《My War: The Warpath Of My Own Life》An Assassination
Chapter 8: An Assassasination
After John and his men return, every soldiers are already gathering together to see the result of the searching, then they are very shock, Igor, his crews and Francois, no one survived, they're all later be burried under the graves.
Though Igor and his crews were being hated by the other soldiers when they were alive, but now, no one shows the hate to them but sad and mourning them for their lives afterlife.
In only 3 days since John's platoon came to this another world, their platoon shorted down from 24 to 14 soldiers, 8 deceased, 2 missing.
The soldiers only now see the dark in their futures, they're all now decided to choose their final choice, to join with their commander to fight alongside with a Princess from a country that they don't know much about in this strange world.
They're all gathered, they have decided their fates.
"I'll go with you!" - Sergeant Grass is the first person who decided first
"Good!" - John seems happy about that
"I'll go with you too! Captain!" - Sergeant Grey has now decided to join
"We will join the war, Hans!" - Grass talks to Grey and doing their handshakes
The other soldiers, some of them are hestiate, but later chose to join with Lieutenant John, they don't know how to live in this strange world without him, when they doing that, they feel like they're alive, they're standing together, seems like all of them have their own decisions!
"Wait, where is Private Taylor?" - John wonders because he didn't see Taylor
"That kid, um...he is "solving" the problem of every boys in their growth age." - Private Mike shows a little shy when talking about that topic
"Guys, if all of you want to go then let me join, I don't want to be alone here!" - Private Taylor returns while his pants are still not pulled up
"Good!" - John makes a light slap on Taylor's back
"Hey! Pull up your pants and also clean your hands, that stinks you know!" - Lieutenant Dan tells Taylor
Look likes most of of John's soldiers have decided their fates, but still only one person, Private Grants, has not yet decided.
"Sir! I'll stay here!" - Grants talks to John directly
"Alone! In this place?" - Private Harry asks Grants about his decision
Then Grants looks behind, looking at two half - elves kids, he doesn't know how would those children will live without him, he worries that those kids will return to their previous lives, struggling to find foods, trying to live a hard life from day to day.
"I have promised to those kids that I would become their brother! I don't have any brothers or sisters back home so I very glad about that, but also I worried that those won't have a chance to survive in this tragic world!"
"Grants, hear me! In the way return from searching Igor, me and John had talked about this and we had decided to let those kids stay, if you stay here and somedays we managed to return our homes then you will be left alone here!" - Grey convinces Grants to stay
"Leave him, Grey! That's his decision, and wars are not the place for children, they should live in a better place!" - John accepts Grants to leave
Then Grants returns his military helmet to his commander, he also returns his personal weapon, the M21 Sniper Rifle.
"Just keep the gun, you need it to protect you and the kids, promise me that you will become a good father and also a good brother to them!"
"I will! Captain!" - Grass promises to John
Then Grass doing the last military salute to John and the soldiers, he later running towards the kids, John is very happy and hopes that his comrade will have a good life with them, then John looks back to his soldiers.
As John's platoon goes away, Terry asks Grants:
"Bro! Was that fine to leave your people like that? They're all your friends!"
"Your two futures are more important, I think they will be fine on their own path!" - Grants answers to Terry
"Bro! I'm hungry, let's go eat some Em Ar E!
Grants then remembers before he go, John had gave him a few packs of MRE.
"Okay! You two, let's get something to eat!"
Then, the Army of 13 soldiers marching on their road to Princess Sheria's castle, on the way they go, many people, most of them are farmers, but also nobles have coming to see them, they're all curious about their vehicles, especially the UH - 1 Helicopter that flying in the sky.
Before John gone back to his platoon in the meeting of Princess Sheria, she had given him a lots of flags and said if he really made up an alliance, he must stick Starvina Kingdom's national flags on the vehicles, she also gave him the location map of her castle and his camp to let him know if he want to find her.
John also stick his homeland national flags. The Unified Republic States, the flag itself has 12 stars forming cirle means the 12 unified states.
The entire flag also has black color, which means the sacrifice of many men, but most of it were black people that died from a Civil War in order to make the entire country turns into " A Country of Liberty".
Princess Sheria is now reading the letters that her messengers sent to her, reporting the results of the wars between Starvina Kingdom with Aloss Kingdom and Tigar Kingdom, her country is losing the war, the enemy is now very close to her homeland Capital, if they took away the Capital, Starvina Kingdom will be wipeout on the map of Aria's continent.
Sheria sighs, and goes out her castle to get some air and realizes the Helicopter sound is coming very close to her castle. The soldiers of the castle at first think the enemy is using some magic tool weapons that can fly in the sky and about to siege the castle.
Then Sheria focusing on an object that is flying in the sky towards her castle, she immediately realizes that is the UH - 1 Helicopter.
The Helicopter is now above Sheria's head, she sees it and laughs loud, then she running to her horse, running it outside the castle and sees Lieutenant John Brody, who is now standing as a mounted gunner of the M2 Browning in the Humvee car, the driver is Sergeant Grey, John then opens a happy smile with her and doing military salute towards Sheria.
