《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 18: Ripped In Half
We reached the edge of the forest by the end of the day and camped at the edge. “So what is in there?”
“Bugs, plants, monsters, you name it.” Tor said.
“Where does the road lead?”
“Abandoned mine at some mountains further south of here. Another two days at least.”
“Hmm, well we could set up there as a base camp. I bet the mine has loads of high level monsters.”
“No one in my group wanted to check it out, pansy asses.”
“How did you even end up with them in the first place?”
“Well I started off near Zalth, which is way south and part of Galmore. The NPCs began to arrest various players so a large group of us fought our way out. About twenty of us made our way north to escape and over time that number dropped lower and lower.”
“Shit, how did you survive in the forest?”
“Why do you think only six of us made it all the way through? So what are your plans?”
“Kill things, get levels. I don’t know about this Mystery Man. I don’t think he means me harm yet. But I don’t want to do an impossible quest that isn’t mine. I am still debating if I want to hear him out. And why contact me in game, why didn’t he slip me his e-mail instead of a meeting place.”
“Could be a hardcore VR player. So tell me what is your impossible quest.”
“To find my one true love.”
“Well you are screwed then.”
“Tell me about it.”
“So, what is up with the look?”
“I was foolish in a moment of insanity.”
“I don’t mind the no hair, but the short height and red eyes?”
“Small and quick, to creep people out.”
“Well you are doing a good job of it.” We were lying on the fur cloak in front of a fire we had built. She reached over and began to feel me through my clothes.
“A bit aggressive?”
“How big?”
“…horse size.”
“Strip.” I did and she looked at me. I felt very self-conscious. Tor let out a sigh.
“I would rip in half.”
“No you wouldn’t other women-“
“Didn’t have to walk or fight I bet.”
“AHHHH, curse you lady in white for allowing this.”
“You want me to kill you so you can start again and not behave like a twelve year old?”
“All guys want to be bigger.”
“True, but not that big. I mean, really?”
“Okay, okay.” I pulled my pants back on and laid back down.
“I won’t be jelly if you find another woman.”
“Yeah, I hope your boy toy has a broken twig. What about using some magic?”
“You want me to waste MP on sex?” There was silence. “Dumb question, you expect me to waste MP on sex?”
“No, whatever. I am all riled up now.” I reached over and placed my hand on her leg and she didn’t object.
“What about Tom from this morning?”
“He pales in comparison to you.” She smacked me lightly on the shoulder.
“Don’t make me hand you over to the Sparkly Rainbow Unicorn Princesses.”
“No, and no to that name. They will now be called the She-Hulks. Listen up viewers, they are forever to be known as the She-Hulks. Pass along the message.”
“You know they will be pissed.”
“They will probably Hulk out.” I began to rub her when suddenly there was a ripple of fire. She let out a yelp. I pulled my hand away and let out a long sigh.
“Sorry, no fun and games for us.” I let a dejected sigh out at her statement.
“We are going to find a demon and you are going to eat the whole thing so we can make a go of it.”
“Not happening, you may like eating crazy shit, but the only thing that goes in this mouth is food and sex.”
“Your legendary magic, to have sex with anything.”
“Also not happening, I want laser beams that shoot out of my eyes.”
“Why the eyes? And what happens if they shoot out your tits?”
“Aiming, and that would be pretty funny, but horrible on the wardrobe. No slut armors. I mean how are those things are even considered armor I will never know. There is more skin than armor.”
“Don’t forget the whips.”
“Okay, now I know you are teasing, but the whips can go burn in a volcano. No one cool ever used a whip in combat.”
“Indiana Jones.”
“Style and transport, also he had a gun.”
“Point made. So any night things we need to worry about?”
“Some but nothing to worry about if we can take turns sleeping. This is going to suck with only two people.”
“We need a threesome.”
“Or a fivesome.”
“What happened to the foursome?”
“Oh, well then people would couple off. You need an odd number.”
