《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 23 - Chasing [Edited]



Frank’s POV:


I went back to Erihall city and went straight towards the guild. Since the monsters attacked Charles at first, it was likely that they were his enemy. I’ve heard of Charles’ habits about beating up lower ranked cultivators, so firstly I’ll have to ask around for information about the victims.

As I entered the Guild house I went towards Tracy Malmstad. Since I’ve been a member of the guild for quite a long while I know her. If I know it well then she should have had a relatively good relationship with Charles. Maybe she can point out a few suspects for me.

Of course, I wouldn’t tell her what was taken from me. She is equally powerful compared to me and she has an even bigger clan behind her than me so I don’t want to draw her attention upon the Diamond Eye of Power. I’ll have to talk calmly and unhurriedly or else she might notice that something is off. I mean we, the children of the clan leaders, wouldn’t care about a few servants dying. It’s not like they were the loyal types either...

“Hello, Tracy. Do you have a moment?” I questioned her as I sat down on a chair and put my elbow on the table she was sitting at.

“Hi, Frank. Yes, I have. So? What is it?” She greeted me as well and then after answering, she also questioned me with her brows raised as she leaned forward in her curiosity.

“That’s great!” I said while faking my happiness. I just wanted to use her, nothing else. “Well, the thing is that while I and my partners were moving back towards our headquarters, we were attacked by two divine beasts. One of them was a Hydra, while the other one was a Dragon. But the thing is that they actually went straight for Charles and after killing him they successfully escaped. - ” I started explaining with an ‘unbothered’ face as if I’d be here only to learn of unrelated information.

“So you want to tell me that he was killed by two monsters and then those two simply ran away?” She cut into my words as she questioned me with her head tilted to the side. I felt like ‘accidentally’ grabbing onto her head and turning it in a circle...

“-Yes. My point is, do you have any idea about who those two might be? I mean such monsters walking on this planet isn’t something we should allow!” I exclaimed with a righteous face while thinking… Nice idea! The great me! Yes, I can just simply blame it all on those two. Like that it could be said that I’m the hero who is going to destroy those monsters! Hahaha- Being ‘good’ is surely the best!

“Hmm, I have an idea. There were two cultivators a few days ago who came here when I was substituting the receptionist for a day. I don’t know their names because they didn’t introduce themselves, nor do I know how they look because they wore black capes and hid their faces with dark magic under their hoods,” She started explaining what she knew about the latest ‘victims’ with a thoughtful look on her face.

After stopping for a moment to think about it more carefully, she continued - “I don’t get why, but I wasn’t able to see through their dark magic, though that should be impossible since they were only at the first stage!” She exclaimed such a ridiculous thing. Useless bitch. What should I do with two little shrimps?


“Then why do you say that they were the ones who attacked and killed Charles?” I questioned her, feeling annoyed that she was talking nonsense. Not even a Three-Star divine beast would be powerful enough to fight me while being at the first stage...

She raised her hand in front of me, to stop me from talking as she continued. “Because Charles was their examiner, but what I expected didn’t happen. When they came out of the examination grounds the big one, the guy was carrying Charles on his shoulder. Charles was in tatters and he had many terrible wounds. He looked as if he would have been… bitten!?” She started explaining the happenings with a thoughtful face, but as she kept on telling it to me, she also realized something.

She leaned forward in her excitement as she probably found out about something. Maybe she isn’t useless!? “I didn’t know what to think of his wounds at that time, but after hearing what you have said, it makes me think of only a single possibility... that he was bitten! Yes, now I’m sure of it!” She said with great excitement in her body. Did she hate them as well or what?

“So he was beaten by them while he was at the fourth stage and those two were only at the first stage?!” I asked for her confirmation upon realizing the possibilities her words held. If that’s the case, then I won’t have to search for the victims anymore. I’ll have to search for those two!

“Yes. To be honest, I don’t know how they fought, but if they can beat and kill cultivators at the fourth stage, then that means that when they reach the second stage, not even we will be safe!” She said as her face turned into a slightly fearful one. Did she have enmity with them? Well, it would be good if she could help me, but I don’t want her. She might take away my treasure!

“Alright. Thanks a lot! Now if you don’t mind, I must leave. I still have to find information about those two,” I said as I stood up from the table, wishing to quickly leave. I was anxious to find those two!

Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t! I was praying in my mind that she wouldn’t say something like this...

