《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》Strengths and Weaknesses
“A messenger from the Balli.” Lyma presents the man. Ira pops out of the shadows next to us. I brace myself. Even Era whips her tail. Vona nods. Lyma stands aside and the man behind him clears his throat, as he takes an envelope out. He tries to approach us, but stops and stares. Probably because of Era's glare. Ira steps down and takes the letter from him. The man nods only. Ira returns to us and hands me the letter. I guess the messenger was supposed to give a greeting or a speech, but he seems to have forgotten it. I break the seal and read:
“To the King and Queen of Noxanda.
We accept your offer for the sake of Peace.
If you can manage to have the other two nations agree to it as well.” You have to be... I crumple the corners of the paper...
“We eagerly await to hear from you soon.
The King and the People of Ballista.”
“What people?” I put the letter down and look at the messenger. “Is there more to your task?” I ask.
“Confirm the letter received and read, sir.”
“Received and read.” Ira answers.
“Then, that is all.” The man nods and leaves by himself.
“Somehow the Geezer Conspiracy theory seems more than plausible...” I cross my fingers in front of my mouth.
“The only thing about it that is puzzling me - why. Neither one Geezer side, nor the other, have anything to gain by losing lives...” Vona adds to it.
“Common lives. Not theirs...” Ira says. I hate it when he says these things so casually.
“Well?” Era sits up.
“They are testing us. Again.” I answer her.
“What is it?”
“Agreement from other nations.” Era stares at the three of us for a short moment and lies down again. Right. Nothing she can help with here anyways.
“Well what.” I stand up. “Get us an audience with Venatus ASAP. Get through to the Primerians no matter what too! We started this and we will be the ones to finish it. There's no turning back from this now.”
“Roger that.” Ira nods and disappears.
“Damn it!” I smash my fists down.
“Dear...” Vona hugs my arm. I knew this wouldn't be easy and yet... Why is this so infuriating still... They are toying with us... Why! There's nothing to gain here by doing so and only everything to lose! Wait. This is it, isn't it? The Geezers are in on this. This is their trial. They won't acknowledge us till the world does. Fine. Bring it on. I exhale.
“We need to prepare.” I sit back down.
“Yes.” Vona sits down again too and we dive into our studies again.
The Noxian Trio work hard toward their goal of Peace. I've never seen Ren so focused before. Or exhausted. Not even during the fighting. All the three of them have is a wish and each other. And those who believe in them. I now understand why Ren asked for a table to be placed here. The sight of them hard at work for the sake of their land is inspiring their people to work harder as well. More and more people accept Ren as their King. Or so I hear, as the whispers carry round the Palace. The Balli have proven themselves to be only the first obstacle. The so called Cornutese are dodging every attempt to speak that Ren throws at them. The Primerians remain silent as well. With each passing day I get more and more restless... I am completely useless to him now. All I can do is lay here on the cold marble and keep watch over them...
“SCREW THIS! WE ARE GOING OVER THERE! NOW!” I get off my chair. This is the 7th request denied.
“Wykren, you know you can't do that.” Ira's quick to remind me.
“I. Don't. Care. It's been weeks since the Balli issued their threat and those hard-horned morons are getting on my last nerve! If this keeps up there's a good chance that the Balli and the Cornutese will end up joining forces!”
“Perhaps, if we were to show up there, they would at least hear us out?” Vona tries to back me up, but she doesn't sound too thrilled about the idea...
“Or they could just use that as an excuse for an attempted invasion and kill you off. No.” Ira puts his foot down.
“Then how the hell are we supposed to make anyone agree to anything if nobody is willing to listen!” I slump back down into the chair.
“I don't know. I'm working on it. Give it some time.” Ira says.
“Time is something we don't have...” I mumble.
“The Balli didn't really give us a deadline...” Vona tries again, carefully.
“That's exactly what worries me. They can decide any moment that we failed and launch an attack...” I mutter again...
“There's been no movement from them on that front. And before you say anything – yes, we are monitoring the underground too.” Ira adds quickly. I put my hand over my face and just sit there. Pouting...
“Send me.”
“Ren. Send me.”
“What are you talking about.” I stare at Era's deep gaze locked on me.
“What's going on?” Ira's eyes dart between me and her. I hold up a hand.
“The Cornutese - they have a fascination with beasts, do they not?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Send me as the messenger. Their curiosity won't be able to resist.”
