《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 44 - The Maze


The Maze

Hiro’s POV:

To our left and right were walls separating those ant tunnels from each other. The ant-like tunnel we came from went around this whole maze so we came in on the other side of it. I guess that the closer the tunnels were to the middle the less you had to walk. Since we have selected the rightmost we had to walk the longest path possible... It wasn’t easy to realize which way the tunnel went as it turned to the right and we moved for a long time before turning left twice with long travels between them too.

Considering how long it took to walk around this maze with our movement speed this maze on the thirteenth floor was enormous. Space was stretched in this place as not even the sand castle was this big especially not on the higher floors. Since we had complete Space Energies and some World Energy too it wasn’t hard for us to at least sense that there was something wrong with space. After entering the maze the sand moved behind us creating a sand wall just as thick and high which were on our sides. Had we no way to go back? That’s interesting...

But what was even more interesting that a sand wall appeared before us, in the same manner, making this into a closed space.

“What is this supposed to mean!?” (Rose)

“I have no idea.” (Pat)

“I should have left… Just what kind of mess I’ve got myself into! And I’m going to become a burden too at that..” (Wilhelm)

Sorry but I’m not the type to deny something just so that you are going to feel better.. (Alice)

Yeah. If he feels like that then let him be. I would never want someone to ‘lie’ to me just to make me feel better. I’d rather hear the truth. That’s always more reliable as I know what to expect. (Hiro)

No one commented on his whining. After waiting for ten boring minutes the dungeon started talking.

“Now that all of you are in the maze, you have two options. One is to leave and the other one is to advance. In case you want to leave then step towards the walls behind your back. I’ll open them soon enough. In case you want to advance you better be sure of yourself because you can’t leave before completing this maze which is going through six floors. There are many dangers inside it and naturally, with many treasures and rewards as a prize.” (Dungeon)

“After completing the maze there is a single floor to complete or you can also leave instead of trying the last floor. I warn you once again. You can’t leave before completing this maze which goes through SIX floors! You have two minutes to choose.” (Dungeon)

The others likely arrived only now. Even though their paths were shorter than ours but I’m sure that they had to fight and struggle more to kill even a single monster inside them. Wilhelm slowly stood to the other side of this cube-shaped sand room, making it clear that he doesn’t want to participate. I saw uncertainty in Pat’s eyes. Although she was a three-star divine beast but she had only 28 Crypt even in her monster forms. She can kill third stage cultivators or monsters easily but it would be harder if her enemy were to be at the fourth stage and the monster are only going to be stronger.

To be honest not even we were sure. Unexpectedly Rose didn’t step to the other side of the room. Does she want to come?


“I- I think that I’ll try it if you two go. I’ll fight and take part I swear but I want to stay.” (Rose)

“As you wish but if we find something good then we are going to share it depending on the work done. You also have to know if it’s something that we can’t share then we are going to take it.” (Hiro)

“I’m okay with that.” (Rose)

“And you?” (Alice)

“I don’t know. I think that maybe I shouldn’t go. I don’t fear pain or battles but dying a meaningless death isn’t my life goal so I’ll stay.” (Pat)

“Okay.” (Hiro)

“Ehm~ Wilhelm. Before you leave I have something to tell you.” (Hiro)

“What?” (Wilhelm)

“Hand over the materials we have collected for your weapon.” (Hiro)

“*chuckle* *chuckle*” (Alice) (Pat)

“What do you mean by handing over? Don’t you think that you are being shameless? You did help me a lot so sharing is alright but taking all of them?” (Wilhelm)

“No, no. You misunderstand me. It would fall into my hands, to begin with, so why would you bother with going to the house of our faction and wait in line to register it?” (Hiro)

“What do you mean- !? - Don’t tell me…” (Wilhelm)

We grinned at him while Pat was laughing at his face.

“HAHAHAA~ You loser! You are going to the same school as them and you didn’t even realize that they are the leaders of The Lawless? Have you not seen what kind of weapons they have? They are swinging around weapons with four enchantments and runes. What did you think who is the one selling such powerful weapons for such a low price?” (Pat)

“Low price?” (Hiro)

“You idiots… You have really accustomed to your norms. For others finding or getting a weapon with two enchantments would be worth more than what you ask for not to mention weapons with three enchantments and inscriptions at that too.” (Pat)

“So you say that my enchantments themselves are enough to gain even more benefits?” (Hiro)

“Yes..” (Pat)

Wilhelm was still looking at us blankly while we were chatting.

