《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 45 - Evil plan (Start of new style, with more living conversations...)


Evil Plan

[Talking through their bonds] Is going to happen in this form from now on. Alice’s POV:


On the next floor, the maze continued in the same way as before except that it was higher up than the 13th floor...

[Genius logic!] Hiro said through our bond with a sarcastic tone.

[Would you not comment on it? It makes me feel as if I’d be an idiot..] I asked him with a pleading look.

[Ehm- okay.]

[You know that I’m not ‘that’ kind of blonde woman...] I said as I tried to save what was left to save!

[Haha~ I know.] He simply laughed at my attempt.

Rose was following us. She wasn’t a bad girl I guess- or at least that’s how I see it up till now. I’m not talking about how she paid to us and such things. I meant her behavior. As we were walking for a while we have collected and consumed enough pills to reach twenty-eight percent of conversion! (AN: 3,4 -> 3,7 -> 4,25 < Normal < Battle Form(1,1) < Monster Form(1,25)) Since one of our minds were cultivating all this while the other one was concocting pills and moving it was no wonder that we were able to advance. Soon we will reach thirty percent of conversion!

I’m really hopeful that we can reach that much while being here. This place is really good for getting materials! Of course, that was only for us. The monsters were in hordes here numbering twenty to fifty and all of them were at the early fourth stage. Such huge amounts of monsters can easily kill even someone at the fifth stage if uncareful. Luckily for us, we had our battle forms which protected us from these weak monster’s attack. Since we had 4,25 Crypt in our monster forms and adding to that our attack powers... There was no way that these trash mobs can penetrate our scales.

Naturally, our defenses aren’t as high as in our monster forms as not even the jelly layer is as thick as in our real forms. Our scales were also much thinner compared to how it is when we are in our true forms. If we were to transform then only someone who has strength above 4,6 Crypt could damage us, but we didn’t intend to change back for now. Though..

[I don’t know how you are with it but I really feel like releasing my real form. It’s been a while. My body is itchy to rampage!] I said to my dear mate.

[But you do know that I feel the same way... we are bonded.] Hiro refuted me.

Rose was faring well in the battles but it was much harder on her than on us. She had to evade, deflect or dodge every incoming attack and she didn’t have powerful scales like us either, not to mention our numerous treasures, and minds. It was much easier for us to coordinate through the hordes of monsters without being hit, but even if we were to be hit, nothing would happen to us. Being a human with a weak body sucks quite a lot... Luckily I don’t have to care about such things as even in my human form I have more strength than a human has and my body is also tougher.

[Even though it’s really squishy and soft at some places.] Hiro voiced his opinion about my tits through our bond.

[Fufu~ You can touch them anytime.] I answered with a seductive smile and I even shook my breasts for him to see.


[Then I’ll take you up on your offer.] He didn't wait any longer as he moved towards me with a perverted smile.

“*slash* - *roll* - *dodge* - Having such powerful - *thrust* - bodies sure is great.. I have to suffer here while you can fight so easily!”

She shouted at us and voiced her envy as she finished the last monster. Her face was really annoyed upon seeing us flirting.

“Yeah. Sorry about that.” I answered her with a smile as Hiro grabbed onto my tits.

“Ahn~ Be gentler~” I yelped as Hiro's perverted hands touched me. I couldn't help a satisfied smile slip onto my face.

“You have it really easy don’t you think. You even have time to be all lovey-dovey.” Rose said with a deadpan face but seeing us ignoring her she quickly turned annoyed, then angry.

“I’M STILL HERE!!” She shouted at us loudly.

“Hey now, you shouldn’t make such faces. It’s making you uglier!” I couldn't help but tease her. Seeing that I was almost about to laugh she became really enraged.

She couldn't take my joking remark, so she turned her back on me. As we were walking, unexpectedly, our surroundings have somewhat changed. The huge sand walls had vines growing on it, covering even the ground under our feet. What was worse was that those vines were moving around. When I stepped on one of them it suddenly coiled around my ankles which startled me for a moment.

[Hmph. Little shit. Do you want to pull me down? Stupid weed.] I thought as I stepped on it.

I swung my tail and it quickly cut the weed into strips then I asked with a smile:

“Shall we try some ‘vegetables’ as a change?”

“I’d rather not eat this kind of vegetable. I don’t like most of them to begin with.. Especially not this shit. Who knows what kind of effects this thing has if eaten.” Hiro had a disgusted face as he saw the green liquid flow out from the dismembered vine.

