《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 25. Wedding Day
Finally, it was the day of our wedding!
The ceremony was at 11:30 AM. Sarah and Bobby picked me up and I was at the church by 10:30. I had to make sure everything was in place, then went to join the pastor in his study to prepare to enter from the side doors at the front of the church along with my best men. Laura’s mom was in charge of the get-ready room for the bride and her attendants. I heard she got to the church not long after I did.
As people arrived, the first part of the surprise unfolded. In the rehearsal, we used recorded music for everything. What Laura didn’t know was that my family used to be a traveling music group. My dad played guitar for staff orchestras in recording studios. He was very professional. As a kid, I would sit and listen to him play for hours. The rest of my family all played multiple instruments, and all sang. For this morning, they would all provide pre-service music, the processional, recessional, and a special piece. Dad was on guitar, Mom at piano, Jane, my youngest sister, either played violin or country steel guitar. My brother Ron played drums. Sisters Ruth and Mary usually alternated between guitar, mandolin, and violin, but Ruth had to cover upright bass for my brother, Dan, who was in the wedding party.
The time had come. It was 10:30, and the Pastor, Bobby, Dan, and I entered from the side and took our places. My family started playing the processional—Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” with just Dad playing the guitar. Sarah looked radiant as she strolled slowly to the front of the sanctuary in a beautiful, light blue evening dress.
Then I watched Hanna come into the doorway. Her long hair was styled with most of it flowing but with a group from each side braided, traveling up to the top of her head, and then gathered behind her making the shape of a heart. She beamed as she started the wedding party walk in her medium blue dress. My God, she looked so grown up and beautiful. I could see so much of Laura in her smile. Gasps were heard as she strolled the carpet. Everyone was taken by her beauty. And, yes, I had a tear escape. And the butterflies inside went wild.
Then Mattie appeared in a similar dress to Hanna’s but in a more age-appropriate fashion. She had her hair in a ponytail and was as cute as could be. Her walk up the aisle was a little quicker than expected, and she had to shout out “Hi, Daddy!” halfway down her journey. That brought tears and smiles to just about everyone. Me, too!
Then Dad and my family started the bridal procession with a more forceful verse of “Jesu” while adding bass, and violin. And I saw the woman I love more than life itself move into the doorway on her dad’s arm. The congregation stood and turned. Cameras were clicking. My attention was drawn to her as if she was all that existed in the world.
I had never seen a more beautiful sight.
Her hair was long and flowing with curls twirling in the front strands falling down her neck and down to her collar bone. She wore a delicate silver vine hairpiece with silver flowers and pearls randomly interspersed. It flowed over the top of her hair starting a little behind her hairline and flowed to the back of her head then down the back mingled in with her long full strands. Her smile radiated as bright as the sun. Her eyes sparked making the stars blush in shame. I burned her image in my brain. I will never forget it.
My family orchestra caught her attention and I could read her lips as she asked her dad, “What’s going on?” Her dad shrugged his shoulders since he didn’t know either, then she turned her attention towards me. Our eyes locked. It was as if invisible lightning bolts of love passed between us. She started to walk towards me and I felt weak-kneed. I focused on my bride and the vows we would make while trying to avoid thoughts of my pending surprise so I didn’t shake apart.
My eyes were locked on hers as she came forward. I only noticed her dress in my peripheral vision. It was a satin white, softly covering the edge of her shoulders and a little down her arms. The neckline was v-shaped and low cut, modest enough to appropriately cover her breasts and yet extremely sexy. It was plain at the top and showed off the perfect shape of her abdomen and waist. It flowed into soft pleats below her waist and ended just above her knees. It was simple and understated. It was magnificent! The dress let all her natural beauty take the spotlight. I was having trouble breathing. I wanted to run to her and embrace her just to immerse myself in her beauty. I forced myself to hold my ground.
Her dad brought her to my side and gave me her hand. With a hug for both of us, he took his seat. I never wanted to take my gaze from her eyes. I tried to listen to the pastor’s words, and occasionally forced myself to look at him.
We exchanged our vows that we wrote and memorized. I went first, just hoping for enough calm to remember what I composed.
