《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 4 - Unexpected Welcoming (Second Level) [Edited]


Unexpected welcoming

Hiro's POV:


We have spent only a single week to reach the ninth stage because we always moved to the center of the valley when we cultivated. At that place, we were able to advance much quicker than before.

"Shall we drink it?" Alice asked expectantly as she was looking at the flask in her hand. "Let's do it." I said. She gulped down half of it and then after handing the flask over, she quickly sat down to cultivate. I've done the same after taking it from her. I started rotating my * Qi with high speed and thanks to the liquefied Universe Energy, our energies were rising rapidly. In a few seconds we both reached the middle, then the peak of ninth stage.

We didn't stop there because we still had some liquefied energy left in our bodies. We soon felt that our auras were rising more and more and after a short time, we felt our cells burst with our energies. Suddenly both of us shot up from the ground and released our auras. I felt a great power in my body and it was clear from Alice's elated face, that she felt the same.

Although we had one hundred and forty-three horses of strength, but we can't break through to the next level called Space Founding Realm and gain even more strength, before taking on the heavenly tribulation. Of course, we don't have to wait for long. We saw the dark clouds creeping towards us at a quick pace. Strong winds were blowing in the area and bolts of lightning were flickering among the clouds, running amok like wild horses.

If we want to ascend to Space Founding Realm, then we have to take on a single lightning. Another one is added to it after each level, which means that we will have to take on two bolts of lightning to ascend to the third level. Of course, all of them are going to become exponentially stronger. If we want to reach the tenth level? Then we have to take on exactly nine bolts of lightning before succeeding.

There are even 'side attacks' in some of the bolts of lightning at the higher levels. Side attacks like mind attacks! Of course, we are only at low levels so it's irrelevant for now. If there are more people, who can ascend at the same time, then the lightning isn't going to become stronger.

But if someone who can't ascend because the person isn't at the peak of ninth stage, stands inside the area of the tribulation, then that person not only has to take on the tribulation but its power is going to be even more ferocious. Unfortunately, this affects those who are trying to ascend too.

When a monster or a person ascends, the residual lightning which can't be blocked goes into their bodies, making them evolve in a short span of time. The more residual lightning goes through their bodies the more they are going to evolve and advance in power. Naturally, this is only possible if they take on more powerful tribulations than the average. We were such people or maybe monsters...

Stronger tribulations also meant that our bodies would become tougher. We went out of the valley and ran to the top of the cliff where we came here, about sixth months ago. The blue vortex of lightning, which threatened to fall on our heads at any moment, didn't wait any longer as it surged then shot out two thick bolts of lightning towards us.

We have long ago prepared for it because we weren't as quick as lightning, yet. Alice conjured a huge dragon, but it was different than before. This time she was able to add two legs to the dragon's form. I've also done the same thing, except that mine, had three lesser heads.


When the lightning crashed down on us, we have already our attacks on the path of lightning. Our attacks and the two bolts of lightning met head on. We didn't take it easy and conjured another weaker one, and quickly shot it towards the lightning. When the bolts of lightning broke our attacks, it had to face another pair of attacks, though weaker ones.

Those two bolts of lightning barely had any powers left when they reached our bodies. Our protective layer of Qi was enough to stop it, while the residual lightning entered our bodies. It started burning down our cells and reconstructing them, which caused quite a lot of pain, but it wasn't unbearable. We smelled a burnt smell, but our transformation soon finished.

Thanks to our bodies being pure, the lightning was able to go through all of our pores easily. We didn't have such black masses inside us anymore. We have shed our mortal skins and stepped on the road of immortality! Our skin became smooth yet hard at the same time. Every mortal would be envious upon seeing our perfect and spotless skins.

We also felt a great power, inside our bodies, our muscles, and every fiber we had. I cracked my knuckles. As a finishing process, the lightning entered into our brains and helped us in building our sea of consciousness. Only third level cultivators were supposed to have it, but we are cheats... I felt something like a small lake slowly appearing in my mind. I finally had mind power!

