《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 5: Not My Fault
I woke up the following mourning to three larger bulbs. I unhooked the rope and picked up my pack. With a jerk on the rope they began to follow me. Bulb One was still the biggest. If they evolved, grew, or transformed into the shooting one it would be much harder to control. We arrived back at the road. The hard part would be getting people in range. I picked up the smallest bulb, but it was fairly heavy. I wouldn’t be able to get a good distance into my throw.
I threw the rope over a low overhanging branch and lifted the bulbs up into the canopy. They were clearly unhappy struggling up there, but I didn’t care. I then tied the rope off to a nearby tree. When the next caravan came through I would lower the bulbs right in the middle of their group. The spread wouldn’t be that great since I had only one rope, but it would knock out the core of the caravan.
A couple of messengers went by, a bunch of peasants, but nothing that was a good target to attack. Finally I saw fifty soldiers marching in formation up the road led by a knight. They were fairly close together in their formation and the poison took a second to work so I should be able to get almost all of them. With a range of about five feet, I figured I could get the knight and most of the soldiers to give this operation a go. When the knight was almost underneath the bulbs I lowered them.
The knight and the horse inhaled the cloud, but kept going. I lowered the bulbs so the soldiers got the full effect. I did it this way, so the knight would keep going for another second or two since only his face and breathing would be paralyzed, so I could get most of the soldiers. It also had the added benefit of preventing him from shouting. When people started to fall down I let the bulbs drop into the middle of the formation. Soldiers began to collapse all over the place. The first thing I did was rush down and stab the knight’s horse a number of times in the side.
It collapsed to the ground bleeding out and unable to breathe. The knight began to free himself from his fallen steed. I raced over to the bulbs. I quickly cut one free and threw it at the couple of soldiers at the back of the formation getting them in the spore cloud. I then cut another one free and tossed it over at the knight. I made it just in time. He had freed himself and turned to run but was hit with the paralysis. I then raced back to the soldiers and began stabbing them in the back of the head as quickly as possible.
Killing people is hard work but soon they were all dead and I moved onto the knight. I stabbed him in through his armor and into his head. It was messy and bloody but I finally succeeded in killing him as well.
I gathered up a bunch of food, arrows, rope, a new satchel, canteen, more rope, and clothes. I also looted the entire group for money. I didn’t even bother to count as I rushed to complete the job before anyone else showed up. I swapped out my worn blades for new ones, one of them being the knight’s sword. It was much higher quality than the others and a little bit longer. I then cut the rope from the bulbs but they were too busy moving from corpse to corpse to care.
Loaded down I raced off into the forest. I didn’t stop for anything. I knew that when Lord Breckley found out, there would be an army rampaging through these woods killing every little thing. I had done it, oh my god, I had taken out that entire group and a knight. Holy crap, I killed a super high level character. I stopped when it was getting dark and started a fire.
I then munched on some fresh bread and jerky while I looked through my screens.
Army of One-5
Trap Making-2
Battle of Gloommore Forest-1 MAXDefinitely not monstersPermanent state of war now exists between you and the House of Breckley+10 Fate+1% Constitution+1% Dexterity+1% Wisdom+1% Intelligence
Experience+7200013+10 LvL+3084012+9 LvL+179907+8 LvL+2055612+7 LvL+1484613+6 LvLYou are level 32
Holy crap, thirteen levels and about a hundred and fifty thousand experience. That is insanity. I dumped thirty four points into Endurance bringing it up to fifty.
Endurance Focus-1You are a brick wall+25% to SP per LvL
I dropped the last five points into Strength. If I had to be running everywhere I needed the Endurance and the Strength to carry all my gear and loot. What can I say, I am a pack rat. “Status.”
STATUSNameKenji ShadowenLevel32Constitution11.3Strength15.15Dexterity52.53Endurance50.5Wisdom5.05Intelligence5.1Charisma0Luck0Fate88.74
I sorted out the mess my satchel was. There was way too much coinage. Three hundred and fifty seven pieces of copper and four pieces of silver. Way too much freaking copper, but I wasn’t going to chuck it away. I had a short bow, two bow strings, and thirty arrows in a quiver about to burst. I pulled out the knight’s sword and laid it near the fire and just stared at it. I had a suspicion certain skills unlocked when an action was repeated. It was boring, but if I was right this would prove invaluable. I ended up sitting and staring at the sword for over an hour before it finally happened.