Sheria is now confirms that John accepted to be her alliance, she laughing more louder, and orders to the soldiers behind her:
"Immediately head to Kuri Castle!"
Then the entire troops of Sheria gathered, they're about 2000 soldiers, then Sheria, General Dalshik, Lord Roberto and Lady Nodrian immediately join with Lieutenant John, Sheria will lead the way, she riding her horse alongside with John who is in the Humvee car.
On the way they go, John orders the Convoy truck go behind, the Tank will protect them, another Humvee will also go behind, John wants to spend his time talking with Princess Sheria.
Sheria notices that John's platoon soldiers is now less people than the first time she met him but she didn't ask him, she knows him and his soldiers had had been through lots of troubles when they had to live in this world, which is very strange and dangerous for them.
During the marching cooperation of Princess Sheria and Lieutenant John Brody, Private Harry keeps looking outside while sitting on the Convoy Truck, he really misses Private Grants, who was just with them about 1 hour ago, now gone to take care the children.
"You miss Grants?" - Private Mike asks Harry
"Yeah! He was just with us about 1 hour ago, and now he gone!" - Harry is about to cry
"Don't cry, think positive, man! I believe Grants will have a better life with those children, I also believe he will become a good father!" - Mike convinces Harry
"Yeah! You right! I musn't think about that too much!"
The army marching on the road, make into a long line, that will be a long road to go to Kuri Castle, then, night comes, the soldiers are now setting the camp, John, Sheria, Dalshik, Roberto and Nodrian are now sitting on their chairs, on a round table which is placing the war map and the small bricks meaning the troops of their army and also their enemy, the stones mean the castles.
Lord Roberto, who is still wondering why Princess Sheria suddenly chose to head forward to Kuri Castle, the Castle itself belongs to Aloss Kingdom territory and her troops are enough to take out the castle.
"My Highness! Why did you suddenly chose to head to Kuri Castle!" - Roberto asks Sheria
"I want to make an annoucement to Aloss Kingdom, I've read the intel from my messengers, King Deglan of Aloss Kingdom is now visiting Kuri Castle and about to stay there for 1 week, I'll kill him in that castle to scare the entire Aloss Kingdom!" - Sheria announces
"That's impossible! My Highness! You'll be killed in the time you get in that Castle!" - General Dalshik rejects that option
"General Dalshik's right! My Highness! You should not risk your life to do such a thing!" - Lady Nodrian also agrees with General Dalshik
"If you want to do that, you must have a plan for yourself, My Highness! Please tell me why you are so confident about this?" - Roberto asks Sheria
"Sir John! Please let's them know!" - Sheria then orders John to tell her and her people know
John is also sitting with Sheria's people to talk about the strategy about their war, he starts pointing his hand to a stone which is placed on the map, that stone is means Kuri Castle.
"As Princess Sheria had briefed to me, this castle is not very well guarded, even the East side of the Castle itself has only 5 guards because the East leads to a large river while the the castle siege battles mostly occured on the ground."
"We can use this East side to save Princess Sheria, according to plan, when she kills Deglan, the Monarch of Aloss Kingdom, she will head to the East side of the Castle, go up a watchtower and we will land our Helicopter there and save her."
"But the problem is, we haven't have any maps of Kuri Castle that viewed from far away so we need more information!"
"Me, Nodrian and a General of Corinthstar Kingdom, my very friendly neighbour Kingdom named Selera had had a chance to see the that Castle from very far away, from the high grounds, that woman is now here, she's here today to give me the information about the war we are in, she has a very good memory, she may useful to you, Sir John!" - Sheria talks to John
Then Sheria takes out a large paper which is made of furs, she then gives it to Lady Nodrian, Lady Nodrian later gives it to a blonde haired woman who is General Selera.
"Can you draw the Kuri Castle for our Princess?" - Lady Nodrian seems like begging General Selera
"Don't begging me like that, you, me and Sheria are good friends in our childhood, of course, I'll do my best!" - Selera accepts Lady Nodrian suggestion
"A last question, My Highness! How can you kill King Deglan when you're surrounded by his guards and also that King has a very good sword skill?" - Lord Roberto asks Princess Sheria
"Don't worry about that! The firearms will do that part!" - Sheria replied
"Fire, arms?" - Roberto still wondering about Sheria's answer
15 minutes after the assassination plan has passed, Selera is still drawing the drawing of Kuri Castle, she trying to do it as completely as possible.
General Dalshik, who is now standing outside the camp with his soldiers for night guard, he still worrying about Princess Sheria because according to plan, Sheria will go to that castle alone and kill King Deglan and later saved by John's helicopter.
