《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》The Options and the Choices
“I've decided. I'm joining the Army.” A thud and a splash. Mom dropped the bucket of water, she just brought in from the well.
“No! WHY!” She comes over to me.
“I heard the situation has worsened. I wanna help.”
“There are plenty others!!” She clings to me.
“There isn't... Astri is recruiting now more than ever. That's what the merchants said.”
“Who cares!”
“I care! Mom, please. You raised with so much love and care... Let me protect you now.” I hug Mom to me. She cries on my shoulder.
“SAY SOMETHING TO HIM!!” She screams out. I turn. Dad stands in the doorway.
“Is there anything we can say or do to change your mind?” He asks me. I smile. He sighs. He comes over to Mom and me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
“Survive. Come back alive. We'll be waiting.” He tells me and Mom's cries pick up louder. I fight back the tears too. Dad takes Mom from me. She fights him. She punches her fists into his chest. He holds her still.
“Not my baby!!!” She cries out again. I wanna reach for her but I hold back.
“I'll leave tomorrow. The merchs will give me a lift. They are going back to Astri.” I tell them. Dad nods. Mom persists with her fit.
“Hyra.” Dad lifts her face to him. “It's time.” She shakes her head to him. He keeps smiling to her. She buries her face into his chest again.
“I'll handle her. Go pack or something.” He tells me. I don't say anything back. Just nod.
I get up before dawn the next morning. Mom and Dad wait for me in the kitchen. They spent the entire night there. I heard them... It's not like I could sleep... I feel like I sentenced them to death... I place my bag next to the door. Dad shows himself.
“I'll go say bye to Era.” I tell him. He nods. I leave. This isn't how I wanted this to be... I stand next to the tree.
“Something the matter?” Era's deep, yet gentle growl, echoes through my mind. She shows herself to me from the woods.
“Hey, Gorgeous.” I smile at her. She sits down next to me. My eyes are finally at her level. I hug her.
“I'm leaving. I know I said I'd take you with me but... I'm joining the Army.”
“Why.” I don’t answer. “Is it because of the recent trouble you told me about?”
“You can die out there.” She says. I shake my head into her fur. The fresh smell of the rain... I'll miss it...
“I won't. They might not even send me out.”
“You wouldn't go if that were true.” She sees right through me. I giggle nervously.
“I'll stay in touch. They'll train me for at least two years. I'll visit. I'll write. I'll see you again. I promise.” I look at Era.
“I must stay here?” She says. I nod.
“It's too dangerous for you.”
“But not for you?” I laugh under my breath again. She keeps her stern gaze on me.
“You're too precious. You need to stay safe.”
“What do you think I have been doing all this time?”
“I know. I'm selfish.” I pet her. “Please.”
“If you wish so.”
“Good girl.” I smile. “Tell ya what, I'll come get you once it gets better?”
“If you wish so.” She tells me again.
“I'm sorry.”
“For what?”
“For this.” I pet her one last time. “I'll reach for ya.” I let go.
“I'll be waiting.” Her voice tells me, as I turn around and walk away. “May the stars shine upon you.” I freeze. Yeah. I smile, with a tear and return home. Mom and Dad wait for me outside. I walk up to them. Mom hands me a tiny pouch with her best sad smile. Her grey eyes are red. She cried all night... I open it and a square shaped, dark red stone falls into my palm. Dad shows me the same one in his hand.
“We got these to keep in touch. Now don't worry, I won't pester you. This is totally up to you when you want to reach out. The training and the rest will keep you plenty busy. But try not to forget us...” She breaks up, tearing up again. I hug her.
“How could I ever...” I let her go. “Thank you.” I hug Dad next. “For everything.” He nods to me, taking Mom into his embrace again. I put the Lector Stone back into its pouch and hook it onto the same string that I have Era's Stone on. I take my bag and stand there. Resisting.
“I love you two.” I tell them.
“We love you too.” Mom manages to answer. I smile at them and walk away. The merchs wait for me by the road out of the village. I hop on the carriage and watch everything I ever knew get left behind... This is more painful than I thought...
We arrive at Astri. The merchs let me off by their guild and give me directions. I thank them and move along. I find the sign-up location in no time. Difficult to miss, really. Plenty of signs and people... Name. Next of kin. Location on map. I sigh. Not exactly the mood I imagined it'd start with... I quickly fill the form out, marking the fastest route too and give the paper back. I get redirected to the training grounds. Easy to follow. Everyone is going there... We stand in a bunch in the middle of the yard. Noxians all ages and colors. Men and women alike. By the looks of things, it's safe to assume I'm not the only rookie here. I feel nervous. It's difficult for me to pay attention. I try to focus.
“Take one and pass it along.” A whisper reaches me. A box lands in my hands. Huh? I stare at the things. I pick one up. Oh. A necklace with the Army crest? I take one and pass the box to another Noxian.
