" - Francois done the talk and gets inside the car again to rape that young girl

"Igor! Look likes Johnny calling to you, answer it!" - Private Aikichi gives Igor the talkie

"Hi Johnny! I'll answer only once so listen carefully!" - Igor talks to John and throws away the Chocolate Bar that he was eating

"He have answered, Captain!" - Lieutenant Dan gives John the talkie

"Johnny! I officially announce that I and my crews won't follow you anymore, from now on we will raiding villages to steal women and foods, don't find us, that'all, bye!

"Igor! Listen to me! Let's forget about the past, I won't punish you if you return!"

"Are you stupid? I already said that I won't need you! I'm not stupid enough to be tricked by you, you're just a soldier in the name, you join the military because you just want to kill people legally! Come get me if you have guts!" - Igor challenges John

"Captain! I think I saw them, over there!" - Lieutenant Dan says to John

John then orders the pilots to go closer to the area Dan was pointing, Igor now notices the Helicopter from far away, he pulls the girl he captured out of the car and shoots her in the head with the pistol he stole from Corporal Winston.

"Why did you do that?" - Francois seems annoy when Igor killed that girl

"That whore was not valuable anymore! Keep looking over there, see it? Get ready to fight that bird, after that raiding more villages and get more girls!"

"I won't kill my comrades, I can do many cruel things but to kill my friends? No!" - Francois rejects powerfully

Then Igor pointing the pistol to Francois's chest and says: " You should be more smarter if you want to survive!"


Before Francois could finish his line, he was shot by Igor many times and died, then Igor orders his men to shoot down the chopper, the chopper has passed them and away from their position 40 meters, Igor shouts to Adolf to shoot it but all the shots are missed.

"That was a close call, Captain! If they had aimed us with a Javelin or they fired more earlier, this chopper would have been teared in pieces! - Grey suggests John to change the plan

"Grants, you're the best sniper in this platoon! Do you see the hill with lots of trees over there?" - John asks Grants

"Yes! I see it, sir!"

"That area is quite far from their position, they won't notice you but you will have to shoot them from more than 500 meters away!"

"I will do my best, Captain!" - Grants answers confidently

Then the Helicopter goes near the hill, but the pilots don't land it to prevent Igor and his crews from knowing their plan but let Private Grants to jump down when the chopper is away from the ground about nearly 15 meters, Grants jumps down of the chopper, after jumping down, he signals that he has no wound and going to do his mission.

John then orders Lieutenant Dan to land him near Igor's position from behind to make him like a decoy and let Private Grants have enough time to deal with them, John is now jumps down on the ground from the chopper.

"In case if I'm not coming back, you will be the leader, Hans Grey!" - John talks to Grey before he go

"Yes sir!" - Grey doing the military salute to John and later flying away with the chopper

John runs as fast as he could to Igor's position to preventing Igor and his men from going so far away the aimsight of Private Grants, after Igor and his men see John, they firing their guns at him, John takes cover behind the trees, sometimes he runs to other sides and shooting at them with his M4A1 Assault Rifle.

Private Grants is now in his position, he raises his M21 Sniper Rifle and looking throught the scope, keep maintaining the rifle, caculating the wind directions, after he makes sure that he can shoot Igor and his men, he pulls the trigger.

While shooting John, Private Aikichi was the one who got shot first, then Private Adolf, after seeing his crews fell down for no reason, Igor starting to react, he was about to hide behind some trees but later got shot by John.

After Grants finally sure that Igor and his men had been shot down, he rushing, trying to run fast to Lieutenant John, John going check on Aikichi and Adolf but they're all dead istantly when they got shot, then John go towards Igor and checking on him.

John then overturns Igor to see him and notices that Igor is pointing the pistol towards him, Igor tries to shoot John but he is too weak to do it, his left hand is now trying to hold his belly which was got shot, prevent the blood from spurting out.

John sees Igor's pain, he wants to end his suffer so he takes away the pistol and gives Igor a merciful death by shooting him in the head.

Later that, Private Grants finally comes to John's position, John orders him to bring the corpses of his deceased comrades to the Humvee car and ride back to his camp.

Though they did the bad things when they were alive but they deserved to have a place to be buried, these soldiers had been sent to a strange place, that would be so heartless if they died and had no place to burry them.

Then John orders the Helicopter to go get him in, when the chopper flies away, John cannot stop thinking about what he did, he starts blaming himself for the division of his platoon, he thinks that his leadership is not good enough.

He keeps looking at the Humvee car that is now far away from him, thinking about Igor and the others, he thinks "If I was a better leader back then, would they be bad people right now?", John keeps thinking and announce to Sergeant Greys and the other pilots a word:

"From now on, I won't be a soft leader anymore! At the time I join to fight for Princess Sheria, I'll be a strong leader!"

The Helicopter then goes away, going back to their soldiers!

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