“Wait. Since they are powerful monsters, I’m going to help you alright?” She questioned me as she also stood up, just like me.

I turned around with a stiff face as I looked back at her. “U-Uhm no, you can simply stay here. It’s not like it’s urgent so I have a lot of time. I’m a bit bored nowadays so let me enjoy my hunting! Hahaha~” I said while laughing awkwardly as I held onto her shoulder, trying to push her back into her seat very gently.

That’s what I call bullshitting. An elf is waiting for me and if I can get my hands on my treasure, then I can break through to the seventh stage in a short amount of time. Though, I’ll still have to infuse my body with the elements.

“Are you sure?” This bitch asked me another time with slightly furrowed brows, while she was already in a half-sitting position.

“Yes! I want to enjoy my time for now!” I quickly answered her in a self-confident way, as I stuck out my chest. I wanted to make it clear for her that I was alright alone.

“Alright then. But if you need help with them, then you can contact me. I was a bit annoyed by them anyway...” She answered as she finally sat down into her fucking chair. At least she provided me with the necessary information. She was such a good for nothing. She always spent her time here, doing nothing and rarely taking a few subjugation quests.


YES! YES! Thank creator that you aren’t coming with me! I thought happily in my mind, as I almost started jumping in place upon feeling my happiness.

Afterward, I left the guild. While I was chatting with Tracy, the people my father has sent, also arrived. I told them the information I’ve gained about those two and they started to ask around for information. There is no way that no one has ever seen two people covered in black capes… In only half an hour, I’ve got news about an inn called Rain Cloud where two people in black capes were seen entering and leaving.

I took my way straight towards that inn. When I entered I went to the counter. There was a nice looking girl with brown hair and golden eyes sitting and chatting with the receptionist guy. I overheard that she called him Max, and the girl was called Ellery. Maybe I should try my luck with her before the elf? Hehe-

“Hi. Can I have some of your time, Miss-?” I questioned as I put my elbow on the counter and stopped beside her.

“Hello. I’m called Ellery Gold and since you’ve asked for it so nicely, yes you can,” She answered in a proud manner, not forgetting to emphasize her family name. Ugh… she is the descendant of a big family… I better leave her alone, but I can still sneak my way in through the receptionist! Though, I better not change the subject too obviously.

“Wonderful! Are you a regular here?” I questioned her as I looked into her eyes with a nice smile on my face.

“Yes, and?” She questioned me with her brows raised as she leaned slightly backward because she probably found my face to be too close to hers.

“I’ve accidentally overheard that you are called Max, right?” I said as I leaned back and looked at the guy who kept looking at me with furrowed brows this whole time.

“Yes, I am,” He answered with a nod and then tilted his head to the side, not knowing what the hell am I asking such things from them.

“So the thing is that I’m looking for two people, who have black capes and hoods. They also use dark magic to hide their faces. I just want to thank them for helping me out. I was wondering if you know anything about them?” I asked with my brows raised with another smile on my face. If I play the enemy card, then it’s likely that these two would stay silent. After doing so many evil things… I knew the way!

As I said so I saw how Ellery’s body stiffen for a moment and then relaxed back. Oh? Did I catch the fish in such a short time? I thought happily in my mind.

“No, I don’t know anything about such people.” Unexpectedly, she answered like that, obviously hiding the truth.

Why? I just want to ‘thank’ them!? This always worked before! Tch… such an annoying bitch. Women are only good for fucking! Seriously! They are so stupid! If I were to become a ruler, I’d turn every woman into my sex slave! Hahaha! Just how good would that be!? A new woman for every day! Maybe I could enjoy even the young ones…? I started thinking and dreaming in my mind about such a beautiful future, but I quickly regained my composure as I started thinking about the matter at hand.

Nice acting but I’ve already caught you. I’m really lucky! The first person I’ve asked was actually someone who knew them! Though it’s likely that she won’t say anything to me, but what about this Max…?

“Max? You have surely seen people coming in and out of your inn. I mean I’ve heard it from my underlings,” I questioned him, with a ‘nice smile’ on my face, cornering him in the process. At this time something unexpected has happened. A little girl who wasn’t even a real cultivator yet, came running out.

“Father! Father! I think that soon, I’m going to reach the second realm. Maybe in the next month!” She shouted with a happy face as she hugged Max’s waist with her little arms.

Great! She is perfect for abduction! I thought happily upon seeing her.