“Why are the arrows pointing down?”
“Cause the Military was established only because of the never-ending attacks on our people. We fight to defend. The arrows are a sign of that.” A voice answers my escaped thought. I turn to the right. Male. About my age? Who knows.
“Makes sense.” I agree.
“How can you join the Army without knowing that much?”
I shrug my shoulders. “I'm a country bumpkin. There's lots I don't know.” I put the necklace on.
“Then why be here?”
Another shrug. “Wanna help? If I can?”
“Great. Clueless and naive. Best combo ever...” The man says. I catch a giggle.
“Wykren.” I offer a hand. The guy stares at it for a long moment.
“Ira.” He shakes it.
“So why are you here?”
“Killing is all I know. There's only so many options what I can do with that. Seemed like a natural choice.”
“That's deep.” I stare at him. Now he shrugs his shoulders.
“What are you?” He asks.
“Jeweler.” I catch Ira turn and stare at me. “Wrong answer?”
He shakes his head. “I meant as in combat class...”
I smile. “Sorry sorry, my one and only friend ever is a cat, so I'm a little awkward.”
“You don't say...”
“I learn quick though!” I whisper. “What are you then?”
“Cool. You use the shadows, then, huh?” I glance over. A nod. “I'm manaless, so I guess I'll go for the Close Combat.”
Another horrified stare. “You'll get yourself killed right out the gate with that way of thinking. I guess, he says...”
I chuckle silently again. “Like I said. I learn quick.”
“A jeweler in the Military... You get lost on the way here?” I catch another laugh and kill it.
“There's only so many options to choose from...” I whisper. The Instructors tell us to line up. Men and women separated.
“Barrack time.” Ira says.
“Aw, too bad...” I glance over the women as all of us scramble to make order. Ira throws me another stare.
“They’d kill you before you’d even step into the hallway. Don’t underestimate Army women. Nobody weak join this.”
“You gotta admit that’s hot. Strong and capable women like that... But in any case, will you be roommate, then?” I grin.
“Correction. I'll kill you myself.” He growls quietly.
“It's only fun to mess with you, cause you're so cold. But I was serious though?” I follow him to the back of the line. He doesn't say anything and I end up parking myself next to him. Everyone here has a bag each. Only the essentials... Or something to remind you of your humanity... I touch the Stone and the pouch on my neck.
“Era!” I gasp and quickly shut my mouth. A few heads turn to me to stare. So does Ira. I pretend not to notice. “You startled me...”
“Your uneasiness picked up again a moment ago.”
“Oh? How long have I been this way?”
“Before saying goodbye...” So, over a week at least... I sigh...
“I'm not bothered. But Hyra would be.”
“Right... Maybe I should keep their Stone pouched just to save her the trouble... The mood here is too heavy. Something tells me I'm in over my head...”
“Did it occur to you only now?” Her deep, mockingly growl makes me giggle to myself. Miss you already.
“I'll go now, I'll try to control myself more, so not to worry you.”
“Worry about yourself first. Be well.”
“I will...” I whisper with a smile.
“Someone important?” Ira asks, as we get shown to our room.
“More than life.” I answer, bowing to the Instructors, as they leave us.
“It's a little tight, don't you think?” I tell Ira, sizing up the room.
“Then don't get fat.” He answers without turning around and I laugh.
“So what's next?”
“Meet back out in the yard in 10 minutes for a full tour of the grounds. Dinner after that and all today’s newbies will start their training tomorrow at 5 in the morning.”
“Good memory.”
“Is that a you thing or an assassin one?” I ask carefully.
“Both. Let's move.” Ira walks out first. I follow him, closing the door. 201. Got it.
“What's the tag for?”
“Names.” Ira answers sharp and cold. Makes sense. Everyone meets up again and stays in the same two lines. Nobody asks questions or says anything. We're here to observe and learn. I try my best to pay attention. My mind is busy running wild. Somehow my anxiety turns into eagerness. I itch to start.
“What's with you?” Ira breaks the long silence. “Your smile is creeping me out.”
“Can't help it. I wanna train already.”
“A trigger-happy moron too, apparently.”
“Dismissed.” They announce.
“This way.” Ira answers me, before I ask. I follow him to the dining hall. Oh. Rookies and vets, all together, huh? I wonder if any of them would be willing to chat with me? I stay close to Ira, despite my eyes and mind darting around with excitement. We end up in the line for dinner. Wonder what they serve here? Probably some kind of slob? I try to see in front. Oh. That's a nice surprise.
“They have everything here...”
“Is that really that surprising?” Ira whispers to me.
“Well, yeah. I've never seen such a variety all at once...” I greet the older Noxian behind the counter. He asks me for any preferences. I shake my head.
