《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》The Struggles and the Pressure
“Nobody said this would be done in an hour!” I roar down on the Geezer Council. “Give it some time!”
“It's been six months now! There hasn't been any word from the Balli since we saw the War Chief drinking himself to death!”
“ONLY! ONLY SIX MONTHS!” I barely contain myself...
“There hasn't been any signs of fighting either, in case you lot failed to notice it.” Vona speaks calm but sharp.
“That does not mean anything!”
“It means plenty.” Ira steps in too. “We are monitoring the border. Even if they do change their minds and make a move - we'll know. Don't think that we're not prepared for the worst.”
“And who exactly put you in charge of the Militray, may I ask?”
“I did.” Ira answers. As the Chief of Security that is in charge of the safety of the Royal Couple I make it a priority to keep an eye on possible threats, inside of the Palace and out.” Nice one! I grin. I was right about him. The Geezers take their time. Meanwhile Vona doesn't give them the chance.
“Has the Council prepared their list of trials for us? No? If you lot are not here to complain about us not meeting your yet-to-be-voiced expectations then I suggest you stop wasting our time. We have work to do as is. Dismissed, gentlemen.” Vona sits down and I join her. The Advisors slowly make their retreat. A heavy sigh escapes Ira.
“You don't pay me enough for this...”
“Wait. What do we pay you? I look at him.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Nothing. We never discussed the terms of my "employment."
“That can't be right?” Vona looks at him too. Another shrug.
“Considering that I sleep and eat here - we'll call it even for now. I'll take a loooong vacation once everything settles. Anyways. I'll leave you to it.” He bows and leaves.
“I'm worried about him.” Vona sighs. “Hope he's not pushing himself too much for our sake... Maybe we should think of something that would make him happy?” I giggle silently. If she only knew...
“Sure. Sounds like a good idea. I think he'd love a party of wild women, know anyone?” An elbow lands in my ribs. I chuckle.
“Be serious.”
“I am!” I grin silly. Vona gives me a warm disappointed look. The sound of a clearing throat captures my attention. Lyma stands in the middle of the room.
“Yes?” I try to look serious but Vona's twitching shoulders tell me I'm probably failing.
“There's someone here to see you.” The boy announces.
“I don't see anyone.”
“We are keeping them waiting by the entrance. For security measures.” Lyma adds quickly there. I sigh.
“Bring them in.” I wave.
“Who do you think it is?” Vona asks.
“Who knows. It's clearly not the Balli. He wouldn't have waited for an opening. What?” I notice her gaze.
“Such a Warrior thing to say.” She smiles. Silent thuds echo through the hallway. Two figures walk behind Lyma. I freeze for a moment. Blain and his sister stand before us. I get off the chair and wait. The man gives his sister the crutches and falls to his knee, bowing on the marble floor.
“My Lord.” Blain speaks. His tone different from the last time. “Pass down your judgement. I am prepared to give my life for the audacity and the despicable behavior I have shown you last we met. I beg you.” Loud thuds now ring through the Hall, as his sister drops to her knees next to her brother, dropping the crutches.
“Liar! You said you'll ask for forgiveness and a chance!” She grips his shirt and tries to shake Blain. “You said you wanted to live now!” She cries out. I slowly walk down the steps. Era steals a glance at me with one eye, as I walk past her. I hear Vona get up from her seat behind me. The sister throws herself in front of her brother, with arms spread wide.
“Please, my Lord! Spare the fool! Please!”
“Stay out of this, Dahla!” Blain roars. Like that will work... The girl bends down and continues to beg.
“Please, my Lord! Please!”
I kneel down by the siblings. I put my hand on the girls back. “Now now, no need for that. I'm not about to kill a person just because they were in a foul mood.” The sister lifts her face to me. I smile at her and turn to Blain.
“Lift your head up and look me in the eye.” I tell his back. Carefully, the man looks up to me. The confusion is strong... I smile again.
“Idiot. If you want to die - do it elsewhere.”
“Huh?” Blain stares at me.
“Listen. If you truly want to die - then I'll grant you your wish. But. You need to tell me that standing tall, with your head held high and complete determination in your eyes. After you stay sober for the next six months and try your damnedest to live. If, after all that you still wish to die then I will personally take your life. Consider this your punishment. Fair enough?” I get up.
