《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 5 - (Hidden title, it's at the bottom) [Edited]


(Title at the bottom cuz’ of spoiler)

Alice’s POV:


After separating from our hot and loving kiss, we looked at our surroundings. My cheeks probably still had a tint of red, but this wasn't the right place to do such things. Our surroundings were littered with corpses and blood. “We should take bath…” I voiced my thoughts as I looked down at myself.

Our clothes were covered in our enemies' blood. We left the place and we soon found a stream, nearby. I started undressing without thinking about my surroundings.

“Oh my god! Those round, plump buttocks, narrow waist and sexy thighs, not to mention your boobs! Are you really my girlfriend? I feel like pouncing on you!" Hiro shouted from behind me as he sucked in a breath of cold air. Oh... right. I forgot that my body has grown. Maybe I should have been more careful, though I don't care that much. He is going to be mine anyway.

“Hey, what are you standing there? We should leave this place as quickly as possible. There might be other teams looking for us” I reminded him as I entered the stream and Hiro followed after me as he said - “... Okay, Mrs. Naked.”

I started washing my body, but Hiro wasn't doing anything. He was looking at me with his bulging eyes. He was ogling my body without any reservation. I couldn't help but look downward and remark upon seeing his male genitalia - "You have a nice weapon there~ But you should start bathing." He said with a stupid face as he closed his mouth "A- Alright. When we have time, I'll be sure to love you, I'll mark you and make you into mine."

"Okay~" Was what I answered, clearly provoking him. When we were done, we got out of the stream and dried our bodies, then wore our armors. We were in need of clothes too... We left towards the nearest city, hoping to escape safely with the money, we have stolen from the corpses.

If we can reach the city, which probably isn't filled to the brim with soldiers, then we could buy two tickets and fly towards Shao planet. Even if they wouldn’t help us, but at least the Wu family wouldn’t be able to send their soldiers to catch us so easily. Then we could start our little business and train enough to be able to take revenge on the Wu family!

We could also leave this sector and travel to another one, where we could leave peacefully. We just have to go through the barriers and pay a little tax for the organizing powers of that sector. Every sector has barriers, which formed naturally when the universe was created.

But these barriers were only to divide up a realm into many pieces, while the levels were to divide up the universe! Passing through these sector barriers wasn't hard, but passing through the barriers between the realms, that was hard! It's also because of that reason that most of the cultivators don't bother to descend. We could pass the barriers between the sectors easily with a spaceship.

There were also organizations in these realms that controlled more than one sectors. If the Shao family could destroy their contenders the Wu family, then maybe they too could expand and get in control of the neighboring worlds. The Shao family was the first big organization here.

They get most of their money from taking taxes and from fighting back most of the monsters on this planet. By doing so, they acquire access to many places, where they are able to gather many resources and smith weapons and armors by using them.


I don't know what kind of people are there in the Shao family, but even if they aren't the best, at least they aren't destroying the hope of millions of people by 'stealing' away, their chance to cultivate and reach this realm.

We traveled for another two days before reaching the city. On our way, we had to take many detours because more and more soldiers have started appearing. It's better if we leave this planet quickly or we might be encircled by them! We had to evade them because we have sensed cultivators in those teams who were at the sixth stage! Killing such a person wasn't possible for now, without having our battle or monster forms.

-----------------Wu Shan's POV: --------------------------

“You two should be killed for missing those two! Did you really think that the guards would dare to not tell me something like this!? Hmph!! And to top it all off, you not only missed them when they were in front of you but you two are losers enough to not be able to catch them after such a long time! It's been more than a month!!" I shouted wrathfully upon thinking about the inability of these idiots.

“B-but Boss, even the higher level teams you sent after them, were killed! Cultivators at the third and fourth stage are no match for them! It can’t be our faults!” They started defending themselves by saying such stupid things. "WHO CARES!? Why am I paying you!? If you can't do that much, then I can also take away your life!" I shouted at them.