“I don’t know, but I'm not going to try it!" Rose shook her head denying the very thought of it while making the same face as Hiro.

I used fire magic to burn the whole vegetation into ashes. Although it worked on it but it quickly grew back.

“It seems like we will have to advance like this..” I said as I wrinkled my brows.

“I don’t have a tail to cut the vines…” Rose was still envious of us and she didn't forget to voice it in every minute, one way or the other.

“Stop whining and making those envious looks. You have a sword in your hands, woman!” I couldn't help myself from berating her.

“But that’s completely different. Just look how easy it is for you two once again!” Naturally, she just wouldn't back off.

“Life is always unfair and that’s how it is supposed to be! Now move...” I was starting to get a bit annoyed, but I also couldn't help a smile slip on my face.

“Would you say the same thing if you were to be in my place?” Rose said raising an eyebrow which made me chuckle. Even though she said the truth and I couldn't refute it but I'm not going to say it otherwise!


“Or no…” She said as she waved her hand then left us there. Of course, she didn't go too far away.

“Hahaha~” Hiro laughed at our comic scene.

We followed her lead which was quite rare. The vines were continuously attacking our legs and lower bodies, trying to pull us down. To where? We had no idea but none of us intended to try it out. After a while, even the vines on the walls started to creep towards us bothering us non-stop. We weren't able to fly for some reason so we had to walk. I guess the dungeon has locked the space inside it or something like that. We weren't at a level where we know too much about laws. The domains were only one of the smallest units in the universe.


We soon arrived at another chamber which was bigger than the one we were in before. This one had a boss monster in it, but it was only at the peak of the fourth stage so we quickly killed the ten meters, tall tiger. It gave us many herbs as a reward which was very pleasing for us. We found the stairs to go one floor upper once again. At the fifteenth floor, the walls have changed once again, turning into mirror-like walls. We were seeing ourselves clearly on it. It was really smooth and clean. Cleaner than it was supposed to be.

"Ah~ What a beauty that is! Look at that body. Your face, your legs, your hips, your tits, your ass! Everything is so perfectly curvy. Your hair is also so smooth and beautiful, not to mention your beautiful green eyes. Ah~ and you are all mine!" Hiro said as he jumped on me and embraced me strongly, with a lustful and loving face. He did it with a really lot of strength...

"Hey, you are strangling me, Hiro!"

"S- Sorry. I couldn't restrain myself. Ahaha" Was what he said with a stupid grin on his face but Rose once again interrupted us with an annoyed face.

"Stupid couple. Why don't you go and fuck- Wait don't answer to that. I know that I'm the only reason restraining you. Maybe I should have left with Pat and Wilhelm?" - she talked to herself.

"No, I know! I've noticed that you have been concocting pills all this while from the materials you have got. Could you do that for me too?" Rose asked with inquiring and hopeful eyes. I guess we can, but we can't do it freely!

"Fufu~ We can but it's going to cost one-third of what you have got!" I said with a devilish smile but all I've got as a reaction was...

"Hm? Oh, you have really good prices. Although you are idiots but buying your services are really good!" She said while laughing at my face.

She didn't forget to add a rude remark with a bright smile on her face which somehow made me laugh. I don't like being badmouthed but the way she said it was funny to me. I quickly answered her with an evil grin.

"Should we charge you with more? Let's take three-quarter of it okay?"

"N- No! You aren't idiots! I was just kidding! Okay? Hehe..." Rose laughed weirdly which was clearly forced.


One-third wasn't much because she could be happy if she could get three-quarter of it from other alchemists. We were kind with her because she wasn't a bad girl. It's quite rare to find a relatively good person. I can't say 'good person' because those are non-existent. If you are like that then you are going to be killed quickly. Such a person can't reach the fourth realm! All of us are greedy, prideful and usually shameless tricksters too. You can advance to these higher realms with such a personality only if you don't go among intelligent beings and live all alone... which is rare as everyone needs the community, the feeling of being surrounded by your kind.

Intelligent beings were alike in that aspect. It's interesting how we don't want to get into unnecessary trouble yet we are the ones seeking it by walking among other intelligent beings. One way or the other you are going to get in trouble for sure and by the law of jungle you have only two ways, and that is death or life. Hiro's world was only so 'peaceful' because the humans were born under the rule of stupid laws which restrained their inner darkness and desires to kill. Humans are predators however you look at it and if not for those laws then they would be craving to bath in blood and kill.