“Absolutely not! You'll get killed!” I smash my hands down on the table again. “No way in hell am I losing you...”
“Wykren?” Vona's whisper reaches me.
“Emerald is volunteering to go, isn't she?” Ira says and I grab him by his collar.
“This your doing again? You put this in her mind?” I growl into his face.
“No. I never once thought of that.” Ira holds my glare but doesn't struggle or try to fight back. Somehow that pisses me off. “Even if I were to think of it as a possibility, I would never allow it. Emerald is not a toy or a tool.” My grip slowly loosens.
“Let me help.” Era echoes again inside my mind.
“No.” I sit back down. I try my best to ignore Vona's concerned gaze...
“You stubborn...” Era growls at me.
“We'll all go.”
“Say what?” Ira leans into my sight.
“The four of us will go. We'll go to the border. The guards won't have a choice but to let us through.”
“What makes you say that.” Ira questions me.
“They.” I point outside. “We'll take our Army with us. Your only worry is that they will kill us. They won't do that if we threaten them first. There ain't a lot of them by the border. Reinforcements would take time to get there too. If they dare lay hands on us - our fighters will wreak havoc. Any soldier understands that much. They won't have a choice, but to let us through and escort us to the Capital.” I explain.
“You're full of yourself, you know that?” Ira tells me. I grin.
“Exactly. The Cornutese greatest weakness is that they are too full of themselves. They consider their pride to be their greatest asset, but it's not. If we display the same level of audacity their curiosity might just get peaked enough to see us. They can't deny their Primerian roots no matter how much they try.” I explain some more.
“This is nothing more than picking a fight with them.” Vona says.
“Wrong. I'm simply speaking their language. We aren't getting anywhere because we think we need to be careful and polite about it. When was the last time they were anything like that themselves?”
“Can't argue there.” Ira admits.
“Exactly why we are doing this.” I stand up again.
“Where do you come up with this nonsense?” Ira smiles at me.
“Her.” I nod to Era. “I got it from her.” I grin.
“Reckless as ever, I see.” Vona shakes her head.
“Send a message to the Balli. We'll hold a conference here in Astri in one month from today. Leaders of the Nations are summoned for the signing of the Peace Treaty. Or at least their respectable representatives, which have that power.”
“Say again?” Ira stares at me.
“Dear?” Vona joins his stare with her own. Era too.
“I'm tired of playing by their rules.”
“I can understand that much, but what do you think will happen once nobody shows up?” Ira makes a good point.
I smile. “Oh, they'll show. The Balli are interested already. We make this trip to Venatus happen - the Cornutese will be too. The Primerians will show up by themselves just out of curiosity. All we have to do is provide a piece of paper and some ink.”
“You're insane.” Ira shakes his head. Vona simply sighs.
“So then? When do we leave?” She asks.
“Give me three days.” Ira says. “I'll have your escort ready by then. Pack warm.” He adds and slips away. Right. Even without the snow it's Winter still. We're nearing the end of the Year...
We and half of our entire Army, set out to the West border. We made sure to leave enough capable fighters in case the Balli make a move, but I doubt they will do anything. They want to see what we are capable of, so they'll wait. Something I can't say about our Geezers... I hate leaving Astri for too long. Can never know what the damn fools will pull. But with Lyma and Blain there I have faith they will manage to hold the fort down. The Robes might just be curios enough to enjoy the show as well... Least I hope so... It takes us a bit longer than usual to reach the border. Can't be helped with the amount of soldiers gathered. The order is given to make camp and be on standby. Only our carriage, with Ira by the reins and Era as the only escort - approach the Cornutese men. We stop and I step out, with Vona right behind me. Ira jumps off too and stands next to us. One of the older soldiers from their side walks over closer as well.
“What's the meaning of this?” He calls out to us.
“Our escort.” I answer. “We seem to have been having some technical issues with our communications. We have been trying to go see King Carniran, but every request of ours have failed. After the 7th one we got worried. Perhaps, the land of the Great Hunters is too dangerous? Considering your greatest pride and joy the Man-eaters...” I pause for a moment. “If it's shortage of man power that is the main issue...”
“Seeing as how the safety of Noxanda's Royalty is at stake.” Ira takes over smoothly.
“We don't mean to be a burden, so we brought our own protection.” Vona hammers it in nicely. One would need to be brain dead to miss those hints... The man stares at us.
“We never received any word of this.” Typical.