"B- But we are only at the second stage! We would have no chance against them!" They protested in fear. I love when my soldiers, no, Servants! - fear me. It makes me feel great! "If you two hadn't had slept, then those two would be in my hands by now!" I shouted feeling my wrath raising as I kicked them in the face.

Their teeth fell out of their mouths and they spat out a mouthful of blood. For now, I'm going to spare their lives. If I'd have used my full strength, then their heads would have been torn off! After my kick, they bowed their heads down and kept quiet.

“The dead soldiers of our family have been found already four times. It’s visible that they are moving towards the 25th Wu city. Maybe we should make a trap for them, " I said mumbling with a low voice as I was walking around. The Shao family had their planets named by the other cultivators for their deeds in the past. But I love to be great! I want to hear everyone celebrating my name!

Out of that reason, after I took control of this planet, I renamed this planet to my name and every city in it! Feeling my greatness, I've decided to go with my plans. Yes, everything I say is good and right! "HEY! You two trash! Pass on my order to draw back all of our powers and let them go into the city! Tell the soldiers to hide their presence and tracks as much as they can and encircle the city.”

“We have to capture them when they go into the city. They will have no way to escape! I can’t make a mistake... Alright! Only soldiers from fifth stage up are allowed to participate in this action! The others below that stage should group up into teams of five. I don’t believe that they could kill those teams and leave before the reinforcements would arrive!"


I said as I thought about every possibility there is. It took a lot of time at first to find their tracks, but after the first team they have killed, died, we were able to slowly find out their path. Unfortunately, they aren't idiots to move in a straight line so it's very hard, but I'm sure that they are going to enter the city. At that time...

“Yes, Boss! We will pass on your orders! You won’t be disappointed!” Those two idiots shouted with a respectful face. Yes, that's what I like! “Hmph! You better, or your heads are going to roll this time!” I threatened them as I shook my pointing finger.

-------------- Alice's POV once again: -------------------------

Strangely enough, before we had been found more frequently, but ever since killing the last batch, we hadn’t been found even once! It was like the calm before the storm. Seeing the city, we became happy. We were so close to escaping! "Let's stay careful. It's been strangely quiet for a while." Hiro warned me, but I was clear on that.

It was nighttime, but the city lights lit up the dark sky beautifully. The electricity was provided by energy crystals. These crystals can be made by cultivators by collecting the Universe Energy in a single point, or they can be found under the ground. Although controlling the Universe Energy perfectly was impossible because that was something which was only possible from the eighth realm onward, but collecting a small amount in our hands was doable.

One such crystal could serve a house on Earth with enough electricity for a whole year. Naturally, there were Energy Crystals with more and less capacity too. The ones with the higher capacity could serve even a city for ten years, but most of them were built into the spaceships. Power was necessary for everything...

We weren't stupid enough to go through the gates and be noticed by the guards this time as well. After finding a good spot, we quickly jumped over the city wall. We quickly moved towards the center of the city where the Space Travel agency was found.

We entered the building and went up to the receptionist. "Hello, we would like to buy two tickets to Orbon planet," I said with a smile. The guy slightly blushed as he started fiddling with his hands, then he said as he looked up. "T- That's going to cost a thousand gold coins for the two of you, but I'll pay a quarter of your ticket," he said with a wink. I felt like killing him on the spot...

Unfortunately, I had to bear with him because killing him could mean our death and I don't want to risk, losing Hiro. I love him, I'm clear about that. Orbon planet was the planet of the Shao family. The memory crystals also told us that it was renamed to Shao planet only later on.

Feeling restless, Hiro quickly handed over a thousand coins with an unhappy look. "I told you that I'm going to pay for her-" The receptionist guy had the face to try refusing it, but Hiro stopped him. "Shut up. She is my girlfriend and we don't need your money." Right! If only he would also punch him in the face~ We should come back in the future to do it.

"Alright then... Your spaceship is going to arrive in ten minutes." He said unhappily. I want to strangle him! I'm already hating this guy! “Can I ask you something? What if ‘something’ happens, can we ask the company to send their spaceship to another city?” Hiro said, thinking about our position.