“Huh? Wait? How is that punishment!” Blain struggles to get up. His sister helps him.
“Simple. Dying is too easy. Continuing to live for someone who wants to disappear is true punishment. Let me tell you a little secret. Death is not punishment - it's salvation.” I wink at my old friend. “Feel free to ask for our help with anything.” I tell them, returning back to my seat next to Vona. “I'm not sure if you're aware but we are doing our best to help War-Vets adapt back into the society.” I sit down.
“Yes, we heard. That's why...”
“That's why we're here.” Dahla finishes.
“Well then, that makes it easier. Feel free to stay at the Palace for the moment, while we look for suitable housing.” Vona tells them.
“No need. I have a home, after all.” Blain finally manages a smile.
“Great. Then once you're good and ready I have a job proposition for you.” I grin.
“A what?”
“I'd like you to be our Expert on Beast Druids, here at the Palace. I consider your experience to be irreplaceable. Something that the current battle-less Masters here are lacking in.”
“That comment was not necessary.” Vona's voice echoes inside my mind. I see Era flicking her tail too.
“Yeah well, if the Geezers have the luxury for insults - then two can play that game.”
“You can do better.”
“Thanks.” I speak to Blain again. “Let me know if you are interested.” I hold my gaze on the siblings. “Bear in mind - the pay might not be much at first.”
“Why tell him that?” Era breaks silence this time.
“I'm not about to lie to a friend or my people.”
“Such a child.”
“Sorry, Gorgeous.” I smile quickly.
“Yes! He is! Thank you, my Lord! Thank you!” Dahla tries to bow, while supporting her brother.
“Hey, don't decide for me!”
“Shut it! We'll take our leave now, my Lords. May the stars shine upon you!” The girl bends again.
“Thank you, Wykren.” Blain nods. I smile again.
“I'm not interrupting, am I?” Ira's voice asks from behind the bed-screen. Vona gasps and pulls more of the blanket on her.
“How long have you been here!” She pouts.
“A second only. I knocked. You didn't answer.”
“Well knock louder next time! Stop laughing!” A pillow lands on my face.
“Sorry, sweetness. Well? What's so important?” I ask, sitting up.
“Congratulations. You've been summoned.”
“Say what now?”
“The Balli King wishes to see you two at Cobalus a week from today.”
Vona and I stare at each other. “When did they?”
“Just now. A scout by the border informed me.”
“You work fast.”
“We clearly don't pay him enough...” Vona adds. Agreed.
“How long will it take to get there?” I ask.
“Wait, why now? What happened.”
“One. If traveling non-stop - a few days. I'd personally prefer not to take risks camping out with you two. We can be there early, to give you two time to freshen up. You are Royalty now, after all. I'll send word back to request accommodation. They are the ones to summon you, they can cough up at least that much. I'll have an Escort Team ready by the end of the day, we can leave first thing tomorrow. Two.” Ira pauses.
“This is pure speculation. But I do believe the Balli were observing you two as well. It's been about a month now since the Blain episode, apparently it made an impression on more than the Noxians here. Plus, they are quite intrigued by your War-Vet policy too.”
“Really? Well.” I grin. Vona rolls her eyes at me. “Then it's settled. We leave for Cobalus tomorrow.”
“Question. What about Emerald?” Ira says.
“What about her?” I ask.
“You wanna leave her here or?”
“She's coming with. She has the crest on her anyways. I purposely made one for her too.” We made it a point that only the members of the Royal Family could wear them as to not have the status abused.
“I figured as much.” Ira sighs. “Too bad this is such short notice. For true display of “power”, I would prefer to have her in full armor. Once you manage to get some gold, sometime in this life;” he whispers loud enough, Vona chuckles; “you should consider having Anchors made for her.”
“I heard of them.” Vona says. “They are special armor made with the users blood and or Mana if they have any but the blood is usually enough as the Mana infused within the armor binds to the life force of the user, keeping them alive in worst case scenarios.”
“Correct, hence why they are called Anchors.” Ira adds.
“Right and because of the unique way they are made, they are unusable to anyone else besides the person they are bound to.” Vona finishes.
“Sounds good to me. I'll keep it in mind. Anything else?”
“Pack up.”
“Right after breakfast!” I stretch. “Wanna join us?”
“Pass. I have work to do. My Lords.” Ira's shadow bows to us and disappears.