Hey, honey… maybe this is the reason why everyone was in such a happy mood upon hearing our prices? We are really too accustomed to our own norms forgetting that weapons like ours are like legendary weapons... (Alice)

But what should we do now? Changing the price out of nowhere would be weird or not? Should we raise it to 3:1 ration and get twice as many materials as necessary? (Hiro)

I don’t know but we don’t need so much metal. We have tons of it already and even if we are done with smithing the weapons we are going to stay with a lot of leftovers... We should ask for herbs instead. Let’s say that they should get the necessary amount of metals then go and collect enough herbs for… I don’t know… let’s say thirty pills. That’s still quite low so they can’t complain. (Alice)

Oka- (Hiro)



“No?” (Hiro)

Since talking through our minds was much quicker, especially using our bond he reacted only so much time later.

“Here! Take it you bastard.” (Wilhelm)

He took out everything from his storage ring. He didn’t have a big one but it was enough to store such a little amount of metal. It’s not like too much was necessary to make a weapon. He also threw over the herbs and I quickly stored them away. Every pill counted! Though we should concoct them first... Should I do it? I have six minds anyway. Controlling one to concoct pills wouldn’t be such a big loss and since we were at the start of this maze I’m sure that it’s not going to be too hard.


“When we are back you can get your weapon haha~” (Hiro)

“Haha~ You should have seen the face you’ve made.” (Alice)

“Right!” (Pat)

“Okay, okay laugh at me bit- don’t kill me with your eyes..” (Wilhelm)

“Don’t call her a bitch. I can bear with it if it’s said by Pat but I can’t if it’s said by guys. No one should badmouth my woman.” (Hiro)

“You are weirdos..” (Rose)

“I’m not going to deny that.” (Alice)

“I’m just protective and possessive.” (Hiro)

Come embrace me you big bear. I’m horny anyway, why do you have to say such lines in front of everyone? You are only making it worse. (Alice)

If I embrace you, you are only going to be worse off than how you are right now with me in tow. We should hold on but I can’t deny such a request from you. (Hiro)

“Ahh, you have such a nice fragrance. I love it so much.” (Hiro)

“Are you going to do it in front of me? *mumble* maybe I should leave? *mumble*” (Rose)

“No.” (Alice)

Rose had long red hair a nice face with nice curves. It was nothing out of the norm as cultivators were more and more beautiful as they grew. Of course, she was still so far off from Alice that she didn’t even catch my eyes not to mention my dead interest. I have it only for Alice. The time was finally up and the sand wall has opened up behind them.

“Hello.” (Hiro) (Alice)

“We wish you good luck.” (Pat) *nod* “Stay safe.” (Wilhelm)

They stepped out of the rooms and the sand wall quickly recovered. Now it was only the three of us left.

“Let’s go.” (Hiro)

We moved on these huge paths. I have no idea how many cultivators have stayed but I’m sure that we aren’t alone in this huge maze. As we were moving on we were attacked by quite a lot of monsters on the way. Most of them turned into a herb called Assilica which was one of the three ingredients of the Low-level Energy Converting Pills. We turned to the left at a crossroad we were at only to find walls in a short while... Interestingly enough we weren’t able to use our mind powers in a big range. We were left with about fifty meters making this maze much more harder.

Since we weren’t able to navigate through this maze by using our mind powers we were left with the mortal way. Walk around and find a good way. Except that we were stopped by monsters all the time. Rose was taking her part out of the battles too. Or to be more correct she is the one fighting for now. We too kill some monsters but most of them are killed by her making our progression speed considerably slower but it wasn’t so bad. Both of us were concocting pills behind our backs as she was in the front.