“I'll have whatever you serve me!” I answer like an idiot. The man laughs.
“That's the spirit!” He takes my tray from me and arranges a nice balance between meat, vegetables, grains, even fruit! What a feast!
“No thanks, I’m good.” The guy behind me says. I glance over. He's passing up on the steak! And it's a nice piece too... A nice, lean cut...
“Give him my share.” The guy nods, making the older Noxian laugh again.
“It's your lucky day, son!!” He gives me the steak.
“Wait. What! No!” I fight it.
“It's ok. My treat.” The guy behind me says and walks away.
“Just take it already, you're drooling all over.” Ira growls at me from over his shoulder. I take the extra meat and thank the man. I look for the other Noxian in the crowd.
“Come on. Over there.” I tell Ira and lead the way now.
“This free?” I stand next to generous fella.
“Help yourself.” He points down.
“Thank you.” I sit down. Ira joins me.
“Enjoy.” He says. The guy nods.
“Why pass up on the steak? And you don't even know me.”
The guy stares at me. He looks to Ira. “He always like this?”
“As far as I gather - yes.” Ira doesn't even raise his eyes off his meal. Whereas, I keep mine on the guy.
He smiles. “Where you from?”
“Down south. Small village.”
“How small?”
“60 people, ish?” I shrug my shoulders. He laughs.
“I see. Well, to answer your question. I'm a Beast. I already had meat yesterday.”
“A Beast?” I'm dumbfounded.
“He means Druid.” Ira adds.
“OH! That's awesome! I've never met a Druid before! I'm Wykren.” I extend my hand.
“Blain.” The Druid shakes it and looks to my friend.
“Ira.” He nods. Blain answers with a nod too.
“Is this no meat rule something you Druids live by then?” I circle back.
“No. It's not a rule. A preference.” He waits a moment. “How much do you know about Druids?”
I shake my head. “Barely anything.”
“Well, the basic idea is that Druids, especially Beasts, are animal reincarnates. We merge with the animal spirits and bring them back to life. In exchange, we are able to use their abilities.”
“So what are you?”
“A deer and a crow.”
“Keep it down.” Ira growls again.
“Sorry.” I take a bite. Blain smiles.
“It's nothing special. Druids are supposed to have five forms total.”
“No way...”
“It happens. But it takes serious skill to manage...”
“What are they? The forms I mean.” I take a drink too.
“One for each: land, air and water. As well as an attack form and a defender.”
“What's the difference?”
“Well. Let's say you are a deer like me. That's my land form. Or, in other words, my runner. Deer is prey. It doesn't have claws or fangs. The horns help but it's not flexible in a fight...”
“So if your runner was a cat or something?”
“It would double for a land and attack form.”
“What about the defender, then?” My mind can't stop now...
“The idea is that it should be something that can withstand blows... Say like a bull. Its job would be to hold out till others escape, acting as a shield, and or, to let someone else attack instead, keeping the enemy focused on themselves.” Blain explains.
“Makes sense... There are all kinds of animals...” I mumble to myself. “So, then is it because of your runner that you skip out on meals?”
“Kind of. It hits different when you turn into what you eat.”
“Sorry.” I put my bite down.
“Oh no. Don't worry. It's not like that. I mean I eat it plenty. Especially when out in the field. Gotta keep the strength up. It's just that sometimes, if I can help it, I'll pass.” Blain says. “Some Beasts find it easier to hunt and enjoy it even more than before. So it really is a personal choice.”
“I can respect that. Thank you for that. That was quite informative. Sorry to be a bother.” I nod.
“Not at all.” Blain smiles.
“You're not a rookie, are you?” Ira finally joins into the conversation. Wait. Huh?
“No. I'm not.”
“You're not?” I stare again.
“Four years I've been here. Transportation.” Blain tells us. Oooh. A deer and a crow would be helpful with that...
“That said.” He glares at Ira now. “Neither are you, are you?” Ira looks up too. Blain waves his index and middle fingers over his own neck. I look back at Ira. Feint scars...
“You're the infamous Shadowkill.” A what now! “Champion of the Underground Arena...” HUUUUH!!
“Your last name is Shadowkill!”
“NICKNAME! I never asked for it!” Ira growls at me, smashing his fork down.
“Sorry.” I lean back a little. “But you know... It does have a nice ring to it. Ira Shadowkill.” I grin. He glares at me again.
“Nobody wants a bodyguard with the word kill in the name.”
“Why not? I'd like it.” Both men gaze at me like I'm deranged. I shrug my shoulders. “To me it means that you're always keeping watch over me. Protecting me. Taking out any threats nice and quiet, before I even notice. It's quite reassuring. What?” I look at the guys again. Their faces are emotionless.
“Lunatic.” Ira hisses at me. Blain laughs loud.
“You two are really good friends, I see.” He says, chuckling.
