《One Piece's Messenger of the Sea》Life on Little Garden (3)


As it turned out the giants did know something about haki, though they saw no reason to use such "tricks" themselves. Morrow felt that was more than a bit shortsighted, but he kept that to himself and listened to Dorry explain.

"I haven't practiced myself, but some giants passed down armament haki like this.....and for observation haki there are very few users among giants, but I've heard it's hard to obtain a non-natural awakening. You can practice meditation like this to improve chances, but it's not really sophisticated. Awakening may take as little as a few months to as long as a decade depending on foundation. Well, that's all I know."

"Thank you for your wisdom Mr. Dorry. If that brewing I told you about works out I'll bring you a barrel."

"Heh, it's nothing guest. Come back anytime."

"I'll be going then."

Morrow stood looking at the crude containers he had made and wondered for the tenth time if this was a really good idea. He had run out of whatever alcohol he had within the first week on the island, and so rather than drinking nothing but water for the year he was stuck here he had hit on brewing his own. Morrow had hit a snag on the first step though, as he was definitely no qualified cooper and he only had 5 free barrels.

I just have to give up and use the old barrels for my experiment.

There was a great deal of adventure in this process, which is why he had wanted more containers for fermentation. He had been unable to find wild wheat, so he was left with some wild fruit and yeast he had found. Almost no part of the process was controlled, unlike the times he had made hard cider on Earth.


This could taste like absolute shit or be awesome. Who knows.

Feeling like a mad scientist rather than a homebrewer, he tried a different combination in each barrel and set them aside to ferment after writing down what each barrel had in it. He would come back in a week to check each's progress.

On which haki to start training first, Morrow had some ideas. Although Armament Haki was very powerful, he had other ways to hit devil fruit users. Comparatively Observation Haki was less directly powerful, but had much more utility for his current situation. Conqueror Haki doesn't need to be said, as Dorry obviously didn't know anything about it. Morrow didn't know if he had it either, so any training would be useless there unless he awakened it later at some later date.

To tell the truth, Morrow didn't really care about Conqueror Haki anyway. It was treated like a big deal in One Piece, but other than knocking out those much weaker than the user to prevent a siege situation it didn't seem to have any big use. It was just a sign of force of personality.

Observation haki it is then. If I reach some success in that I can move onto armament haki.

Unfortunately Dorry also knew less about that breed of haki, but combining Dorry's hearsay with what he had seen in One Piece gave Morrow some confidence in recreating it.

He popped on a blindfold and got started. He tried empty his mind and stretch his awareness like he thought it should work, but after 2 hours with nothing to show for it he finally gave up for the day.

This is clearly going to be a long haul. No need to get anxious if I'm not a genius. Slow and steady wins the race.


So that's how it works....

It had taken Morrow 3 months of daily meditation and acting like a monk to finally stumble into the doorway, but he finally managed to figure out a trace of observation haki. Good thing too, as he was past sick of it. He was not one for sitting like a buddha seeking for enlightenment or whatever. Morrow liked more immediate gratification for his efforts even if he could be patient when he had to.

His current range for this additional sense was pathetic however. The "lights" in his mind only extended about 300 ft, which compared to the miles-long range used by some characters was simply terrible.

Don't get greedy. I should just be happy I got a start rather than complaining.

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