At least this wasn’t an unproductive time-wasting. It was exactly the other way around! While she was fighting we were able to pile up pills and eat them too. Whenever one was done we immediately consumed it and by doing so our strengths were continuously raising little by little. After turning to the right at another crossroad we found ourselves in a huge room which had three other paths connecting to it. At the center of the room was a sword stabbed into the ground. It had three runes and enchantments and after working so much with metals I knew just from a look that it was a high-grade metal called Durinium. It was exactly the same kind of metal our weapons were made of.

Inside the room were two groups. All of them were at the fifth stage and were in groups of five. They were fighting over the sword, I mean if shooting deadly attacks, swinging your weapon at the other’s face isn't called fighting then anything... When we appeared in the doorway they noticed us but didn’t make a move on us for now. But when Alice wanted to step forward there came an attack right before her right foot. It penetrated the ground right before me. It was originating from one of the guys who was fighting with a woman and clearly he had the upper hand because the woman was trying to defend herself non-stop.

“If you don’t want to die then you shouldn’t meddle in our things. Children should go back to their places. This sword is going to be mine!” (?)

Children? He called us children because we were at lower stages than him. He thought that we are weak because we were still only at the second stage? But he was very stupid. Did he dare to threaten Alice? In front of me? With that stupid attack of his? My eyes burned in green light from the wrath that came to me. Seeing that...

“*sigh* You are done for..” (Rose)

“Hahaha~ What do you mean idiot woman! How could any of you hurt me.” (?)

Seems like Rose has a relatively clear understanding of my personality. At least she knows what not to do when I’m around. I didn’t restrain my rage and converted it into bloodlust. Bloodlust appeared only after killing a huge amount of monsters. Considering the first three realms and this one, we have killed enough to be able to release bloodlust in a physical form. I activated the runes on my spear and poured energy into the enchantments too to make them stronger.

I also released my Hydra Qi from my body as I formed Hydra heads made of energy rotating around my body and spear. I shot my bloodlust towards the guy who thought that he is so high and mighty. Since he still didn’t have bloodlust he was caught off guard. His face changed to a terrified one and his body was paralyzed for a moment. The woman he was fighting with didn’t miss the chance to quickly slash towards his neck with her sword but he was quick enough to recover and dodge. But even like that, a thin scratch line appeared on his neck.

“You bitch! And you fucking bastard! If you want to die so badly I’ll help you out!” (?)

I didn’t wait for him to talk as I jumped towards him. I used two of my minds to construct the array to use Ethereal Delusion. I used the other ones to control my body parts perfectly and one to look out for my surroundings. I also used the Binding Clock on him, coupled with Hydro Mind.

“What the-?” (?)

He wasn’t able to continue his sentence as my attacks hit him. So many restricting and binding effects hit him at the same time making him completely unable to move. I saw that his pupils also contracted and his eyes turned upwards. The Ethereal Delusion did its work. Although he was at a much higher stage than me thanks to him being at the peak of the fifth stage with 59 percent converted but facing so many attacks even he was helpless.

I swung my tail towards his crotch to attack his weakest part... You can say that I’m evil but in love and war everything is allowed!! When I hit him he came to but it was all for naught as my spear also pierced into his stomach. The Hydra heads also bombarded his body. I heard his ribs cracking. A huge chunk of meat and muscles were torn off from his right and left sides. His right hand also flew into the air. I saw the pain in his eyes but I didn’t care. He should have known better than to direct an attack towards my woman!

I rotated my spear inside his stomach making him scream out.

“AAARGH! *cough* You bastard!” (?)

I grabbed him by his neck and raised him into the air with my left hand. He was only about 1,80 tall while I was two meters high. His legs were thrashing in the air. He tried to fly but my I had enough strength to stop him. Since I was squeezing his throat he started choking because he couldn’t breathe. He wouldn’t die from this because we cultivators can live without breathing even for an hour if we want to. I used my right fist to smash him in the face. His nose broke as he flew out of my hand because of the force.

I ran after him and kicked him in the stomach. He crashed into the wall making a dent on it though it recovered quickly. He rolled right before my feet and I stopped playing with him as I quickly stabbed my spear through his head piercing even the ground under it. Those who were fighting stopped and looked towards me. This guy was the strongest among them yet I killed him ‘so easily’.