“Hope he doesn't make this into a habit...” Vona pouts, getting up. I pull her back to me by the hand.
“I'll let him know that the Queen was not pleased.” I whisper.
“Isn't that supposed to be your job?”
“It is.” I kiss her, caressing her naked breasts. “I'm damn proud of it too.” I kiss her neck, sliding inside of her with my fingers. A quiet moan. I grin, biting the nipple. Another rub. Another moan. I pull her under me and dive down. The wetness rouses my hunger. I tease her and feel myself grow too. I can't resist. I pull myself up. Vona strokes it for me and guides it in. The warmth of her stirs my desire even more. I gaze into her eyes... Ah damn... I can't hold back... The look... The moans... The sweat... The lips... I kiss her rough, pounding the last few hard thrusts... I quickly pull out and stick my hand in again. Vona's hand grips me tight and strokes me crazy. She gasps hard, shaking under me. I explode all over us the next moment too, panting for air. I feel her fingertips brush against my stomach and chest.
She licks me off her fingers. “Delicious.”
I grin wider and slowly pull my hand out of her and put the fingers inside my mouth too. “It is.” I lick them clean. “Very much so.” I grin again. My wife leans in and kisses me.
A mix of Noxians and Balli escort our carriage from the border to Ballista's Capital. I recognize some of the faces that were there when Ludgen and I shook hands. Hope that's a good sign. We barely make a few stops on the way to Cobalus. Those too being a few hours only, to let the mounts rest. Can't say that the rest of us don't like the chance to freshen up, but with Ira's paranoia we don't linger for too long. With Vona asleep in my lap, I stare out the window. Sand and more sand... No wonder they want our soil. But is killing really the way to do it? It's strange how different the scenery is with a few days of travel...
“Something on your mind?” Vona's soft whisper snaps me out of my thoughts.
“Nervous a little.”
“Me too.” She snuggles up against me. I hug her too me. There's no way we wouldn't be... The carriage stops and Ira steps out the door first and holds them open for us. I step down first, with Vona right behind me.
“My...” Vona adds to my sigh. Two rows of Balli warriors lead from our carriage to the Castle entrance.
“Stay sharp.” Ira says behind us. We bow lightly to show our respect and proceed to walk. A Robe greets us at the entrance.
“Welcome to Cobalus, we are honored to have you.” He bows. His tone says otherwise. We, and our guard, bow again.
“Honored to be here.” I answer. We decided that I would be the one to take the lead. Not sure how much that's a good idea, though...
“Please, follow me. I shall take you to your quarters. You must be exhausted from your journey.” We follow the Robe inside the Sand Castle. To my surprise the sand feels nothing less than stone as we walk through.
“Balli Shamans. Only a true Earth Shaman is able to manipulate sand to achieve this density.” Ira's voice rings inside my mind.
“Nothing short of impressive.” Vona agrees.
“Exactly why I want this to work even more.” I add.
“So do I.” Vona agrees again.
“Me too.” Ira adds.
“We've arrived.” The Geezer gesture to three doors.
“One for each of us? Vona and I, Ira and Era?”
“Sorry but I ain't leaving you two out of my sight till we get back. You're gonna have to make it without your leisurely activities.” Ira answers.
“We'll try to survive the horror.” Vona mocks him. I giggle silently.
“What about our guard?” I ask the man.
“The guard will be shown to the barracks next.”
“We prefer to stay near our Lords.” Someone says. It kinda makes me blush hearing that.
“We shall comply with the host's request.” Ira bows. “That's an order.” He tells his men. Nobody argues.
“Then I shall leave you to it.” The Robe nods lightly. “You shall meet with the King tomorrow after breakfast as planned. We will deliver your meals to your rooms.”
“We appreciate the trouble.” Vona nods.
“You'll wait for us by the gate tomorrow.” Ira announces to the guards. The Geezer gives him a weird look.
“We prefer not to be away for too long.” I smile.
“Right.” The Robe persists with the hardened stare. “If you'll excuse me.” He bows for a mere second. “Follow me.” He tells our guard. We watch them leave for a long moment before trying one of the rooms. Ira goes in first. Of course.
“All clear.” He says, taking our bags again. I roll my eyes.
“Of course, it would be. I doubt they would kill us before even speaking to us.” I walk Vona inside the room. A tad small...
