《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 21: Horrors Unveiled
I ran over to Tor as she collapsed on the ground. Just as I reached her, her eyes snapped open and she sat up. “Tor, what happened?”
“Everything is fine Kenji.”
“What is the square root of four?”
“Two, why do you ask.” Dammit it was the auto-pilot. We had agreed beforehand that if for some reason we thought the other was on auto-pilot ask that question. If it was really us we would respond with something stupid like bread. If we were under duress we would respond with an animal.
“Tor, why don’t you check the horses and our wagon. Come get me if there is any trouble.”
“Are you sure, we might want to stick together.”
“I will join you in a moment.” Tor the auto-pilot nodded and walked away.
I initiated my log-off and ordered my auto-pilot to kill anything approaching the cave that wasn’t Tor or the horses. I returned to my Atrium and rushed to the global news channel. Terrorism, multiple targets hit, the power grid went down, emergency capsule ejections across parts of Europe and Asia.
There was nothing to be done. Either she would log back on, or she was dead. Service reports estimated at most three days to restore full power and VR service to the affected areas. Fifteen in game days, that was a long time. I logged back in.
Looking around there didn’t appear to be any issues. I then steeled myself and went over to the Reaper. Its head was a burnt cinder thankfully. I carefully pulled my blade free. With identification having gone up to level three I really had no choice, “Identification, Identification.”
Robes of the Reaper of SkullsLvL: 100Requirements: 500 FateStatus: +50% Death resistence, 3x magical defensive power
The Scythe of the Reaper of SkullsLvL: 100Requirements: 500 Fate, 100 WisdomStatus: 3x magical attack power, Advanced death poison imbued into blade
The robe was interesting, but looked broken in quite a bit. The scythe was a letdown with the Wisdom requirement. I could probably find an interested buyer. Better yet, I could sell it to Solid Steel. They had started running a high end trading system to complement their mercenary business, a one stop shop. I hated selling stuff, it was such a pain to track people down and here in FEAR there would be betrayals. Solid Steel had really figured out how to work the system.
I really didn’t want to do this part. I began to undress the Reaper. Despite everything I had seen and done, this was vile. I had to bite down to prevent myself from throwing up. The horror of what was under those robes, it looked like a sea urchin had mated with a corpse and that was its pretty cousin. Spiked mouths were over the body and diseased flesh hung from oddly shaped bones.
The cloud of mist that had been appearing beneath the creature appeared to come from its drool that ran down its body and evaporated. The smell alone was overpowering and as my eyes began to water, partly from the smell that seemed to be released on death and partly from the horror of what was before me. I wasn’t able to tell if it was a man or woman. At that point I got up to take a break from my necropsy, or was it an autopsy?
AP Tor was looking after the horses that had been hiding behind the wagon. I was grateful that the Reaper hadn’t trashed the wagon to get through and there had been enough space to go around. Everything looked fine and I took a moment to catch my breath.
I went back outside and that was when I saw the corpse jerk. Not good. Definitely not good. I pulled out Nus’ Awakening and lit it up. I then ran it down the length of the both, cutting through in half sideways. I then began to hack its limbs off.
A minute later, there was a burnt dismembered monster. “Thank god that’s over.” I let out a sigh. Whatever was resurrecting the monsters in the dungeon was probably regenerating this thing. It was time to go. I wanted to explore more, but with Tor incapacitated and players moving in on the area it wouldn’t be wise to stay. There was also the fact that this Reaper was on the first level and could easily have been the second monster faced in the dungeon.
That meant, that whatever was lurking in the lower levels was insane. Probably some sort of demi-god. This dungeon was probably top tier, and not a starter one. Were there even starter dungeons? I just knew that it was way beyond what I could handle by myself. Even with a massive Dexterity boost, I had barely managed to survive.
I carefully lifted up the robe and dumped it in the nearby stream. The belt of skulls was etched along the robe and were one item for all intents and purposes. The water turned a greyish color and the plants near the river banks began to die. I set some rocks on the robe to keep it there and then grabbed up the scythe. A scythe is a really inconvenient weapon. There was no easy way to store it, and with the poison on the blade I didn’t dare lay it down in the wagon.
That meant I had to carry it and I had never practiced with a scythe based weapon. It was too big to throw and any combat style using it would be completely different than a regular blade. One would have to sweep and catch people as they moved in. It wasn’t good for jabbing either. Standing at eight feet tall, I looked ridiculous holding it.