They didn’t know that it was actually because of the treasures we have. I’m not saying that I couldn’t have killed him otherwise since considering only our clones and Hydro Mind I would be able to anytime. But we even had the Binding Clock, the Jagged belt of rage and cold which I didn’t even use since it was in Alice’s hands and we had the Ethereal Curse too. Not to mention that they can’t kill me as long as at least one of my clones are alive. After looking at me and Alice who was in a similar form compared to me they said:

“Y- You can have it! I’d rather not die for a weapon.” (Woman)

“Yes. You can take it.” (Guy)

I guess they thought that Alice is similarly powerful which wasn’t a mistake. Of course, I saw malicious intentions in some of them when I looked into their eyes but that was completely normal. If I were to take the sword they would start conspiring behind my back to take care of me. But they were mistaken about one thing. I didn’t need it.

“I don’t care about that weapon. You can have it for all I care but you should never attack her.” (Hiro)

I voiced my opinion as I pointed towards Alice.

“W- We wouldn’t dare to!” (Woman)

At this time the woman who was pushed back by the one I’ve just killed talked to me.

“Thank you very much for saving me! You can call me Lizzie.” (Lizzie)

She had admiring eyes as she was looking at me which felt weird to me and there was something else too..

What’s with this? Why are there so many women in this universe? They keep coming and surrounding you! (Alice)

No. There are too many males coming and surrounding you. (Hiro)

Hahaha~ Okay, then I’ll suck it back, but look at her. I bet that she would let you ‘in’ if you wanted to. (Alice)

Thanks not. You are the goddess for me in every way. How could she reach your tightness, wetness-- (Hiro)

Okay, stop, please. You know that you aren’t the only one horny here. (Alice)

“No problem, though I didn’t save you. I only killed someone who didn’t know his place and was in the way.” (Hiro)

“But you still saved me!” (Woman)

“Sure..” (Hiro)

I looked at the sword and then at Rose. She had a longing look in her eyes. Our eyes met for a moment but she quickly looked away. I guess she wants to get it but she doesn't have the power while on the other hand, I could easily get if for her. I don’t intend to because there wouldn’t be any profit in it so Alice sent a message towards her.

“Do you want such a weapon?” (Alice)

“Y- Yes..” (Rose)

“You can buy us quite cheaply today. You just have to hand over the herbs you have gathered up till now..” (Alice)

“Only that much?” (Rose)

“Huh? Ah- yes, only that much.” (Alice)

“Then here! Take them all!!” (Rose)

Unexpectedly she literally threw them towards Alice from her storage ring. We could concoct at least fifty mid-level Energy Converting pills and about three thousand low-level ones from that amount. Before reaching this place many herbs were of higher quality such as Nefusell, Isiogane and Ginseng. These were also the necessary herbs to concoct mid-level Energy Converting pills.

I guess are selling our weapons really cheaply.. (Hiro)

We do.. (Alice)

Being True Divine Beasts sure has its own drawbacks... Like you can get used to using miracle and legendary weapons as if they would be growing on the trees. We have all of our weapons from the past. Maybe we can gift them away once we go on a holiday and visit the lower realms. (Hiro)

Haha, so be it. (Alice)

“Sorry guys but things has changed. We’ll help her out since she has paid.” (Hiro)

I moved towards the sword at the center and pulled it out of the ground. It was indeed a good piece even in my eyes!

“E- Hehe… it’s yours to take…” (The others)

This is so wrong.. I should kill all of those who want to conspire don’t you think? (Hiro)

We should. Let’s get to work. I don’t want to walk with a bomb behind me. Even though we can kill them face to face but if they were to ambush us in a bad moment it could be our downfall. I’m not going to die when I’m still so young. (Alice)

You shall never die my love. I’ll protect you forever and ever. (Hiro)

Uww~ (Alice)

“Those I point at please stand back. I have some things to do with the others.” (Hiro)

They looked at me with a questioning look but they followed my request nonetheless. They’ll be happy that they have done so soon enough. The ones who had malicious ideas stayed at the center of the room. Alice took out her bow and I took out my spear.

