《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 24 - What is the Solution? [Edited]


What is the Solution?

Hiro’s POV:


After we told Frank that we were here, we left the building. We didn’t have to wait for long for Frank to appear because he soon arrived with a small group of people.

There were two people at the third stage, three at the fourth, two at the fifth and one at the sixth stage. It seems like Frank didn’t spare effort to catch us... They encircled us and Frank started laughing upon seeing that ‘we had no way out’. Melleri, who was Max’s daughter was also sitting next to him on the ground, clearly without any strength left in her body. In Frank’s domain, she didn’t have the strength to stand. Onlookers started gathering after realizing that there was a possibility for a good show.

“Melleri! Are you alright?!” Max shouted as he quickly ran to her, but he was kicked in the face before reaching her little body, which caused him to get slightly hurt as he fell backward.

“Hahaha! Finally, I’ve caught you! I’ve been chasing you for quite a long time! Now hand over what you have taken from me!” Frank laughed happily upon finally ‘catching’ us and then his face turned serious as he started demanding his treasure. Hearing this, we knew what he was talking about, but fearing that he might kill Melleri if he hears what we have done with it, we bluffed.

“No! First the girl! Release her!” I shouted with a righteous face, with a steady and stable voice. Our faces were covered in dark magic, so we didn’t have to care about acting.

“Huh? I don’t care about her… take her!” He shouted as he grabbed onto Melleri’s hands and threw her into the air, towards Max. - “I just need my Diam- my treasure!” He continued, almost slipping in the process, but he quickly corrected his words. Was he fearing that someone would get to know what he is looking for? Unfortunately, we couldn’t use that card anymore since we consumed it.

We felt enraged upon seeing how he was handling her. Max hugged her into his bosom and then after remembering what we talked about, he ran away as quickly as possible.We also gave him our old spaceship, so after a few kilometers, we saw it flying down from the sky. They boarded it and then left. Now we had one less thing to worry about… We felt slightly relieved.

“Now that they have left, give me back what is mine!” He shouted once again with a demanding voice, which pricked our ears. Feeling curious about what he would say, I asked - “And what do you offer in return? We want to get away after handing it over.”

“HAHAHA- Are you an idiot? Who would let you off so easily after stealing from me? Maybe I can let you off the hook if you two are going to lick my boots for the rest of your lives. Go ahead, swear upon the heavens. Make an Oath! Hahaha!” He unexpectedly offered a chance for us as he started laughing madly.

I raised my brows as I looked at Alice and released our little cover. She chuckled as she pulled off her hood and gave a kiss on my lips. We were ridiculing him by not caring about him and my following words probably increased his wrath as well. - “Such an idiot. Man, I was being sarcastic. Who would want to be ‘spared’ by you? I’d rather die… but you have made wrong people into your enemies.” I answered seriously with furrowed brows.


“YOU BASTARD! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY! And who would have thought that there is such a beauty under the hood? HAHA! I’m going to enjoy her body after killing you! NO! Even better! I’m going to tie you and then enjoy her in front of you! Hmph, ‘people’ you say… You aren’t even--”

I felt my rage reaching the sky, but I wasn’t the kind of person who would charge in like an idiot. It would be the worst decision in my human form. We had to leave the city at first, so while he was trying to give an evil speech, we dissolved our bodies and appeared behind them with our clones. We weren’t wearing our armors either since we knew that our body would dissolve. It also made our movements easier.

When we transform into our monster forms, the things on our bodies return to the storage space in our stomachs. We preferred to use our storage spaces, which we gained from the dungeon, only because we couldn’t take out things from our Hydra’s Storage or Dragon’s Storage unless we transformed into our true forms.

Since we didn’t have anything heavy on us, we moved swiftly, with a speed a cultivator at the third stage shouldn’t have. Of course, everyone here was a cultivator, so they quickly reacted. Frank enlarged the size of his domain to the maximum, which caused a few onlookers who were only at the first stage to collapse! The problem was that we were in our human forms and thanks to the woman’s domain at the sixth stage, we were left with a ridiculous amount of one hundred and twenty.

