《The Primordial Tower [Re]》Chapter 20- MINE!


Noah started sprinting towards the Goblin Lord, his each step traversing ten meters, or well it was more of a leap than a step, and arriving next to his kneeling visage in a matter of moments. The Goblin Lord’s left arm was bleeding blue blood, and he was struggling to get back to his feet with his sword wielding arm.

“WHY ARE YOU… SO WEAK?” Noah tilted his head towards the downed Goblin Lord, unable to understand why the previously intimidating monster looked so frail in front of him.

The Goblin Lord spat out a mouthful of blue blood, as if mocking Noah, and his Titan form made him irritable and easily agitated

“BIG GREEN, YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? HA HA, I AM ALSO VERY AMUSING MAN,” Noah’s deep voice echoed out like the thrumming of the earth moments before an earthquake, and he swung his hammer once again.

The Goblin Lord raised its shield once again, but this time it directly splintered into a thousand pieces, like Noah’s shield had when facing the Goblin Avengers, sending him tumbling back another two dozen meters like a bowling ball headed for a strike, crashing into the blue aura demarcating the end of the Grid.

“PAYBACK. IS VERY FEEL GOOD,” Noah gave the Goblin Lord a charming smile, and pummeled down with his hammer. The Goblin Lord barely caught the strike on it’s sword arm, but the difference in force caused its arm to snap like dried twigs, sending its sword clattering away.

The Goblin Lord gave a furious roar, and the red aura around it started to coalesce into something…. Almost tangible.

The Goblin Lord is enraged!

The Goblin Lord has shifted race alignment from Goblin Skirmisher to Goblin Avenger.

Current HP remaining: 50 %

“UH OH,” Noah had warning signals go all in his mind, but due to the affect of the Titan Body they were dulled, almost muted. The Goblin Lord, that was now painted in a crimson red from head to toe, looked at Noah with equal derision. Noah instinctively smashed his hammer towards its chest, but it rolled out of harms way towards the side- he was already committed to the attack, so Noah had no way of avoiding the left hook that was intended for his sternum- this time he was the one sent flying away, though only by some 15 odd meters, there was still an undeniable difference in strength.


“STRONG,” Noah said, as he groggily got back up to see the Goblin Lord walking towards him, completely unarmed- its sword arm was already broken, but it still had the fire to defeat Noah in its eyes.

“YOU, WORTHY. TITAN NOT FIGHT WEAPON,” Noah said, and deposited his hammer in the inventory. A part of him was screaming in anger at his ridiculous action, but this was the pride of the Titan race, a pride that now coursed through him- denying it would be the same thing as denying the transformation.

The onlookers watched in astonishment as they watched the scene play out, Goblin Lord and Titan staring down at each other with both fury and begrudging respect, both parties unarmed. This fight would possibly decide the fate of the remaining challengers in Gridlocked, so it was no wonder that everyone had their attention turned towards it.

Noah estimated he only had three minutes of the transformation left, he was lucid enough to understand that he had to finish this fast, but just as he decided to charge, the goblin lord did too. The distance of 30 meters separating the two was covered in an instant, and Noah was the first to throw a right hook directed towards its jaw. The Goblin Lord ducked underneath his punch and followed through with a sneaky jab to his lower abdomen that almost knocked the wind out of him. Desperate, Noah brought both his arms around the Goblin Lord’s neck, and delivered a brutal right knee to its lower abdomen as repayment, sending it stumbling back a few steps gasping for air.

The Goblin Lord countered with a powerful kick that was meant to topple Noah, but he blocked with his right shin- well, block was perhaps not the apt description as a sharp pain tore through his shin, but at least he didn’t fall over.


“AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHH” Noah gave a ferocious roar, interlocking both his arms like a hammer and using its height advantage of three meters to bring it down on the Goblin Lord’s head with every bit of strength he could unearth from his Titan Arms. The battered Goblin Lord went down like a sack of potatoes, and Noah took a moment for a breather.

He then poked his elbow out and in an unexpected move- dive bombed the goblin lord with his elbow carrying the bulk of his momentum and slamming into the Goblin Lord’s abdomen. Pinning it down under his body weight, Noah started raining down merciless blows towards its face while uttering words in between the beat down…. “YOU…. ARE….. WORTHY….. BUT I… AM TITAN.

After the tenth punch the Goblin Lord’s visage was unrecognizable, and if it were Noah in his normal state he would have felt pity. The eleventh caused the Goblin Lord to explode in a cloud of golden smoke, leaving behind a sizable pile of treasure that every challenger looked at with undisguised greed.

“MINE!!!” Noah roared, pulling out his three-meter-long hammer and waving it around. With the other hand, Noah, without a hint of shame- started hauling the Goblin Lord’s loot and tossing it into the black void that represented his inventory. He only had 10 seconds, or less, left, and he started sprinting to the area where the Goblin Lord had dropped its sword.

“COME IF YOU WISH TO DIE TO TITAN,” Noah gave a last screamed warning, but his transformation ran out just as he covered 75 percent of the distance. A cloud of purple smoke revealed a haggard man running towards the sword.

“He was a challenger? I can’t be seeing things right, can I?”

“Idiot, who cares about that? He’s clearly out of juice, get him!”

“Imagine what that Goblin Lord must have dropped….”

“Hell nah, you see what that guy did to ol’ goblin over there?”

Their moment of indecision meant that the majority of challengers didn’t chase after Noah, but there were always folks brave, or perhaps foolhardy enough to throw themselves into danger.

Just has Noah wrapped his hands around the sword, he got a notification.

Gridlocked has ended. PvP is now disabled.

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