Identification -1What is this now?LvL 1: Learn the Name and LvL of an itemCost 10 Mana
Why couldn’t it be one mana instead of ten mana? I needed a wizard, or someone focusing their stats into Wisdom and Intelligence. This is freaking annoying. I would never be able to level this stupid skill up. I looked at the stupid sword once more. “Ahhh, screw it. Identification.”
Sword of House RegentLvL 60
“Well Sir Regent you are dead as dead can be.”
On a road where the corpses lay, the Leafy Bulbs grew into Grand Bulbs and the affectionately named Bulb One continued to grow into a Swarm Bulb as the other two bulbs fed it more and more nutrients from the plethora of corpses. A giant pod, the size of a fully grown man with vines stretching up to twenty feet. Unlike its smaller companions this monster could birth other monsters. It had taken three generations of Lord Breckley's family to suppress the monster population to an all-time low. While the low level monsters were easy enough to wipe out, when something like a Swarm Bulb appeared it was a disaster of epic proportions.
To fight such a creature that stood at level one hundred fifty was incredibly difficult. That is why if a monster killed a person it was hunted down without remorse. With a hundred foot spore radius and numerous smaller bulbs exiting from the Swarm Bulb, it would require no less than an entire army to put down.
As people traveled down the road they were taken out by the Grand Bulbs and then their corpses were delivered to the Swarm Bulb to grow even larger. In the thousand years since the first Breckley seized control of the land and built a city to protect his people, no one had ever weaponized monsters. The sheer horror and the numerous tales throughout all lands had scared people away from even considering such an attempt.
While the poisons and parts might be used for research in small corners of the world no one would dare use a functioning monster. This was a new type of warfare that would send ripples far and wide.
The next morning I set off through the woods in search of more bulbs. I came across a couple slimes that were easy enough to slice open, but didn’t give any experience. They weren’t even poisonous so no working on my immunity. I finally found a bulb with the signature purple spore cloud. A small one, which was perfect. I had a second satchel with me for just this purpose. I stuffed the monster inside and closed it up. The spore cloud quickly disappeared.
A ready-made area of effect weapon. If I got into melee I would flip open my pouch and get a spore cloud. “Who’s the cute cuddly over powered bulb creature. You are, you are.” It didn’t seem to get me. Maybe I could somehow tame a dragon or a phoenix or even…wait for it…a half dragon half phoenix. It would shoot fire beams from its mouth and talons. It could fly of course. Have scaly feathers that glimmered like a rainbow. It would be immortal except for one weakness only I would know. Finally it would fly me around, since I was sick of walking through this stupid forest.
I saw a couple more small bulbs but ignored them as I pushed onwards. I had people to slay and a war to wage. I saw a small dirt path up ahead and started following it. I soon came to a half assed wood shelter as the sun was slowing going down over the horizon. I saw a bunch of people lounging around and talking. I counted three people, possibly two more in the shelter. They were clearly players since one had blue hair. Why we could pick blue hair, but not an outlandish name was beyond me. Well I was a tiny bald albino, so meh.
“Hello there fellow players.” Two of them jumped up holding swords. There was no chance they could beat me in a fair fight, plus I didn’t fight fair.
“Hey there, this is our area.”
“No problem, I am just passing through.”
“Don’t be a jerk Rand, we need all the help we can get.” The leader put his hand on the flat of the blade and his companion lowered his sword.
“You are welcome to join us, we don’t have much. Been pretty brutal out here.” I just nodded and approached. One hand was on my bulb bag in case of trouble.
“So I am Marissa. This is Rand, Orion, Loretta, and Jack.”
“I am Kenji Shadowmer.” I said and watched their reactions closely. None of them reacted or were very good in hiding social tells.
“Great to meet you Kenji.” I sat down at the fire pit. Two of the group went off to gather wood while the rest of us sat on logs laid around the campfire.
“So what is going on out there? All I hear from my friends is that the NPCs are cracking down on us players as hard as they can.” Rand said.
“Indeed, I have already been in multiple fights against them. I attempted to free others, but the strength of their knights is hard to overcome.”
“Well we have been hanging out here killing bulbs and slimes to get stronger. There aren’t that many but I know we can do it.” Marissa gave me a smile.
“We have been thinking about moving on, any ideas on good hunting spots.”
“No, I have only retreated to the forest since Lord Breckley’s forces will be no doubt pursuing me after the last fight. While I doubt they would travel more than a day from the road, I would be careful for patrols.”