“Oh! You have such a cute little girl. It would be terrible if something bad were to happen to her,” I said as I looked into Max’s eyes with a threatening gaze. I slightly slipped up with my facade, but I couldn’t help it. I was getting bored of this stupid game. I saw as his body stiffening. I’m sure that he is angry, but what can he do? He is just a simple, talentless, powerless innkeeper... I could easily destroy him even alone.

“Y-yeah it would be terrible and yes I saw those two,” His face turned into a fearful one as he answered correctly. Ah~ That fearful face! These ants! I love crushing them. They don’t have a clan supporting them. They are just sore losers! I love crushing them the most!

After talking with him a bit I was able to pull out of him everything he knew about them. He said that they left the inn yesterday and went to another planet. They didn’t tell him where… or so he said, but that was just a lie. I saw through his fearful nature. That’s a bit sad, but I will not only pull it out of him at night but maybe I can even get those two to appear here!

“Alright, that’s all for now. I thank you for your help. See you later!” I said with a bright smile on my face as I waved my hands and left the inn. At night, I came back with my men and sneaked in. We abducted the innkeeper’s daughter and we also left a note for him. I’m sure that he is going to love it. What I mind the most is that I won’t be able to see his face when he reads it!

---------------------------- Max’s POV: ---------------------------------

I woke up the next day only to find my daughter to be missing. She was the only thing that was left from her mother because she died in a battle against a horde of monsters. Ever since that day, I didn’t have the willpower to continue on the path of cultivation and shine as a high-level cultivator. I only wanted to live my life happily with my daughter before I would run out of time and die of old age.

Usually, if people would see a chance to increase their life expectancy then they would try to hold onto that chance with all of their strength. No one wants to die, but I didn’t have the will to fight anymore and that was equal to death. But after reading this letter, my will has changed. I didn’t like this. I should be the pillar for my daughter, who could support her, who could defend and shelter her, yet what was I doing? FUCKING GRIEVING AND CRYING LIKE A LITTLE WIMP!? How could I look into my late wife’s eyes after such a case!?

I was grieving over my deceased wife and passing my training, staying weak which clearly had its consequences. I was four hundred years old, while my daughter was only twelve. I wasn’t too talented before either, but I still could have reached much higher stages by now. I wouldn’t be sitting in this damned in, doing nothing and that bastard would have never found me with such a stupid thing! I realized that I had to stand up again and fight for my daughter, for our, no, her future! But I was too weak! I was only at the second stage so I had no chance against that guy.

On the letter, which was in my hands, stood:

Dear Max,

I don’t want to hurt your daughter so I hope that you can get those two monsters in black capes to come to me or you won’t ever see your daughter again. I give you at most a day to get them to your inn. I’ll be there at that time with your daughter. You can use this stele if you can get them to come earlier. If those two still aren’t there after a day then, unfortunately, your daughter is going to...

Sincerely Frank Orchard of the Shrill Moguls clan, son of Cale Orchard,

After reading it, I picked up the communication stele with my trembling hands. I have heard of this clan because it had a really bad reputation. It was a vicious clan who made many terrible deeds and most of those were caused by that damned son and father duo. The leader, Cale Orchard, was a cultivator at the eighth stage! I felt completely devastated. Did I really have to sacrifice those two to get back my daughter?

Even if Alice and Hiro were to be geniuses; fighting against somebody at the eighth stage was impossible. How could I live after betraying someone so cruelly and seeing how they die because of me? I’m not that kind of monster! I had only one chance. If I could somehow escape with my daughter and those two, then at least I won’t have to feel remorse because of sacrificing them. Although they would have to hide for a long time, along with us, but as long as we aren’t found, it is going to be alright! We can also leave this sector and travel to another one!

After thinking about it carefully, I decided to ask for help from Ellery. She should know where they went and she can’t be touched by these low-level clans. They too knew that if she were to be killed, then they would be killed soon enough! I quickly went towards her room and knocked on its door as I started shouting. “Ellery! Could you help me? I have something to ask! It’s really urgent!” I shouted as I started hitting the door.

“I’m coming in a moment,” She said as I heard her steps nearing the door. She opened the door and let me in. I sat down stiffly on a chair as I looked at Ellery then said - “S- So I would like to ask if you know where Hiro and Alice went to. Do you know?”