Although it was scarce and I didn't have much, but it was very rare to have at this level and even if someone had it, that person was probably at the ninth stage and that person would be a prodigy. When thinking about how I'm already having it... I feel so great! Being a cheat is such a great thing! The bolts of lightning have completely vanished and I was left with a happy Alice in front of me.

She rushed over and hugged me in her happiness. To be honest, she caught me really off guard, though I also hugged her back. Soon we separated from each other and sat down on the ground, right next to each other. When a person goes through the heavenly tribulation, he or she can stay back for a month, at most. We just simply have to think of it. Before ascending, we wanted to try out our new abilities.

Firstly, it was time to enchant and inscribe! All I needed to enchant was a strong imagination and mind power! I haven't done it before because I was missing that component and rune inscribing was the same! If I want to enchant then I just have to think about the effect I want to reach, name it and then pour my mind power into that imagined effect.

I've enchanted Toughness, Deflect and Parry on our armors, which made their effects obvious... When I was done with our armors, I've also enchanted our bone weapons with Sharpness, Toughness, and Pierce. To be honest, I was a rookie at this so I didn't know what to enchant them with. On the other hand, having a weapon with two enchantments was already great, but I'll be able to enchant weapons with four enchantments! Those weapons could become legends!

Meanwhile, Alice was inscribing our armors with runes, which was very similar to enchanting, except that you had to know a different language and write on the selected pieces of equipment, using that language. The difference between enchantment and inscription was that enchantment was weaker, but passive, while inscription was more powerful, but you had to expend your energy to activate it.


When we were done with this, there came the next topic, the elements! There are thirteen kinds of elements.

Water/Ice->Fire/Magma->Nature/Wind->Earth/Dirt/Sand->Lightning-> and Water/Ice once again. These are in a circle, with each of them having a weakness. In the middle is the light and the dark element, which is on equal grounds, creating the balance and lastly, outside of these are the Death magic with deadly attacks. There is also a thing called Curse magic, but that's still further away from us and it is also a bit more complicated.

While the lightning was inside our bodies, it also transformed our basic energies, which we called Qi, into Space Energy. Now that we had Space Energies, we were able to access the lowest component of the Universe Energy, called the elements. We are able to cultivate the Universe Energy, but most of it is leaving our bodies because we can't control every part of it. It's built up of Space Energy, Elementals, World Energy, and the Universe Laws.

At the Space Founding Realm, we become able to control these two lowest units of the Universe Energy. When cultivators fought using these thirteen elements, they referred to this as using magic. If they used their internal Space Energies to conjure their own skills, that wasn’t called magic.

Only if they used these elements. But since usually, everyone sought to infuse as many elements as they could into their attacks, everyone used magical attacks on these lower levels. Why not on the higher ones? It's because the second and third level is about infusing the elements into our bodies, which was to prepare to take in the World Energy on the fourth level!

If we were to try cultivating World Energy, then we would be lucky if we can't control it. The worse case was if we can and infuse it into our body because we would explode on the spot. If you want to cultivate the highest unit, then at first you have to start collecting the lowest one. That's the way of the heaven! So the reason why cultivators at higher stages didn't use magical attack was because they were immune to it!

On the fourth level, your elemental body is completely constructed, which means that you are immune to every element. You could walk around in lava without even feeling hot so why would anyone bother to attack you with a, let's say... fireball? Only an idiot would do such a thing.

In the fifth realm, where you can build your own world by using your World Energy, you also need elements to do so. What kind of world would you create if it doesn't have any elements in it? So now that we have reached the Space Founding Realm, we wanted to try out how it feels to control the elements before ascending.