I had AP Tor get the horses hitched up and the wagon out of the cave. I went back and looked at the monster corpse. It was slowly reforming. I kept an eye on it while I looted the player’s corpses who had fallen. I didn’t bother to move them, it would make for a great setting for the next person to come through here. I gathered up a bunch of weapons and some money. AP Tor had gotten the wagon out of the cave and went and retrieved the cloak. I ended up hanging it off the rear of the wagon like a tail flap so the dark water didn’t trip on anything. I used my swords to lift it up since I didn’t dare touch it. I then hopped on the wagon. We then set off back down the road, AP Tor driving and I held the scythe while keeping watch.
Fifteen days, fifteen days I had to watch her body at the most. It would be a long fifteen days. We would head towards Str. The trip would probably take a week and it was far too soon for a meeting with the Mystery Man. Well tough luck, the schedule just got moved up. I logged out and sent a message to Solid Steel to convey. They weren’t happy, I didn’t care.
Eight days from now we would meet. Then I would leave and keep going west. Maybe all the way to Vlat or even the far coast. There were a number of barbarian tribes that wandered the plains and edges of the Durrunian Desert. I did want to get back to Breckley in the spring, since there was a wedding I didn’t want to miss. I thought back to the first time I had watched Game of Thrones for my inspiration.
Maybe I could have corpses rain down from the ceiling and then explode in a shower of guts over the guests? That had possibilities, but then there were so many other options. I wanted to wipe Breckley off the map and get some stat points. There was no chance I would beat a dragon or greater demon any time soon. I flipped open my windows that had piled up.
Throwing-5 MAX
Rapid Throwing-1
Intermediate Biology-3
I skimmed past all of that and looked at the last message.
NOTIFICATIONYou have angered the Goddess Tafe and drawn her ire for your actions.
Curse of the Goddess Tafe-1For you are a lack witted fool???
What was with the ‘???’. What did I do to be cursed? Stupid question, almost everything probably. I looked at the scythe. “Tor did you get cursed?”
“I don’t believe so. Watch your eyes mister.” She needed to hurry back. This AP was killing me.
We came to where the Plantapus had been. I could see a trail of destruction heading south from ripped up trees on the side of the road which it had knocked over. Thankfully none of the trees blocked the road completely. I felt a tiny pang of regret for what I had unleashed and quickly quashed that feeling.
Players got a play, and haters are going to hate. We stopped for the night and we got a huge fire going. “So Tor want to take off your clothes so you are more comfortable?”
“No thank you.”
“You sure, it would be a fiery experience.”
“I am not interested, if you try anything we won’t be friends.”
“I’m your friend now?”
“You always have been Kenji.”
“Why did you choose to keep your monthlies?”
“It was a decision I made and I am sticking to it.” The AP was frustrating. Its responses were determined by default to player behavior over time. Without instructions before logging off, it would continue on like a mentally challenged child. At least it could keep watch.
The next day we continued onwards first thing in the mourning. Good thing about the AP, it didn’t complain about leaving at the crack of dawn. I saw a three people coming down the road towards me. I slowed up the wagon and adjusted my straw hat.
“Tor, either they or I attack, will you help?”
“Yes, of course.” Stupid AP, but whatever.
“Hey there.” The guy in front said. Players since one of them had blonde hair which wasn’t common for NPCs in the area.
“Hello.” I pulled the cart to a stop and both my hands gripped my scythe. While I had done a training program during the night, it was a shitty weapon. It was completely opposite how one would use a sword.
“Why don’t you step off the cart?”
“I like the view up here, move out of the way or I will make you.” I gave a look to the side at the giant scythe. The girl and guy behind their spokesman looked at me nervously.
“You are wanted Kenji Shadowen, by order of the Order.” I let out a snort at how stupid that sounded.
“I have two questions. First how much do you want to be tortured? Second question, who do I start with first? Fear aura, one minute.” They all began trembling and I could see one of them begin to sweat a bit.
“We stand with the light. We will put an end to your evil ways.” Wow this guy was really over the top. “All together, we can take him.”
“Tor, stay here and protect the cart.” I hopped off and began advancing. They weren’t fifty levels below me or they were made of really strong stuff to resist the fear aura. I began walking forward casually. When I was eight feet away, I darted forward a couple feet and swung the scythe out in a large arc. I let the shaft slide through my grip until I was holding only the very end.
