《The Worldforge: Warlock Rising》The Wrath of Mages 3
Mar stood completely still as the young mages scanned the room. He was hidden from sight in his current hiding spot. Luckily air mages were not nearly so good at detecting foreign presence in the spirit realm because there was no breathing or heartbeats.
They came to a stop, turning their backs away from him. That was unusual. They seemed to be surrounding one of their own number, weapons at the ready. Was he witnessing some sort of betrayal?
Mar reminded himself that it was none of his business as he peered around the corner. Hopefully this group would start fighting amongst themselves, and in the confusion and chaos he could slip behind them. Or better yet, just buy him a few moments to slip back into the physical realm.
Wait a minute… what was he so worried about? This was the spirit realm, he could just bash his head in with a rock and the Realmstone would whisk him right back to his physical body.
Then Mar remembered the shattered ruby in the alcove just behind him. That broken thing wouldn’t be casting any magic on anyone. Which meant the Trial’s safeguards were no longer in place. Suddenly, the spirit realm just got a lot more dangerous. It also meant that death here might very well mean death in the real world.
The moment he managed to return to his physical body he should tell the masters what had happened so that they could stop the Trials and the countless meaningless deaths that would result. Except then they would know he played a part in the Realmstone’s destruction. If that happened, death would be a mercy to him. No, it was best to stick to the demon’s plan and escape the city. He’d been planning on leaving anyway.
There was some chatter going on between the mages and Mar shut it out. He didn’t want to risk anything that might tip off the air mage, so he stayed very still and tried to visualize a tether coming out of his chest and tying him to his physical body. If he’d been trained as a mage he probably could have accomplished this feat in a minute or less, but with only half-remembered excerpts from texts he’d read Mar was at a disadvantage.
Just as he thought he was beginning to see wispy strands in front of him, Mar heard a familiar voice. Or rather, he intercepted a thought that felt familiar, since he couldn’t actually hear anything in the metaphysical spirit realm.
Verona? It couldn’t be… but it made too much sense. Of course her group would be the first to make it here. Mar himself had been betting on Verona’s victory.
That confirmed it. Even without sound, Mar could tell those thoughts were Verona’s
He was still upset with her over the other day, but he wanted to talk to her one last time. He’d have to flee Orlem after this, and it might be the last chance he’d ever get to see her.
Mar peered at her. Her manifestation was cruder than he expected from a mage of her caliber, but it was still a better representation of her physical form than that of anyone other mage he’d seen. Just as he was gazing at her he noticed the water mage who had taken a position behind his old friend was pulling something out of the robe she was wearing. Even obscured by the folds of cloth the long pointed piece of metal at the end of the handle was unmistakably some sort of weapon.
The dagger was beautiful, in an eldritch sort of way. It’s shape seemed to change as Mar watched it shimmer, and a silver mist spewed forth from the edge and collected in the aether around the blade. Some secret hidden sense that had long lain sleeping awoke and blared a warning in Mar’s mind. That dagger was dangerous.
Mar reached into his pocket and pulled out the gray stone. It was more of a blackish-red now, and it was almost the size of his fist. It was also more rounded and much smoother, giving it a sleek and sinister look.
Mar’s eyes widened in alarm as the dagger was plunged right into the back of an unsuspecting Verona. She cried out in pain and doubled over.
Mar shook the stone in his hand.
The demon replied sleepily. The stone took on a dim glow. The light started fading from the stone as the demon trailed off.
Mar pleaded.
The stone glowed brighter for a moment, and fire mana swirled around it. Then just as suddenly, the magic sputtered and died.
Mar cried out mentally. He could sense it. It wasn’t just the absence of the Realmstone that was doing it either. That dagger was evil, and it was sucking the very soul from Verona’s body.
His manifested body was moving before he could tell it otherwise. He’d already leapt to his feet and was moving in Verona’s direction. He was faster here in the spirit realm than he was in the physical one. He tucked his chin and lowered his shoulder, ramming that water mage right off her feet and sending her sprawling on the ground.
The impact allowed him to bring himself to a dead stop just above Verona’s unmoving body. He reached down and grabbed the dagger’s handle and pulled it out. To his dismay, the gaping wound left behind continued spewing mana that otherwise would have been contained in her aura. But then there was a twitch of movement and the wound started healing.
Mar couldn’t spend more time to stay and watch. The other mages were recovering from their surprise at his appearance and were preparing offensive spells.
Mar dashed back into the shadows by the pillars just in time. A burst of fire splashed against the cool stone where his head had been a moment ago. Darrik.