If you want to control the elements, you have to use your Space Energy as a catalyst. The elements can be stuck onto your Space Energy, which would take the form of an element, depending on what you have stuck to it. I've always wanted to shoot fireballs out of my hands so that was the first I've tried. I controlled the fire element in my surroundings and stuck it onto a stream of my Space Energy.

It took the form of a fire sword in my hand. Then I also made a ball of lightning appear in my hands and threw it towards a bird which flew by. The ball of lightning transformed into a bolt of lightning as it struck the bird. The poor animal's charred corpse fell to the ground, but I didn't care. One bird was worth my enjoyment! "I'm fucking Zeus! Haha!" I shouted happily.

"Haha~ You are, you are." Alice laughed at my words. She was using nature magic to grow a huge tree on the cliff, then set it on fire with a flamethrower! My girlfriend is better than me for fuck's sake! I couldn't help but copy her idea and I also made a flamethrower. After playing ourselves out, we didn't stop our ascension any longer. A bright light shone down on us and we disappeared from the place we stood at.

We appeared in a cave as we looked at each other. We looked like two thirteen-years-old kids. I had short brown hair with my trademark-like shining green eyes. I was about one hundred and sixty centimeters tall (5 feet 3 in) and I had a lean, but muscular body.

I'm quite sure that I'm going to turn into a sturdy, buff man in the future. "Who is that handsome guy?" Alice said jokingly as she looked at me, but I'm not dense... I know that she meant it, which made me feel great. Being praised, by such a beauty like her would make anyone feel great.

She had long blonde hair, with the same green eyes as me. She had a beautiful face with a thin and short nose and thin brows. She was about one hundred and forty centimeters tall (4 feet 7 in) and her body was slim, but I'm sure that she is going to be a busty girl as she already had a quite plump chest. I didn't expect anything less from my other half~ Though being slim was nothing out of the ordinary.

There weren't cultivators who were fat because we can simply burn it away with a thought... If there would be anyone fat, then it would be possible only if the person itself wants to be fat, but that's unlikely. We also had brown colored armors on, with bone swords and shields on our back. We also had shin guards made of bones.

We probably looked like two primitive kids, who lived their whole lives in a cave. Now that I think about we are IN a CAVE... Heaven is playing a prank on us, is it not? At first, we sat down to meditate because the natural energies were much thicker here than on that damned rural planet we were born on.

After collecting enough elemental energies and building them into our bodies, we felt that we were more united with the universe. Cultivation was all about unity and being one with the universe! On the third level, we will also learn to create our own domains and on the fourth, we will have to convert our Space Energies into World Energy, but those are for the future.

We started moving upwards in the cave while chatting. “Haha- finally we are up! I was really craving for some real food and a good bath too. Although, we ate quite a lot of meat, but it was still only meat without any spices." I said, happy about us, being here.

“Yes, though you have your past life’s memories but to me it's different. I know many things which are hard to come by thanks to my inherent memories, but most of them are about cultivation. You may have eaten delicious food in your past life, but I on the other hand only ate this normal roasted meat without any real taste. It was good but I want to try something new!” Alice said, making a hungry face as even her stomach growled.

“Don’t worry, now we will be able to do that. But at first... We need money because we are completely broke...” I sadly reminded her of our poverty. We didn't collect any gold coins and all we had were spent to buy our tent, our flasks, and such things.

“... Do you have an idea about how to get money?” Alice questioned me with a helpless face. She didn't seem like one who cared too much about money... which is great! I want to provide with her everything I can, but keeping a pig beside you who is eating all of your money is no good! Of course, I knew that Alice isn't such a person or else she wouldn't be my other half! She was perfect for me in EVERY way!

"To be honest, I have no idea. Maybe we could take up some quests if there are any, or we could enchant and inscribe others' weapons for money. I'm sure that we could become rich overnight." I said after thinking about our possibilities.

"Hmm- That's indeed true. I guess we should go with one of those." Alice also agreed with my words, while having a thoughtful face.