“We should start up a brothel, the Burning Brothel. I could be the star.”
“Not happening, unless by star you mean dancer, and by dancer I mean with a pole.”
“Fine, first or second watch.”
“Second, you must be exhausted.”
“Hmmm, night.”
“Night.” I dozed off.
I woke up to shaking. “Your turn.”
“Fine.” I got up and stretched out. I got up and put some more wood on the fire and walked about for a minute to get my blood going. I then went back to the fur cloak. I sat there meditating while listening for anything approaching as time dragged on. There was a slight breeze and the grass made a rustling sound. I felt something watching me. I went through everything I was experiencing and tried to find out what was bothering me.
I slowed my breathing as much as possible and listened. I heard Tor breathing steadily, most likely asleep. The breeze paused for a moment, stopping the rustling. I heard another creature breathing nearby. Upwind, behind, and to my left. I reached to my side and picked up my sword and drew it. The etched runes glinted in the faint moonlight along the length of the blade.
I stood and turned in one smooth motion. There was a giant black horse with red glowing eyes about twenty feet away. I kicked Tor in the side. “Monster horse.” I said quietly. She was already reaching for her blade when the monster moved. I had been expecting a charge but it slowly began to strafe around us which was even more unnerving.
“You ever see this?” Tor asked. I heard a note of worry in her voice.
“Why isn’t it attacking?”
“Who knows, we just need to stab it.”
“It is a giant monster horse, you go right ahead.”
“Can you boost my Intelligence? Quickly.”
“Oh Gencellitni (Gen-CELL-et-nee), open this mortals mind to the heavens and allow your holy grace to encompass his perception so that he may understand the vastness of the eternal.” I am glad she was a quick study and didn’t argue about my command. I felt the tingle of magic rushing over my skin. The demonic looking horse began to approach our horses. Mating, cannibalism, or even just a conversation I wasn’t about to lose the horses to anything. Who would pull the stupid wagon with all my gear?
I rushed forward, “Flaming sword!” I shouted out as I swung at the monster. There was a brief moment where everyone and everything looked at me and then, WHOOOSH! The sword went up in flames. Ten points to style, minus twenty to tactics. My night vision disappeared as the only thing I could see was my sword. It did emit light, but unless I held it off to the side, I was fighting half blind.
I missed the monster as my blade hit only air. I spun around waving my flaming sword hoping to spot it, but it had vanished. “Flame off. Is it gone?”
“I think, fuck, you burned out my eyeballs. I am still seeing spots.”
“Sorry, at least the monster ran off.”
“And you alerted everything in hundred miles with that light show.”
“You are just jelly for the flaming sword.”
“AHHHH, a bit, but no flaming swords at night.”
“Understood, but you did give me permission to attack.”
“I am going back to sleep. Don’t wake me up until the sun passes the horizon. If your lost dad comes back, no more flames.”
“I think the horse was female, a night mare.”
“Don’t care, going back to sleep. My eyes are still seeing spots.” I decided the best course of action was to say nothing. Dawn came and I began doing my mourning exercises. I also washed myself afterwards in the nearby stream. After all that Tor finally woke up.
I tossed her a piece of meat wrapped in bread along with a fruit her former companions had on them. “Real bread and meat that isn’t from a monster.” She said in awe before devouring the meal. I began to pack up our camp and hitch up the horses. A few minutes later we were once again on the road.
“What did you encounter in the forest?”
“There are croakers, large frogs with a long tongue. If you avoid the tongue you are fine, not poisoned but insanely strong. I saw it snap on girl in half, literally. False birds, they sound like people but really aren’t. Then there are black capes that try and smother you. Also wolves, bears, and other forest critters.”
“So kill everything that moves.”
“I am curious to learn how magic works?” Tor gave me a look. “Hey, we share. I already gave up the chants, tell me how the leveling and all that jazz works. Then you can ask what I know about something.”