“Laura, we know that God loves us even though we don’t deserve it. I know with every touch, every look, and with every kiss just how much you love me even though I could never deserve you. I promise to love you with every breath and fiber of my being. I promise to honor you, care for you, hold fast to you only, and consider you and your needs above my own no matter what life brings to us… as long as I live.”
I kissed her, and Pastor Browning joked, “You’re jumping the gun there, Ben. I’ll tell you when!” Everyone chuckled, and it lightened the mood enough for me to gain some composure. Then it was Laura’s turn.
“Ben, my life was a mess until I met you. If it wasn’t for my faith, my two girls, and my family, I would have been totally lost. Then you decided to weed your garden, thank God. We really met for the first time, and I saw in you the missing piece of heart and my life. I love you more than life itself. I am committed to showing you that love every day of our lives. I promise to love you, honor you, obey you as God’s appointed head of our household, and give all of myself to you and only you in all circumstances of life for as long as we live.”
“No kissing yet!” Pastor Browning said with a smile.
We exchanged rings vowing that the infinite circle symbolized our unending love, and God’s unending love for us.
We took a healthy breath as the pastor announced: “Based on the vows you’ve exchanged, the promises you’ve made before God and these people, and by the power vested in me by God and the state of Illinois, I now pronounce you… man… and wife. NOW… you may kiss your bride!”
Oh yes. It was quite a kiss as the congregation cheered and clapped. The sound around us seemed distant, almost as if it came from the other side of a tunnel. I was kissing my wife for the first time and she had all my attention. I felt her love for me through her lips. Her tongue unveiled the passion from within her. This was the first physical act of our heavenly bond and the significance of the moment overwhelmed my senses. I willed the moment not to end, yet it was just the beginning. This launched our life together—our singularity—our oneness. I was in heaven.
Once the applause died down and we pulled ourselves apart, Pastor Browning made the announcement we had planned. It was time for Laura’s surprise.
“Normally this is where I introduce the new couple, but first, the groom has a special gift for his bride. As he stepped back, my family started the introduction to a song we planned.
The first four bars were played just by Dad on guitar and my brother Dan on bass, who joined my family from where he was by my side. It was beautiful and simple. But then the next four bars tugged at everyone’s heart. The steel guitar added beautiful fills while my entire family sang a chorus of “ahhs” like an angelic choir.
Laura figured out my family was talented at the procession. What she didn’t know was, I had always been the lead singer. Not to brag, but I was very good. I’ve been told I sound like Bruno Mars. She had never really heard me sing in church because of the volume of the praise band. She had no idea what was coming.
I struggled to compose myself. I had learned from singing at weddings and funerals how to control my emotions, but this would be the toughest test I had ever put myself through. She was watching my family play assuming that was the surprise. Then, I started singing the song that fit our lives perfectly—Rascal Flatts’ “God Bless the Broken Road.”
“I set out on a narrow way many years ago”
Laura’s attention snapped toward me with wide eyes a beautiful, emotionally crooked smile, and tears flowing. She had no idea this was coming.
“Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you”
The music took on a fullness as the family choir joined me in harmony.
“Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
The music pulled back a bit and just my sisters sang “Ooo’s” in the background in perfect three-part harmony.
“I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true”
We went back to a big sound and full vocal harmony. My emotions and everyone else’s were being attacked by the beautiful sound and heartfelt sentiment.
“Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true”
The instruments pulled back. Vocals went back to “Ooo’s.
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Now just the guitar, bass, and me.
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight...”
Then I lost it. The music had a pause here waiting for me to sing the last two words. I softly held her and struggled as tears let loose. I took all I had to just look in her eyes and say…
“to you.”
I couldn’t believe how strong my voice was and how I held it together to that point. Laura’s surprise was better than I imagined it would be. I held it together all the way through until the last line. I didn’t plan it this way, but somehow, my losing control for the last two words was perfect. It wrapped the whole surprise in a bow and made it clear to Laura just how much I loved her.
I kissed her and held her as we couldn’t hold back the emotions. My family orchestra played the ending and Pastor Browning whispered to us, “You two take a moment while I vamp. I’m good at it,” he said with a smile.