You can't fight your own instincts and predators were naturally cruel. That is the way of the heaven! Why should I take others' bullying or bullshit if I'm stronger? I'll simply kill them and move on. THIS is the true law of anarchy. There are people who just simply enjoy killing and do it out of that reason. I'm not denying that as a True Divine Beast I too have such urges sometimes but I'm not going to kill someone unreasonably. I'm not like that, nor Hiro is.

On this mirror like level, the monsters were at the peak of the fourth stage. Considering that we were nearing the nineteenth floor it was no wonder. We killed our way through this floor too and we once again gained many benefits. Rose also advanced thanks to our pills and she had forty-nine percent converted! Only a single percent and she can step into the fifth stage. Luckily for here on this level, the stages didn't mean too much because we didn't gain more strength than at other times. At this stage, everyone's strength grew continuously and equally.

This meant that you didn't have a chance to grow more at one of the stages than the other cultivators. The only way out was to gain treasures or by advancing a few percents in a short time, which once again, happens only if you have treasures. We tried breaking these mirror walls but we weren't able! This meant that this is a high-grade metal! It was a terrible floor because we didn't know which way the monsters are really coming from. It has happened not only once that we attacked air because the monsters were coming from other ways but numerous times! This was because these mirror walls didn't direct the light as simply as normal mirrors...

It was like as if it would do it randomly. Sometimes we thought that the monsters are running from the front only to find it coming from behind us on our rights... This damned floor was totally messed up and it was really annoying. When the paths were straight we didn't have this problem because if they come frontally then we can see them and if they come from behind then we will know about it. The problem was at the turns and crossroads of which this floor had many!

"I swear that this dungeon has done it like this on purpose. Maybe it's even laughing at us." I voiced my opinion with a wrathful face.

"Don't worry. I'm sure that the next floor is going to be different." Hiro tried to soothe my wrath.

We were on the sixteenth floor with the same kind of walls.

"It's going to change right...?" I grumbled.

"Ehm. No? Haha, maybe the next one!" Hiro didn't give up and tried to be optimistic but I felt through our bond that not even he believed in what he said.

After hours of battling through this floor, we finally reached the end of it and we also converted another two percent of our energies reaching thirty percent of conversion! (AN: 3,6; 3,96; 4,5) Rose also reached the early fifth stage so she was able to fight quite well. But she was tiring out and it was getting harder and harder for her to kill even a single monster. We were still alright as the monsters were only at the peak of the fifth stage. With our battle forms, tough body and superior skills we were able to kill the monsters quite easily.

At the end of the sixteenth floor, we unexpectedly ran into other humans. They were none other than Hill Dow and his group. They were battling with a twenty meters high and eighty meters long dragon with white scales but it had blood stains all over its body. Hill was at the seventh stage and the others were at the peak of the sixth stage so the dragon didn't have much chance since it was only at the peak of the fifth stage. Hill jumped into the air and beheaded it in a swift move with a double handed, two-edged us. But it was different from the one he had when we were in the hall. I guess he too has gained many benefits.

[Somehow I'm bothered by this view. I don't like seeing dragons killed by others. I feel a connection with them. This is because of you Alice.] Hiro felt weirdly sad upon seeing the dragon die in such a cruel way. He wasn't too sad and sympathetic because he knew that it's not me but he still felt uneasy upon seeing the headless dragon turn into a stream of energy.

[Don't worry. That isn't even a real dragon, not to mention that I wouldn't die from losing a head. Remember I have two! Haha~ And we still have the Phoenix Amulet.] I soothed his unease by those words and with a bright smile.

Seeing me smile at him made him forget all about his uneasy feelings and he smiled back at me. At this time Hill and his group also turned towards us. If we were to fight then it would be a quite hard battle but I think that we could win. Of course, I didn't forget to add the possibility of them possessing new treasures. The guys sized up my body with their eyes which felt terrible. I felt a chill run down on my back. I memorized their auras for later use. I'll make sure to kill them when I grow stronger!

[They clearly plan to do something wrong. Even though they are smiling towards us but they can't hide from our eyes. I can see it all in their eyes. They are planning to do something. It's only a question of time.] Hiro said through our bond with a somewhat worried tone.

I too thought the same thing but it was irrelevant for now because I'm sure that they aren't intending to do what they wanted right now. This was one of the worst types of people. They liked to make vicious plans, trick others just so that they can enjoy their stupid hobbies like seeing the others struggle to live. I'm sure that they are cultivating only on the dark and evil sides. To be honest, if you cultivate completely on the same side, then you can become very powerful be it the 'good' or the 'bad' side. But the most powerful is always going to be the balanced way.