The blade impacted one player in the side. I had been aiming for the head, but this weapon was incredibly unwieldly. The tip pierced through the cloth and whatever he was wearing underneath. He didn’t separate so I let go of the scythe and drew my swords. “Flame on.” I rushed forward. The remaining man and woman moved next to each other and raised their shields.
Shields are good in large melee and when your feet are protected. You can’t just hide behind them, that was a rookie mistake. I drove my blade into the woman’s calf, right above her foot. I left the blade in her leg as she crumbled. With my flaming sword, I began raining blows upon my last opponent. He tried to counter attack, but it was slow and easily deflected to the side.
He glanced over to the side at his companions. I took that opportunity to drive my blade into his face. Flesh roasted, eyeballs popped, and charred bits of brain exploded out the back of his head. I held my sword inside of him for a second before yanking it out. The corpse collapsed to the ground.
I looked to the side at the others. The one I had hit with the sythe had partially dissolved in a black and red mess. “Flame off.” The woman had logged out it appeared as some of the fear had left her face. I whacked her twice on the side of the head to knock her out. I looted them and put away my weapons. I then tied and gagged the woman and tossed her in the back of the wagon.
I picked up the scythe and we continued onwards. We didn’t reach the edge of the forest before nightfall and pulled off into one of the many small clearings that dotted the roadside. I had Tor set up camp and then dragged my prisoner out. I then ungagged her.
“Everyone knows where you are. They are coming for you Rain of Blood. I also have mental logout set up.”
“I will give you a choice. You can stay logged in and play along. Or I can sell you at my destination. They have ways of breaking troublesome slaves.”
“I would sooner bite my own tongue off.”
“Not many people can suicide. The fact that you are so weak makes me not believe you.” We stared at each other and she finally hung her head. “You let me screw you without logging out and then I will let you go.”
“You are lying. You will probably take all my stuff.”
“I will leave you with clothes, food, and water and a dagger. If you convince me you are enjoying it, maybe a couple of coppers. Aren’t you a bit curious, I am sure there are rumors about me.”
“No way in hell, do your worst. I am a loyal member of the Order. Whatever you can dish out, I can take.”
“Okay.” I put the gag back on. She never should have issued a challenge like that. That would probably count as consent for the system. I cut off her clothes and her eyes widened when a flame rippled over my clothing.
She didn’t die, but she had ripped and was heavily burnt. The AP Tor just calmly watched the scene while munching on some bread and jerky. I cleaned myself up and got the scythe. I carefully touched the flat of the blade against her hand. I had thought she had thrashed and screamed before, this was a new level. Where the blade touched, the flesh turned black and began to melt away.
I then pulled her other hand over and forced it into the black and red mess. I then washed it off with some water. The skin was pale but intact. I touched the tip of my pinky into the dissolved flesh and blackness. There was a strong stinging sensation, like being pricked with a needle. I had AP Tor bring the almost empty barrel of beer over. We each had two mugs to empty it out. With AP Tor’s help, we put the girl on the tail of the wagon with her legs hanging off the end over the barrel.
I then used one of the spare swords to rub it on the scythe’s blade and then rub it on the bottom of her feet. The poison didn’t carry over, it was imbued in the blade and seemed only to react to living things. The dirt that turned black had microbes and small organisms in it probably or the magic the Reaper pushed into the weapon, pushed the poison out.
I slowly began to melt the half-baked girl into the barrel. I observed carefully, and when the flesh touched the blade, black ooze seemed to be drawn out and corrupt the flesh. She was dead by the time I reached her knees and the barrel was slowly filling up with melted flesh and scythe poison. I cut off her good arm and set it to the side. After half an hour I had melted the entire woman except for the cut off arm.
I then picked up the cast off arm and dipped it into the barrel half way while holding onto the other end. I let it sit for a minute and then pulled it out. It was corroded open and I could see the muscle and sinew underneath. I dropped the arm back into the barrel and let it go. I then spent the night using a dagger to put a couple drops of poison flesh mix onto my skin.
The pain easily kept me up all night. This was probably a level four poison. If the vines were level three, this would take a while. The next morning, AP Tor and I carefully tied down the barrel in the corner making sure it wouldn’t tip over. Throughout the day I would use a dagger to spread the poison out on my body.