“Huh? Yes, I know. Is there anything wrong? Wait, is this because of that guy who came in yesterday?” Ellery was a clever girl and she quickly thought of a reason. Before they left, they told her where they are going to. They also trusted her. Having a reliable friend is always good, so she even gave them a communication stele. I’m sure that she knows where they are.

“N- no it’s only because-” I wanted to tell a lie, but my terrible acting only made everything obvious. Her deadpan face said it all. She didn’t buy even a single one of my words.

“.....” She looked at me with her brows raised as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms in front of her chest. After noticing how she was looking at me, I knew that I was busted. I guess I forgot how to act after twelve years of doing nothing...

“*Sigh* Okay. I’ll tell you the truth. He is called Frank Orchard as stated in the letter he left and he comes from the Shrill Moguls clan. I know that you aren’t here for as long as me, but I’m sure that you have heard of that clan. The worst is that he abducted my daughter last night and he wants me to get those two to be at my inn in a day of time,” I told her the truth honestly. Maybe she could help me as well in a way.

“What!? He abducted your daughter!? That bastard! Ugh, this is really bad. Can you contact him somehow? If telling him the name of the planet and a general place is good enough, then we could simply point him towards that place. Then all we have to do is to tell Hiro and Alice and they could simply escape in time. Though you will have to hide from then on and this Frank has to be an idiot for this to work.”

“I thought about something like this too and yes I have a communication stele, which he left with the letter,” I said seriously with a nod of my head.

“Then ask him,” She waved her hand and urged me to contact Frank.

Using the stele, I contacted Frank. “H-hi! Can you hear me?” I question him as my anxiety was over the roof.

“Hi. Oh? Did you bring them back this quickly?” He questioned me in a melodious tone. Damned bastard. If only I’d be stronger!

“N-no. I would like to ask you if telling you where they went would be good enough. I mean I can’t tell them to come here! Why would they come here and die willingly just because of me or my daughter? So I think that it’s better if I tell you exactly where they went-” I started my reasoning, hoping that he would consider, but he cut into my words cruelly.

“Shut up already. Don’t bullshit to me. I don’t care where they went. I want them to be there, at your inn! Listen, here is your daughter- “Kyaa- Father! Help me!”- now if those two aren’t there in a day of time then you can say goodbye to her!”

He said as he broke the connection. He was cruel enough to project my daughter’s message by using his own mind power since she didn’t have it yet. Hearing what he said I felt despaired. I told what Franks said to Ellery.

She told me that she had a good impression of me as she has been here, in my inn, for a long time now. She also stated that she didn’t want me, to end like this, but she wouldn’t betray those two either. They saved her life, so that was no wonder. She was at the worst place… in the middle! She can choose between them or me. After making a thoughtful face, she said.

“Well, although I can’t really help you since I’d betray them by doing so, but I can tell them the truth. Believe me, they are real monsters. Maybe the can help you somehow. If they decide to come, then I’m quite sure that you are saved. I’ve never seen such might… I’m truly envious.

Ellery soon took a communication stele out of nothing. She was using a storage item… it was no wonder considering her background. She contacted Hiro and Alice to tell them the whole story.

--------------------------- Alice’s POV: ----------------------------------

We quickly opened the metal box and found an eye in it, which was made out of diamond. I was the first to ask… “What is this?” - as I tilted my head to the side upon seeing this thing and then turned towards Hiro with my brows raised.

“How should I know?” He answered as he also turned towards me and shrugged his shoulders.

“Try probing it with your mind power,” I offered a choice for him as I poked that thing.

“Alright, let me try it,” He said as he shut his eyes and started probing it. I was concentrating on what Hiro felt, through our connected minds. He didn’t feel anything… He only felt that when he poured mind power into it, it was as if he would be standing in a distorted space and since I was next to him, I felt that feeling as well.

“Hmm. I feel nothing unusual from it. What should we do? I’m sure that this is a treasure, but what is it good for?” He said as he looked at me with inquiring eyes and embraced my back. I started swinging my tail from left to right in my happiness upon feeling his embrace.

“I don’t know, Hiro. Don’t look at me like that. I can only think that this is something related to training. I’m sure that distorted space we felt has something to do with its effects...” I answered and after some thinking, I came up with such a thought.

“That, or is it consumable? Though, it doesn’t seem like that to me,” Hiro started guessing stupid things.

“Then why are you even saying it?” I questioned him as I gave a kiss on his face and then knocked on his head with my knuckles.