The music stopped. The congregation rose up in applause, no one with a dry eye. Thankfully it went on for a while. We needed the time to calm down. As the applause died down and people sat, Pastor Browning filled in the time while we pulled ourselves together.
“For those of you who weren’t aware, Laura didn’t even know Ben could sing.” People responded with mutterings of surprise and delight. “Years ago, we had the Hawkins Family do a concert here, so I remembered them. I didn’t know until a few weeks ago that Ben was one of ‘those’ Hawkins. He was only a young teenager at that time and I didn’t recognize him. Ben doesn’t know it yet, but he’s going to get serious pressure about joining our choir and praise ministries.” The congregation laughed.
“On a personal note,” he added, “I’ve never known two people more ready to be man and wife. This is a family with their hearts focused on their Lord and Creator, and on their enormous love for each other. They also want to share their love with all of you. As you can tell, today has a bit of welcomed informal atmosphere, and with the wedding happening rather quickly after they got engaged, some of you have been invited formally while other invitations were less formal. The fact that you’re here tells Laura and Ben that they mean something to you and, of course, you are loved by them as well. They want to be sure you all know you are welcomed to the reception just down the hall. There’s enough food to feed an army so don’t worry about going hungry.”
He sensed we had ourselves pulled together. He took our shoulders and turned us toward the congregation.
“So it is my absolute pleasure… to introduce for the first time… Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hawkins!”
Everyone stood and applauded as we walked down the aisle, stopping to hug Laura’s parents, then making our way out the back. I noticed Megan in the back row, smiling and softly weeping. I’m glad she came, and then hoped she wasn’t upset that I just sang about my relationship with her being a broken road.
We got through the door to start the reception line and Laura grabbed my face and looked into my eyes from three inches away with a big smile and sparkles in her eyes, “Why didn’t you tell me you sing like an angel?” She planted a forceful, loving lip-lock on me. “And your family… Oh my!”
“It never came up in our talks,” I answered. “Realizing that, I thought it would be a nice little surprise!”
“LITTLE!” she play-shouted. “I thought I was going to die on the spot! I was already in heaven!”
“You liked it?” I asked.
“I’ll show you how much I liked it later!” she said with an impish smile.
Hanna arrived from the recessional and hugged us both with tears in her eyes. “You okay, sweetie?” I asked.
“Dad, you really sing pretty! You have to do that more!”
Mattie was next and just held her arms out to me and I picked her up as she shouted, “Daddy!” I said a prayer of thanks in my head. I not only married the woman of my dreams who loves the heck out of me, but I now had two little girls that are crazy about me too! Feeling blessed couldn’t begin to describe the emotions that swelled within me.
The reception line moved a little slowly. Laura and I made a point to really greet everyone and be sure that those who didn’t receive a written invitation were strongly urged to join the reception, and most did.
Megan was the last in line and gave Laura a big hug as Megan told her to take good care of me.
She turned to me with a smile and tears flowing. “I know… I’m the one that broke your road. You know how much I regret it but, like you sang, it led you to this wonderful woman and her awesome little girls.” She turned to Laura. “They were so cute and beautiful this morning.” Looking back and forth between us she continued, “I really am happy for you both and thank God he brought you together!”
We hugged her, thanked her, and invited her to the reception.
“I don’t think I should,” she said. “Ben, I know you’ve forgiven me and I feel that, but I haven’t been able to clear the air with your family. I don’t think this is the place to do that. Plus, I have to go get ready to move!” she said with a smile. “Oh, and Ben, the music, all of it, was amazing! I would have paid a lot just to hear it all! And your song… oh my gosh!” Looking at Laura she added, “You really didn’t know about his family’s music and that Ben has an amazingly beautiful voice?”
“No!” Laura replied with a pretend annoyance. “He managed to keep that from me!”
Megan laughed. “Ben’s singing always made me weak in the knees!”
“I know what you mean!” Laura responded. “I was afraid I was going to swoon after the first few notes. I think I’ll have to make him sing something to me every night!”
We said our goodbyes, and Megan walked off looking content and, to my relief, rather happy. I was almost shocked at her ability to put it all in perspective after what she put herself through. I was happy for her.
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