“Thanks for the warning, you must be pretty strong to go up against the soldiers.”
“I am strong enough.”
“Eh, what level are you?”
“That is a rude question Loretta.” Rand said.
“A level high enough to survive and warn you not to try anything.”
“Hah, no worries. It is us against the NPCs.” Rand said. The other two returned with a bunch of wood and tossed it onto the fire.
“So tell us of your last fight, the one you had to run from.” Loretta said.
“Well, there were six of us. Not friends, we just happened to cross paths. We laid an ambush at a road not far from here. We managed to kill ten soldiers before the knight that was with them road two of my companions down. The other’s broke and fled and the knight pursued them. I took the opposite direction and have been traveling for a day and a half.” Complete bullshit, but I wasn’t about to let the bulb out of the bag. That made me wonder if the person who came up with that expression about cats and bags actually stuffed cats into bags and used them as weapons. Surprise, angry cats to the face!
“I already died once. Some asshole NPC decided to stab me in the groin. Why the groin you ask, because he was sadistic.” Orion said.
“I saw one guy lose an arm. That must have been painful. I would probably restart.” Jack said.
“So find any hidden skills?” Loretta asked. I was really beginning to dislike her.
“Like my level I will keep my abilities to myself. While you all are welcoming people, trust is not easy to come by.” I said.
“Indeed. Well we can split the watch up tonight three ways. Me and Kenji, then Lorreta and Jack, finally Orion and Marissa.”
“That seems reasonable.” I said. “Since you are being so welcoming, I do have some extra food I can spare.” I dug into one of my satchels and pulled out three loaves of bread and twelve pieces of jerky. It was half my food stash, but some good will would be useful. I also took out the wood carving I had kept and passed it to Marissa. She blushed and gave me a smile. Cannon fodder slash meat shields were always good things to have.
“Awesome, you are the best.” Orion said. I gave everyone half a loaf and two pieces of jerky including myself. Everyone sat around the campfire with smiles as the sky grew darker.
“That was excellent thanks Kenji.” Rand said. Everyone else followed with a thank you and I just nodded in return.
“You should totally join up with us.” Jack said.
“You seem capable.” Orion added.
“Don’t push the guy, he seems like a lone wolf.” Marissa said.
“Thank you, I will think on it.” I replied.
“With your help we can easily get strong enough to stomp the stupid NPCs.” Loretta said. The conversation drifted into all the NPC hate and what they were going to do. I smiled at their childish enthusiasm. I was in the midst of a war and they thought it was a game of tag.
I walked off to the side of the clearing to get some fresh air as everyone settled down for the night. Jack came up next to me. “If you want to sleep you can.”
“Thanks, but I will keep watch. While I prefer to solo, I will contribute towards the group while I am part of it.”
“You know we could really use you. I mean this whole thing has been a struggle since day one.”
“You would not like my methods. I wish to part on good terms, so let’s leave it at that.”
“What can be worse than stabbing someone in the groin?” Jack asked. I was silent since there was no good answer. “Ah, I won’t ask then. Well if you change your mind you are more than welcome.” I gave him a nod.
“Thanks.” I took to walking around the edge of the clearing while Jack sat by the fire. Maybe I could team up. It would be nice to have people watching my back. With their help, I might even risk making an attempt on Lord Breckley. Jack woke up the next two when our turn was done and I settled in to sleep.
I woke up at the crack of dawn. I looked around, everyone was still sleeping even the people who were supposed to be on watch. I guess being part of a group wasn’t for me if they were that lazy. I then looked over and saw Loretta. Her face was twisted in an expression of terror as the bulb sat on top of her.
I quickly got up and checked the others. All dead, suffocated in their sleep. I checked Loretta and she was somehow still alive. I figured the bulb liked to keep its victims alive somehow while feeding or impregnating the target. I could see the horror and pain in her face. It was easy enough to figure out what had happened. “You just had to be greedy, didn’t you? Well congratulations on killing everyone here.” I began looting everyone. The only thing of value was a couple of copper coins. I built the fire back up and tossed their bodies into with along with their belongings.
