《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》Here and There
For some time now, Wolken has been bringing me food. He usually doesn't say anything and keeps his distance. Can't blame the man. I am a beast... Although, that did not seem to stop Ren... Funny how family works...
“What the HELL WAS THAT!!!” I get up after the flop on my ass.
“Damn, you're loud.”
“Quit dodging.” I walk together with Ira, back to the barracks. “What the hell did I just see?”
“Partial shadow control.” He says. I wait. Nothing.
“And?” I urge him. He sighs heavily. Like. Too heavily.
“It means that I can control at least two shadows at the same time, without going under all the way. It doesn't last very long but as long as a body part of mine is touching a shadow, I can grab hold of another one and use it as a somewhat of a portal.”
“That's...” I'm speechless... “INSANE!!”
“Too loud.” Ira glares at me again.
“Is it hard on you? To hold the shadows this way?” My friend stares at me. “What?”
“You're different...” He says.
“Yeah, and?”
“Nothing.” We grab our things from our room and go shower.
“You haven't answered me yet.” I persist.
“Yes. It's difficult. It takes a lot of focus and Mana. If I overdo it, I can pass out from exhaustion.”
“What for?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Just am.” Guess Magic and Mana have their downsides too...
“Everything is fine here. The food is great. The room is nice. The chores are a pain but nothing I haven't done at home, so it's bearable...ish... My roommate is a lot of fun too! Even though his personality is a bit spiky, he's a good person. I can tell. Anyways. I'm learning a lot! I'm glad Dad showed me some moves! Least I know the basics! How is everyone? I miss you guys.
Love you lots.
Sign - Wykren.
That's more or less it.” Hyra puts the letter down. “He has the Stone and sends a letter still…” She smiles, through her tiny tears. “Well. Least his ok.” She wipes her face. “Enjoy your meal?” She gets up. I nod.
“That's good.” She picks up the basket. “Sorry to bother you. Wolken... He... Doesn't talk much... I...” She grips the handle. “I just needed...” She shakes her head. “Sorry. It's nothing. You probably know more about how he is, anyways. Well, I'll go back now. See you next time.” She smiles at me. I nod and watch her walk away. I crawl back into my tree. She seems to be hurting, yet I smell no blood on her?
“Hey! How is everything?”
“The same. Hyra was just here. She brought me my meal. Wolken stopped showing himself.”
“Oh? How was it?”
“How's Mom?”
“Hurting. Her smile seems painful... Yet her scent is the same.”
A long silence. “I see...”
“She read me your letter.”
“Oh! So it got there! That's good to know!”
“Why not use the Stone?”
“I can't... Yet...”
“I'm afraid that if I'll hear them I'll go home...”
“They would like that, though.”
A giggle. “Yeah, I bet. Oh, sorry. Gotta go! Later!”
“Be well.”
I head back to put the axe away and notice a crowd gathered a bit to the side. I change course and head over there instead. I barge my way through. What the? Ira's down on the ground with a bleeding lip. There's a guy, yelling something, with a few others hold him back. A sword lays on the ground...
“Murderer! Someone like you shouldn't even be allowed within the Army Ranks!!”
I crouch down by Ira. “You ok?”
“Fine.” He hisses. “For the fifth time!” Ira stands back up, slowly. “He was alive when he left the ring! It's not my fault he had a lousy healer!!”
“That changes nothing!! Let go of me!!!”
“Cool it! You'll get thrown out!” Someone tells him.
“Bastard! How dare you live and breathe!!”
“Enough!” I stand between Ira and the man. “If you wanna hate someone, hate your brother for being too weak!”
“What did you say...” The glares aimed at me...
“You heard me!” I stand firm. “If he was any stronger, he would have won the fight! You wanna blame someone, blame yourself for not stopping him in the first place! Go punch the piss-poor healer that couldn't hack it! Don't go throwing your anger out on whoever gets in your way!”
“Son of a... How dare you!! You DARE defend scum like him!!”
“WRONG!!” I grip the axe handle tighter. “I'm looking out for my friend! The same way you are for your brother! The only difference is - you're lashing out at the wrong people here!” The other two men, holding the yeller, step aside a little.
“If you have a problem with my friend, you'll have to go through me first!” I stand my ground.
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” I stay strong. “I'll take you, or anyone else on!” Laughter. The crowd picks up a little.