“I see now why they offered three rooms.” Era says by the door. With her on the floor - there's not much space left to walk around.
“About that. I'm not convinced the League of Geezers aren't collaborating to do just that.”
“The Balli have everything to gain from this.” I sit down on the bed while Vona looks around the room.
“I meant our Geezers included.” Oh.
“Could be possible.” Era growls.
“When did you become an expert in Politics?”
“What is it?” Ira looks at me.
“Nothing. Era agrees with your Geezer theory...” I mumble. He turns to her.
“Glad someone's one my side.”
“We all are. You just have a tendency to scare me, with that cold blooded assassin way of thinking, that's all...” I pout.
“Least there's a bath and a restroom.” Vona lets us know from the door on the side. “But that tiny nightstand for two can't possibly be called a dinner table.”
“Probably the reason why we all got a separate room.” Ira makes camp on the floor, next to Era. Somehow I wanna pout more now...
“I hope we don't come off as rude for cramming up in here.” Vona sits down next to me.
“I'm not really worried about that. There are plenty of risks involved as is. I just hope every one of us makes it back in one piece.”
“Hope the fellas don't get provoked...” I pile on top of Ira's valid concerns... This is too nerve-wrecking for my taste...
“Perhaps you two should use the chance to change before dinner.” Ira points to the washroom.
“Then I'll go first.” Vona takes her bag and leaves us three.
“Anything?” I ask Era.
“Not that I can tell. Yet.”
“That yet of yours is not helping...” Era opens one eye at me. I sigh again.
“Something the matter?” Ira asks.
“You mean besides the faith of not one but two nations resting on us? No.”
“Asshole much?” He looks at me.
“Sorry. I was never good at waiting.”
“Deal with it. Can't be helped.” Ira sees my expression and sighs too. “For what's it worth - you can relax. Emerald and I will keep watch. You need to look presentable so try and get some rest.”
“When did the two of you become so buddy-buddy?” My friend shrugs his shoulders and smiles. Ugh. I crash down on the bed.
“Who's next?” Vona asks. “Ira?”
“Sure.” He gets up and grabs his things.
“Well?” Vona lays down next to me.
“What?” I play dumb. She bites my ear.
“Wrong answer.” She whispers.
“Sorry.” I put my arm around her. “I hate waiting.” I confess.
“That's cause you act, not think. Which can be your gift and a curse sometimes.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Try not to overthink it. We'll deal with it all a step at a time.” Vona kisses me.
“Thanks, Gorgeous.”
“Your turn.” Ira steps out again.
“That was fast.” I get up and switch with him to use the washroom. Nothing special there. Copper pipes and lukewarm water. Probably because it's evening now. If it was morning or noon the sun from the window would hit the metal directly - heating the water inside. No wonder Ira didn't stay long... I take a mug? Definitely not an item meant for bathing and I get in the clearly, too small, tub, crouch down and wash up... The non-leather pants sure make a great difference when wearing them for longer periods of time but still. Sweat is sweat. Oh? The soap's hard and fragrant? Different from our foamy oils and lotions. I wonder if they consume less of the soap this way? I pour a few mug-fulls of water down on myself. Yeah. That didn't do anything... I get out, take a towel and pat myself dry. I slip into some less fancy looking clothes and take one last look in the mirror... I manage a sigh and return to the rest of them. Oh. Wait. I look back and plug up the metal basin. I fill it up with water and leave the door open.
“It's not much but if you want something to drink.” I tell Era, placing my things down. She gets up and barely fits through the washroom door.
“You sure you're ok there?” Vona asks Ira.
“Peachy.” He answers without looking. She pouts to me, complaining. I smile and sit down next to her on the bed, we huddle up and just sit there... Nobody says anything...
“People approaching.” Era warns me.
“Someone's coming.” I let Ira know.
“I smell food.”
“Dinner's here.” I announce. Ira readies himself by the door. A knock. Ira opens it.
“Evening.” The same Robe nods. “Your dinner, honored guests.” He stands sideways in the door with the rest of the party clearly confused outside. “Were the accommodations not to your liking?”
“Pardon us if we're a little cautious of our Royal Couple.” Ira bows. “Excuse me.” He steps outside and returns a moment later with a tray. The Robe does not answer anything to that comment. Ira gives the tray to me and goes back out, returning with another tray. He sets that down on the nightstand and goes out again. This time he brings two bottles and some glasses.
