《Dan's Shoppe of Oddities》Chapter 7: Shopping is not easy...


“So how does this work?” she asked as she crawled across the armrest that divided them in the middle to get a better look at the steering wheel and other controls of the car.

“Get back in your seat!” he said, placing a spare hand on her face and pushing her back into her seat. “And put your seatbelt on. You're going to get us into trouble or worse make us crash.” he said with an exasperated sigh.

“Seatbelt?” she asked from her side of the car.

“Yeah, seatbelt, this thing that is going across my chest and lap? Your side has one to, put it on.” she stared intently at the strap going across him and then started searching for her own. It didn't take long before she found it.

It slid home with a click and Dan sighed a little sigh of relief. At least now he wouldn't have to deal with her leaning too far over.

“So, we are going to someone else’s shop to get food and clothes?” she asked, leaning over and placing her arms and chin on the armrest that divided them.

“Yep, we are going to Walmart.”

“Walmart? Is that the name of the shop?” she asked.

“Yeah, but it's a little different from a shop, it is a full blown store.”

“What is the difference?” she asked.

“Look for yourself,” he said, as they pulled into the parking lot, luckily it didn't look like there was to many cars there so they would be able to get in and out. Amani’s eyes went wide and she picked up her head and pressed her face up against the window.

“THATS A STORE?” she yelled, and Dan cringed a little as her loud yell entered his ears.


“No need to be so loud,” he said as he pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car. “And yes that is the store.”

“It's so biiiiiggggggg,” she said, face still pressed up against the window.

Dan smiled and opened his door after pocketing the key. “Let's go.” he said with a laugh. Amani attempted to get out, but her seatbelt stopped her.

“Daaaannnnn!” she called out, and dan looked over at her, she was struggling with the belt pulling and yanking on it in a comical manner.with a slight laugh he leaned in to the car.

“You need to press the button to release it.”

“Can you help me?” she looked up at him with large puppy dog eyes.

Honestly, how was he supposed to say no to that?

With a sigh he closed his door and walked around to her side, opening the door he leaned in over her and reached for the belt’s button. He could feel the heat from her skin, the breath from her mouth on his neck, and the sweet smell that seemed to roll off of her, it dazed him for a second, before he remembered the entire reason he was leaning over her.

He clicked the seat belt button and it released with a lurch. Amani, who had been leaning against it fell into dan, knocking him onto his back on the cement of the parking lot, before she tumbled out and landed on top of him.

She picked up her head which had landed on his chest and looked down at him lying under her. “Thank you...” she said, her cheeks turning a darker shade of bronze.

What was this dangerous pose?

She was currently draped over the top of him, her chest pressed into his own.


“EHHH?” the sound of someone else drew the two of them out of there own little world, looking over they saw a mom and a small child around the age of ten staring at them. The mother looked at them, and quickly covered up her child’s eyes and started moving on out of sight quickly.

Dan closed his eyes and lay his head on the cool cement, there was no question in his mind as to what that woman thought they were doing…

Amani’s eyes lit up as they entered the store, the rows and rows of food and everything else caught her attention. “Never would I have dreamed of a shop being this big!” she exclaimed, the greeter at the door looked over at the two of them with an unspoken question.

“Foreigner.” Dan said simply, to which the elderly man smiled and nodded, it wasn't quite a lie, but it also wasn't the full truth. Dan grabbed a shopping cart and led Amani, who still was taking everything in with sparkling eyes, by the hand and led her along towards the clothing section.

Dan had never had to go to the woman’s clothes section before, and he had also never had to help a woman pick out her clothes, it was a slightly embarrassing feeling as he walked through the rows of clothes leading her along.

They received quite a few looks of curiosity from people, some of which were caused by Amani’s clothes, others of which was caused by her actions as she exclaimed in shock and awe as she passed by all the new sights the store held.

Ok, first things first, she would need underwear and bras. Parking the cart he brought her to that aisle, there was already three other women there, all of whom looked over at the strange pair that had just showed up.

“Go ahead and pick some out.” Dan said, pointing to the underwear.

Amani looked at him, and then at the underwear, so this is what he meant by more modern clothing. She nodded and looked closer at the underwear, the majority of them in this part of the section were for adults, but there were a few here and there for younger teenagers. It was a pair of these that drew her attention.

The pack displayed a young woman wearing the underwear, which was a simple cut with a cute design on the butt of them. Smiling Amani pulled the package off of the rack and showed them to Dan.

“I think you need bigger ones, I don't think those would fit.” he said with a slight laugh.

“Awwww,” she said sadly as she looked at the cute tiger that was on the back. One of the ladies in the isles looked over at them with a strange look in her eyes.

“Well, if they have a larger size of those then they will be fine, let me look.” he said, and he went over and found a pair that was designed for either older teens, or larger but younger teens, it didn't matter, from the looks of them it looked like they would fit her.

“Alright,” he said, throwing the underwear into the basket with a slight bit of embarrassment as the women in the isles looked at them. “Now we need bras...”

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