《Two Broken Roads》Chapter 24. Family Rehearsal


The day before the wedding finally arrived. I held a clandestine meeting with my family at noon to prepare for Laura’s surprise. We cleaned up evidence of our preparation in time for the wedding rehearsal.

The rehearsal was great. Pastor Browning was a lot of fun and kept things light. There wasn’t going to be a lot of pomp and circumstance, so the rehearsal went quickly. Laura had two attendants. Hanna was her maid of honor. She was grinning from ear to ear the whole time and was made to feel very special. After all, she was really, really special. Sarah was her matron of honor and was thrilled to be considered such a close friend after knowing Laura for only a few months. Mattie was the flower girl and would stand next to Hanna during the ceremony. She behaved as good as a girl twice her age and was intently focused on doing things just right. Dang, she was cute.

Bobby and my brother Dan were my co-best men. Dan was the brother closest to my age and was my best friend growing up. We didn’t get to see each other often, but the bond was always there. Bobby had charge of the rings because Dan needed to take part in the surprise I had planned.

After the rehearsal, I hosted a dinner for the wedding party at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We also invited other family members that arrived from out of town. Fifty-three of us had great food, lots of warm and loving toasts, even more humorous toasts meant to embarrass either Laura or me, and lots of good conversation. Everyone in my family had been warned to keep the family secret so we wouldn’t spoil Laura’s surprise, and everyone behaved.

We parted at about 10:30 and hoped for sound sleep. I was too excited to even close my eyes. I couldn’t wait for Laura to become Mrs. Hawkins.

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