“Is that all?”
“And Era?” I stare.
“On it.” He says but Vona beats him to it. She walks over closer to the Robe.
“It appears to me you have forgotten about one more guest in our party.” The Robe looks down at Era. He's clearly fighting something...
“My apologies.” He nods. “Any preferences?”
“His head.” Era tells me. I giggle.
“Well?” Vona reaches for me in my mind.
“None.” I answer quick.
“A steak from your finest meat will be acceptable.” She bows lightly. “Raw.” She adds. Ira throws me a concerned look. I can't help but smile proudly.
“How bold of her.” Era says. I smile more.
“Will be here shortly.” The Robe nods and leaves, closing the door.
“What?” Vona looks us over.
“Try not to provoke them too early.” Ira says.
“Sure. Cause disrespecting a sacred creature is high honor.” Vona sits back down on the bed.
“Our sacred creature is none of their concern.” Ira answers.
“Who's side are you on!”
“He has a point.” I take her by the hand. “It's probably unheard of for them to have a pet treated as a person.”
“Watch it.” Era growls. I smile.
“Thank you, though.” I kiss Vona's hand. She looks away from me.
“Shall we?” She takes the lid off the tray.
“Not yet.” Ira says.
“Why?” Vona's pouting intensifies... Cute.
“If you would - please.” Ira gestures and Era gets up. She takes a good whiff of the food.
“Don't tell me...” I put a hand over my face.
“What?” Vona asks.
“Poison check.” I mutter. It clicks to me. “When did you teach her?”
“At night. She sleeps in the Throne Hall. Have you seen her nest? The girls there make it for her every night and clear it out each morning.” Ira smiles weird. Is he mocking her?
“You never said a word of this to me...”
“You never asked me how I spend my nights.” Oh the smartass!
“Well?” I ask pouting now too. Era goes back to her spot.
“All clear. Enjoy.” Ira opens the bottle and lets Era sniff that too. No reaction.
“What if they use some new poison that you two don't know?” Vona asks and I set my bite down.
“It's not about the poison itself. It's more about the smell that's not food. Anything weak won't have much of an effect besides a light fever or a stomach ache. Anything strong will have a scent that Emerald will be able to pick up on. Slow-acting poison would be useless too. The Balli wouldn't gain anything from that. Our Geezers - perhaps, but that's a topic for later.” Ira hands me the wine. "Even animals in the wild know how to avoid toxic things. We're simply applying the basic principles of Nature here too. Nothing more."
“Your intellect truly frightens me at times.” I take the glass.
“The lack of yours - me.” He grins.
“Oh ha ha.” I pass the glass to Vona and take the next one myself.
“My dinner's here.” Era tells me. I point to the door. A knock. Ira sets the bottle down and opens the door again. A Balli girl stands there.
“For the...” She hesitates.
“Saber.” Ira smiles. “Appreciate the trouble.” He nods.
“Thank you.” I tell her too. The girl quickly curtsies and runs off. Ira sets the tray down for Era. No reaction there either. We enjoy our dinner and manage to finish only one bottle. A bit more than a glass each between the three of us. Can't be helped. Ira checks the other rooms, hauling in some pillows and blankets for himself. As much as I hate seeing him on the floor while we take the bed, I do feel easier with all of us in the same room. Having our escorts separated from us is plenty worrying... Hope everyone's ok. We turn in for the night. Vona cuddles up with me. Reminds me of our camping during battles... Not that it's been so long since... I smile. I stare into the night a bit longer before finally falling asleep.
We are early to rise the next morning. Well. Ira is. He goes in to use the washroom first. I go next. Leaving Vona the last. Neither one of us needs any of that make up stuff anyways... She takes her time to get ready before breakfast is served. The same Robe comes this time around too. He gives us an hour before returning to lead us to the King. One of their guards takes our bags from us and carries them to our carriage. Or so I hope... The Geezer guides us through the Castle. It doesn't take us too long before we find ourselves standing in front of a giant stone? No. Same sand still, door, open wide. This is it. The future will be made today. One way or another... The Geezer turns to us.
“The animal is not allowed further, I'm afraid.” The Robe glares at Era.
“Well then, the entire meeting is off, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders. “We are all animals here, in our own ways.” I smile. “Apologies for the trouble.” The three of us bow.