We left the forest and got onto the dirt road to Str. “People approach.” Tor said. I looked up from the wagon bed and saw at least twenty people, probably players, coming down the road toward us. I picked up the scythe and hopped off the wagon. “Tor dip your arrowheads into the barrel and shoot the people, I will protect you and the wagon.”
“Yes Kenji.” She pulled the wagon to the stop and got busy while I moved forward.
“Come with us-“ AP Tor had decent aim as the arrow hit the man in the shoulder from sixty feet away. He looked shocked for a second as he stumbled back. Then the poison struck, he began to scream and rip at the arrow. The others looked shocked and a Tor got a second before they could get their wits together.
“Fear Aura, five minutes.” One guy pissed himself and ran away off into the surrounding fields. The rest did not look comfortable. Tor got a third one and then they realized they had to do something. They charged. I swung back with the scythe and then swung it as hard as I could and let it go. It just wasn’t my type of weapon and this should be hilarious.
The scythe managed to cut two people. They collapsed as their flesh melted away. Tor got a forth and I was rushing in with my swords drawn. Everyone’s eyes followed my flaming blade allowing me to strike out with my other one, which they weren’t prepared for. After I had killed two, the rest broke and scattered.
I went around killing the survivors leaving one of less injured but crippled ones. He was unable to walk and was crawling away, a trail of blood behind him. One of my attacks and cut halfway through his left knee. I cut the rest of his leg off and cauterized the wound. I wiped my blades on his back, sheathed them, and then flipped the guy over. “Name?”
“Ron…Ronald.” He sputtered out.
“Ronald, Ronald, Ronald. What am I to do? Don’t speak anymore. If you have mental auto pilot set up close your-“
“Log-“ I was ready and punched him in the stomach.
“Oh foolish Ronald.” I then took one of my knives and cut out his tongue. I then used my flame sword and a knife to burn the wound shut. “I am now going to torture you so badly, that the next time someone thinks about messing with me, they will either go all out or piss themselves…which you just did.” I then tied him up under the wagon.
“Now we have to clean you up.” I began to cut off all his clothes. “I could water board you, or any number of things. But in the end this will be far worse. I see we both have similar fathers.” I was on my knees next to him. Each arm and remaining leg was tied to a different wheel. The wagon was about three feet off the ground, giving me ample room to work.
I reached out and placed my hand on his groin and began to rub him. A ripple of flames appeared and he let out a feral scream. “Despite the pain you seem to enjoy this.” After a minute of that I stopped. There were bleeding burn blisters covering him where I had been rubbing.
I had Tor bring me the senbon after dipping the tips into the barrel of poison. I began to lightly jab him with the senbon all over his bodies. He passed out. I then poured water on his face and slapped him back awake. I continued again. AP Tor kept watch and looted the corpses as I tortured the guy with senbon for about an hour.
I then untied him from the wagon and bound his hands behind his back. I then dragged him out from under the wagon. With AP Tor’s help we carefully lifted the barrel of poison and sat it next to the guy. “You know the stuff I have been lightly poking you with. Well this is a barrel of it. First you are going to drink some. Then we are going to put you in the barrel up to your neck.” I grabbed his head before he could slam it into the ground.
“Tor can you grab a mug please.”
“Sure, not a problem.” She went and grabbed a mug and returned. “Hold his head and keep him laying down. I plan to leave a message no one will ever forget. Don’t mess with me.”
I scooped up half a mug of the poison mixed with liquefied human remains. I pinched his nose shut and then readied the mug. He tried to hold his breath but was then forced to breathe. I poured the concoction over his mouth. Some of it spilled away but a lot went in. I cast away the mug and then slammed his jaw shut forcing him to swallow. I saw his throat move and then let go of his nose.
He began to shake violently like he was having a seizure. “Help me lift him up.” AP Tor reached under his other armpit and then we lowered him into the barrel. I let him sit in their for about fifteen seconds as he continued to spasm. “Help me lift him up again.” We lifted him up and I made sure to get a good view of his destroyed body.
“Let’s set him off to the side.” We carried him over to a nearby ditch with a small amount of running water. I rolled him into it. I then walked over and cut off the bindings around his wrists behind his back. “That is what people who mess with me get. Pass the word along.”
I picked up the scythe and we continued onwards. Looking back, at the edge of my vision I saw two players return to their tortured comrade. We continued on until I saw a bend in the road. I had Tor slow down after we passed it. “Go for another thirty minutes and then stop. I will rejoin you shortly.”