Everyone is trying to enhance their strength to become stronger than the other, even if a little bit because, at some cases, it could make a difference between living or dying. If we were to start an enchanting and inscribing business, then I'm sure that we would become rich in a short time!

While we were talking about our future, we have arrived at the entrance of the cave, where we found two guards who were lying on the ground, snoring loudly. Both of them wore a low-tier armor with a bloody eagle painted on their chests. I have no idea who they were, but this isn't the best place to sleep at. Of course, I'm not going to wake them up.

To be honest, we could easily beat them even though they were at the second stage of Space Founding Realm. We aren't True Divine Beasts for nothing. A hundred horses of strength are equal to one golem of strength. Normally, cultivators have five golems of strength at the first stage, while we have ten and we would gain twenty after each stage, instead of the average fifteen.

This meant that while others would have one hundred and twenty-five golems of strength at the early ninth stage, we would have one hundred and seventy. These two had twenty golems of strength, which meant that with our tough and powerful bodies, superior skills and good coordination, we could beat them quite easily. Our lifespans have also increased to three hundred years and we would gain another twenty years after each stage, reaching four hundred and sixty years at the ninth stage.

When we were out of sight we continued on chatting again, like nothing has ever happened. After walking for about five minutes, we unexpectedly came across a city. Probably this wasn’t the biggest, but it was still quite big. When we reached the gates there stood two guards, but they had different looking armors than those two at the cave.

"Halt! What is your purpose?" He said upon noticing us nearing the gates. "Hello, we are looking for an inn." The guard measured us up once again as he said. "You two are really young. You two are rare talents! Go in!" He said after praising us.

If he would have known that we are only close to being one year old, then most likely he would faint on the spot. When we got into the city we have soon found an inn and went into it. There were a few tables, with customers sitting at them and there was also a counter. We went up to it to ask the girl about a few things.

"Hello! Can we have you for a moment?" I said politely. The girl at the counter turned back and upon seeing us, she said. "Oh my god~ You can have me for even more moments! Two such cute children! Fufu~" E- Eh? What's with her? Alice whispered into my right ear. "Back off." I took her advice to the heart as I stepped back.

"Eh~ Why are you running away from me? I was about to hug you two!" She said... "Now seriously, could we get some information? We have just ascended..." I said honestly, hoping for her to turn serious. "*Sigh* You are no fun! Alright, I'll help you out." She said with a sigh.

"All you have to do is go to the information building, touch the Memory Crystal and Wuala! You have everything you want to know!" She finally explained everything clearly. "We thank you very much!" Both of us thanked her. She waved her hands as she said: "No problem, come anytime~" We left the place and searched for the building she has mentioned.

We soon found it and after touching the memory crystal, we have indeed learned about everything that was in this realm, also containing the leading powers. In this sector, there were even spaceships and we could also go to other sectors too! (Universe dividing)

This Sector was called Droney and one of the leading powers was the Wu family, the other one being the Shao family. The Wu family was a newly rising star... who were getting their income from advertising their liquefied Universe Energy. It seems like they are going to become our enemies in the near future...

We have also learned, that some sectors were different from other and this was one such sector. There are sectors, where the beastmen and the elves are suppressed, called Human Sectors. There are also sectors where the humans and the beastmen are suppressed, called Elven Sectors and lastly, there are sectors where the humans and elves are suppressed, called Beast Sectors...

This one was a Human Sector, which was devoid of beastmen or elves... Such a letdown! I wanted to see beastmen and elves, yet they fuck up my plans! There are also sectors where none of the sides can win, making them into a sector, which is called Stagnation Sector. If at least this would be one such sector, then we could go around and visit every race!

"Do you have an idea why are they fighting?" I asked Alice hoping that her inherent memories had more about this. Why would these three races fight with each other all the time? It's so stupid! "I don't know either... but why you ask. You should know it better. It's because they want to! Would you sit on your butt and cultivate peacefully or would you rather fight wars with different races?"