"Hi!" Rose was waving at them happily, with a smiling face. She clearly didn't catch the evilness behind their smiles.

"Hello! Are you alright? That's good then!" Hill shouted back with the same smiling and happy face, and he also answered his own question after sizing us up.

Rose ran up to them, leaving us behind. Stupid girl. She didn't see the reality. She is too naive.

[She is going to learn the hard way, it seems. That's really unfortunate but luckily for her, we are here or else she would meet a cruel end.] Hiro commented on her behavior through our bond and I also agreed.

[Yeah, though we still can't be sure about it. They are many and strong. It might be quite hard to protect ourselves not to mention a stranger. I like her personality and she is a good girl but I wouldn't die for her.]

"How can we call you people?" Hill looked towards us and Rose with raised brows and inquiring eyes.

“I’m Hiro and she is called Alice.” Although against his will, but Hiro answered him nonetheless. They can live for now…

“Haha, you are indeed as powerful as I thought! Even though you are only at the third stage you’ve still got here with only the three of you, not to mention that you were only at the second stage when we met.” He said while laughing creepily. He measured us up once again before shouting then turning his back on us with his group following behind him.

“Come, join us! I’m sure that we can finish this dungeon!”

“I’m coming!” Rose answered him enthusiastically with a smile on her face and quickly ran after them.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to use our mind powers to contact her because Hill would notice it. Although he wouldn’t be able to read it, thanks to the pill we took in the third realm in Vertshadow, but he would sense that we were talking, and I’m sure that he would question us about why he can’t hear it. We aren’t fearing him but we would rather not start fighting with him and his group at our actual levels.

[What can I say? I feel annoyed by how Rose is going after him like a little, lost puppy after its mother.] I said to Hiro while grunting. It’s bothering me because I feel betrayed. We might have been throwing ugly words at each other, but we didn’t mean it seriously. I saw that she too was enjoying our playful conversations, yet as soon as this Hill and his group have appeared she was like that.

[Something feels fishy about this to me… Look at her face. She is way too happy to see an unknown guy, not to mention that Hill had a slightly surprised face upon seeing our reactions. It was hard to catch but I was able to. Which makes me think of only two possibilities. One is that she was a member of his group originally, but the problem with this is that if that were to be the case, then we would have seen through her long ago. Two is that she or her emotions are being controlled somehow.] Hiro said with a serious face.

What he said indeed made sense. There are still many things we haven’t seen, and this might be such a case. We also followed after them silently. They were walking in the front, killing most of the monsters on the way and we were left with only the leftovers. This also meant that we gained much fewer benefits than before, which was to our displeasure. We were soon surrounded by a horde of monsters and they were at the early sixth stage. We fought through the seventeenth floor like that. The boss was at the peak of the sixth stage, and it was killed by Hill’s group. Rose was still hanging out with them like a busy bee.

They didn’t share what they’ve got but we didn’t care. Firstly, we didn’t take part in killing it so it was in their rights to take it and secondly, we would get everything in the end, after killing them! Let them waste their energies. We moved to the eighteenth floor which was different from how it was before. On the eighteenth floor, lava was flowing down on the walls covering the ground too. It was a bit harder to move and walk in lava, just like how it is when you walk in the water. Luckily, we were able to control it so we had to spend only a little amount of our energies to make moving easier.

Everyone was creepily silent as we were moving on the long and high corridors. When we turned to the right at a crossroad we found a group of monsters. They were at the peak of the sixth stage like every other monster here. Since we had thirty percent of our energies converted, it wasn’t easy to take care of them, but there was something wrong. When we were done, everyone was gone, including Rose too.

“It seems like it has begun. We better prepare for anything that is to come. Let’s stay vigilant.” Hiro said with a loving smile while looking into my eyes. I felt my heart beating quicker and I felt hot inside.

I responded to him with the same loving smile. I put my fingers on his scaly chest as I started moving my pointing finger on it, in a circle as I said:

“You know… when we are done here. I’ll love you plenty. I’ve been in the mood to make love for quite a while but seeing your face, this feeling is only growing stronger in me.”

I saw that his body stiffened for a moment, and he became erect.

“Fufu~ What. Do you want to take me here? While we are in such a place? What if the others were to come back?” I said with a devious, and seducing smile as I pressed my chest against his.

“L- Let’s go.” He said with a stiff body. It was really hard to him.

“Should I relieve you of your suffering? I’m wondering how a scaly **** would feel.” Upon hearing me say that he turned on his heels and was about to ‘attack’ me, but a tiger-like monster came and interrupted us.

