《The Edgars》Scene 6: The Murderer Strikes Again


(Scene: The police station, at night. The Officer is doing paperwork at his desk. Charles is gone from his cell. The Clone enters. He resembles Jonathan in every way except his different, bloodstained clothes, his flimsier hair, and a wild expression on his face. He is holding a rock.)


Good evening, Mister Ed-- Mister Edgar! Are you alright! Are you hurt anywhere? No, no. Don't say anything. Sit down while I fetch you a doctor. (The Clone approaches) Why do you stare at me like that? Go on, sit down. (The Clone wrestles him to the floor behind the desk and begins beating him with the rock) Help! Somebody! Murder! (After a while, the Clone ceases and exits)

(Enter George. He lifts the Officer up from behind the desk. Officer's head is bleeding)


Officer! Who did this to you? (Officer murmurs) Come on, man! Tell me!


...It was… your boy…


Damn. (Looks at cell) Where is Charles, the man you arrested for the murders?


...Bailed himself out… earlier today…


Impossible! (Beat) Now listen very carefully. It was he who did this to you. Charles. The man whom you released. Do you understand? Charles. Now tell me again; who did this to you?


...Charles… the man I released…


Excellent. Excellent. Don't move. I shall send for help.

(George exits)


...It was your boy… Charles… the man I released...

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