“I hope you all get a better start wherever you respawn.” I then turned towards Loretta. I pulled the bulb off of her and put it away in my satchel after wiping the good stuck on it onto the ground. Purple goo dripped from the wound in her chest “I don’t know how you are alive, but I know you didn’t set up the mental log off feature if you are still here. You know what happens now? Tiny little bulbs are going to grow out of you and then suck your juices out. I could kill you, but your stupidity killed everyone here. So I am going to leave you paralyzed and alone. I honestly didn’t want this to happen. Me not wanting to kill someone, how weird. I was like, let’s have a change of pace. Let’s not kill everyone I meet. I was even thinking about teaming up with all of you to put the hurt on the NPCs. Share the secrets of magic.” Her eyes somehow twitched at that.
“Oh yes, I know so many secrets. But now you can have bulbs grow out of your body. Oh, look up Rain of Blood if you really want to know how I usually do things. Smell you later.” I walked away from the helpless frozen girl as plants ate away at her insides.
I followed the small dirt trail that led from the clearing. In about half a day I came out to some fields. I opened up my satchel. I then proceeded to walk up to the farmers and stab them in the head while they lay on the ground paralyzed. More farmers rushed but quickly succumbed to the spores affects. I quickly dispatched them.
I didn’t even bother keep track after twenty. I then marched into the small village. A soldier spotted me and called for help. Three more joined him, one of them had a bow. I charged forward and the three soldiers collapsed. I ducked to the side as the arrow flew by me. I was within range and the last soldier collapsed. I then killed and looted them for copper and more food.
I searched the village and killed off the people who were hiding. The children choked to death from the spores and they were too low level to bother with. I took a fresh change of clothes. I covered up the bulb and took a horse. I passed through another villager on the coast killing five more soldiers and then turned towards Breckley. That was when I saw twenty soldiers approaching. I headed straight for the center of their formation and they parted around me giving me glares. I uncovered my satchel. They all collapsed, choking to death. I made short work of them and looted a lot more coinage. Unfortunately Horsey the Second perished as well.
Even with all the deaths I had only gone up to level thirty three. I pushed forward down the road. The bulb really was over powered. I saw a priest of some sort walking along the road slowly. I pushed myself to catch up. He was dressed in grey with eight symbols on his robe.
“Hello.” I called out.
He turned, his face wasn’t that old but he had a short white beard and white hair with only small hints of black. “Hello, Traveler.”
“I don’t want to fight.”
“The smell of death surrounds you. With the blessings of the Eight I will not allow you to pass.”
“I can accept that. Why don’t you teach me about your faith while we wait here? If you distract me enough you might be able to kill me or allow someone to come to your aid.”
“Hah, I accept your challenge. For you shall convert before I send you from this world.” I pulled out a piece of jerky and began chewing while the man talked. “In the time before man, there were nine gods who forged the world. Tafe, forged the idea and all that is. Culk imbued the randomness to disrupt the rigid order. Machisar gave us hopes and dreams for tomorrow. Gencellitni gave us our thoughts and history. Dowism gave us context and the ability to grasp things that lay beyond. Duerance gave us the ability to move forward. Xyiterted gave us speed and haste. Trentghs gave us the power to carry out our duties. Finally Onciontituts gave us our form and life. Man came into being birthed by the divine and we reached to greater and great heights.” I definitely need a pen and paper to work something out I suspected.
“One thousand years ago, our hubris grew too great. Man attempted to enter the realm of the divine. A great war was fought and in the end mankind cast down Tafe and imprisoned her for all time. Unfortunately the remaining gods responded and gave their gifts to lesser beings in revenge, creating the first monsters that plague our land to this day.”
“Now a new monster has come, the Traveler. In hordes upon hordes you assault and destroy out homes and culture. Well no more. I call on Trentghs, lend me your aid!” A flash of light surrounded the priest. I flipped open my satchel and spores surrounded me. The priest darted in and attempted to punch me, but I ran away.
He backed out of the spore’s range and took a breath again. “You call upon the aid of monsters. There can be no forgiveness for your wickedness.” He was immune, to the contact poison of the spores, this was not good. I threw a sword at him but he easily side stepped the attack. Shit, this old man was tough. “I call upon Xyiterted, lend me your aid.” Another glow surrounded the priest and he moved in at twice the speed.
I used my sword in wide slashes to keep him at bay. He had to retreat to breathe which allowed me a chance to recover. I dodged each punch by the skin of my teeth, and watched as my SP quickly plummeted.
“Forgive me oh gods, but I must call upon a third of your siblings. Culk lend me aid in this time of need!” Another glow surrounded the priest. This just cemented in my mind my dislike of magic users. He darted in again and I didn’t notice anything different. Then I stepped off to the side and there was a rock underneath my foot.