“If the customer wishes so, then yes. It doesn’t matter since it isn’t going to land anyway," he said, clearly looking down on Hiro for now knowing it. My hands were itching. Should I cast a fireball at his face before leaving?

“Can we communicate with the pilot? I have a feeling that we will be compelled to leave the city..." Hiro answered calmly. He seemed to be way too calm. Maybe it's because he is angrier than usually. I know that he is very possessive, but I like it. Hearing this guy saying such things in front of him is probably annoying him very much.

“It’s only ten minutes... What could happen in ten minutes?” Answered the guy as he handed over a microphone. Just as he finished his sentence, the door was smashed open by a kick. Wu Shan came in shouting. “You bastards, come here and face your death! You are going to die a painful death you little brats!”

Upon seeing us, his eyes opened widely and he rubbed them. Trying to play him, I said: "Good Evening mister. Who are you searching for?" He raised his eyebrows upon hearing my words, but the woman next to him, who was at the eighth stage whispered something in his ear. She used wind magic to cover her voice or else I'd have heard it. Our hearing was no joke...

Wu Shan smirked as he looked at us. "Did you really think that I'd be played by you? Encircle them! There is no way out for you!" He shouted his orders after ridiculing me. Hiro put his arm around my waist. He felt restless, but I was the same. We were in a pinch!

“Mister Wu Shao! Fighting is prohibited in the building! You have to leave this place if you have no business here!” At this time, the receptionist behind us shouted at him. At least he was good for something... I'll forgive his words from before. But I'm still hating him to the core.

After shouting he winked at me and gave me a paper which said: Could we meet a bit later and go on a date? I suck it back. There is no forgiving and now I'm hating him even more. “Take them out of the building without ‘fighting’ then we won’t violate the rules right?” Wu Shan said with a smirk.

Upon hearing him saying that with his bloodlust and aura released, the idiot receptionist who was only at the second stage, shook in his place and didn't dare to refute. He kept silent afterward. Such a loser. Fearing some aura and bloodlust? And he dared to think highly enough of himself to ask me out? I'd never be interested in any guy, except Hiro, not to mention these weak willed little girls.

“We don’t want to go with you, so you will have to fight. In that case, you would violate the rules, you know?" Hiro said, unafraid of Wu Shan. That's my mate~ Being nervous at such a moment was natural, but being nervous and being fearful wasn't the same!

"Wu Shan! I have an offer! I'll make an oath that we are going to leave this building, but you will also have to make an oath, that you are going to leave the building with your soldiers before us and go a hundred meters away!" Hiro continued with a serious voice.

"Hmph. The struggling of cornered animals! Alright!" He said with a - hmph - as he indicated for us to make the oath. "I swear upon the heavens, that we are going to leave the building!" Both of us said at the same time. A light shone on our bodies.

With an unwilling look, Wu Shan said: "I swear upon the heavens that I'm going to leave this building before the two people standing in front of me and that I'm not going to go closer than a hundred meters for fifteen minutes." Since the default penalty was death, none of us would dare to break the oath.

Wu Shan probably thought that it doesn't matter if he goes a hundred meter further from the building. With so many people, he could encircle it tightly so would have no way out. Or so he thought. As he left the building with his idiot entourage, we started laughing at him loudly.

"YOU BASTARDS! WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT! I'M GOING TO ENJOY THAT GIRL AND YOU ARE GOING TO DIE A PAINFUL DEATH!" He shouted with a red face, full of rage. He even dared to threaten me! Threatening a dragon was a serious mistake! Hiro answered him, while still laughing. "You idiot, we can simply leave on the spaceship like this. It seems like your family is full of retards. No one stopped you from taking the oath, haha!"

“YOU LITTLE BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU TRICK ME? AND YOU USELESS FOOLS WHY DID YOU NOT NOTIFY ME THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THIS OATH! FUCKING IDIOTS!” He shouted angrily and kicked the closest ones to him. Typical... Although mainly he is the one at fault, yet he is blaming it on others. They were indeed a group of monkeys. But fear not because once I grow up to be a big dragon, I'll be sure to destroy them completely!