When General Dalshik is still thinking, a soldier that from a patrol group comes to him:
"My Lord! We have found a strange man who has leg wounded, he was wandering around the area, seems like that man has lost the way but the problem is the clothes that man wearing are very similar to the clothes that Lord Brody and his soldiers!" - The soldier reports to General Dalshik
"Immediately get him here!" - General Dalshik orders his men to bring that strange man to him and John's platoon
John and his soldiers are sitting in the campfire, suddenly, General Dalshik and his soldiers bring out a man who has similar clothes to them, John and his men immediately realize that soldier, that's Private Bob, he looks very pale and very hungry and also thirsty.
"Captain! I'm sorry to leave your camp!" - Bob trying to says in his tired voice
"That night! I and Jimmy were so scared and decided to go out of the camp, I was with Jim, we went back to the jungle because we didn't know where to go."
"After that, we were attacked by a group of strange people, me and Jim got splitted out! After I got back to find Jim, he, he was sitting there, near the tree, trying to put the last cigarette to his mouth before he died, he died in a cold place, no one remembers him, no one knows!" - Bob is about to cry
Then, John makes a strong slap to Bob's face, he gradually wakes up from his shock.
"Captain?" - Bob talks with his surprise
"Mike, Grey, aid him!" - John orders his men
Then the soldiers start helping Bob to heal his leg wound, Sheria's healers also help him, they spell some magics "Heal", they later looks at Bob's face and his leg, and says to the soldier:
"His leg is not dagerous anymore! Just need to rest few days!"
Then the healers return to Sheria's place, Sheria later calls John while he still looking at his wounded comrade:
"Sir John! I'm going now! I'm looking forward to your plan!"
Then Sheria goes away, she calculate that if she go in the midnight, she will head to the castle in the morning.
When Sheria goes away, General Selera has done drawing the fully picture of Kuri Castle, she goes towards to John and gives him the drawing
"Lord Brody! I've done the drawing you need!" - Selera says to John respectfully
"Lord Brody?" - John wonders
"Princess Sheria said to me that you have surname but you don't behave like our nobles, mean you're a commoner but she is very respect you so I must do the same and considering you as a noble!"
Then John takes the drawing, Selera after mounts on her horse and returns back to her country, then John opening the drawing, he is very impressed with its details and opens a smile.
It's already morning, Sheria has come to Kuri Castle, because of her sudden appearance, she is allowed to bring her weapons inside the castle, also the King Deglan's guards have that same authority.
"Sheria, I heard that you called me a fool!" - King Deglan, the Ruler of Aloss Kingdom seems very angry about it but tries to hold his anger
"Of course! I can't be believe a fool like you cannot believe what your messenger told! During the negotiation, I've ordered General Dalshik to kill one of your Emissaries and called you a fool!" - Sheria talks casually
"You! Did you come here to die! Sheria?" - King Deglan is now very angry, he throws his cup of tea on the ground
Then Sheria looks at her right hand, the watch she is wearing is now 7:30AM, according to plan, she will kill King Deglan at this time, John had ordered his soldiers to fix their watchs to the mean time, he also taught Sheria how to use the watch, to know how it works.
Some of Deglan's guards curious about what Sheria is seeing with the object in her right handbut they later return their guard
"Of course not! I'm here today to kill you!" - Sheria announces
King Deglan's Guards are now cautious, they trying to reach Sheria but surprised when she takes out a metal object from her belt, that's a M1911 Pistol, while marching together with John, he taught her how to use a pistol, the fire selector is already set in fire mode and the gun is already loaded.
Sheria pointing the pistol to King Deglan.
"Is that a magic tool?" - King Deglan asks
"No! This is a weapon called "gun"!"
Then, Sheria shoots King Deglan, an accurate shot to the head, King Deglan died instantly, his guards are scared when their King dropped death while hearing a terryfing sound from the pistol.
No one of the guards have guts to go more closer to Sheria, Sheria slowly draws her sword out of the scabbard.
"I'm very ashamed when my homeland, Starvina Kingdom has to humble before you Alossian Kingdom, today, a new history is being written, today, the future of my homeland will change, follow me! You will be forgive, against me, you will die!" - Sheria announces strongly
Then, a guard made a death wish and went towards Sheria, he was shot to the death, the guards are now scared, Sheria easily running to the East side of the castle, she managed to go up a watchtower of the castle but she realizes she has been surrounded by the Alossian Guards, she reloads a magazine in the pistol and keeps the fighting stand.
Then Sheria hears the UH - 1 Helicopter sound coming to her, she smiles and later sees the Alossian soldiers now are being shot by John, who is now sitting on the chopper and aiming at the soldiers with his M4A1 Assault Rifle.
Alossian soldiers are now terrified, they fleeing away, John easily orders his men to lower the chopper, raising his hands out and hold Sheria right hand, Sheria is already returned her sword to her scabbard and the pistol to the belt.
When Sheria gets up the Helicopter, she opens a cheerful smile with John and doing with him a high five, the chopper then heading to the beach near the base Sheria's troops and John's platoon are camping in it, instead of return to her base, she wants to have " a little training " with her friend, John Brody.
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