“Oh no! I knew something like this was going to happen... I was right to worry...” Vona plays dumb beautifully.
“Well, no worries. How about you let us through anyways. Since we are all here already.” Ira takes a jab.
“Not happening.” The man answers.
“Try again. We'll wait.” I smile. The Cornutese fighter steps back a little. Some others surround him.
“Think it'll work?” Ira whispers.
“Think they can risk having a King and a Queen freeze to death out here?” I whisper back.
“Does not matter how long we've been them. Fact remains. Word travels fast. Whether or not we end up looking like fools in this situation is beyond the matter. Truth is - they can't afford bad publicity. It's bad for business. Even if it pisses them off - they will comply.” Vona explains.
“Damn hope so.” Ira glances over his shoulder. “Because if they won't kill us - they will.”
“Let’s not jump to those conclusions just yet.” I try to laugh a little and end up sounding like a squeaking door...
“Heads up.” Era says. I nod to Ira. The man approaches the border again.
“You may enter. But. Your escort stays. We'll take you to the King.”
“How wonderful!” Vona claps her hands. She has a knack for teasing, I'll admit, but seeing her act dumb is pleasing in another way. Vona gets back into the carriage with me right behind her. Ira gets back to his driver's seat too and we take off. Luckily for us, the Cornutese lands aren't as vast as Ballista's. It shouldn't take long for us to reach Venatus. To think that all of this used to be Noxanda's territory... It was the only reason how we were able to procure our Celodians. In exchange for land, the Cornutese used their magic to provide us with our Tiger-horses. If only that friendship would have lasted... Their Earth Cave terrain is such a contrast from Ballista's Sea of Sand. The ground resembles an array of blankets, with only one side picked up, like one would before sliding under it, when going to bed. Some smaller, some bigger but that signature curve is everywhere. Even at the top of the now, wooden houses. The Cornutese Royal Palace is neither a Castle, nor a Palace. It's a combination of a few larger houses, surrounded by smaller ones. Wood and earth alike. So, this is Venatus. The City of Hunters... The carriage stops and we step outside. Ira and Era are quick to line themselves up behind us. A handful of Cornutese fighters approach us from the front entrance. Nobody bows or says anything. They surround us and escort us in. Can't say it doesn't feel ominous... We enter, what seems to be the Throne Room? I think? Judging from the single oversized chair, decorated with animal bones and fur...
“That's some level of audacity you have there.” King Carniran grins at us, sitting down in the Bone-Throne... Least I hope that's him...
“We try not to disappoint.” I grin back.
“Your highness.” Vona curtsies.
“King.” Ira bows too. Guess that’s him then. Ira has scouts everywhere now. Really making a difference with research…
“I can tell.” He looks us over, extra carefully. I feel his piercing gaze. He's evaluating us like one of their merchandise. Somehow that bothers me... I feel a light squeeze on my arm. Vona. Right. Focus.
“So then, mind if we skip the small talk?” I give it a shot.
“Why the rush?” The King grins.
“Rather not waste your precious time, your highness.” Vona answers.
“We wouldn't want to keep our escort waiting.” Ira begins the onslaught.
“Ah, yes, I heard. Rather large escort you brought with you. You'd be wise to keep it small. It might send the wrong message.” King Carniran smiles wider. A muffled chuckle surrounds us.
“Thank you. We'll keep it in mind the next time.” Vona nods.
“Considering that seven of our requests had failed to reach you...” Ira implies.
“Oh no. I have them all right here.” The King reaches his hand out and a bundle of letters is handed to him by a woman. Bastard.
“Then I believe we weren't wrong to keep the bigger escort.” I smile again. The look in the man's eyes changes.
“There are easier ways to grab someone's attention.” He says.
“Clearly not.” I shrug my shoulders.
“I believe, your highness is holding the proof.” Vona gestures lightly to the papers. Nice. The bitterness flashes on the man's face for barely an instant. He hands the letters back and smiles.
“Well then. Mind indulging us as to why you are here?” Double bastard. I swear these games are getting on my last nerves... I inhale and begin.
“We'd like to discuss the possibility of Peace.”
“And what it would take to sustain it.” Vona adds.
“What makes you think we need or want Peace?” He glares at us with a smile still. Ok, I'm done. Let’s get to it.
“Do you know why the Rebellion is called what it is?” I answer.
“What does this have to do with anything?”