Hiro used his spear to hit the monster’s side, knocking it to the side. The monster crashed into the wall, making a dent on it and I quickly shot Dragon’s Head towards the monster’s head. The monster was quick enough to dodge it, but it was for naught as Hiro was already there, waiting for him. He quickly pierced its furry side, reaching its core in one swift move. The tiger dispersed into mist and only a pill was left in its place. We quickly shared it in the form of a kiss, as we bit it into two halves. After doing so we couldn’t help ourselves from slipping our tongues into each others’ mouths.

“Hah- Fuck this place! Let’s move quickly. I need you!” I shouted frustrated as I separated. I’m sure that I was soaking wet under my scales.

Hiro didn’t say anything. He simply followed after me, but I saw the burning lust in his eyes. Sex is natural, it’s in our instincts, and if you think about how much we love each other, you can imagine how hard it is to us. We fought our way through this floor as quickly as possible but we weren’t able to advance too quickly because the monsters were no joke at this place. They were at much higher levels than us so it was hard to kill them. We arrived in another room, but upon entering it, every way out was closed. A hole appeared in the ceiling and a big, ugly spider crawled out of it. It was about fifteen meters tall and it was at the early seventh stage.

“I guess this is our entrance to the nineteenth level.” Hiro said with a ridiculing face, but he was also eager to leave.

Hiro ran towards the spider, which quickly took an offensive position. Hiro used the Pierce and Penetrate rune on his weapon. Hydra heads appeared around his body and spear. I also shot Dragon arrows towards the spider. Hiro quickly deflected the incoming stab of the spider. It had pointy and tough legs, so it was perfect to use. Hiro rolled on the ground and made a clone of himself to attack the spider from different points. I also made a clone to shoot more arrows towards it.

Hiro rolled right under the monster. It stood up on its hind legs to evade Hiro’s upward thrust but this move made it into a clear target for me. It stabbed through Hiro’s clone in the chest but the clone didn’t die from such a thing. My arrows also arrived at the spider's face and shot through its head. Unfortunately, the spider was quick enough to pull its head to the side so it wasn’t a critical wound. As it pulled out its leg from Hiro’s clone, my clone shot an arrow towards its leg, separating it in the process. The monster screamed out in pain, but its wide opened mouth was quickly pierced by Hiro’s clone from the front, while Hiro jumped on its back and thrust his spear into the core of the spider.

The Hydra heads also bombarded its body from the inside, The monster quickly dispersed and turned into a stream of energy, while Hiro’s clone was healing with a visible speed. Hiro spoke through his clone as he looked towards me and himself. It was weird to see our clones in action.

“Well. This much was easily worth it. My chest is going to regenerate quickly in a short time. Maybe I should disperse my real body?” He said with inquiring eyes as he looked towards my original body.

“Your choice honey~,” I said as I flicked my blonde hair over my shoulders.

Our clones can heal the same way we can. If he were to disperse his clone in this shape then he would have to wait at least a day before being able to recall it in perfect condition. We can’t make clones infinitely. That would be against the will of the heaven. Just imagine someone kills one of our clones after a lot of fighting, only to see spanning another one in perfect condition… It didn’t work like that. Hiro dispersed his original body and used his Hydra Qi to quicken the healing process. I saw as the hole on his chest and one of his destroyed hearts were slowly growing back.

In only ten minutes he looked completely new! He quickly ate an Energy Recovering pill to fill up his reserves. We both dispersed our clones and looked at what was in place of the spider. On the ground was a seven colored pill which was giving off a powerful aura.

“Hmph. Let’s see how much you love each other.” Came the voice of the dungeon with a ridiculing voice.

“This dungeon has trust problems as I see it, though it’s no wonder. I wouldn’t trust others either. It is likely that its trick would work on other people but not on us! Stupid dungeon.” I said with the same ridiculing voice to Hiro.

“Don’t mind it. Let’s see what it gave to us.” Hiro answered me with an uncaring face. Of course, he didn’t care about the dungeon, not me.

Since he was closer he was the first to pick up the seven colored pill. Information flooded into our minds about it, saying that we can advance by ten percent in our cultivation if we were to take this pill.

“Hmm~ It’s no wonder that it was so sure of its challenge. But you know what ‘Mr. Dungeon’... you have picked the wrong people! I have a question, though. What happens if we were to dimidiate it? I mean if nothing then I’d rather put this away and give it away for a lot of benefits!” Hiro questioned the dungeon.