Our problem was the woman beside him who was at the sixth stage! Her domain left us with a meager amount of two hundred and twenty golems! What were we supposed to do with such a large gap between our strength? Not even skills or talent could make up for such a hole.

“Natassia! Block them from the front!” Frank shouted with a dark face, fearing that we would get away. The woman at the sixth stage quickly jumped after us and soon caught up to us. This ‘soon’ actually meant only two seconds, but considering our strength and speed, it was enough for us to advance kilometers! Frank was about to hit our clones when we suddenly dissolved them into a black puddle of liquid.

If we dissolve them, then we can simply call back that puddle, but if our clones were to get killed, then we would have one less ‘head’ for the time being. Or Alice might lose a wing or such things in her case… since she wasn’t a Hydra.

We were standing in front of them once again and they made a ridiculous face. All of them had their eyes opened widely as they quickly rubbed them, hoping that we would return to our original positions. The black puddles rushed back into our bodies and merged with us once again. Frank and his idiot group were looking back and forth between us and where we stood. We were out of the city, but since we wanted to be sure of things, we repeated this process at least another two times, which took only a few seconds.

We didn’t escape, even though we could have because if we did, then Frank could have easily caught up to Max and Melleri. The spaceship we gave them was slower than the spaceships that were sold here since it was originating from a lower realm. We couldn’t help it since we didn’t have time to buy a better one. Ellery was waiting for us to finish because she was our escape!


Natassia laughed happily upon realizing that our clones didn’t dissolve this time, which was followed by Frank’s laugh. Their mood was much worse, though… They probably felt worried that we would leave without them understanding anything. The onlookers didn’t follow us and now that there weren’t any humans other than Frank and his team, we could finally transform and fight.

Of course, this ability has drawbacks too. One being that if we leave one of our clones further than two kilometers from any of our clones, then that clone is going to dissolve. This meant that we could create a chain of clones… This range is going to increase as we advance and gain strength, but that was our boundary, for now. The other one, being that if we turn into our monster forms, then these clones are going to dissolve. It would be way too unfair against the universe if there would be twelve Twelve Headed Hydra and Dragon God at the same time.

While they were laughing happily, we released our human bodies and turned back into our true, mighty forms. Their faces quickly turned into a despaired one upon realizing their problem. In our monster forms, we had three hundred and thirty golems of strength even under Natassia’s domain. She had only three hundred and fifty, and such a small difference was like a fart for us. With our abilities, we could easily crush this bitch!

People at the third and fourth stage? We could straight ignore them. Our armored bodies were enough to protect us even against the attacks of Natassia, so we had nothing to fear! The only problem would be if a cultivator at the seventh stage were to appear.

[Alice which one do you want to play with? The woman at the sixth stage or Frank and the others?] I questioned her as I spread my mouths into an evil grin. Probably.

[I’ll kill the woman. You don’t like hitting them anyway. You can easily clear out the trash by using your heads and I’m better at focusing my attention and power at a single target anyway. Everything shows that you should fight with the weaker guys.] Alice reasoned effectively, so I quickly agreed and charged towards the low-level cultivators, while Alice charged towards Natassia.

“Hah! Arrogant dragon! Thinking of taking me on? You are digging your own grave!” She tried to regain her braveness by shouting such things, but it was clear that not even she believe in her own words as she took a defensive position.

She took off her shield from her back and prepared to take on Alice’s attack. She was as quick as lightning and Natassia barely had time to do anything. Alice’s large mouth was about to crush her into minced meat, but before it could happen, Natassia realized her wrong decision and flew to the side in the air. Alice’s teeth still grazed her arms, causing a large gash to appear on her arms and her poison also entered her body.

Alice turned back in the air swiftly, and flew towards Natassia once again, with her jaws opened widely. She made a terrified face as she quickly used the elements around her in a panicked way, trying to save her puny life. Alice spat a ball of Dragon Qi towards her. Natassia was smashed into the ground, along with her stupid shield as she grunted loudly. She spat out a mouthful of blood, only to see Alice, who landed in front of her.

She was releasing her bloodlust completely, filling the whole area, which caused everyone to shiver in fear. Alice put her paws on Natassia's body, who tried to push Alice's dragon body to the side, but her feeble strength was nowhere near enough. This was also because Alice’s poison affected her and she was almost completely paralyzed. Alice rubbed her scale covered, huge head on her body and then after a lick, Natassia screamed out in pain.