Alice said and thinking about it, I couldn't find fault in her words. Humans were restless on the Earth too, so why would they be any different here? And it's not only them. Probably the other two races are also like that in that aspect. Not to mention fighting among our own race, these are different races!

I could imagine ridiculous reasons for wars, like their looks... Oh, wait... that has happened on Earth too. It seems like intelligent beings can fight over anything! I started laughing upon thinking about that. "What are you laughing at?" Alice asked me curiously and after telling her she too chuckled at it.

"Well... We, True Divine Beasts are different in that aspect. We are very rare, to begin with, and we don't belong to any of these races. We can coexist with any race peacefully." I said, but Alice finished my sentence differently than I thought. "or eat all of them equally..." Hearing her words I couldn't help but laugh.

Although it was like this at the lower stages, but for some unknown reason, my inherent memories are telling me that it's different from the fifth realm onwards. I guess we are going to know about that too in the future. Future has so many answers...

We left the information house, which was close to the gate, but our ears picked up on something interesting. “Hey did you hear about what has happened with the Wu family?” Someone started gossiping. “What? Did something happen?” And of course, there would be people interested in hearing something about one of the main leaders. I was no different!

I, myself don't like spreading rumors, but listening to them can be quite entertaining sometimes. “Yes! Some of the family's soldiers told that two kids from the lower realms, where they set up that formation thousands of years ago, with the help of a hired expert, destroyed it and even took away the remaining liquid energy!” Eh? So it was about us?

“Most of the family’s income was coming from the sold off liquid energy. They've gained huge amounts of wealth and that’s how they've become one of the powerhouses in this sector. Luckily for those two brats, their influence is quite weak on some of the planets, especially where the biggest nemesis of the Wu family is, the planet of the Shao family!”

“Oh! That's bad news for the Wu family. They have been fighting against each other for a long time. Now that they have lost their source of income, they won't be able to keep up their army!"

“Yes, but *shhh* don’t shout... They might take you away if they hear what you have just said and beat you to the death!” The gossiping guy soothed the excited listener. "Alice... It seems like we are busted! But how the hell do they know about our looks?" I asked disgruntled, which to Alice answered with a shrug of her shoulder.

Alice had a thoughtful look then she looked at me as she said: "I think that we should quickly leave this WU planet and go to the SHAO planet. Ugh... such narcissistic names, whatever. So what I've wanted to say, is that in my opinion, we should ask for their protection or something... Although we could kill this whole family once we reach at least the eighth stage, but before that, we have to stay alive!"

"Yeah, we have to practice really hard, but for now we should leave the city. After a few weeks, we would look like sixteen-years-old teenagers and since they are searching for two kids, we could get away. Then all we have to do is to collect some money and leave 'WU' planet..." I said, already thinking about our plan.

“Uhh... This is such a bad luck! I wanted to live leisurely in this realm, yet here we are, being chased by these idiots! I swear upon my race that I'm going to destroy this Wu Shan!" Alice said angrily while gritting her teeth.

“*Sigh* At least, thanks to this memory crystal we know that we have to avoid those with the blood eagle mark. We should have killed those two at the cave too..." I said with a grunt. We started moving out of the city. We soon reached the gates, but unexpectedly we had to see those two who were at the cave, chatting with the guards.

We quickly jumped into an alleyway and crept closer to them to hear their conversation. “So which way did they go?” Asked the stupid soldier one. The guard pointed towards the place we left before. "How do they know that we are here? They haven't even seen us!" I whispered angrily to Alice.

“Fuck it! This is such a bad luck! Please don’t tell this to the boss or he is going to kill us!” Shouted stupid soldier one. “See? I told you that we shouldn’t sleep! Thanks to that, all we have seen were footprints on the ground... Had they been more careful, we would be still waiting for them to come!" Said stupid soldier two.