“The others don’t have to worry. They are going to die because they would conspire against us if left here. You should learn to hide your intentions better than this..” (Hiro)

“W- What are you talking about? We have no such intentions. Right?” (Guy)

“Yes!” (Others)

Seems like this whole group was the worse kind. I used Hydro Mind on all five of them, followed by Alice. She shot five dragon arrows which were heading straight for their heads. Two of them were killed on the spot. They had only 50 and 51 percent converted so they had no chance to resist our mind attacks quickly enough to dodge. Their brain matters splashed all over the room and on their party members. The remaining three were at higher levels so they were able to regain their consciousness and control over their bodies. Using our mind reading abilities it was an easy battle.

Thrust with right arm; kick with left leg; use the force from his counter attack to rotate and slash his neck; (Guy 1)

Charge at her; Upward swing; She dodges it to the right or left; I’ll slash her in two halves! (Woman)

The information about the actions they wanted to take was flowing into our minds in such a way. The other guy too was running towards me. What they didn’t expect though are our moves. I used the binding clock on the woman charging towards Alice and since she was unmoving my dragoness quickly shot her to the death. She knew what I’m going to do maybe even before me so we didn’t even have to communicate. It was simply unintentional and perfect teamwork. Our subconscious is connected too so it’s easy to get the same results as a plan.

The Dragon arrow quickly pierced the woman’s chest making a gaping hole in her chest and killing her in the process. Since she was now free she helped me out. With the killing shot, she also shot another arrow which had Chaos Magic infused in it. It landed right among the three of us and since I had hard scales I wasn’t damaged even in the slightest. But that wasn't the case for the other two. Of course, they weren’t damaged too badly either but they bled at numerous places.

Alice’s arrows were already flying towards their heads and hearts and I also thrust my spear at the guy on the right side. I used one of my minds to cast an Ethereal Delusion curse on the other one. He stopped in one place unmoving for a moment which was enough for the arrow to pierce his head and heart too at the same time. His chest and head exploded as the energies in the arrows poured into their bodies destroying them from the inside. Seeing his last comrade explode into a bloody pulp greatly diminished his morale.

“Please, I surrender-!” (?)

Like we would care... You should have forgotten about getting revenge for ‘stealing your weapon’. Then you could have stayed alive. (Hiro)

He is stupid. Though soon only ‘was’ stupid. Hehe~ (Alice)

He tried to defend against my thrust but every rune was on so my spear simply pierced through his greatsword, making a hole on it. The tip of my spear entered his stomach. Piercing another weapon still weakened my attack greatly but it didn’t matter as the Hydra heads coiling around my spear quickly entered his body. As they exploded inside him I saw blood spilling out of his mouth.

“*cough* Why,?” (?)

Was what he said as he started sliding down on my weapon. As his eyes were closing I answered his question.

“Because you have offended the wrong monsters.” (Hiro)

We quickly looted their bodies and we found many herbs! About as much as Rose had! Since they came on the same kind of paths as we I guess they too had found the same things. I picked up their weapons and enchanted all four of them by using four of my minds. The greatsword in this guy’s hands was completely useless as I pierced it. Such a waste... When I was done Alice also inscribed them. Less work to do! Now I can give these to the one-star members! This whole process took at most two minutes.

“Shall we go?” (Hiro)

“Uhn.” (Rose)

She had a somewhat fearful face upon looking at me and Alice.

“Oh by the way... Is it to your liking? We can make a better one if you want us to.” (Hiro)

“What?” (Rose)

“Your new sword.” (Hiro)

“Oh. No, it’s alright. I don’t think that I could afford an even better weapon.” (Rose)

“Then let’s go. Hey, you, from which path did you come from?” (Alice)

Since we didn’t know from which path did they come we had to ask it.

“We came from that one and they came from that one.” (Woman)

The ‘admiring’ woman whom I ‘saved’ answered quickly. Though her admiring turned more into fear. I don’t mind it though. But she sure changes moods and feelings quickly... I bet that she is cultivating way too much on the love of Heart Chakra and the fear of Root. Some think that fearing everything is also a good thing so that you can keep your lives. But that’s not the truth either.. I wouldn’t fear somebody after seeing such a scene. Why would I have to if the person has no reason to hurt me? Stupid fear is also wrong...

Since there was only one way left we headed towards it and entered the next floor. Yes. As it turned out it was the next floor. I wonder if this is going to repeat at every floor...

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