“Fine, not much of a secret anyways. Each chant or spell is tied to a god. As you use more spells under that god the costs goes down. More powerful spell costs increase exponentially. So specializing is a big deal. If you constantly use only one type of magic, the cost is manageable. Unfortunately you become a lot less versatile. That Intelligence chant, cost a hundred MP, so you better be grateful.”
“So what magic do you specialize in?”
“I haven’t decided yet. Trying to get a taste for as many as possible.”
“Any idea on how many gods there are?”
“Loads, but some are much more entrenched than others like the Eight.”
“I mean, could I make a chant to a new god. Let’s say Mind, so the god would be Nimd or maybe Dimn.”
“Dimn for sure.”
“Okay, here goes. Oh Dimn, fortify my grey matter from harm and allow my focus to be hardened from attacks.”
Insufficent Wisdom
“I need more wisdom but it worked.”
“You know what this means?”
“That we now know the secret to the magic system.”
“Damn straight. Okay, help me figure out a good god to make up.”
“Death, life, or nature.”
“What about void?”
“That would be Dovi then?”
“Or Divo. I wonder how the name changes things?”
“Maybe one is good and one is evil?”
“How would void magic be good or evil?”
“Don’t ask me, I already figured out a chunk for today.”
“That reminds me, what is your Intelligence? Since I had to waste a hundred MP.”
“I didn’t catch that.” I held up five fingers. “I really hope you mean fifty or even fifteen.”
“Wow, where on earth did all the stat points go?”
“The first four stats and a lot more into Dexterity.” She swung her hand at my face and I moved out of the way.
“Alright, you are quick, but damn. I guess that makes me the brain and you the muscle.”
“Don’t pick on-“ The twang of bows sounded out. I pushed out to the side and shoved Tor off the wagon while leveraging myself off the other side. Three arrows thudded into the wagon seat and another one grazed my arm before I had made it off the wagon. Up ahead I saw five people step out from behind the trees with swords.
I drew both my blades and ran forward. These attackers were only carrying swords and daggers. One had a shield, but for the most part they appeared to be run down. I slammed my blade down on the first one but his block was weak. My blade bit into where his neck met his shoulders. I yanked it out and jabbed at another opponent. A spray of blood arced over the road. I pierced my second opponent’s stomach and twisted my blade.
When I yanked my sword out, his entrails were partially pulled out between his shirt and belly. He grabbed his stomach and began screaming. I noted that Tor had disappeared, but since there were no arrows headed my way she must be dealing with the archers.
I backed up slightly from the two men I had just incapacitated. The last three rushed me all at once. I strafed to the side so they had to come at me one at a time. I slashed out and cut one of the men across the front of his throat. He collapsed in a gurgle grabbing at his neck. I deflected the wild attack of the next one. He was stronger than he appeared and pushed into me. I drove my other blade up through his jaw and out the top of his skull.
I was forced to let go of my blade as he toppled to the side. The last man turned to run. I threw my sword wildly and it hit the back of his legs causing him to trip. I walked over and kicked him in the face as he was trying to stand up.
“Good, you caught one. I killed off four archers.”
“So five for me, four for you.” I said with a grin. She raised her sword up at me. I then held up my hands. “Nine for us.”
“Better.” We worked together to kill off the wounded survivors and search them for loot. Nothing useful, even their weapons were shitty quality.
“Time for our prisoner.” I said. I brought up my blade.
“What are you doing?”
“I am going to slice off all his clothes. Why give him any chance?”
“Oh, that seems…smart.” We soon had one middle aged naked man lying on the ground and a pile of corpses off to the side. I slapped the prisoner a couple of times. We had left him untied, no need to go to all that trouble when we were going to kill him anyways.
I saw him open his eyes and dropped him on the ground. “Don’t cry and answer our questions. If you do you will be set free. First question, are you a player?”
“You mean a Traveler, and no.” Finally someone who listened, spoke clearly, and didn’t say bull shit. A rare thing in interrogations.