“Enough with the dramatics, get in here already.” The Chief shows himself from around the corner.
“But.” The Robe tries to argue but the glare he gets shuts him up.
“Do me a favor and try not to cause too much trouble.” The Chief whispers to me.
“Of course. As long as you people behave.” I answer. Ludgen gives me a quick disappointed look and bows to his King.
“Your highness, I present to you the King and Queen of Noxanda.” He side-steps and we bow.
“We thank your highness for this rare opportunity.” I say.
“An honor, truly.” Vona adds.
“Likewise.” The King steps down. Not a single female anywhere. Is that what they call Patriarchy?
“Now what?” I ask Ira.
“Wait for them to make a move first. We'll improvise from there.”
“Not helping.”
“Deal with it.” He answers. Fine. The King comes in closer to us. Somehow I'm getting a weird feeling...
“I have to say, the rumors do not do the Priestess justice.” He takes her hand.
“You flatter me.” Vona curtsies.
“I understand you wish for Peace. Perhaps because you lack experience, you offered land to us but if you truly wish to seal the deal there are better ways...” The Balli King pulls Vona in to his arms. I wrap my arm around her hips and take his hand of hers.
“I'd appreciate it if you didn't put your hands all over my wife.” I tell him, pulling my Queen back to me.
The Chief roars. “Told you it wouldn't work, Terrack.”
“That you did.” The King smiles. “Not sure if I'm pleased or upset.” Another roar from Ludgen.
“It would be unbecoming of you to start a War only because I didn't let you slobber all over another country's Queen.” I keep my glare. The nerve.
“Not the most ridiculous excuse they've used so far.” Ira makes use of the opportunity.
“They have a point.” The Chief smiles.
“I do believe, your highness, has enough experience to know that Marriages for Power are forbidden between nations by the mutual agreement between the Land of Race and Existara.” Vona trembles lightly in my arms.
“But this is Marriage for Peace.” Terrack grins. As if.
“I doubt that it would be enough to please your hunger, your highness.” Ira joins in. The Balli have a very unique definition of family. The women and children are to be protected by the men at all costs. Reason why only men fight. Contrary to our fighters that are both - men and women. I can see how they would look unfavorably at us for it... However. The Balli employ the so called Harem system, where one man is able to have multiple wives. The more wives - the more offsprings... Explaining how they are able to produce so many fighters. But. Giving off a single woman to a single man does not guarantee anything. We need to bridge the gap between nations, not single individuals. Our land offering appeals to the people more for a reason. Not that I realized it when making the offer...
“Ha! Three for three.” The Chief grins. I'm glad to see him here.
“Right. Well, can't blame me for trying.” The King says. Watch me.
“Easy now.” Vona strokes my arm lightly. Right.
“Shall we get back to business then?” I ask.
“About that. I fail to understand how your people will ever be able to accept such terms for Peace. We are not the ones that live forever.” Terrack begins.
“Yes, well fortunately for you - you won't have to deal with that. It will be our problem to solve.” Ira says.
“That does not sound too promising.” The King squints at us.
I smile. “Tell me, are you aware of the meaning behind the Noxian festivals?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” A Robe questions us.
“We pay our respects to the sacrifices that our people made before us.” Vona takes over.
“We celebrate new life that represents the future.” Ira continues.
“We live on. No matter the hardship endured.” I add painfully. This is stirring up memories for me... I try to keep my focus.
“We pay our respects to the past, thank the present and pray for the future.” Vona circles back on purpose.
“We don't deny our past. Nor do we forget it.” Ira takes over again. It's as if we rehearsed the whole thing! I love you guys!
“The bitterness of the grudges of the past only poison the future.” Vona says.
“There isn't a single Noxian that wishes for the next generation to experience the same horrors as the current one.” I finish the hint. My Parents made a crucial mistake there. They kept their past from me. I do not want to make the same mistake.
“Everything will fall into place naturally.” Vona begins again. “Our people are not fond of fighting. Just because we are good at it, does not mean we enjoy it.” She speaks calm but firm. Our tiny lecture side tracks the conversation a little.
“You are referring to Cornutora's quiet submission, are you not?” Ludgen asks. Nicely done, Chief. We're back on point.
“Yes. Or rather - the united trading routes that will open up new possibilities, as well as invite profit.” I answer.