“I don’t know... Whatever, then we should activate that ‘distorted space feeling’ with our mind powers and try doing something in it. Let’s see how far it can reach,” Hiro said as he started pouring his mind power into it. We soon felt that distorted space feeling around us again. I started stepping backward, and after stepping out from two meters of its radius, I wasn’t able to feel it anymore.

“Okay, so it works only in a radius of two meters. Keep up its area and I’ll try to train or meditate or I don’t know…” I stated after testing it and then told Hiro to continue. He nodded as he said that it was alright and then kept up its area.

I stepped back into its range and then I started squatting, thinking that maybe it’s going to increase the strength or toughness of our bodies. While I was doing so, Hiro, with his numerous minds, had time to marvel upon my body.

“Such a nice view. Those bouncing tits makes me remember yesterday night...” Hiro remarked with his lustful face, while he kept checking out my body. He was a perverted old man, which made me feel weird. A shudder ran through my body.

“Your saliva is spilling out…” I remarked as I motioned with my hands to clean his mouth and then continued - “ But I don’t feel anything from this. Let’s try meditating.”

“Oops-” Hiro said with a cheeky smile as he wiped the sides of his mouth, while I sat down. At first, nothing happened. Even though I was pulling in the elements, the Universe Energy, it didn’t do anything. Not having any other choice, I started cultivating my domain. At that moment, I felt how Space Laws started flooding into my mind, from this Diamond Eye. It was helping in cultivating our domains!

That being the case, we could easily advance! Both of us sat down and started training our domains and after a few hours, we actually broke through to the second stage! But at that time, we were interrupted because a connection was made between us and Ellery? Why would she call us? We let her connect her mind to ours through our stele and received her message.

“Hiro, Alice I have something urgent to tell you!” Her voice was clearly distressed and anxious as she didn’t even bother with saying hi. Not like we cared about such things, though…

“What is it? Did something happen?” I asked quickly to learn more about the reason behind her call.

“Yes! You know Max, the innkeeper, right?” She questioned us.

“Yes of course,” Hiro answered as he looked at me with his brows raised.

“He has a daughter whom you didn’t see, but the problem is that she was abducted!” She said and I couldn’t help but imagine her distressed face as she was probably flailing her arms.

None of us liked things like these. We weren’t heroes. We wouldn’t go out of our ways to save everyone… but if trouble came for us, then we wouldn’t evade it as long as it was within our capabilities.

“What happened? If we can, then we are going to help,” I answered her seriously as I furrowed my brows and stopped swaying my tail. Even though I was in such a good mood!

[They will have to pay for turning your mood for the worse! No one can hurt my dear! Even if it was only turning your mood for the worse!] Hiro said through our bond seriously.

“Uhm. Someone called Frank Orchard from the Shrill Moguls clan came in yesterday and asked for two black caped people. We didn’t tell who you are or where you are, but the next day Max woke up only to find his daughter to be missing. He found a letter and it said that you two have to be in his inn, in at most a day or he can say goodbye to his daughter... It was written by Frank.” Ellery explained everything to us shortly, but we understood everything.

“So is it actually all because of us?” Hiro questioned her as he looked at me with his brows raised.

“I’m sorry that I have to say this, but yes. I don’t want to betray you since you seem to be the dependable type, which is rare, so I told you everything we know. I know that this Frank is at the fifth stage and the leader of his clan, who is his father is at the eighth stage. For now, he didn’t appear, but it’s better to be careful,” Ellery answered Hiro’s question honestly.

If we were the ones to cause the trouble, then it was even more natural to take part in solving it! We would kindly destroy our enemies in such a case! “There should be two, or at least one cultivator with him, who is at the sixth stage so I advise you to be very careful if you come. I know that you are very strong, but you are only at the first stage and beating people at the fifth or sixth stage is impossible even for you. What should we do?” Ellery questioned us, hoping that we had a solution or a good idea.

After pondering for a short moment, Hiro answered. “Don’t worry. We are going to be there in a day. We will think of a plan till then. You should never underestimate our race! Hehe.”

“Okay, but be careful. Tell me if we should do something,” Ellery warned us once again and then offered her help. How nice of her.

“We will,” I said as I broke the connection with them and then remarked with a bittersweet feeling in my mouth with a loud sigh. “*Sigh* We made contact with only those two, yet they are already in trouble because of us. It seems like it’s really better if we don’t make contact with others.” I couldn’t help myself from saying such depressing things. Luckily for me, Hiro was already past these hurdles and he had more experience with such things.

