《I Get a Second Chance and Accidentally Become a God》Hey, isn't there something to do
She doesn't seem to be doing much. Just applying light cleaning magic to everything in the castle. Then again, the castle is enormous, so it would be a pretty monumental task to clean it all.
By the way, I'm currently watching her from the air. I've totally erased my presence, become invisible, and am flying around above her.
Of course, doing something like this isn't easy. For starters, the magical formulas required to completely erase your presence are extremely complicated. Don't even get me started on maintaining those along with flight, perhaps the highest mana-consuming spell out there.
For me, though, well, it's kind of embarrassing. That is, I'm way too broken. My mana is still full as of right now. That is to say, my mana recovery far outstrips the rate that I'm using it at.
Although mana isn't quantified in the same way intelligence or dexterity is, it is still easy to identify how much you have. Although it's closer to a feeling than an actual quantification.
That’s how many of the things in this world function. Although the gods said it was like an RPG, it maybe resembles an RPG by a fourth. For instance, instead of experience points, this world has a much more vague, but realistic system.
When you kill a monster, it’s remaining magic power, instead of just being dispersed, can be absorbed and used to strengthen yourself. Of course, this isn’t just in reference to raw mana, but also includes the mana that is diffused within everyone’s body. It’s the reason the people of this world can reach inhuman levels of strength.
Thinking of this just reminds me of all those monsters I had trouble with in the past. Now that I think about it, I wonder exactly how much more powerful I’ve become in this life.
Well, actually I’m just curious about the skill. To be frank, it’s a ridiculously overpowered skill. Magical formulas are the basis of all magic in this world, and this allows me to use magic without them. And that’s without even taking into account the other ridiculous abilities of it.
Deciding to satiate my curiosity, I vanished from the castle.
In just a blink, I was on top of a mountain. Below, clouds could be seen far off into the distance. They look so fluffy I kind of want to jump on one…
I know I’ll just fall through though.
Ignoring the odd desire that popped up out of nowhere, I got down to what I was actually here for. This is the tallest mountain in this world. When I say tall, I mean like, really tall, okay?
Reallly, reeeeaaaallly tall.
Got it? I think you’ve got it.
Anyways, I immediately started at my purpose for being here. Looking off into the distance, I raised one hand and used the strongest magic I had ever used in my past life.
It was a grand supreme grade magic of the fire attribute. God’s Flame. I was only able to prepare enough to cast it once, but it had devastated the enemy forces of the time.
From the palm of my hand, a small wisp of fire flew out. It traveled very slowly into the distance. After a solid thirty seconds, it finally became what the magic was renowned for.
For many, many miles surrounding the wisp’s position, flames were running rampant. Even though I had placed myself far away, and shielded myself with multiple layers of basic mana shields used to deflect heat, my face still felt like it was burning. The air around the flames was being visibly distorted.
This was why I had to come to this mountain to test my magic. Otherwise, I would have totally destroyed the environment. Luckily I know of a convenient place like this.
Now that I think about it, what was my reason for coming here in my past life. I can’t teleport somewhere I haven’t been, so I was obviously here before. I must’ve had a reason to come to such an out of the way place.
...Oh well, I’ll think about it later.
Continuing, I began to think about the skill. Something like this, is honestly something amazing. In the past life, to use God’s Flame, I needed to chant and form a magic formula for an hour straight with no distractions whatsoever. However, now I just need to think about it.
Literally any magic in existence can be created and used by me as I desire. Well, it depends on my mana, but that’s certainly not an issue.
I really do feel like a god, am I even human anymore…
...hmm? Wait. Didn’t Falda say that a god personally interfering would cause the world to collapse?
Well, shit. This could be bad.
Have I not only accidently become a god, but also accidently doomed this world.
Thinking quickly, I consult about my presence in the world. It showed me results immediately.
Mason, in reference to being a god, and the world’s collapse:
Hey, isn’t that title a little scary?
Mason, in reference to being a god, and the world’s collapse:
Having acquired , Mason has surpassed the human limits. In doing so, he has become a Transcendent Human. While more powerful in nature than any mortal species, this species will not cause a world to collapse unless an excess of power is used.
This is news to me, I just naturally assumed godhood could be acquired with a skill like that, but it seems that ‘god’ is a species in and of itself. It would be a little ridiculous if just anyone could become a bonafide god with one skill.
I do have to breathe a sigh of relief though. I would cry if it turned out I broke the world.
Brushing it off, I stretched one last time before going back to the castle. Or at least, I had prepared to. In the corner of my senses, I could feel a powerful source of mana within the mountain.