Her skin was shredded into pieces on her body, which probably came with a lot of pain. Not wishing to play with her for too long, Alice put her into her mouth and after a few loud crunching noise, everything turned silent around her. At that time, a guy at the seventh stage appeared out of nowhere, along with that Tracy bitch. Probably he was the other person with Frank, who was sitting on his butt, with his snot covered face, in front of me.

While Alice fought with Natassia, I also did my job. Those who were at the third and fourth stage committed suicide by coming here. I used three of my heads to cast gigantic lava balls with a diameter of five hundred meters almost instantly and then shot it towards the weakest cultivators. Frank and the other guy defended relatively easily, while those three at the fourth stage took a single lava ball up together, to defend against this warm up attack of mine.

But that was what I wished them to do. I used my remaining two heads to do the same, but towards the cultivators at the third stage. Their body was struck and burnt to death in a moment. All it took was at most a second as they died while screaming. While the others were defending against my stupid attack, I quickly charged towards them to chew them into minced meat. Frank made a startled face upon realizing that my speed was much greater than his or any of them here, even though Frank had a lean body, indicating that his forte was in agility.

Now I was ‘five’ against five, so I had it easier. I swung my tail in an arc, using Hydra’s Tail at the same time. My attack moved towards them swiftly, with a crushing strength of three hundred and ninety golems! All five of them took on my attack, together, but the four of them were still flung backward, with their arms and few of their ribs possibly broken. They spat out a mouthful of blood, which splashed on my heads because I was already in front of them.

After releasing my attack, I was already charging towards them. I snapped my jaws, and after chewing only once, I gulped all three of them down. Frank and the other guy made terrified faces as I turned towards them while trying to pull my mouths into evil smiles.

Frank looked towards the last guy at the fifth stage, who was still alive like him and then said - “Jeffrey, be careful. I fear that these two aren’t as easy prey as we thought. Let’s attack from two ways,” Frank said with his brows furrowed, trying to get a good measure of my strength. After saying so, Jeffrey rushed behind me, while Frank stood in front of me. I so would have liked to smirk, but unfortunately, I couldn’t.

Frank and Jeffrey rushed toward me. I swung my tail towards Jeffrey once again, which caused his eyes to bulge. My bludgeon like tail almost reached him when he tried to jump to the side, but it wouldn’t work. Using one of my minds, I made a hard wall of earth beside him, while I also attacked his mind with Hydro Mind. His mind turned into a vegetable for a moment, which was more than enough for my tail to struck his body and smash him into the wall beside him. His body turned into a bloody pulp on the hard earth wall, which was also crushed, along with his body.

His blood flowed down the hard pieces of earth, which were rock-like. His bones flew through the air, and probably only his flying head was still in one piece. Out of fun, I used lightning and fire magic to set his flying head on fire. Jeffrey's head arrived at the ground in the form of ash. I turned my heads towards Frank, who sat down in his fear and started mumbling some kind of apology. Since also just finished Natassia, I was about to paralyze Frank and then play a bit more with him because of the remark he made, but at that time, those two came.

I noticed them in time, but the guy was way too quick! He had three hundred and eighty golems, while we were left with only two hundred and seventy! Using his superior speed, he appeared beside me and swung his shadow-like blade towards my heads. One of them were cut off, while another one had a large gash on it. It was nothing serious, though. With my regeneration speed, it started regenerating with visible speed. The gash on my neck slowly disappeared, while the guy moved like a shadow and took away Frank from before me.

My other head would take more time to regenerate, but it was alright. But such a thing couldn’t go unpunished. I didn’t care about it that much, but Alice was different. I’d react stronger if she were to be hurt, and she was the same. I felt how her wrath reached the sky, while she started talking by using her mind power, with her bloody head, thanks to eating Natassia’s body.

“You damned bastard. You dared to attack my mate?! I swear upon my title, the Sovereign, that I’m going to eat you, crush you, no, torture you for doing such a thing. I’ll see how you’ll beg on the ground to release you from the living and let you die!”