“That could be true, but why would we cover from trouble? If people really wish to know us and become friends with us, then should we simply push them aside because they might get in trouble because of us? If we are going to get in trouble because of them then I’m sure that they are going to help us as well,” Hiro said optimistically. Usually, he was the realistic type. He wasn’t pessimistic, nor optimistic. He preferred to see things how they were. Unbiased and straight. Of course, he was easily swayed towards the ‘happier’ things, but that was natural among intelligent beings.

“People who stood out for someone out of their own will when they weren’t related to it were rare in my past life. Most of those ‘friends’ were only for show. Ridiculous. But you know what? Maybe here, where everyone is struggling to reach the top and stay alive, could become real friends. Friends who would help you even if they aren’t related to your problems and help you freely out of their own will.”

“Of course, I can’t be sure of such a thing as I haven’t lived here for such a long time and I don’t know how people would really react at such times. There were people like that in my past life as well, but they were very rare.”

“Hiro... I wonder if something like that could happen. Can we find true friendship or is it just a shallow title to satisfy ourselves, that we aren’t alone, that we have someone to truly rely on?” I fell into a melancholic state after hearing so much of Hiro’s rambling and I couldn’t help but remark such a thing.

“I don’t know, Alice, but I’m sure that we will find out at one point. But at least we can be sure of one thing and that is each other,” He said as he gave a kiss on my forehead and then on my lips.

“Of course! I would never question you! Hahaha~” After his kiss, my mood quickly turned for the better as I returned his kiss.

“Though right now we should proceed towards Sypno. Maybe we can break through once more till reaching it by using this Diamond Eye. The worst part is that we can’t use our monster forms... We will have to draw them out of the city somehow because fighting in our human forms is going to be tough,” He said after considering our possibilities.

“Uh,” I agreed as I climbed onto his back.

We hid the entrance to our house by using nature magic and the hole quickly disappeared. Of course, it was still hollowed out inside, but the entrance was invisible. We boarded the spaceship and then went towards Sypno.

While we were inside the spaceship, which was in autopilot mode, we sat down back to back with our legs crossed and poured our mind powers into the Diamond Eye. We felt as the ‘distorted’ space appeared and we started training our domain. We progressed very quickly, but it was considerably slower compared to the first time. It seemed like the Diamond Eye was slowly losing its power.

At this tempo, the treasure is going to be completely used up until we would reach our destination, which to we soon arrived. We got out of our spaceship in our human forms. We were at the early third stage!

It was supposed to be enough for only a single stage as two of us were using it. But since we were able to share everything, knowledge was the same. Both of us were able to learn the same things at the same time. Being at the early third stage meant that we had three hundred golems of strength in our human forms, while we had five hundred and ten in our monster forms.

If were fight against someone at the early fifth stage who had three hundred and twenty golems of punching strength, then we could easily win in our monster forms even considering that our strength would decrease to three hundred and ninety golems because of our enemies’ domain.

Unfortunately, in our human forms, we would be in quite a big shit since our strength would go below two hundred. Not even our techniques could save us in such a case. This meant that we had to bring Frank out of the city or else we won’t be able to fight him! Although the bonus from our monster forms are going to decrease, but that is only from the fourth stage onwards so our strength would still increase by seventy-five percent.

Although a cultivator at the sixth stage would be dangerous, but we had tough bodies and great coordination so we didn’t have to fear someone like that either, not to mention our skills.

“Ellery. Listen here. When we appear and start fighting you have to do only two things with Max. Take the little girl with you and run! Don’t turn back because after you are gone, we can go towards the jungle to use our monster forms. Like that, we can kill people even at the sixth stage, but if you stay back and they catch the little girl again, then they could blackmail us with her to stay in the city and like that things could very well go wrong...”

I contacted Ellery and told her what to do. “Do you understand it?” I couldn’t help but question her again to make sure that she understood.

“Yes! If I’d be powerful enough, then I’d help you, but unfortunately, I’m too weak... Sorry… If only I’d have time to call for my father...” She mumbled in her mind, wishing for her father to come, but we were lacking in time.

“Don’t worry. If you can get the girl and run away, then we should be alright,” I told her and then broke the connection. We moved towards a spaceship agency and bought a new spaceship. We didn’t even use the money we have gained at the second level. We had thousands of gold coins so buying a new spaceship wasn’t that hard. Afterward, we ran into an alleyway behind the Rain Cloud inn.

