


"Ahh, where the hell is everyone. I thought that at least mother would be here to congratulate me" I grumbled, vividly displeased to be subjected to even more walking.

It's been hours since my victory over the Cyclops, and I have yet to see anybody, much less a powerful deity. Frankly this is getting annoying where's the confetti, the heartfelt yet fake congratulations, where's my master? I have never thought of myself as an instigator, but I have never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as I have wanted to punch him. It's become a itching desire and a large one at that. After about a couple more minutes I finally find a door. This one was different, very different, it was golden and floated inches of the ground.

'Loving the ambience, Olympians sure know how to get a surprise party going' I thought, a smile brightening my demeanor

As I walked towards the door, it slowly opened beckoning me in. Yet this party was not exactly what I was suspecting. Across the hall I could see scorch marks, ravenous beast roaming eventually being blasted into oblivion by a disinterested minor God and the entire hall staring in my direction.

'Surprise.' I thought dryly

What really got my attention however was to visage of my mom and Ares, terribly injured and tied in chains. Standing the next to them was the cold apathetic stare from my dear uncle Zeus. Suddenly my anger sprouted once again hotter and more intense, completely directed at Zeus. Before I could bring up GD (I'm shortening Golden death) my mother's voice rand out, weak but still clear and loving.

"Cassius, don't!" she shook her head matching my thoughts that this fight would not end well for me. I slowly lowered GD while glaring daggers at Zeus.

"Smart boy, fitting that the God of Victory knows when retreat serves him better. The fact that you are also the God of Challenge is such an ironic twist, karma truly loves irony doesn't it.

"Get on with it!" I yelled losing my patience.

"Ahh a feisty one, alright, alright. Let me not hold up the inevitable any longer. Cassius son of Hestia you have been deemed dangerous and unworthy of the title of GOD blah blah for this offence, the only solution would be death or permanent imprisonment in the depths of Tartarus etcetera etcetera. Yet because of the plea of my dear sister Hestia and the fact that you have completed the trials to become an official God, I have decided to grant mercy. Instead of the traditional punishment you will be given the chance to earn the title of God once more by acquiring the necessary amount of followers and starting a church that can complete a new series of trials to determine your worth." Zeus finished in disinterest, seeming like he believed this entire ordeal bored him."Do you except the mercy I have granted to you"


My mind was processing a thousand thoughts a second, I almost didn't catch his question. I still need more information to be able to survive this ordeal.

"Why am I being considered as a dangerous?" I asked straightforward

"A naive question" Zeus seemed to have no problem humoring my questions, "Yes, I also wonder why the God's Bane would be considered dangerous to the Gods, the answer eludes me constantly"

'Ok not my smartest question, but better safe than sorry' "What are the trails I will have to face?" I asked hoping for an advantage in the coming future.

"Curiosity killed the cat you will find out when you face the trails at random, we have no control on when you will receive them for it is determined by karma, and the amount of followers you have"

'These stats again, are they that important.' "Followers and Karma what are they?" I asked honestly puzzled

"I thought you would have grasped the follower aspect on your own. We are gods young Cassius are power and strength all stems from humans the reason we can call ourselves Gods and not just powerful human beings is that we can convert their fate into power. The more followers you have the more power which is one of the reason we don't have to worry about limiting you on earth your lack of faith will do that for us. Karma on the other hand affect us gods just as much as followers. Karma is are effect on the universe if the changes we make will upset the balance. A god who upsets Karma too much and changes what should not be changed without giving up something of equal value will cease to exist." Zeus explained with sorrow in his eyes as if remembering something that he rather not.

"So Karma is kind of like and alignment for gods" I asked trying to compare it with something I'm familiar with.

"Hardly, don't lower the value of karma with a trivial idea such as good and evil. Karma is balance and most sentient entities have access to it though most mortals will never be able to effect it as their lives do very little in the overall flow of the cosmos. Killing a king will not disrupt karma, but completely destroying a kingdom will. The more points you have in Karma the more leeway you have in your godly powers, but if it ever goes into the negatives the universe will see you as a threat and start making steps to erase you." Zeus replied solemnly. "Now one last question I grow tired of allowing you to be in my presence.


'What should my last question be?' I pondered, suddenly it came to me so easily I was surprised I had to think about it at all. "When I pass these trials and I decided to overthrow you how will you retaliate?" I asked with my eyes cold and my evil grin exposed.

Everyone in the throne room except for Zeus, Hestia, and Ares shuddered. "Well I would have to suggest that you increase your killing intent then." Zeus said with a smirk before drawing his lightning bolt "Ah and nephew next time I would suggest you don't offer death threats to the king of Immortals"

The world went white, followed by intense pain, and then dark.

Congratulations for dying for first time in Forever Eden Online, for this achievement we will give you a quick overview of the penalties and rewards for death.

• After level 10 every death has a chance of equipment falling and guaranteed loss of 10% of all experience

• Because of your unique race death also means a loss of 100 followers as the doubt your power/existence

• Death may give you a chance to grow as well if you set up of contract with one of the deities of the underworld but be warned, death doesn't like to be cheated and what could truly equate to a life.

We hope this death was a learning experience the rest is up to you, the fate of the world are in your hands, we wish you luck as you Unleash Your Inner Adventurer.

I had a lot of profanities to yell after reading that message.

As I opened my eyes I wasn't sure what to expect, but even my wildest guesses were completely off.

I awoke in a room if that's what you want to call it where everything was disorienting. the walls would ooze, catch fire, and evaporate before turning into locust.

"Where am I now?" I groaned, honestly thinking about how Zeus could be all powerful and petty made his head hurt.

"You are in my domain, frankly u have impressed me. To see one so young and willing to invest in revenge is refreshing to say the least so I have to decided to bestow a gift."

Suddenly a purple silver tattoo of wings etched itself into my right arm. I thought by know I would be used to pain with my iron embodiment but unfortunately I was wrong.

"Wait, who are you? Why...why would you help me? I choked

"All in good time young Cassius, as to who I am. You may call me Nemesis." That was the last thing I remember before I was forcibly ejected from my pod after dying

Yo guys lost here.

Srry im late about like 3 months but i got a solid reason, that you all probably dont care about so im just gonna say srry

Im hoping to be posting regualrly so either long chapter every other day or really short chapters every two days

I hope i receieve a warm welcome

Godlike is back and ready to regain its place in the best rated list :cool:

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