After standing there for another three minutes we saw a spaceship appearing, then it stopped above the building. The roof of the building opened and we felt the gravity around us turn the other way around. We started levitating upward. Reaching the spaceship would take at most three seconds, I thought, but when we flew out on the roof of the building, we were welcomed by bows pointed towards us and arrows flying towards us.

When we reached the top of the roof, they immediately shoot their arrows, while others used magical attacks. They didn’t spare effort to shoot us off. We had to defend ourselves. Both of us started to casting all kinds of elemental shields and walls nonstop. Most of the arrows which were shot by the weaker cultivators were stopped by our walls.

But people at the fifth stage and above shoot much more powerful attacks. Since the arrows were already VERY close to us, both of us took out our metal swords and started deflecting the incoming arrows. We couldn’t take all of them on since some of these arrows were so powerful, that even after colliding with our magical walls and shields, they continued on their ways towards us with great power.

Although, we were able to block most of the arrows, but some of them still scratched or wounded us. To my dismay, Hiro was shot through the left side of his stomach. The energy of the arrow started rampaging inside his body. He spat out a mouthful of blood as we finally reached the end of our flight and entered this damned spaceship.

We heard booming sounds on the side of the spaceship, but it was made from hard metals. Such attacks wouldn't even leave a mark on its side. I felt fear as I looked at Hiro's wound. I feared that I might lose him. I quickly asked, feeling worried. “Hiro! Are you alright? You are going to be fine right?!”

“Haha! Don’t worry. This isn’t so bad! I’ll be fine-” Unexpectedly, he answered with a laugh, then grunted as he felt the pain thanks to his laughing.

He grabbed onto the arrow and pulled it out of his body, with a small grunt. I started using water, light, and nature magic on his wound to quicken up his healing. To my surprise, he was healing with a visible speed! In just fifteen minutes, the hole in his stomach was completely gone without a scar.

I felt my worry slowly go away and I felt something else raising in my heart. Relief. I pounced on him and embraced him tightly. "You idiot! How can you scare me so much! What if I would have lost you!? Do you want to leave me alone? Don't do this with me ever again!" I shouted at him.

I felt his arms sneak around my back. Thinking about his regeneration speed, I quickly asked him about his race. I can't help it... I'm curious! "Seriously... what was that recovery speed? I too am fast, but even I can't race with you when it comes to recovery speed. Just what are you?"

He leaned close to my ear as he whispered his answer into it. Upon hearing it, I opened my eyes widely. "So that's why you are such a cheat! You are indeed an unfair monster! How the hell did I not think about that!? And here you are, making me worried! If I'd have known your race, then I would have never worried about such a thing!"

Recovering a lost arm in a second is a property of at least a ninth level cultivator, but Hiro's race not only had powerful attacks and abilities but it was an almost unkillable race! Once he reaches the higher levels he is going to turn into a terrifying close ranged fighter! We, dragons had high vitality and I too would recover in at most thirty to forty minutes, but he did it in fifteen minutes!

Hiro couldn't help but tease me: "You know, you had a really cute face while you were worried about my health. It was really nice to see your face." Hearing him teasing me made me slightly annoyed, so I took the opportunity to use my most destructive weapon against him. “Hoo~ someone is really cheeky~”

Upon seeing the change in my facial expression, his face became slightly terrified. He was afraid! Hiro is the dominant type and he wouldn't fear being hit by a woman, but he too knew it that I'm not that kind of girl. I wouldn't hurt my mate. He feared another thing. We decided to have our first time when our bodies grow to look like eighteen years old humans. I don't know if I was really as beautiful as he said, but I was sure as hell that he meant it.

He was lusting after me for quite a long while. I caught him a few times in the forest while being in action, though I've never told him about that. He was fearing that I'd start seducing him and since he didn't want to break our promise, he would have to hold himself back. Walking around hornily surely doesn't feel good.

(AN:\It's not yet time for the real deal. It's in the 9th chapter, but warming up isn't a bad thing. If you aren't interested in it, then it's the end of the chapter. If you are, then continue on reading! So 18+!)