It was surprised to see our calm faces as if we didn’t care about such a ‘great’ treasure. “W- What are you saying? You want to give such a pill away?!? Are you crazy!?”

“Not necessarily. If we can get half the effect for the half of it, then we are going to share it between the two of us.” I answered the surprised dungeon with a glorious feeling in my chest. When these stupid dungeons wanted to test our love for each other, I always felt happy and great upon hearing their surprised voices.

The dungeon couldn’t help to answer with a stuttering voice. “Y- Yes… you can get half the effect if you dimidiate it.”

Hearing its answer Hiro put it between my lips and bit down on the other half of it. We felt a huge amount of energy flooding our bodies as our simple peck on the lips quickly turned into a passionate kiss. Our auras were quickly rising just like our lust for each other. We used our parallel minds to control the energies inside our bodies. Upon reaching thirty-five percent of conversion, we felt the great power inside our bodies. (AN: 4,1; 4,5; 5,1) This feeling was always wonderful, but right now our lust was suppressing all of our feelings. But to our displeasure and frustration, we were once again interrupted!

Three doors have opened up after we killed the spider. One of them was the way we came from, one was going upwards to the nineteenth floor, and one was coming from a completely different way. The trouble came from that way in the form of a huge horde of monsters with Hill and his group at the front of it. They ran through the room while grinning deviously at us. They wanted to kill us with the help of this horde of monsters? This is why I said that they enjoy to play around with their victims and think of devious plans. Although it’s not true, but I’m sure that they thought that they can kill us anytime.

But they didn’t intend to do that because that wouldn’t make them feel pleasure. They wanted to see us suffering while we are being besieged by this horde. But they greatly underestimated us. One of the guys at the back was a little slower than the others so Hiro quickly ran after him and grabbed onto his back with his sharp claws it was easy to penetrate the guy’s armor. He threw him into the other side of the room as a chunk of meat and muscle was torn off from his back, and his spine was also broken into pieces.

He landed on the ground with a loud thud. The monsters reached him in a moment and torn him into pieces. His arms, legs, and head were torn off, as the monsters were feasting on his body. We looked towards Hill’s group with a ridiculing face. Rose was among them and her eyes were sad. I saw two feelings inside her eyes. It felt as if she would be shouting ‘help me’ through her eyes, while the other one felt as if she would feel ‘sorry’ for us. The others had dark faces upon seeing their comrade being killed in such a cruel way.

“What are you looking at idiots? Hahaha- You were the ones to plan something like this. You reap what you sow, losers. But you are going to pay a heavy price for this.” Hiro said while laughing at them as he was gesturing with his hands. He pulled his finger across his neck indicating that they are going to die.

“We will see about that. First, you have to kill that horde. Haha!” Hill was laughing at us with a vicious face.

They were safe there because that place counted as the next floor so the monsters from this floor wouldn’t go there. On the other hand, as long as they stand there, we can’t go without taking their attacks head on which was impossible even with thirty-five percent of our energies converted. We turned towards the incoming monsters. There were tigers, panthers, alligators, bird types, plant types, apes. We could see many kinds of monsters. Since every monster was only at the peak of the sixth stage, this wasn’t a serious threat.

With our newfound strengths, it was no big deal to take care of them. Hiro called forth numerous Hydra heads as he thrust his spear towards the incoming monsters. I stood behind him and shot five Dragon arrows in a single moment. I added Chaos Magic to all of my arrows to make it more powerful and I didn’t forget to use our scales too. When my arrows hit a monster, they were blasted into pieces and as the Chaos Magic exploded, the scales in my arrows were shot out in a circle, penetrating many monsters’ cores, killing them in one swift move.

Hiro was decimating the monsters as he was spinning his spear and thrust it into the monsters’ bodies, penetrating their cores. Hydra and Dragon heads were flying all over the place in the form of Energy Attacks. Blood was flowing on the ground, and the whole room was becoming a mess. When the monsters reached me, I took out my sword and used that instead of my bow, to kill all of them. We consumed numerous Energy Recovering pills because using so many powerful attacks consumed a lot of our energies.

Half an hour later we finished every monster, and the ground was littered with herbs, pills, metals. We have seen numerous weapons, armors, and metals too. Using our mind powers we quickly stored away everything. Less work for us to do after we go back to Silverleaf school! When we were done we looked towards Hill and his group who were standing in the safe zone with a dark face.

Both of us said only a single line at the same time in a perfect sync:

“You are next.”

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