I felt a burning rage inside my throat. I was about to sprout flames from my mouth, even though that was supposed to be Alice's role! If we would have killed those two, then leaving this planet peacefully wouldn't be just a dream!

Alice said with a small sigh: “*Sigh* It doesn’t matter anymore. Let's leave by jumping over the walls and then go towards a forest. We should leave quickly or else they might lock down the whole city. At that time, leaving is going to be really hard."

After hearing this I nodded and we went further away from the gate. After being far enough and finding a place devoid of life, we jumped over the wall and went far away from the city. We went around the city in a big circle. Now even if some people have seen us and they were to tell us off, they would point the soldiers towards the wrong direction.

After entering the forest, we used our mind powers to map our surroundings. Our mind powers were our real advantages because it can reach much further than these stupid soldiers Space Energies. With its help, we can easily evade them! A week has passed by without anyone finding us. A day on this planet, which was four times bigger than a planet in the first realm, was equal to four days in the first realm!

It was nothing complicated. It was because a single day wasn't twenty-four hours but ninety-six. So in truth, you could also say that even after a month, they weren't able to locate us. Thanks to that, we had enough time to reach the second stage, which would make it easier for us to escape or kill our enemies. We have become quite proficient in using elemental attacks too, which made it easier for us to fight.

We had thirty golems of strength, which was enough for us to fight against someone at the early fifth stage, who have fifty golems of strength. Of course, that would be a hard battle and we would have to fight two versus one. But taking care of fourth stage cultivators? Hmph... Under this period of time, we have also changed our armors into better ones.

We were finally able to enchant an equipment and inscribe it with runes four times. The only problem was that these hides and bones would break from so many enchantments and inscriptions and because of that reason, we had to keep them low. We were really in need of metals and real weapons... We were trying to get to another city, but as we were traveling, we were sensing our enemies more and more.

I don't know what method they use to locate us, but it's really annoying. After another three days, our luck has finally run out because we were found by a group of soldiers from the Wu clan. It was a group of five and three of them were at the third stage while two of them were at the fourth stage. Although our bodies looked like fifteen years old teenagers, but they still knew who we are.

It's not like there would be anyone in these forests at such a time, not to mention that although we were bigger, but our facial expressions haven't changed that much. What can I say? Alice is fucking hot! Her boobs are big and she is still growing! Having such a lovely girlfriend~ I could die for her!

“*Tsk-tsk* Look at what we have found! Two rabbits in a single bush! Now come with us obediently and the boss might consider giving you a painless death, otherwise *tsk-tsk* don’t expect anything good!” Said one of the soldiers who was at the fourth stage.

“*Snort* As if we would be such losers to obediently go with you! If you want to take us then you have to kill us. Also, I'd recommend you to stop *tsk*-ing before I tear out your damned tongue." I threatened him, upon hearing his stupid habit. He is going to die anyway, but if he doesn't want to die a painful death, then he should stop it, really...

We weren't the type to talk in the middle of a battle and since we knew that with five people here is no way out for us, it was best to attack while the other side was still chatting with the air!

We both looked at the weakest person among them, who was at the early third stage. It was best to clear out the trash mob at first... We nodded at each other and I quickly charged towards the guy. Alice used her Dragon's head, which wasn't only a dragon head but half of its body! If she can conjure its whole body, then she will be able to transform into her battle form.

Unfortunately, she can't turn into her monster form before reaching the third level and it's the same for me too. Our battle forms are humanoid looking, except that we are going to be covered in scales, and we are going to have horns, sharp claws, wings, tails, etc., while our monster forms are our true and natural forms. I can't wait to transform!

Since they didn't expect our attacks, they weren't able to react quickly enough. I reached the guy in a moment and Alice's Dragon's Head also followed after me. I hit the guy, next to our target who was about to protect his friend. Thanks to me, Alice's attack struck our target's head, blowing it off and spraying his blood on us in the process. I kicked his corpse towards the other two, who were charging towards me.