---------- Hiro's POV: ------------- 18+ ---------------------

She climbed close to me and pressed her big and soft boobs against me. She put her right hand on my thigh, close to my crotch and started caressing me. As her long and beautiful blonde hair fell on my face, I felt a strong fragrance invading my nose. I became muddle-headed. The armor we had on was quite thin too. She started whispering into my ears.

“Hey, hey, I see that you like teasing me very much, but what about you? Do you like to be teased?” Feeling her warm breath on my ear, a feeling of anticipation started flooding my mind as I started thinking about how she would feel in the bed. “To me, it seems like you do... Are you anticipating something?” She continued on while grinding her body on mine.

Hearing this my breath became ragged and my heart started beating rapidly. The last time I masturbated was about four days before so I was really pent up. Living my whole life with such a beauty, who also loved me was really hard before we would take the final step and give away our virginity. I had to see her sexy body every day and thanks to being chased, I had no way to enjoy it, even though she would do anything!

I answered her while panting heavily. “Haahaa... Hey, Alice, stop playing around with me, I want you and now that you have pulled up the bow, you must also release its string. Use your hands." Hearing this she was slightly surprised because I said this seriously. Yeah, I was actually asking for a handjob with a straight face!

She made a thinking face, then soon she smiled at me and kissed my face. After doing so she moved to my left ear and whispered into it. "Alright." That word alone was enough to make me completely hard. She sneaked her right hand into my pants and took possession of my cock as she grabbed onto it at its shaft.

“Yes, grab onto my dick tightly and start doing it. You are mine and I’m yours so you don’t have to be shameful!” I said, feeling my anticipation rising. I- I was about to get my first handjob by my girlfriend who is more beautiful than any woman in the world! Her pink lips were moving non-stop as she was breathing in and out. I felt her pulse rising and her breath became just as ragged as mine. Was she into serving me in sexual ways?

A tint of red has appeared on her face as she started moving her warm hands up and down. She was moving her hands at first slowly and weakly. "Grab onto it harder. It only makes me feel good." I said as I whispered into her ear. I saw her body shuddering for a moment upon feeling my warm breath. It seems like she is weak to her ears. Fufu~

She held tightly onto my penis. She sometimes moved slowly, teasing me in the process and sometimes faster and harder making me feel very good. Unexpectedly, she bit on my left ear weakly, making me almost immediately go to the top of the mountain... She kept stroking my cock harder and harder and my breath was becoming more and more ragged.

She saw the ecstasy on my face from feeling good. She probably felt that I was very close to cumming, thanks to the trembling of my penis. She quickened her pace to the utmost she could. I've soon released my biggest load ever, considering both of my lives. A big mass of white, sticky and hot liquid shoot out of my penis and splashed on her thighs and hands, drenching even my pants.

“Ughh~ I was really pent up and you are way too hot...” I remarked while I was still breathing heavily. As she pulled out her hands from my pants, a line of white, slimy, hot sperm was still connecting her hands to my crotch. Seeing this I looked at her as I said:

“Uh, that’s fucking hot. Now it's time for me to make you feel good, I'm not going to leave my woman lusting!" She answered by saying:

"Hehe~ You should have seen your pitiful face while you were enjoying this so much. Should I tease you again? But I don’t think that you are going to be satisfied with a handjob anymore... right?"

"What? Don't divert the topic about this!" I said as I put my hands under her skirt and touched her private place, which to she responded with a cute shout and by shutting her legs tightly. "Ahn~ N- No! Wait. If you start playing with me there, I'm not going to be able to hold back!"

Feeling my dominance rising in my chest, I was about to open her legs and pounce on her, but at that time, someone else answered through the announcing system of the spaceship.

-------------------- 3rd POV: ---------------------

At this time the pilot of the spaceship - unluckily to someone and luckily to someone - who saw everything through the surveillance system, already had a boner and didn’t want to be tortured by them anymore so he spoke through the announcing system..o.

“Well, that wouldn’t be good, the intimate relationship is banned on my spaceship from now on!”

Title: Escaping

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