Curious, I used an x-ray vision spell that I just created to check it out.
Just under a cliff of the mountain, a few miles away, there was a dragon who was...
...Well, it’s peeking at me.
I wasn’t sure at first, but it’s definitely peeking at me.
I’ve made eye contact with it. It it now shivering.
I think it’s afraid.
That’s to be expected, dragons hold the position of the most powerful beings on this planet. They are usually the only ones capable of magic above grandmaster grade. Yet I’ve just used a grand supreme grade magic like it was nothing.
Yeah, I’m kinda strong or whatever.
By the way, the magic grades go like this, from weakest to strongest.
Grand Supreme
Plenty of humans can use elementary grade magic for daily life and such. The average magician can use one or two advanced spells before being exhausted. The court magician can use two grandmaster spells before being exhausted, and can throw advanced spells around quite easily.
Of course, I’m no longer restricted to these grades. With , using something above grand supreme grade is a piece of cake.
I won’t though. I don’t wanna destroy the world.
The dragon doesn’t seem like it’ll confront me. I’ll just have to go over there then. As the dragon watched me warily, I vanished.
It breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed satisfied now that I was “gone”.
...Not gonna lie, I’m kind of disgusted right now. I just can’t believe this dragon would scream something like ‘kyahhh’ with that voice.
He had screamed in a deep, silky baritone. The kind of voice that should be soothing, but when he screams like that?
It’s revolting, okay?
Can you stop talking then? It’s gross. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that dragons generally speak human languages?
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. More importantly, what are you doing here?”
The dragon gulped.
“Yes, well, I-um, live here.”
...Right! That’s why I was here in my past life. Us heroes had heard that the strongest dragon lived atop this mountain. We thought that if we killed it, we might get enough power from it to help in the war.
It didn’t work, of course.
Wait, don’t tell me this is the strongest dragon that we spent fighting a gruelling battle with?
“You wouldn’t happen to be the so-called ‘strongest dragon’, would you?”
Might as well be direct about it.
“Haha, you’re embarrassing me, I don’t really deserve to be called the strongest or anything. Hahahah.”
Your nervous laugh is a bit too obvious, ya know. I know I’m basically invincible here, but I haven’t actually done anything towards you.
“M-my liege. Could you perhaps give this poor, pathetic creature the honor of knowing your purpose for being here?”
“Oh, y’know, just testing out some low-level magic.”
He looks terrified. I didn’t know a blood red dragon could become pale. How does that even work?
Calling grand supreme magic low-level. My past self would rip his hair out if he heard me spouting something so ridiculous. Well, it’s true for the current me. I can toss around spells like this all day.
“I-I-I, I s-see. I’ll just be in my cave, so th-that I d-don’t disturb you.”
With that, he ran away at a speed over mach 1 at least.
That was pretty funny. Who knew dragons could make a face like that? I’ll have to come back and visit from time to time.
I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear it!
Back in the castle, I was wandering the halls aimlessly. There’s not really much to do, considering this world is so far behind in terms of technology. There really isn’t anything to do purely for entertainment.
And I can’t really ask around, or else people will think I have no intention of saving them. Just because I wanna enjoy myself doesn’t mean I’m leaving you to fend for yourselves.
I sigh, I really do have a tough life…
...I wonder how many people would stab me if they knew what I just thought?
I’d bet at least three quarters of the population.
So here I am, walking around to see if something interesting happens. So far all I’ve seen is the repeating pattern of the wall, with the occasional door here and there.
I waved to each of the maids and butlers I’ve passed, and they bowed in response.
“Hey! Aren’t you the unimpressive-looking but actually really strong fellow!?”
That kinda hurts, you know. I have feelings too…
“Yes, I am indeed very strong, princess.”
The princess had somehow snuck up behind me before I noticed, and delivered a critical hit.
“Yep, and unimpressive-looking.”
She said with a broad smile. I can’t tell if she’s trying to provoke me, or if she just has no filter. In my past life, I only really knew her when she was a few years older, and far more graceful.
“So, what is a princess like yourself doing walking around on your own?”
Normally, I’d just walk away from this situation, but I’m so bored I’ll even take talking with the princess.
“Hmph! As a princess, I must always be aware of the state of affairs within my own residence at the very least. Not to mention that in the future, the kingdom will be depending on me.”
Hmmm, even though she doesn't look or act like it right now, I guess this princess really is the same one I knew in the future.
“Shouldn’t you at least have some guards around or something?”