“Why did you attack us?”
“We heard there were a bunch of people traveling through the woods. Our village is poor and we need all the help we can get.”
“Where is your village?”
“I can’t-“ I pressed the tip of my sword against his exposed groin.
“You were saying?”
“When the trail splits, head left and then left again.” I looked at Tor.
“What? Oh, not interested.”
“Not interested that much either.” I placed my foot on his chest and then jabbed my sword down between his legs. He let out a scream and I hopped off.
“Why didn’t you just kill him?”
“He is monster bait. Come on got get a rope and I will show you a neat trick.” Tor gave me a look and then shrugged. She came back with a rope and I hoisted man up into the air. Blood ran down his legs and dripped onto the ground. I used my sword to flick the chopped up bits onto the corpse pile. It was less disturbing that way.
“Now we go set up camp about a hundred feet back down the road. Then we check here every hour. Hopefully some monsters come by and we kill them.”
“How did you discover…never mind.” I just grinned. We set up camp back down the road around a bend, out of sight of the corpses. The man’s wailing echoed through the forest.
“So what did you get last time?”
“A bear and some wolves. Nothing that difficult. Let’s build up a fire, we will be at this all night hopefully.”
“All night?!”
It was a slaughter, we killed monster after monster. First came a bear. Easy enough to kill with a power slash. Then there was a second bear that Tor got. After that came these weird stick bugs about the size of a shoebox that used their six appendages as spears. There were over twenty and it was a fighting retreat once they started attacking us. Fortunately they were easy enough to kill.
That was when a Bigfoot appeared, standing ten feet tall. We stared at it from some distance away. “Now he is proportioned correctly.” I gave Tor a glare. “What? So how do you want to handle this?”
“It is probably smart. You shoot arrows and if it rushes I will intercept it.”
“Sounds good.” The first arrow went into the rear of its right shoulder. It began to run away and the second arrow went into its ass.
“Nice shot.” We went back to camp to rest and wait for the next monsters to show up. I then heard roaring in the distance after a couple of minutes. “You don’t suppose it had friends?”
“Family most likely. They probably live in the woods screwing each other raw and popping out monster babies.”
“I wonder if we could capture a young one and raise it as a slave.”
“No, we are not going Planet of the Apes. Kill them or screw them and then kill them. Just kill them all.”
“Yeah, but don’t hate a guy for thinking.”
“I sometimes wonder where the filter went or if you just spew things out on purpose.”
“What’s a filter? Anyways, let’s move away from our camp and set up by the corpses.” We made our way over to the corpse pile and I looked for a good branch for Tor to stand on. Unfortunately the reality of the VR once again came to bite me in the ass. Unlike in TV shows, trees in forests are thin and tall to compete for sunlight. Sure older forests have bigger trees, but none of them have big low hanging branches.
“Stay back and keep shooting. Doesn’t matter where you hit as long as you hit them.” I heard a lot of roaring coming towards us. “Make your arrows count.” She gave me a nod and her lips pressed together in a straight line. I moved towards the roaring and drew two throwing daggers.
I saw seven Bigfoots approaching. I threw both my daggers. One deflected off a tree and went into the ground. The other went into the chest of one the creatures. I drew and threw another two as soon as the first ones had left my hands. They both went into the bellies or chests of the monsters. An arrow flew into one of their chests. I then went for my swords as they were rapidly closing.
I hated endurance based battles, since it would leave me incredibly weak if there was a follow up fight. Unfortunately against a large group of opponents like this, the goal was to whittle them down and bleed them out. If I got pulled into a one on one match, they could easily turn it into a five on one and crush me.
I began to run to the side placing trees between us. When one got to close I would slash out with my blade and leave a shallow cut. More arrows continued to fly into the group. I noticed one turn towards Tor, but I had six of my own to deal with and she could handle herself. If she couldn’t then she wasn’t worth being around.