The unknown guy laughed with an unbothered face as he responded -“Haha, at first you should stay alive. I don’t know who are you monsters, but you aren’t going to escape from this place. Frank is a good friend of mine and you’ll have to pay the price for hurting him!”

He looked at Frank as he continued - “Man, you are lucky that I came. You’d be dead by now. I hope that you can share that virgin elf with me as a reward when we are done here, right? I heard it from my father that you were able to abduct one! Hehe,” He questioned such a disgusting thing from Frank, in front of us. Great, now we have one more thing to do… Once we gain a bit more strength, we will have to save that poor elf. We hate rape to the core and we would fight against it if possible.

This guy at the seventh stage had red hair and blue eyes and considering how powerful he was, it could be said that he was a genius! He had more physical strength at his actual stage than the others! We had forty more strength than others at each stage. Reaching that kind of difference was impossible to normal people, but this guy had at least fifteen more golems of strength than the average cultivators. He was truly talented among the humans, which was sad...

“Oh, by the way, I’m so rude. My name is Wick Malmstad and I’m from the Malmstad clan,” he announced as he looked towards us and stuck out his chest proudly and then continued - “I’m telling you this so that you won’t die without knowing who was your doom. Remember my name because I’ll be sure to turn into a lord of the universe! Maybe if you reincarnate, you will be able to serve me. Hahaha!”

I felt like puking upon hearing this guy. One of the worst kind of people...He was talking loftily, uncaringly and arrogantly. He thought that he was better than everyone else. Such arrogance… not even we thought of such things. Were we powerful? Sure. Were we cheats? Sure. Were we probably the strongest pair in this universe? Sure! But not even we would say such things openly. You can never know what lurks in the darkness.

Walking in the light is the stupidest thing. You can’t see what lies in the darkness if you walk in the light. You have to choose the middle path to see both!

“Hahaha! As you said, as you said! Also, what you asked is a cheap price! You can take her virginity. It’s not like she would turn slack after a single night! Hehe- With you here, we can surely kill these two. I’m truly thanking you very much for saving my life!” Frank answered his question with a happy face, thinking that we were going to die.

“Hohoho~ That’s what I like to hear. An elf? I’m sure she must be a beauty!” Wick exclaimed loudly with a happy face.

Hearing their disgusting talk, we were enraged. Not only did they completely disregard us as if we would be dead, but they even started chatting about things like having a good night with an abducted elf! Just thinking about it made us angry! But we knew that if they were to fight with someone who was so much stronger than us, then we would die.

Since Max and Melleri were long gone, we had nothing to lose if we go away and hide, so for now, we retreated. Of course, these bastards surely didn’t intend to let us leave, but they can’t stop us. While they were chatting, we called for Ellery and she appeared above us with her spaceship. She waved her hands towards Wick and the others as we transformed into our human forms, and jumped into her spaceship. Its doors closed as those three were left there with their stupid and dumbfounded faces.

We felt great upon seeing that. We heard a shout - “Stop them! They are trying to get away!” - as the spaceship sped up and left them in the dust.

---------------------- Frank’s POV: --------------------------

Upon realizing that they escaped just like that, I felt enraged and anxious at the same time. “FUCK IT! THEY GOT AWAY AGAIN! AND NOW I DON’T HAVE ANYONE TO BLACKMAIL THEM WITH!” I shouted angrily because I couldn’t hold back my towering wrath.

“What about that golden eyed woman?” Wick questioned me with his brows raised. He had a perverted grin on his face. He probably wanted to ‘tame’ her as well.

“You can’t touch her. Her family is from the fifth level. If we touch her then we are all going to die...” I told him honestly as I shook my head and I didn’t know about her whereabouts either, so she was a lost cause.

“Ugh. Fuck! I liked her petite body…” Wick said, not caring about my problem. His mind was clearly wandering elsewhere. He suddenly made an enlightened and excited face as he shouted. “HEY! And what about that bombshell? Oh man… She was even more beautiful than any elf I’ve ever seen. It’s good that I’ll be able to track them down! Hahaha! Once I catch her… she is going to have a good fate as my personal sex-servant!”

