《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 007


Rey and Zon visioned Mahara Kesh the Temple of Healing as it existed in the times of the Je’Daii. They watched the Young journeyers learning to use the force heal and studying alchemical practices to treat wounds and all sorts of ailments. Then The temple Started to Branch out in force materialization practices which used force Energy crystals. Rey and Zon both started to levitate off of the ground. Chewie watched the two floating still in the trance.

Then Rey saw the Temple being submerged by the Jedi Order in Fear of The Sith using it to create evil in the Galaxy. They tried to submerge the temple before they left the planet Tython but failed in doing so.

Zon and Rey both fell to the ground. Rey landed with a knee..

There was a loud thud from Zon hitting the ground.

“Oohhh.” Zon tried to catch his breath rolling over to his side coughing.

“I Get it now, I'm coming with you.” Zon said while he laid on the Floor.

“If you're coming, I'm not responsible for your safety, it’s a dangerous place in the Galaxy.” Rey wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Somones gotta watch your guys back.” Zon looked at Rey and Chewie.

Rey looked back through the last few paintings and pulled out a beautiful painting of the City Of Theed. “ I Will be having this one.” Rey Took the Painting of The city under her Arm.

“Yes, as long as I come along.” Zon Clarifying his accompanying presence.

Zon Packed the notebooks in a leather bag along with his paint pad and paints. Zon pulled out his E11 blaster and followed Chewbacca out the front door of his house, closing the door behind them. BB8 was rolling beside Rey who was stepping up the small carved stone staircase. Which was no problem for BB8 to roll up a little faster than usual.


Rey walked the beautiful Cities white stone streets of Theed as people went among their ways through the city streets to Vendor Squares and storefront shops. There was a main pathway for speeders but Rey chose to walk with the Group sensing something cold and dark around watching in the shadows. Rey walked the city streets and everyone around was Enjoying the nice day it Was on Naboo. But Rey Felt a Darkness Near.

They finally reached the Docking bay and The Guards bowed and let all of them through.

Rey Walked back onto the millennium falcon with Chewbacca and BB8, Zon followed them up the ramp and inside the ship.

Chewbacca sat in his usual co-pilot spot and Zon sat in the chair behind Chewie and put his bag on the ground. Rey sat in the Driver seat and they Started the Falcons, Girodyne SRB42 sunlight Engines. Which hummed beautifully before takeoff.

“Everyone hang on.” Rey pushed the Falcon Lever controls forward.

Rey ascended the Millennium falcon up into the atmosphere and when they were above the planet of Naboo. BB8 Put in the hyperlane route and Chewbacca Hit the Millennium falcons SSP05 HyperDrive, into HyperSpace they Jumped.

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