“Ha! Even though I look like a defenseless 12-year-old girl, I’ll have you know that I can cast magic up to the intermediate grade.”
She seemed to take immense pride in that. Her eyes were looking at me as if she had bested me somehow. To be fair, that’s an incredible accomplishment for someone who’s only 12 years old.
“That’s pretty good, but what if you run out of mana? You’re an important person, it would be devastating to the kingdom as a whole if you were to be kidnapped. Not to mention that there’s strong people like me in the castle right now. It would be so simple for me to take you away right now. Don’t even get me started on the fact that even the average knight could do so with some work. Oh well~, it can’t be helped that the princess is such a naive girl.”
As I repeatedly crush her ‘I can use magic’ argument to dust, she seems to get closer and closer to tears.
What? This is for her own good. In my past life, she was a princess tempered through years of war. She had to learn and become better to ensure her kingdom’s survival.
In this life? Because I’m here, there won’t be a need for her to experience something like that. Because of that, she’ll have to grow some other way.
Just as I thought she would break into tears, she clenched her fist in determination.
“Understood! I’ll go get Vice-Commander Roy then!”
Wow, she shot back up so quickly.
“Wouldn’t it be better to get Pierre? He’s stronger than the Vice-Commander.”
“Ew, I don’t like Pierre. I mean, at least change your name if you look like that. I refuse to call that bear of a man something like ‘Pierre’.”
Ah, so somebody else understands.
“Good luck finding the Vice-Commander then.”
With that, she ran off, totally unladylike. I know she’s 12, but to think the princess I knew in my past life was once a child like this.
“That definitely looked like a mean thing you just did.”
I jumped when I heard the emotionless voice of Eliza from my back.
How are these people sneaking up on me like this? I have the skill, this shouldn’t be happening.
“If someone saw you almost make the princess cry, they’d definitely try to execute you.”
“Really? I didn’t know that stuff happened with royalty here. Especially since I’m an honored guest and all.”
“Oh no, not because there are laws or anything. It’s just that everyone loves the princess that much.”
“I see, that’s a good thing, though. It would be bad if the royalty wasn’t loved. What about you? Are you gonna try to execute me?”
“No, I realize that you did it for her sake, even if it was a bit indelicate.”
“Haha, was I that obvious?”
I thought I hid it pretty well, considering my skill. Well, it’s definitely a good thing she noticed, I wouldn’t want her to think bad about me, after all.
“Stop smiling at nothing, it’s creeping me out.”
“Hahaha, I can’t help it if I’m happy, okay?”
“Aren’t you too happy? I swear every time I see you, you’re smiling.”
“Yep, cause everytime I see you, I smile.”
Damn, why haven’t I gotten the skill yet? I wasn’t this smooth in my last life.
Then again, I know for sure that I love her this time. I was so indecisive in the past. Now that I’ve tasted what it feels like to not see her for two years straight, I figure it’ll be better to just be true to my emotions.
I truly am lucky that I got this second chance.
“You’re doing it again, there’s no reason to be so happy.”
“Haven’t I told you already? There’s a reason right in front of me.”
It’s a little embarrassing, but god is it so worth it when she looks away shyly.
“Haaaaa~, it’s so refreshing to see you act shy.”
I smiled at her, and she just stared back at me.
After a while, she went back to cleaning. This time I followed her around, and helped out where I could. We made small talk while getting the work done.
I should’ve just done this from the beginning.
[In the strongest dragon’s cave]
“I can’t believe I met a monster like that. And people say I’m too strong.”
The so-called ‘Strongest Dragon’ was currently whimpering like a beaten dog.
“At least I won’t have to meet that guy ever again. From now on, I’ll just stay in this cave and outlive him.”
The dragon, relieved and content with his plan, carefreely rolled onto his back.
Under him, a loud crinkling sound was heard.
“Hmmm? What’s this?”
The dragon stood up to reveal large piece of paper where he was just laying down.
In big, bold letters, it read,
‘Hey, strongest dragon, it’s me, that magician you met earlier, AKA your liege. Since you were so courteous to me, I’ve decided that I’ll visit you from time to time. You don’t need to be nervous, of course, it’ll just be to chat. Also, if you just happen to not be in for some strange reason that I couldn’t possibly fathom, then I’ll just go and find you! Can’t wait to see you next time!
As the dragon finished reading the ‘friendly letter’, his tears were already flowing.
“You’re definitely bullying me on purpose, Mason.”
He cried out in grief. More so because he was so frustrated than because he actually believed what he was saying.
He’s right, though...
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