I carry on. “Everything. See, thanks to the Primerian research and their experiments, we have a bunch of interesting and entertaining islands all over the map between the two continents that cannot be claimed due to their strange origin. I mean, even the Primerians themselves deserted their precious research.”
Vona takes over. “And. While the respectful and lawful nations such as we have agreed to leave certain land as neutral areas - the same does not apply to the Rebellion.”
“So?” The man is hard please...
“The main reason why nobody's business is successfully expanding outward is because we, the four nations, do not have a united front. Well, us three at least. The Primerian defenses are quite impeccable, despite their lack of fighters. Their gadgets do all of the work for them anyways. But. Their crucial weakness is water. Everything outside of their land is currently unreachable for them. Same as us. The Rebellion has been on the rise due to our inner fighting. Despite the Primerians barely making any moves themselves, they are interested in Peace just as much as we are, still.” I put some pressure on the wound there.
“What makes you think that?” Someone asks.
“Those shut-ins don't even know what year it is.” Another voice from the side says and laughter follows.
“True. But. Even if they don't participate, they do keep track of current events. After all - knowledge is power.” Ira says.
“If the word gets out that their research and trading expansion is blocked by you, of all people...” Vona cuts the sentence off at the perfect part, adding more pressure to the sore subject...
I continue on. “If we should help each other instead of attacking one another, we could easily drive the Rebellion back to their playground and away from their hunting grounds that are the neutral islands.”
“I fail to see how that affects our business in the slightest.” The Cornutese King grins mockingly. I sigh.
“Simple. Your pets, pardon, I mean, your animal creations are transported by ships, correct?”
“Only idiots would attack a ship filled with Man-eaters.” Someone says and the rest burst into a roar again.
“The Odions, unfortunately, are exactly that. Because they are a bunch that have a zero law and order tolerance - they are not able to properly secure the bare necessities required to survive. Their boundaryless life style are plunging them deeper into savagery that makes them suicidal to a whole new level.” Vona explains.
“The Odions do not care who or what they kill. Their biggest difference from your regular Death Bringers.” I fall silent again.
“Your creations are in need of food to be able to last the trip from point A to point B. The further you try to go - the more food you need to keep your merchandise alive.” Ira speaks short and sharp, as usual.
“Making you the perfect targets. Unlike us, the Odions do not even mourn their comrades or anything. They will do whatever they have to, to survive. Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if we could simply outlast them and wait for them to die out...” Vona's calm and sweet tone makes the words exceptionally morbid. “Problem is that people defect to their side each day. So, you see, there is no way of outlasting them.” She adds in the second of silence.
“Well. For you that is.” Ira piles on fast. “For us - it's doable.”
“Tell me.” I take over again. “How long do you think you can last without expanding your income? How long has it been since your last visit to Crepitus?” The contempt quickly flares up on their faces.
“The Balli understand the situation clearly. That is why they are in favor of Peace.” Vona says.
“Are they now?” The mockery is strong. “What exactly is stopping us to unite against you and expend this way, instead?”
“Called it.”
“Yeah yeah.” Ira answers me.
“Simple. We are the only ones who have eyes in the sky.” Ooooh the priceless looks... Yeah. Druids. Our greatest strength. Peace broadens the horizon real fast there, huh?
“Here I thought that Noxians are nothing more than peace loving green leaves.” King Carniran mocks us.
“We are. That's exactly why we defend it with fangs and all.” I grin with my new deranged smile. Silence. Deafening silence.
“You'll have your answer in a month.”
“Make it a week. I'm not a patient person.” I stare the King down one last time. “Oh and before I forget.” I reach inside my shirt and instantly weapons get aimed at us. I smile and take out the letter.
“An invitation, to a Peace Treaty signing that will take place in 20days from today.” A younger Cornutese boy approaches me, I give the letter to him. King Carniran rips it open on the spot.
“You won't be disappointed.” Vona mentions casually. He throws us a quick glare, yet hesitates still.
“Fine. Now get lost.” He waves us off.
We bow. “Thank you for your hospitality.” Vona says.
“What hospitality.” Era growls. I smile and we leave.
“Cornutese sure don't care about appearances.” I speak after we return to our carriage.
“That's their Primerian origin. They value function over fashion. Completely different from the prideful Balli who love to flaunt their colors.” Vona answers me.
“As if their skin is not enough proof.” Ira adds jokingly.