The Bigfoots, or is it Bigfeet…no time to think stupid questions. The monsters began to spread out in a line and it was obvious they were attempting to surround me. Rookie move. I changed directions and charged the center of their line. It would take at least a couple of seconds for them to regroup from this sudden assault and overwhelm me.
The creature swung his arm knocking over small trees. Unfortunately he was slow and I didn’t panic. I kept up my charge and leapt, driving both swords into the creature’s chest. It teetered back and I was worried for a moment, but then it fell backwards with a crash. I pulled out both my blades and kept going, not daring to look behind me. After I had cleared some distance my run went into a curve and I saw that the five remaining monsters had surrounded their dead companion.
They then began to pull the corpse apart and eat it. It would probably give them a power boost of some sort. I rushed back in and began to slash at the monsters legs while running around the group aiming to cripple. They spun as I struck, showering chunks of flesh and fur over the forest floor. An arrow flew out and struck on in the head, killing it.
I then drove one of my blades into the base of a monsters back and towards its groin, giving it a second asshole. I left my blade and then drove the other one through one of the monster’s back and out the front of its chest. I moved back and then began to throw my remaining knives, taking care to aim at the eyes and neck.
It was soon over in a bloody pile of Bigfoots. The only good thing I had to say about them at that moment, was that there insides smelled a lot nicer than their outsides. They probably lived in their own shit the filthy beasts.
“That was intense. Nice job.” Tor said.
“You too. Help me grab up the weapons?” She nodded and we got to work. It took at least half an hour to find everything and clean it off. I noticed that the one that had charged Tor had an arrow in the groin and had then been decapitated. Truly a woman after my own heart.
“Thank you for agreeing to meet.”
“So how can we assist you?”
“I want you to secure a meeting place between me and one of your clients. I have written down the name he gave along with the location.”
“He is a Class S customer. You are rated as a Class D contact. I will have to confirm with him as per our regulations.”
“I expected as much, this is meant to be a peaceful meeting. I only want my safety to be ensured.”
“Of course, of course. Shall we proceed on the assumption there will be no conflicting agendas?”
“Please, I have written the meeting time down.”
“Hmmm, yes that does work.”
“How much to be rated as a Class S customer by the way. I didn’t see the price listed anywhere.”
“That designation is reserved only for our most premier members who use our services extensively. Due to this we are very selective about who we rate as Class S, since we make the guarantee to not act directly against them.”
“I can accept that, but I am interested if you ever have a spot open.”
“We shall see. For payment, two VR weeks of free advertising in the middle of all episodes. Before you object, that is a major discount in consideration of who you will be meeting with.”
“Fine, two weeks. I will start one week before the meeting if that is acceptable.”
“Not ideal, but acceptable. This contract will still hold in the event of your death or you are unable to make it. You will be upgraded to a Class C client after this, if there are no issues. If there are, then we won’t be able to do business in the future.”
“Is there any way to get in contact here instead of in game?”
“He has specifically asked that all contact be in game. I apologize, but that is one of his key points for all his business and he refuses to budge on this issue.”
“I see. Thank you for your time.”
“No problem, the Solid Steel always welcomes business. Try not to die Rain of Blood.”
Author’s Note: Rate and review please. Tell your friends. This story stands at #473, which means there are 472 other stories I need to brutally stab to death on my rise to the top. As my loyal minions, it is your duty, no, privilege to assist with my ascension.
In all honesty, your comments, ratings, and reviews make a difference. It means pushing that extra hour to write that one more chapter and get it out as quickly as possible. What this means is, if you want two chapters a day, give me ratings, reviews, favorites, and follows. If you have read this far then you either like to torture yourself or enjoy my writing.
Also in response to the mourning/morning fiasco, yes I have trouble with words that sound the same. It is like weather and whether, flower and flour, I get them mixed up when I am typing away and then miss them on my read through. I try and catch it, but they are bad writing habits and blind spots I am still working on.
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