They fell backward as they caught the corpse, which was the perfect moment for me to attack the other guy at the third stage. Alice also released a ball of fire which had a diameter of three meters. I felt its scorching hotness upon my back as it passed by and almost smashed into the other two. Unfortunately, they used water magic to cancel it out.

Meanwhile, I thrust my bone weapon towards the guy in front of me. His friend, a woman shot a ball of Dark Magic towards my head so I had to roll on the ground to evade it. As I rolled, I also cut the guy's ankles. I jumped up like a breakdancer as I rotated on the ground once and flew into the air. I released icicles towards them and they used earth magic to conjure a wall of earth to defend against my attacks.

I finished my move by doing a somersault with my remaining force and I was able to cut the surprised woman into two halves. She thought that I'll attack her friend once again... Why would I? The woman and the guy at the fourth stage were finally done with their friend's corpse and one of them charged towards Alice, while the other one charged towards me.

Alice still had enough time to release a bolt of lightning towards the guy who had his ankles cut. Our scales were rotating at high speed and scales covered our arms and legs. Although we can't transform into our battle forms completely, but it we were able to gain a little more strength from our half complete state. Alice's bolt of lightning struck the guy's body who wasn't quick enough to move, thanks to his wound.

I stood up and beheaded him with a rotating move and I also stopped the charging guy's attack. Our weapons met and although I was slightly pushed back, but I was able to hold on. While we were exchanging blows, I slowly moved back to Alice's side. Now it was two versus two. We moved in a way that we would get face to face with each other.

I shot a bolt of lightning towards the guy's face. He quickly squatted down, evading it in the process, but not seeing that my attack would hit his friend as a result. The woman who was fighting with Alice was struck on her back. She was paralyzed for a moment, but in a battle that was more than enough to die. Alice quickly thrust her bone weapon through the woman's head. Now only our 'tsk-tsk' friend was left.

He probably felt death creeping up on his neck because he was sweating buckets. We released our collected bloodlust upon the guy, coupled with our mind powers. It was too much for him so suddenly. We saw his pupils widen as he lost consciousness. It has happened only for a moment, but it was enough.

We cut off his arms and legs. He screamed out in pain, but he didn't have to wait for long to die. I quickly beheaded him. His head rolled on the ground as blood was spraying out of his neck. Seeing that all of them were dead, we used water magic to clean our bodies and then dried ourselves by controlling the same element. If we are able to make ourselves wet by using the water element, then doing its contrary wasn't hard either.

We took their swords, money for ourselves and their armors to sell. There was quite a nice sum of money on the five of them so probably we don’t have to collect money anymore to leave. I was very happy since finally, I was able to get real weapons and I didn't have to use these weak bones.

If we wouldn’t have had the enchantment and inscription on them, then probably they would have been broken by now. “Haha! My love! Look at this, finally, we have some real pieces of equipment! I swear that I’ll destroy this Wu clan. If not for them, then we could have bought all of those things we wanted before”

I went in front of Alice and gave a kiss on her soft, pink lips. She was so beautiful. “That was a really unfair attack... I didn’t expect it!” She said as we separated. “Hehe... but you clearly liked it. Don’t worry I’ll be with you as long as I live, I’m not the cheating type. I'd rather kill myself.”

“You better! Or else I’m gonna shred you and the woman to pieces!" She said with threatening eyes, then said jokingly. "But aren't you more like a dog? Being so faithful even though you are a male." I laughed at her words as I said. "Haha- that might be so, but I'm not a dog... Dogs don't have scales..."

I embraced her strongly, which surprised her once again, but I wanted to feel her warmness. I have to carve her into my soul, into my mind. I want to have her and I want her to have me. "I love you, Alice." I said as I looked deeply into her eyes and then kissed her once again. As we separated, she has returned my feelings. Physical contact was indeed better at times than using only your words.

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