With my balance off kilter, the priest landed a glancing blow. I was spun around and he retreated from the swipe of my blade. Before I could recover he was next to me. He delivered a single punch to the Leafy Bulb killing it instantly and then backhanded my hand holding my sword sending it flying away.
“A greater evil I have never met. May you forever remember the name-“ I head butted him as hard as I could. His nose exploded in a shower of blood. I kicked out and struck his kneecap which I heard a loud snap from. He collapsed to the ground and the nimbus of light around him vanished. I spat on his body.
“Remember this name, Kenji Shadowen.” I then stomped on his groin again and again, until his crotch was a bloody mess. I then kicked him in the face to shut off his moaning. My shoulder hurt terribly and I had a headache. If I had been hit head on, I would have been pulverized. I checked his corpse and found my first gold piece.
“Dammit, I need another bulb.” I muttered as I continued to search the corpse. I found a book embossed with eight symbols similar to the blood robes the man wore. “I always enjoyed reading.” He had nothing else on him. I collected my weapons and said, “Well for an old guy you put up a half decent fight.” I then went off through tall grass towards the forest in the distance. I then started going through my screens. There was one that caught my eye.
Quest Complete-MediumThe Gods+100 EXP
Holy War-1A crusadePermanent state of war now exists between you and the Church of Eight+10 Fate per LvL+1% Constitution per LvL+1% Strength per LvL+1% Dexterity per LvL+1% Endurance per LvL+1% Wisdom per LvL+1% Intelligence per LvL+1% Charisma per LvL+1% Luck per LvL
STATE OF WAR WITH THE CHURCH OF EIGHTYou have declared war upon the Church of Eight by killing a priest.
All priests can sense what you have done and will attempt to slay you.
A bounty will be issued for you.
Allies may be called to assist.
Upstanding citizens will run from you.
The state of war cannot be ended unless by agreement of both parties or destruction of faction.
Quest-MediumScout the GloomwoodFind the disturbance in the Gloomwood+100 EXPAccept (Yes/No)
Quest-HardProtect MendalDo not allow the civilians in Mendal's church to perish+1000 EXP
+1 Stat PointAccept (Yes/No)
Quest-LegendaryKill Bulb OneKill your pet bulb one+10000 EXP
+3 Stat PointAccept (Yes/No)
“Aww, crap.”
“Sir Davos! Something approaches the town!”
“What is it soldier.”
“A…I don’t know, it is massive sir. It comes from the Gloomwood.” A chill ran down the knight’s back. While he may be brash and loud, he knew the danger of what approached if he had to guess.
“Hunters, head towards the Gloomwood to the west of here. Find the disturbance and report back.” Twenty yes sirs sounded off as the hunters raced off. At least these Travelers would die and not his soldiers. “Mobilize the garrison and the town. I want a bow in every single hand that can shoot before mid-day. I want the women and children evacuated to the church and the building sealed. Also call up all the priests to me.” A chorus of yes sirs sounded off.
The bells in the church tower began ringing out. Farmers out in the surrounding fields began to rush back from where they had just begun their daily work. “Move it people!” Sir Davos shouted. He moved his left arm, the shoulder was still stiff from his wound. Nothing serious but enough to slow him down just a tad.
People rushed to and fro but Sir Davos stood and watched, mentally preparing for the coming battle. He saw seven of the hunters running down the road from the Gloom Wood just past mid-morning. “Open the gate!” He bellowed out. It was a simple wooden gate and walls. They would hold, but it was nothing compared to the might of Breckley’s walls.
The hunters raced in and collapsed on the ground. Sir Davos turned and looked down at them waiting for an explanation. “Oh my god. That thing was huge.”
“It just grabbed up Kevin.”
“No, no, no, no.”
Only one of the hunters looked up at Sir Davos. “Big, a really big plant with vines is moving down the road towards here. There is a massive purple haze around it and hundreds of smaller plants.” Sir Davos turned and looked back out over the fields. A hill in the distance blocked his view but he could easily imagine a giant Swarm Bulb and all the horror it meant for Mendal.
“You hunters go up to that hill and keep watch for it.”
“No way, that thing will-“ Sir Davos had already cut off the idiot’s head in a shower of blood.
“I don’t ask twice.” The six remaining hunters went back out the gate to stand on the hill.