“How noble of you. Sacrificing your own lands for the sake of our profit?” Another Robe mocks me. Oh please. I'm used to these games by now.
“I can understand why you'd see it that way. However. That's merely a front.” I keep my voice calm and relaxed.
“Is it now?” Another Geezer stares me down.
“Tell me. How long can you keep up with this charade, before your own people will raise against you?”
“For a nation that values family above all else - tell me, how much longer do you think the women of this land will continue to watch their sons go off and die in another land before they've had enough? Once the current youth runs out and no new one is born - will you turn to drastic measures?”
“Wykren!” Ira.
“Dear...” Vona.
“Ren.” Era. Three for three. The faces of every single Balli here darken with disgust yet nobody says anything. I continue.
“Word travels fast. You can't possibly keep your people from knowing about the deal offered to you. Do you honestly and wholeheartedly believe that your people will chose to continue to starve and die?”
“Honey, please!”
“No!” I answer them both.
“Hooooo, well now. You're more vicious than you look, boy.” The Chief grins.
“You flatter me.” I nod. “I do believe that our losses are minor, compared to the risks you face should the deal fall through.”
“Is that a threat?” A Robe steps forward.
“A prediction. Of the grim future that awaits you.” I grin with my deranged smile.
“The lad makes a point. Can't deny that.” Ludgen admits, stroking his beard.
“Silence, you!” Another Robe yells at the Chief.
“Oy. Listen here.” The Chief's tone sounds hard.
“Enough.” The King cuts in. The old men settle down. “I see. You are a force to be reckoned with. Regardless of making a decent point, I cannot say that as a fellow comrade-in-tittle I appreciate the underhanded tactics of yours.” Terrack glares at me again. I shrug my shoulders with a smile. Like him trying to grope Vona was any less underhanded... The King continues.
“You shall have your answer in a few weeks.”
The four of us bow. “Thank you for your hospitality.” I begin.
“We hope to repay the favor one day.” Vona adds.
“Looking forward to working with you again in the near future.” Ira finishes it. We leave the room in silence. Our guard meets us outside of the Castle. Everyone is looking well and unharmed. Good. Wait. I notice a few stares aimed at us. A soldier steps forward. Ira and Era ready themselves.
"Easy." I tell them. The man approaches us and bows.
"Your highness may not remember us but..." He begins and breaks. Vona smiles.
"I remember. You were among the ones we rescued back then in the Winter." OOOOOHHHH that time! The man straightens out and smiles with tears in his eyes.
"YES!" He answers a bit too excited. "We wanted to use this opportunity to thank you again for what you've done for us... We would have died if it weren't for your kindness, your highness..." Well now... Our guards smile warmly at us too.
"We are glad to see you alive and well." I join in. Ira clears his throat behind us. Right.
"Pardon us for cutting this short, but we must be on our way." Vona bows to the man and he returns it with a bow of his own.
"Yes, of course, allow us to escort you." He says and returns in line, giving us way to our carriage.
"Well now. That was a surprise." Ira says.
"A lovely one at that." Vona smiles.
"Unlike the earlier one..." Ira glares at me as he holds the carriage door open for us. “That was a risky move.” He hisses at me. The three of us get into the carriage, leaving Era to run next to it.
“Sorry about that, Gorgeous.”
“I'll live.”
“Reckless is not the word...” Vona too... I sigh.
“More like stupid.” Era agrees quickly before running off.
“I didn't mean for that. I just...”
“Couldn't hold back. Yes. We know.” Vona leans her head on my shoulder.
“Sadly.” Ira sounds pissed...
“Sorry sorry, my bad.” I pout.
“Thank you.” Vona seals a kiss on my neck. “I have to admit, I was afraid back there for a moment when the King tried to make a move on me. If you hadn't pulled me back, I probably would have slapped him.” She says and I giggle.
“I'm pretty sure the slap would have impressed them too.” Ira says. “Everything was designed to test you.” He adds.
“Think we passed?” I ask carefully.
He shrugs his shoulders. “Hard to say. We'll know in a few weeks. We are the ones offering to give them what they want, going by that logic - we shouldn't have to have a reason to start a War again.”
“In other words - they would be complete idiots not to take us up on the offer.” Vona says.
“Let's hope so.” I gaze upon the distancing Sand Castle array. Let's hope so...
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