“Oh yeah? You and what Army?” Someone calls out. I grin. I flip the sword off the ground with my foot and up into the air, I catch it and take up a stance. Sword straight up front. Axe over my head.
“I am the Army.” I hold the glares.
“What is going on here! Let us through! What is this!” A couple of Instructors show up. I lower the weapons. “Who started this!” No answer.
“If nobody takes responsibility for the ruckus caused here, then everyone present will get 20 laps around the training grounds!!” The male says.
“It was me.” I step forward.
“He's lying. It's my fault.” Ira stands next to me.
“Anyone else?” The Instructors look around.
“No.” I answer.
“Fine. You two. 20 laps. Get going.” The older Woman tells us. Ira and I nod. The male instructor walks up to me and takes the weapons away. Ira and I get to running. We take up a slow pace. Both of us are tired enough. This will take forever...
“I didn't ask for your help.”
“I know.”
“Why interfere?”
I shrug my shoulders. “My friend looked like he was in trouble, so I stepped in. I wasn't thinking too much about it. My body moves on its own sometimes.”
“Well tell it to stop doing that. In fact. Quit calling me your friend.” Ira growls at me.
“You'll become a target too.” Ira says, clearly irritated.
“I'm not afraid. Besides. It would be pointless right now, after that statement…”
I laugh a little. “Sorry, can't help it.” We run side by side a little more.
“Do things like that happen often?” I try asking...
“Often enough.”
“I see. Well, no worries. I gotchya.” I tell him and a fist lands into the side of my face. I tumble down. “The hell!”
“You are annoying the hell out of me!! Mind your own damn business and stay out of mine!!” Ira yells at me.
I stand up. “Sorry. I didn't realize I was out of bounds.” Blood drips down. The blow cut my brow... I wipe it away and continue to run. Ira grabs me by the shoulder.
“Wait! The hell! You're not gonna return that!”
I shake my head. “No reason. I annoyed you enough to make you punch me. I deserve it. I'll try to control myself more.” I tell him. His face is lost and confused.
“Keep running! You two are far from finished!!” The same Instructor calls to us. We get back on track, with Ira up front and me a few steps behind him. We finish the laps in silence.
“This time he says that the lectures are harder than the training itself!” Hyra laughs, a little bit forced. I've become rather fond of her. She reminds me of Ren...
“Well. He was always the type to learn better through doing something, rather than memorizing it... Hope he can keep up... He's smart! No doubt about that! He just... Gets bored easily...” She says. I agree.
“It'll do him good. Learning more about the world. Meeting people. Maybe he'll even meet a girl! Oh, but I guess he wouldn't want to return here, if that were to happen... He'd probably wanna stay in Astri and raise his family there... I'd take that over him battling, any day... Even if he never visits us again...” Hyra's smile is sad still... She clutches onto her dress.
“Thank you for keeping me company. Oh. We'll be leaving soon for a little bit, will you be alright?” I sit up and nod. “Good. See you next time.” Hyra bows and leaves me. Meeting a girl? Raising his family? Well. If that were to pass, I wouldn't have any more meaning in his life either...
“Yo! Blain! Long time no see!” I run up to the Druid.
“Wykren! Been a while, huh? How are things?”
“Good, good, trainings though, the lectures – even more so.”
“Hello.” Ira walks up to us too.
“Hello.” Blain nods.
“You off some place?” I ask, pointing to his bag.
“No, actually, I just got back. Had a few days off.”
“That must be nice! Wait, a few days only?”
“Yeah, I'm a local. Born and raised here in Astri.” Blain says.
“That's convenient.” Ira mutters.
“Did ya visit your girl then?” I try to tease. Blain smiles and shakes his head.
“I'm gay.”
“A what now?” I'm lost...
“It means he sleeps with men, not women.” Ira says.
“Huh? What? Wait? Are you gay too?” I stare at Ira.
“NO!” He snaps. “No offense.” He adds quickly.
“None taken.” Blain smiles again.
“Wait, is it because you wanna sleep with me that you gave me your steak last time?” I look back at the Druid.
“Oh for the love of...” Ira puts his hand over his face. Blain laughs loud.
“Ha! Good one!” He says, chuckling. “No, that's not why...” His shoulders stop twitching. “Buuuut, since you brought it. Wanna do it?” He gazes at me the same way Dad looks at Mom sometimes... I swallow...