“Remove this thing, and bring up the priests. I will need as many blessings as possible if I am to go head to head with what approaches.”
“You…you really think you can beat a Swarm Bulb.” One of the braver soldiers asked.
“We shall see.”
HolyMan: A crusade it is, for I shall smite his evil from this world
Ramponator: What a noob, don’t let the bulb out
RoidBeast1: hilarious meme, check it out
Ramponator: He kills everyone
6996: Unless they kill themselves first
Sliceman23: Bulbs growing out of you is now top of my list on how I don’t want to die
PedoBear9000: What was number one
Sliceman23: Sword to the groin
FuriousGhost: I am going to put a bulb on his dick, lets see how he likes it
Ramponator: No, just no, you are officially banned from my presence
UltimataSecret: Just heard a super boss is approaching Mendal
RoidBeast1: Rain of Blood is so going to kill it with leet skillz
HolyMan: Only those of the faith will survive the coming doom
AngryMomX: Kenji, Rain of Blood, I am level sixty with ultimate magic and I am coming for you
Ramponator: Trollollollollol
Horsey: Please stop killing me
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ODHM: Holst Curio and Convenience
Come On Down to Holst Curio and Convenience! We’re Located On XXXX, Off the Corner of XXXX! Whether You’re Just Shopping For Your Weekly Necessaries! Whether You’re Looking For A Nice Stiff Drink, Or A Delectable Bite to Eat! Whether Your Sick/Injured And Are In Need of Affordable and Top-tier Medicinal Relief!Whether You’ve Gotten In Trouble With the Boss And Need A Way To Fix It Quick! Whether You’ve Got Yourself A Pest Problem And Need The Gear To Get Rid Of Them! Whether You’ve Got A Big Project Coming Up And Just Can’t Quite Find The Needed Materials!Whether You’re Looking For That Perfect Gift! We’ve Got You Covered! With Our Affordable Prices And Industry-Topping/Industry-Toppeling Quality Goods And Services, When You Shop Holst You Won’t Regret It! All Local Legal Tenders Accepted Though Actual Value And Worth Of Legal Tenders May Vary. We Also Accept Barter, Trade, and The Universal Currency Of Time! ************************************************************************************************************* Meet Ellis Holst. The owner and co-proprietor of Holst Convenience. Just your average, Ordinary, Dimension Hopping, Merchant. Ellis is a normal guy...all things considered. He hasn’t had the easiest life thanks to his complicated relationship with his family, and the results of a very unfortunate prank that he tries not to think too much about these days. He was once the designated villain for countless timelines and realities, but that’s over now. He’s managed to finally pull himself together and break free from the self-destructive cycles that he’d been quite literally enslaved to. Now he’s taking things easy, trying his best to live a more peaceful, more positive life. He’s started a store. He’s picked up some nice hobbies. He’s inadvertently found himself trying to reconcile with his mother, one of the few members of his family that don’t suck, despite her unintentionally being the source of all his problems with the rest of his clan. He even got married. Ellis is doing pretty okay for himself. The trick will be keeping things that way. ************************************************************************************************************* Generally(?) Updates Weekly Posted only on Scribble Hub and Royal Road
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Gilliam is an average nerd from the UK, one day on the way home he is hit with a truck only to suddenly wake up in a new world. Finding out that it is filled with swords and magic, people who can perform amazing feats as well as beastfolk. And on top of this; he's part of some prophecy to save the world with great power from something horrible? What is this great event he will save the world from, what is the great power he is to use and how will this change him?********************Overpowered protagonist in an Isekai setting.********************Updated cover!**New cover Partially generated by the DALL-E AI. Lots of editing was done**This started as a story to develop magic in my setting, but became a hobby that I do for fun.The first three chapters were written a solid year before the fourth and newer, so there is slight improvement in writing at that point.I’ll be glad for any input or thoughts, but I’m by no means a professional. :)
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8 122 - In Serial11 Chapters
Meet The Robinsons: The Future Has Arrived (Wilbur x Female Reader)
Wilbur Robinson's makes the greatest mistake any teenager could make. He forgot to lock the garage door leading to a guy in a bowler hat to steal his father's Time Machine and escape to the past in it. Now it's up to him and his best friend that he's totally not crushing on, (Name) to save the day!I do not own the rights to Meet The Robinsons, this is just a fanfic for fun. All rights belong to Disney.
8 122