Hiro used the skill, he couldn’t use while he was at the second level. It’s called Replicate. He can use some drops of his blood to replicate himself. This takes its toll on him, for now, since we were still at a low-level and stage, but it would be as easy as breathing in the future. Right now, he has five heads, so he can make only five clones.

Which is the most ridiculous and disgusting is that we were two divine beasts, with inherent memories and racial abilities and we can use each other’s skills too. This means that I can use Replicate and Hiro can use my skills as well… and this is only the beginning!! We have such disgusting and powerful skills that if others were to hear about them, then they would probably puke and drop dead after coughing up too much blood…

The other pair of this skill is called ReCreate. This skill means that as long as one clone is alive we can’t die. Because of this reason, we are two True Divine Beasts with five lives... and that number is going to increase after each level.

We planned to confuse him with our clones and bring him out of the city. We are sure that he would chase after us, so dragging him out of the city is going to be easy. We spread our clones through the city, to make his job harder. Skills as disgusting as these should be found only among the species of Hydras yet now even I’m going to join their ranks.

[Having such a nice boyfriend sure is wonderful~ Giving his girlfriend five more lives. Hahaha~ I wonder how Frank’s face is going to look when he sees a clone appear out of nowhere,] I couldn’t help but laugh in my mind upon imagining his face.

[Yeah, that’s going to be hilarious. But now that I think about it... We should marry!!] Hiro came out of nowhere with such a thing, totally randomly.

[W-What? Do you want to do it now? And what’s with this? Saying something like that out of nowhere…] I answered with a surprised face. I would say yes anytime, but this seemed to be the wrong time.

[No! I just pointed it out that we forgot about such a nice ceremony. We didn’t have a honeymoon up till now!!! This is a crime!] Hiro started thinking of perverted things int he middle of this mess. To be honest, I was swayed towards such a thing.

[You just want to fuck me,] I remarked with a small exclamation in my mind, but he shouted yes as an answer, without the slightest bit of shame.

[Others would at least cover it…] I couldn’t help but remark with my brows furrowed.

[Others don’t have their minds connected with their lovers. Hehe,] Hiro answered, which was also true. It’s not like I didn’t know about his thoughts.

[Whatever. I’ll happily marry you, but at first, we should stay alive…] I said my yes quickly and then postponed this thing. It was better to focus on the problem at hand at first.

[Now I’m fired up! These bastards are separating me from a nice honeymoon!] Hiro shouted in my mind, feeling fired up after hearing my answer. He also knew about my feelings…

[Now even I’m looking forward to it. I like when you play with my tail too~Hehe,] I answered him with a seductive tone through our bond.

[Oh, I will. Don’t worry about that!] He said as he grabbed onto my butt.

The only problem was that I didn’t have parallel minds, so I couldn’t control my clones that well. I had to control them one by one. Hiro helped me by lifting my clones off the ground and he carried them, me, in a princess carry to the right positions. Now all that was left was to use our main bodies and call this Frank.

We quickly went into Max’s inn. Upon seeing us, Max made a happy face, which quickly turned into a sad and worrisome one. Hiro told him to contact Frank and he did as told. After doing so, Hiro started his idiocy again. “The Dice is cast!”

“You have said that already! Try something new…” I remarked with my brows furrowed as I flicked his forehead.

“Oh, Alice, why would you refute me? You know that I really like this saying!” He said as he took my hands and kissed them one by one.

“But it sucks!” I told him as I gave a small kiss on his face.

“Why?” He questioned me as he leaned back and tilted his head to the side.

I looked sideways as I answered him - “Because it has been used already…”

“Such a party killer…” Hiro remarked as he hugged me into his bosom and kissed the top of my head.

“As if you would be any different,” I mumbled silently, feeling happy and calm in his embrace.

“Hahaha~ I’m not!” Hiro exclaimed while laughing loudly. His arms tightened around my back because he felt worried for my safety. This case might be more dangerous than it seems.

I looked at Mac’s face, who upon seeing our bantering made a slightly more eased face, but he visibly couldn’t calm himself. He probably hoped that everything was going to be okay. He was waiting for Frank to come and decide his, and his daughter’s fate… Are they going to live or die? He didn’t know, only time is going to tell!

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