《The Path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis Willier Fan fiction.》Chapter 006


Rey found herself kneeling on the cave floor holding her hand over her mouth and her left hand still holding up the light saber for light. She picked the book back up and put it into the metallic box.

Then she noticed a lever. Rey pulled the Lever and the roof slid open and Rey ascended to the top with the box.

Rey found herself at the top of the waterfall. Perched on a ledge of the cliff rock on the edge of the waterfall. she looked over and waved at Zon down below. Zon looked up from the Landspeeder. Shocked, he started to fly the craft around to where he was able to climb the massive waterfall back up to Rey.

Rey deactivated the Lightsaber and placed it on her belt holster.Rey watched the water fall and the birds flying along the massive body of water the water fall transformed into down below. Rey could see massive eels and schools of fish swimming in the clear waters.

Zon pulled the Land speeder up to the heavy box.

“How are we gonna move that massiv…” Rey cut off Zon with her force abilities lifting the massive box on to his Land speeder.

Zon slapped his hands on the side of his thighs dumbfounded and sat back in the driver's seat.

Rey, Force jumps and lands in the passenger seat.

“Very nice. You find everything?”

Rey Reached over and hugged him.

“All of it and more.” Rey was excited as she sat down and Zon pulled the land speeder across floating above the waters rapids.

Back towards the city.

“So you're rather happy!”

“Yes, I found

The reason the force has been Gravitating me toward you, but there is one thing we need to see when we get back.” Rey said as her long side bangs flew in the wind as the speeder sped back to Zons house.


“What's that?” Zon looked to Rey in the passenger.

“The painting’s, one of them contains a Hyper lane Erased from the Jedi Archives by the Jedi.” Rey said to Zon as the speeder moved along the water canal's surface.

“What's at the end of the hyper lane?” Zon questioned Rey.

And Rey started to tear up as she smiled.

Theeds beautiful buildings passed by as the Speeder flew down the canals.

“ I guess it’s Jedi Business.” Zon left it at that once, he saw Pretty Rey Start to tear up.

They pulled up to Zon’s house lot and Zon parked theSpeeder and they both got off the Speeder. Zon picked up the smaller metallic box himself and Rey Floated the Paintings in the Stone Box onto Zon’s front porch.

Chewie opened the front door and picked up the stone box himself. Walking in he placed it on the side of the house in the living room.

“Wait, why does it smell like my Pizza was cooked?” Zon asked. Chewie started to laugh silently.

“ I guess, I had it coming, The wookie would sniff it out no problem.” Zon smiled and shook his head. “ How was it, good? I paid some good Galactic credits for that Meat Cheese Pizza.” Zon looked at chewie who started to nod his head and rub his stomach.

“Yeah… Yeah, I see.” Zon rubbed his chin and Rey opened the Stone box by Pressing a release she found on the side. “ WOAH!” Zon jumped back and watched the top open and dust fly out into his home. “Great, that just happened.” BB8 started to sweep up the Floor and vacuum the couch while Zon walked to his closet and placed his rifle back on the shelf and then he grabbed the duster and started to dust off the paintings on the walls.


Rey pulled out the paintings looking at the temples in their true glory.

She studied them. Rey reached out with the force and sensed the presence of the force in the paintings. Rey Went into a Trance, She could see the Master weapons builder standing in the storm holding up the first Sith Lightsaber on the Vur Tepe Metallic temple steps.

The Red Light saber roared in the storm as The master weapons builder held up the weapon to catch lighting and channel its energy into the weapon.

Then Rey flashed back and Zon was tranced out looking at the painting too.

“Zon?” Rey looked at Zon who was standing still in a trance looking at the painting.

“Umm yeah.” Zon snapped back, shook his head and blinked his eyes.

“Did that happen to you? Were you able to see the vision.” Rey asked Zon.

“I Think so?” Zon looked at Rey. “Maybe I’m Force sensitive like my great great great great grandfather Xravis.”

Rey looked and picked out the stone box for the next painting. Then with the painting in her hands she said to Zon. “ Only one way to find out.”

Rey turned and they both looked at the Depiction of the Force wars.

They watched the massive ground war between the Ashla light and Bogan Dark Force users. The Bogan Attacked wielding Dark crystal lightsabers while the Ashla light force users used metal force crystal infused blades to fight back the Bogan. The two massive armies charged in for the first battle between the light and dark and Rey and Zon both snapped back into their regular state before the two opposing armies would clash.

“You think your grandfather painted it this way so force sensitives would see the experience, I could see why the Jedi wanted these paintings Destroyed.” Rey picked up the next one and it was a painting of the Galaxy. “Funny I'm not seeing anything?”

“Same, I'm not getting anything?”

Then Rey remembered what she read. “Light of the Jedi.”

Rey pulled her lightsaber out and Ignited the Weapons blade.

“WOAH!” Zon hoped back. “That is Amazing.”

Then the Glow Paint shined a bright neon path hyperlane, Rey and Zon Smiled.

BB8 rolled up then took a data Reading, shining its Analyzing light rays over the painting collecting the data.

“Thanks BB8.” Said Rey, She turned back to the box then flipped through the paintings till she Felt the force connection to the one painting covered in wrap and written in Jedi Symbols, Mahara Kesh the Temple of Healing. Rey pulled out the painting. She uncovered the painting from the paper wrapping Rey and Zon both examined the art work both were brought into a standing Trance.

End of Chapter 006 The path of Rey Skywalker Written By Travis W Fanfiction

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