“Then where does that leave us?” I ask, staring out the window... Snow...
“We mind our own business.” Vona answers, putting her hand on mine. I look at her.
“But Stars have mercy on the fools who dare to disturb us and our boring way of life.” Ira says with a smile.
“So true.” I smile too.
Ren, his woman and Ira spend the next thirteen days preparing for the so-called conference. Unlike the wedding, this ceremony does not seem to be focused on food. Instead, the three of them focus on paperwork. Nothing I can be of use to them… Again...
“Well?” I ask Vona.
“That should be everything.” She nods.
“I pray to the universe this stunt works.” Ira sighs.
“Us too.” Vona answers for me. I smile.
“Yes?” I notice Lyma staring at us all.
“The Balli are here.” He answers in a trembling voice.
“How many?” Ira quickly enters his battle mode.
“Five. Just five.” Lyma holds a hand up.
“My Lords!” Another soldier runs in.
“What is it?” Vona asks.
“Primerians spotted closing in on the border.” The boy pants. “Three horsemen.” He says quickly.
“Well now.” Ira smiles. For the first time in days.
“Keep the Balli waiting till the rest of them arrive. No exceptions.” I give the order. Lyma and the boy nod and disappear. “Show time.” I smile.
“Ira?” Vona asks. I look at my friend. His expression's changed.
“Cornutese spotted. Twenty. If not more.” He tells us.
“Ha! Least it's not two hundred or something.” I laugh.
“Least.” Vona exhales too. “Can't believe this is happening.” She looks at me with eyes filled with nothing but doubt and worry. I take her hands into mine and kiss them. A light smile moves the corners of her lips.
“It'll all be fine.” I whisper.
“Ever the optimist.” Ira sighs again.
“Nope. I know it.” I stand up.
“How so?” He mocks me.
“I'll make it so.” I stare into the middle of the room. “How long before everyone is here?”
“A few hours.” Ira answers.
“Good. Keep them all in check. We can afford to taunt them a little.”
“Dear, I don't think it's wise...” Vona tries to carefully disagree.
“It's fine. I'm young. So wise isn't my thing, yet.” I wink at her. Not that it eases her mind in the slightest. We take our time looking over a few last things, while we wait for everyone to arrive. A couple of hours later, Lyma informs us of the arrival of King Carniran and company. We give the order and 28 people get escorted inside our Throne Hall. 20 Cornutese with Carniran in the middle. 5 Balli, led by Chief Ludgen and 3 Primerians that nobody bothered getting to know. The only thing that is proof of their status, or rather, importance, is our letter. I, Vona, Ira and Era by our feet, greet everyone. The smirk on Ludgen's face, the scowling look of Carniran and the total confusion and curiosity of the Primerian party pleases me immensely.
“Welcome to Astri.” Vona begins. “We thank you all for gathering here today for such a noble cause.”
“As you all may know, the reason for which we are here is Peace.” Ira speaks rather softly, by his standards, that is.
“Seeing as how all of you are here - we understand that the Land of Race is in favor of it.” I take my time too. Nobody really says anything. “We took the liberty of drafting several copies of the Treaty.”
“We also went ahead and made suggestions, on how we could make this cooperation work.” Vona speaks casually too. Our guards hand the scrolls out and retreat back to their places, between the columns. “In these scrolls you'll find maps with routes, estimates, and well, see for yourselves.”
“Why would any of us agree to something that you decided for us?” Carniran goes for it first.
“Simple. None of you made the effort to make this happen.” I answer with a smile.
“Of course, should anyone wish to speak their minds now - they are more than welcome to.” Vona adds. “No? Shame.” Only Ludgen keeps grinning.
“Are we to take these as suggestions only or are these terms and conditions? The Primerian woman asks.
“Excellent question.” Vona answers first.
“Would expect no less from Primerians.” I add. “Yes. For now, these are suggestions. However. Once signed - they will become Terms and Conditions. As mentioned a moment ago, we took the liberty of drafting these, based on all of our needs. So, you should find them fairly accommodating. Of course, we'll give you time;” I point to the hour glass on the side; “we figured a minute, would be enough, for you to add or omit anything should you see it necessary?” Oh the looks. Not so fun playing by someone else's rules, huh?
“What's this about a discount for trading? To other nations?” Someone from the Cornutese party asks. Seems that our scroll has been traveling around over there.
“Say what now?” Carniran glares at us.