“Aaaaahhh I haven't even been with a lady yet...” I whisper... “I'm not sure I'm adventurous enough for a man... Yet...”
“You're kidding.” Ira stares at me. I shake my head, blushing.
“Small village. Only child. Literally.” I mumble. Blain laughs again.
“Sorry. I was joking.”
“It's fine! Really! I'm honored! I mean! I never had an offer like that!” I struggle with my gestures…
“Cool it already, you're rambling.” Ira tells me.
“Well. If you ever do find your spirit of adventure, let me know.” Blain winks at me. “Gentlemen.” He nods to us and walks away.
“See ya round!” I call out to him.
“Serious? You never?” Ira keeps staring. I nod... He sighs and walks away too. I catch up with him in a few steps.
“Sooo, what's it like?” I whisper...
“What is?”
“To be with a woman?” I blush again...
“Oh hell no! You can't pay me enough gold to talk about that with you!”
“Knock knock!” I call out stepping through the door. A gasp.
“Wykren!!” Mom tackles me. I hug her.
“Well now.” Dad shows himself from the workshop.
“Hey.” I smile to him.
“They kick you out?” He teases me, coming over for a hug too. Mom lets me go.
“Ha ha. Very funny.” We hug. “They gave us some time off to visit home. I can only stay for two days though. It's a long way here... Sorry.” I add quickly.
“Oh well, can't be helped. Least they are nice enough to do that much!”
“Pardon the intrusion...” Ira speaks from behind me.
“Oh! You must be Ira!” Mom grabs his hand into hers. “Thank you for being such a good friend to him! I know he can be a handful.” She smiles.
“That's an understatement.” Dad adds. “Welcome.” He extends his hand.
“Thank you for having me.” Ira shakes it.
“Are you gonna visit Era now? Dinner's not ready yet.” Mom tells us going back into the kitchen. She tries hard to keep it together.
“Sure. How is she?”
“Healthy.” Dad answers, going into the kitchen too.
“Then we'll be back shortly.” I smile. “Come on. There's someone you need to meet.”
“Your girlfriend?” Ira mocks me. Dad roars in the kitchen. Even Mom chuckles. I roll my eyes.
“No, dummy.” I throw our bags into my room. “Come on.” We leave. A few fellow villagers stop and chat us up. Everyone seems to be quite proud of us.
“Is everyone here like this?” Ira asks.
“More or less.”
“Where are we going, exactly?”
“You'll see.” We walk for a bit longer. I stop by the tree and wait. Era steps into the view.
“Hey, Gorgeous!” I hug her.
“What are you doing here?”
“How rude! I came to visit!” I pout.
“Who is that?”
“That's my friend, Ira. You know.” I stand next to her and clear my throat. “Ira, meet my cat, Emerald.” He stares at her, frozen stiff. Kinda makes me laugh.
“That's one big kitty...” He says and I crack. Era growls. Ira steps back.
“Easy easy. It's ok.” I pet her. “Here. Say hello.” I undo the string and place the Stone in Ira's hand. He stares at me again, completely dumbfounded. I smile. “Go on.”
“Evening.” Ira nods. “Holy!” He steps back again. “Wow... That's... Insane...” He clutches the Stone. I laugh again, a little. He hands me the Stone back. I tie it back on.
“What ya tell him?”
“That'll tear him in two if anything happens to you.” Era lies down next to me. I laugh and sit down too.
“I'm sorry for what she said.” I tell him.
“Uh-huh, sure.” Ira continues to stand for a moment longer. “So how did you...?” He doesn't finish the sentence but sits down instead, slowly. I smile and tell him everything about Era and I.
“Well? How was it?” Mom asks Ira, as soon as we return.
“It was... Something else...” He hasn't snapped out of it yet, still. I grin. So does Dad.
“By the way, Kyrry, you sure have become selfish lately! Do you really think it was a good idea to drag Ira back here! Did it not occur to you that he might’ve wanted to visit his own family?” Mom tells me off... I notice Ira's vengeful grin... I'll never hear the end of it later...
“Don't worry, Ma'am, I have no family.” Ira says. Both of my parents freeze for a flash and get back to serving dinner.
“I'm sorry, it was rude of me.” Mom gets a bit embarrassed.
“It's fine. I figured Wykren told you.”
“It not my place to say anything...” I mumble.
“Dig in, before it gets cold.” Dad quickly shuts the topic down.
“Thank you for the food!”
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