“Sure, be careful.” I was really starting to miss her wise cracks. I hopped off the cart and hid in a ditch surrounded by a grove of trees just past the bend. After ten minutes five players came by heading up the road. I grabbed the scythe and rushed out of the grove.
I wasn’t being that quiet and one of them turned. “Look out-“ I swung the scythe in a large arc and then pulled it back. It sliced the player through the knees. I had wanted the hips, but the weight had pulled the blade lower than I had anticipated. I had to admit, that this was almost better. The player toppled over as his flesh melted. Death poison was incredibly over powered.
I waded into the rest of the players. I managed to kill two more before the other two ran off. I chased one down and swung the scythe in an overhead swing. The tip of the blade pierced his groin. I pulled and he was moving forward. The scythe dug into his body by about half an inch. My weapon was yanked from my hands as the man collapsed. He was trying to scream as his tongue, nose, and face melted away along with his body all the way down to his groin.
I pulled the blade free and returned to the road. I continued along until I came to the wagon. “Where are we? What the hell is going on? It doesn’t feel like you tried anything, if you had, well your father won’t recognize you anymore.”
“Damn man, the whole group wiped.”
“Tell me about it. What was that thing?”
“Totally bad news man, totally bad news.”
“It just one shot everyone…Don’t you think that short guy looked familiar?”
“Yeah, now that you mention it he looked like Rain of Blood.”
“Wasn’t he just in Balkor, that is just north of here isn’t it?”
“Yeah, shit man, don’t know who was scarier. I swear he looked like the thing’s child.” They sat by the stream for a minute before speaking again.
“So what now man?”
“Well we could head south. I heard from my friend they are recruiting and training up soldiers. Good food, pay, wenches, and lots of levels to be had.”
“Not a bad idea man.”
“So…” A heavy presence settled on the two survivors. They looked over their shoulder together. A boney hand grabbed each of their heads. They began to shake and struggle but the thing that gripped them was far too strong. The monster pulled them in and the spiked mouths began to devour their flesh, partially restoring its burnt husk of a body.
A couple of minutes later it dropped them on the ground, their desiccated corpses drained of fluids and lacking organs. The monster turned and began a slow and steady pace after the one who had wronged it. The one who had its robe and weapon, gifted from Tafe herself. It had stood guard for over a thousand years and those who violated the protection of the tunnels were to be killed. For what lay within, nothing should ever be allowed to have.
It vowed to retrieve its tools, kill the trespassers, and then secure the area it was meant to guard for all eternity. Never again would it allow itself to be defeated.
FallenGod: I just puked all over my atrium
Ramponator: That was…just no
Justice: Disturbing
UltimataSecret: Note to self: death is preferable to capture
6996: Were those mouths or….
HatMan: Remind me to stay away from there
TheLordBreckley: It was a scene that will go down in history, I honestly don’t know how he got that robe off
FaceReaper: I am going to find Kenji and give him a tickle down below
6996: ….a tickle….
Ramponator: That is the officially now my number one of things I DON’T want to happen in game
Author’s Note: No Tor didn’t die, but best cliff hanger ever ;p. I was tempted to have a building fall on her in real life, but she had just enough sass to be saved from such a fate. Number 193, we have a lot more to slay. At least we slayed the Reaper… once. I suspect there will be an untimely appearance in the future. I really tried to convey the sheer horror of what was uncloaked and hope that came across. If you have ever watched the movie Teeth, think that only all over the Reaper and you will on your way there. I encourage all you girls reading this to watch the movie with your boyfriend (HEHEHE). ;p
So I worked out the boss monster in the dungeon and realized that, well there was no way the MC would stand a chance. You think an immortal monster is bad, oh boy. Swarm Bulb, Plantapus/Buzz Bird, and the Reaper of Skulls have been mini-bosses at best. A true eldritch horror, well, let us just say that lots of things would die (think dragon).
Teaser: Thousands of legs clicked upon the hard stone as the monster’s body traveled through the ancient tunnels. Its face an indistinct blur of blackness. Motes drifted off of this faceless abyss and seeped into the ground around it. The monster mused about how the protections were weakening and people would come to fight it as in ages past. The legs continued to clink along as it moved through its home deep in thought in anticipation of battles yet to come.
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