“A little motivation and reward for working together.” Vona smiles. “We have to admit - we need each other. Even with battles and fighting - we continue to do business. It's rather absurd for us to be fighting between ourselves in the first place. This would increase our chances of subduing the Rebellion immensely, as well as ease expansion for our businesses. We use land for indoor trading, so to speak, and use the seas to move further to Crepitus and Existara. Even Snake Port. As long as we all stand united, of course.”
“We can let Existara deal with the fools.” Ira says. “Those who travel to the New Continent are well aware and ready of the challenges there. Rebellion - being one of them.”
“What makes you say that?” Someone asks.
“They wouldn't leave here otherwise.” Ira answers sharp.
“Besides. I do believe that once the living conditions improve here, people would stop defecting over to the "dark side" too. Can't have a Rebellion without any rebels.” I grin again.
“I see you thought this through quite nicely.” Ludgen finally cracks.
“Why thank you, Chief. We studied the situation and made the calculations as Primerians would. We're putting our foot down as the Balli would and we take pride in being the ones to orchestrate the whole thing as the Cornutese would.” I grin wider, so does Ludgen. The Primerians seem to be getting fond of the ideas laid out as well. The scowling looks on the Cornutese speak for themselves.
“So you say...” Carniran says, reading the scroll again. “I fail to see how any of our gains profit you, though.”
“Oh but they do.” I answer. “We want Peace. This - is designed to achieve that.”
“But of course, if you're not convinced of our goal;” Ira takes over from me; “then we ask for a 1% of your total yearly income for our services. I believe numbers are something that all of us understand.”
“Services?” Carniran keeps staring at us, pawning the scroll over to someone else again.
“Yes. We will be providing you with something that neither of you have or can fabricate. For a fee. Of course.” Ira says.
“What might that be?” Another Primerian, a man this time, asks us.
“Druids.” Vona says. “Beast Druids, to be precise. We are the only ones who can provide scouts from the Air and Water.”
“This says that the percentage would increase after three years.” Someone asks from the crowd.
“Correct.” I take that one. “Our fee will not cross 5%. We estimate that if all of us work together, then within 5 years’ time - the Rebellion should be driven back to their territories, leaving us sailing peacefully across our waters.”
“Why five years only?”
“Do not take this the wrong way, but considering the life span of Non-Noxian races...” Ira falls silent there.
“We figured that would be enough.” Vona quickly glosses over the silence.
“Cheeky bastard.” Ludgen mumbles loud enough.
“Thank you. Appreciate noticing our effort.” I answer. The Balli Chief breaks into a roar.
“Any other questions? Concerns?” Vona asks our guests. Nothing. “Then your minute to make changes starts now.” She slices the air with her hand and the medium sized hour glass gets turned. It's roughly two minutes, but nobody besides us know that. It's used in sparring matches during training. I wait for half of the sand to fall through.
“Well. If everyone is ok with everything, shall we move this along then?” Our party of four splits open. Ira and Era on the right with Vona and I on the left, leaving a clear path to the marble desk. To no surprise, Ludgen is the first one to approach us.
“What happened to letting us chose the land?” He mutters, leaning over to sign.
“That was before your King kindly send as your conditions.” I stick the letter under the man's nose. He quickly looks it over as he signs the papers.
“Kiddo, I had no clue of it.” The Chief's eyes tell me he's not lying.
“Well, no matter. What's done is done. I believe the amount offered to you now works?” I keep his gaze.
“Ay.” He nods and offers a hand. I shake it. The Primerian party steps up next. The woman signs the copies quickly and the three of them nod to us. Vona and I respond with a light bow. Carniran slowly walks up to us. He glares at me for a good moment. I keep my expression the same - dull and emotionless. He clicks his tongue at me and signs the papers. As soon as the Cornutese King returns to his men, Ira gathers the copies and hands them out to the others.
“Perfect.” I smile with our copy of the Treaty and the Terms and Conditions in hand.
“Question.” Carniran speaks again.
“Yes?” Vona says.
“What happens in case someone breaks the Treaty?” He asks with a grin. I knew it.
“It is mentioned at the end of the Terms and Conditions.” The other Primerian man speaks for us.
“Should it happen so that a party from this conference, meaning a Nation, decides to break the Treaty signed here today, on the 5th day of the 1st month, the other parties, Nations, are obligated to subdue the threat, for the sake of Peace, with the possibility of total annihilation, should it be deemed necessary and unavoidable.” The Primerian woman cites the conditions.