Hearing his words, pricked my ears. Did he say that he had a way to track them down? Hearing his words, I quickly questioned him. “What did you say? Can you really track them down?”

He nodded as he answered my question. “Don’t worry. I used my mind power to leave a mark on the Hydra when I cut off its head, though it will activate only after a month... Or else he would notice it when I activate it. We will have to wait for it to settle down in his mind and then we will have to react quickly when the time comes. Until then, I should be able to break through to the middle seventh stage and by then.... Hmph, They are going to die!”

“Seriously!? That’s great! I’m going to our base and prepare our soldiers. I’ll be sure to exterminate those damned monsters,” I responded happily upon hearing his explanation. In that case, nothing was lost! I could still get my revenge!

“And what about that elf? I’m not going to help you for free...” Wick said such a thing as he looked at me. Completely shameless! This bastard! Even though he wants to take that blonde bombshell for himself, he is even asking for my elf?

“*Grunt* Alright. If you can help me kill them, then you can get to be her first partner… What do you say?” I grunted unhappily and then questioned him. His help was necessary since he would be the only one to know where those two were going to be.

“Deal!” He shouted as he extended his arm out for a handshake.

“Deal! But only if you can kill them!!” I shook hands with him as I also added my condition.

“Okay, okay...” He answered while shaking his head.

Our clan didn’t have cultivators at the seventh stage. Those cultivators mostly didn’t join any organization or if they did, then they would join to the Rising Sun Sect, or to the Warlords Tribe in the beastmen’s case. Who knows if those two are going to advance again? All help would come handy...

Although it was a bit sad that I wouldn’t get to take my elf's first time and I even had to wait for a month before getting my way with her, but it was still better if I had more chance for revenge. I wouldn’t let those two off the hook, no matter what! Also, since those two were at the third stage, I can be sure that my treasure is gone… Now the only thing left, which was driving me, was none other than my revenge! I wanted to take revenge and torture them!

“See? It would have been better if you would have let me join!” Tracy just had to speak and annoy me with her stupid words. I almost exploded after hearing her sentence, but I swallowed my rage. We said goodbye and went back to our headquarters. I also wanted to explain everything to my father. Maybe he knew more.

----------------------------- Hiro’s POV: -----------------------

With Ellery’s spaceship, we arrived even before Max and Melleri… Since they were traveling with a slower spaceship, they had to spend two hours to reach Cyder, even though they started off earlier. This is why we had to delay Frank, or else they would have been caught easily after scanning space, by using the scanners in the spaceships. After catching up to them and catching them… we could have gone back once again.

For now, everyone is going to live here, with us. Considering our love life, we decided to build a separate ‘house’ for them in the tree, much higher than ours. We were about to have our honeymoon! It would be terrible if we were to be heard! Upon seeing our house from the inside, since we led them around, all of them commented on it, telling that it was beautiful and cozy.

“Woah! I’ve never thought of living inside trees. But considering how huge they are, this is surely a wonderful idea! I feel like I don’t even want to leave this place anymore…” Ellery said after marveling at the nice environment.

“Hmm, just you wait!”I proudly exclaimed with my chest puffed out, and I was followed up by Alice.

“Yes, when the night comes all of these plants are going to shine with beautiful lights. That’s when this place becomes the most beautiful!”

Seeing our reaction, Ellery laughed at us and then she soon went back to her new room and started training. Thinking about his life and what he had to do, Max didn’t slack off anymore either. After he placed Melleri inside their room to meditate, he went straight into the wild to train. He probably didn’t want to be weak any longer. He wanted to grow and become someone his daughter can look up to! Who would want to stay a loser? I surely wouldn’t!

What he didn’t know was that talent was something imaginary! Of course, nothing was equal. There were people with more talent and there were people with less talent. A not confident person could be talented as well, while a self-confident person might not be a truly talented one. There were exceptions to everything. But what really determined ‘talent’ was actually how much they believed in themselves.

Humans and intelligent beings needed beliefs! If he would believe in his own talent, then he could advance faster and easier. You are the one shackling down yourself! If you believe in yourself then no one can stop you!

We went back to our own room and started… bonding, unlike the others who worked hard. We trained only after satisfying our lust and love for each other. Love was the first for us!

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