“Met him today only.” Ira answers first. Blain's gaze freezes on us again.
“True.” I smile clumsily. Another roaring burst.
“Well, I'll see you round. Thanks for the chat.” Blain gets up first.
“Thank you for the meal!” I nod. “Catchya later!” Ira does not respond. I fidget for a good minute. Another. Another...
“Told you that killing is all I know.” Ira gets up and leaves. I grab my tray and run after him, almost knocking into a girl. I smile sorrily and catch up to my friend.
“Hey hey, teach me some moves! I'd love to learn from the Champ himself!”
Ira turns to me. “You're just asking for trouble, you know that?”
- In Serial720 Chapters
Realm of Myths and Legends
Jin, a hardcore gamer who still lives with his mom at the age of 24. He could never hold down a steady job since graduating, his girlfriend since high school dumped him for his best friend and he’s constantly getting beat up by a group of local gang members. His dad left him and his mom when he became rich from the lottery and got a new family, one free of debt and burdens as he called it. His mom works 3 jobs to keep everything from falling apart, except for herself slowly. One day on his way home with the very first and new fully immersive VRMMORPG called Realm of Myths and Legends or RML for short, he died from a hit and run car accident. RML was advertised as the worlds first fully immersive VRMMORPG, allowing for players with skill sets in the real world, like sword training, martial arts, archery or reaction time, to benefit in the game itself! Though Jin died and at that moment a soul from another world crossed over into his body and inherited his memories. The man known as Izroth once hailed as the greatest cultivator in the seven realms, soul reincarnates into the modern world year 20xx in the body of Jin.
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Breaking the constellations
Gael had a vision of an apocalyptic world where magic, monsters and blue screens rules, a world where the impossible is possible, where life and death walks together. After that, his only family dissapeared to such a place. Alone and without hope, he trains like a madman to when his time to be transported to such a world arrives, he's able to destroy everything in his path and find his sister.
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2nd Chance
It's my first time writing a story so you might spot a lot of amateur mistakes but feel free to criticize my writing as much as you like. Anyways, to give you a quick idea of what the story is all about, the original title of this novel was supposed to be "The Yankee in Another World" but when I thought about writing that in the cover I immediately thought 'HELL NAW' and went with a different one and I feel like the new title captures the essence of this story more. because although it's categorized as an Isekai, the story is more focused on redemption rather than the Isekai fantasy. Hopefully, I'll be able to update this synopsis once I thought of one.
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In Pursuit of Bark's Finest
On the frontiers of transhumanity’s expansion into the galaxy thousands of light years from the light of Sol, things can get rather chaotic. There are countless millions of nascent interstellar nations securing their interests, pirate ships prospering off plunder and deniable mercenary work, dissidents setting up their own civilizations, and other groups all trying to push an agenda. When these groups crash into each other, the results can become extremely messy and convoluted. Recently, a frontier nation calling itself the Red Star Union has found itself at the focal point of one such complication. A freighter under their protection has been sabotaged, hijacked in interstellar space, and robbed of its cargo. This would be bad enough even if all it were carrying was luxury goods, but the freighter Nebula Plow was carrying more than just normal trade goods. Indeed, her cargo of Non-Orientable Wormholes for use in starship power plants was both very expensive and very, very dangerous. Now the Red Star Union has to worry about a pirate crew running around with several extra devices capable of converting matter into antimatter with negligible energy cost. With those, the pirates could be capable of inflicting untold damage if allowed to leverage their ill-gotten gains into a stronger position, a possibility the Union finds completely intolerable. Unfortunately, all that the Red Star Union has to go on for evidence is two names; that of the captain, and that of the ship. The Captain is going by the possible pseudonym of Fuller, while the ship is named Bark’s Finest. And thus the orders came down to the Union’s Bureau of Starforce Intelligence: find more information on these pirates, conclusively identify them, and figure out where exactly they’ve gone to ground so that the fleet can crush them before they get established. Of the many agents that the bureau assigned to this mission, one would happen to play an important role: Field Agent Madeline Zargosty. This is her story. This story is entirely pre-written, and will have one chapter released per week. If you want to read it all ahead of schedule and get access to some premium-exclusive bonus content, the entire book is available for purchase; links to the appropriate storefront pages will be posted at the end of each chapter. This story is also being posted to Scribblehub.
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The Demon And The Sword
A LitWuxia story: After a crushing defeat, the Demon Sects have scattered and the Orthodox Sects dominate the Martial Arts World. Peace is shattered, however, when the Demon King Ma Biao unites the Demon Sects and seems poised to challenge the Orthodox Sects. Qiang Feng, an amnesiac young student at Qingxao Sect, may be the only hope of the Orthodox Sects but his past will come back to haunt him. The cover art was painted by 'JohannaK'.
8 198