《The Edgars》Scene 7: The Truth


(Scene: Outside in the town. George enters. Charles follows, holding a Kodak camera.)


Charles, you devil! From whom did you get the money to escape?


It was he, your precocious little flower, Jonathan. It was part of his plan.


What plan?


Never mind that. It is an empty plan and shall amount to nothing. But my plan. (Gestures to camera). Tell me, Father; how is our police officer fairing after his violent altercation?


How do you know about that?


I really do worry for him, for such trauma to the head might cause a man to feel delirious-- perhaps enough to believe any lie spewed from a serpent's lips. I was there, Father-- peering through the window, seeing with my own eyes Jonathan's villainy. Not only that, I've caught it all on film. I purchased this camera here with the money leftover from Jonathan’s gift.


(Removes and aims revolver at Charles) Hand it to me.


Or what? You shall kill me?


Had I not warned you to stay away from my son?


(Angrily) Why do you treat me so poorly, Father? Am I not your son as well? I demand the truth from you!


You are not my son. You are a bastard, the son of a whore and a common boy. You and I share no blood.




You demanded this. The whole truth is coming out now. Indeed, after Jonathan was born, your mother-- that wench-- fell in love with a lowly tramp, and the two kept a secret affair from me. You came into this world, and were Christened an Edgar. But soon after, the affair came into light, and she informed me that you, whom I believed to be my son, whom I raised, kissed, and loved as my son, had, in truth, been a product of her adultery. I banished her from my life. I stripped her of my wealth, and, with my power, ensured that she and her incubus lover lived and died in the streets.



It was you. You killed Mother.


She killed herself when she betrayed me for a mere beggar.


Why did you not let me die with her?


Oh, how I yearned to. How I yearned to squeeze a pillow against your tiny face and cleanse the stain that your mother had left on our name. But as much as I despised you, I had still held and kissed you as my son. So I let you live...


...But you kept your distance.


Indeed. But I knew that, one day, you would bring my family to ruin, just as your mother had nearly done. I should have ended your life then.


Perhaps so, for you would have spared it from years of your vanity and negligence.

(The Clone enters and attacks George, who attempts to fire at it several times. The last bullet succeeds in hitting the Clone's torso, but it is mostly ineffective. George pulls the trigger once more, but the gun, now out of ammo, merely clicks before being tossed from his hand)


Don't idle there, fool! Help me! (Charles merely stands there in terror and anticipation) (The Clone throws George to the ground and beats him to death there. Charles flees. The Clone begins to stumble after him, only to succumb to its injury and die).

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