“Should there be a need expressed to end the Treaty by the parties, Nations, gathered here, another Conference will be held in Astri. The Treaty can be only broken by a unanimous vote and with all four Nations present. Till then - any and all cooperation from the Nations for the sake of Peace, without hostile intentions or ulterior motives, is mandatory. Any interference with the Cooperation will be seen as a threat to the Treaty and shall be dealt with accordingly. Once signed the Treaty becomes indefinite till made otherwise by another Conference...” Some Cornutese reads the last part of the scroll.
“Should have read the whole thing.” I whisper loud enough, looking at Carniran. His grin turns into utter disgust in less than a heartbeat. Good.
“The Cooperation will officially begin a week from today. We'll give you some time to prepare, of course.” Vona says. “If there are no further questions?” Silence.
“Now then.” I clear my throat. “With all due respect - get out. You toyed with us enough, so pardon us if we decided to skip the festivities at the moment.”
“We do plan on an Anniversary celebration a year from now. Anyone is welcome to join us.” Vona smooths it out for me. Ludgen chuckles a little. Nobody else says anything.
“Well, if that's all then. May the Stars shine upon you.” I bow. Vona, Ira and Era, as well as our guard - follow my lead. The Balli Chief takes the lead and takes his party out first. The Cornutese follow, with the Primerians right behind them. We wait a long moment for their footsteps to quiet down. Cheers fill our Throne Hall. I finally smile for real too.
“Son of a... You did it.” Ira pats me on the shoulder.
“Hope so.”
“Thank you.” Vona leans her head on my shoulder.
“Don't mention it.” I kiss her on the forehead.
- In Serial46 Chapters
Saga of the Soul Dungeon - Old
The new version of this is available here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/40181/saga-of-the-soul-dungeon When Caden dies in a car crash he is put in a dungeon core in another world. The problem with that? He still has a conscience, but the original dungeon core is still there in his mind, and it doesn't... Of course, other people add their own issues: Two human nations gain access to the dungeon and are not particularly pleased to share. A sentient plant race claims the dungeon as sacred ground. And, amidst the chaos, teams of adventurers just want to make a living.
8 174 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Desecrated Keep (Completed)
When a young smith's hamlet is threatened by a dark power thought long vanquished from the world, will he and his unlikely allies be able to end the threat before it's too late? The story will be updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until complete.
8 186 - In Serial8 Chapters
Adventures of a Reluctant Pacifistic Monster
When I was chosen to be reborn in a new world, I never would have thought it would be a world filled with nothing but beast! They're constantly killing each other in an effort to survive and become stronger. I'm just a weak little thing and since that lunatic screwed me from the beginning I can only run and hide. Whats that, you giant 2 headed lion, you want me as dessert! But sir giant hawk also finds me tasty! How about this, you two fight it out and since i'm a pacifist i'll just get out of your way. Mr. Lion you don't seem to need this magical flower, how about I take it off your hands. Mr. Hawk do you really not need that spiritual peach, if so I'll gladly have it. Yum! Well thanks you two, i hope to see you again! (I don't own the image i'm using as a cover. If the owner is not ok with me using it please just let me know and ill take it down. Thank you.)
8 84 - In Serial31 Chapters
In a world where strength reigns supreme, a child is born. Watch as he takes control of an ancient inheritance to rewrite his destiny to become the Regis. He will face challenges like none have before. He will face challenges previously said to be unsurmountable and maybe even death? But will even death be able to stop him? Read along as you find out the answers to these questions. Spolier: Cause of death may include poison, gods, immortals, or harem catfights~[DISCLAIMER - MATURE CONTENT] obviously, there will be stuff like sex, blood, violence, explicit scenes, swearing, etc.] If any of that offends you I apologize. Read author's note if you want more details on this.
8 198 - In Serial26 Chapters
A Study In Love - A Johnlock Fanfiction
It all started with a trip. Sherlock had been acting weird, and everyone thought he was just stressed, so he and John go on a trip to Fiji. Yet, what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation from the stresses of detective work only opened the door for much more stress and confusion when John begins to have strange feelings around his colleague, Sherlock Holmes. And Sherlock is still acting strange.
8 140 - In Serial46 Chapters
kill my mind - m. atsumu
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢'𝐝 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐰 ↳ in which something fake turns real
8 120