Mar snarled mentally. Darrik. Part of him said Verona deserved this for trusting that ass. Mar promptly told that part of himself to shut it so he could focus on the task at hand.
No doubt both Darrik and that air mage had magic prepared for the moment he stuck his head out into the open, and it would only be moments before that water mage was able to join them.
If only he had Jinn’s magic… Mar remembered how easily those other mages had been tossed aside by the demons mystic might, and he had to admit he’d vicariously enjoyed the feeling of power over the snobbish spell crafters. But Jinn was too out of it to cast a spell. Mar was on his own.
He’d had some success in a physical confrontation against Chetz and his group. Maybe he could do that again. For some reason his body here in the spirit realm was far faster and stronger than that of the mages. Jinn had changed some things, but Mar could feel his manifestation was just as strong and quick as before, if not more so.
Mar realized he needed some sort of diversion that would get one of the mages off his back for long enough that he could deal with the other. He glanced at the dagger in his hand, which was still wreathed in silver mist. A steady stream of blood-red mana dripped off the needle-like tip. It would have to do.
He’d never tried knife throwing, but Mar had seen sailors and gangsters throw knives enough times that he knew the basic forms. He flipped the knife around in his hand so the it pointed downwards. The blade was clearly designed specifically for thrusting, and so there was very little edge to dig into his palm. The handle was far heavier than the thin blade, and the whole thing felt horribly unbalanced.
Mar drew back his hand. In one continuous motion he stepped clear of the pillar and thrust his arm forward. Darrik was just about to cast his fireball spell when he noticed the knife spiraling through the air towards him. In a moment of panic he aborted his spell and dove for the ground.
Mar didn’t stay still to watch. The air mage was a little slower on the draw but he also had a spell ready. Mar broke into a full sprint and zig-zagged just far enough to avoid an incoming air missile. Once again he was amazed at how responsive this body was compared to his physical one.
He lowered his shoulder and tucked his chin, just as he’d done to take down the water mage. He hit the air mage in a tackle that knocked him off his feet and sent him sprawling on the ground. Mar didn’t let up though as he had with the water mage. He straddled the downed aeromancer and punched him as hard as he could right in the face with his right hand. Then he pulled back his left hand and did the same thing. Despite not having blood Mar felt a rush of energy flood his body, urging him to pound his downed foe into oblivion. Mar resisted the urge. Without the Realmstone death in the spirit realm meant death in the physical realm, and Mar didn’t want to become a murderer.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the water mage getting to her feet. She looked like she was preparing a spell and Mar realized he’d be hit if he didn’t dive out of the way. But then she suddenly turned and fired off her flurry of ice magic in a completely different direction.
Mar followed the flying icicles and watched them collide with a glowing multi-colored shielding spell. Verona had joined the fight.
The water mage was outmatched and she knew it. Even as her first spell shattered on Verona’s shielding spell she readied another wave of flying icicles. That second spell was blocked as easily as the first. The girl fired the same spell three more times and in each instance it was easily blocked. Clearly the water mage lacked a versatile arsenal of offensive spells.
She threw a panicked look over to Darrik, who was stooped over picking something up off the ground. He turned towards Verona and his distressed comrade, who he then ignored as his eyes lit upon the earth mage, who had pressed himself against the far wall and was glancing around with a panicked look on his face. He hadn’t done anything thus far, not knowing which side he was on. When his eyes met Darrik’s though, he began furiously channeling a spell that seemed to be allowing him to sink backwards into the wall.
Verona had closed the distance between her and the water mage by now. She dropped her shielding spell and held out her open hand, into which a lance of fire materialized. The water mage desperately tried to conjure another blast of ice but was thwarted when Verona knocked her hands aside with the fire lance. She tried to bring her singed hands up to defend herself but a blast of air magic from Verona’s free hand knocked her flat on her back. She held up her hands in a vain attempt to ward off the blow she knew was coming.
Just as Verona was about to finish her opponent Mar leapt up and intervened.
Verona tilted her head in surprise.
Verona hesitated, glancing down at the downed water mage. After a moment tension she let her fire lance dispel into the aether.
Mar was cut off mid sentence as a burning hot hand wrapped around his throat. Mar pulled back his foot and hooked it around his attacker’s leg before throwing it forward, taking the footing out from beneath his attacker. Mar threw himself backwards so that he landed on top of his assailant. He hit with enough force to dislodge his opponent's grip and Mar used that opportunity to role on top of him. It was Darrik, sure enough, and he had a snarl of absolute hatred. A snarl that quickly turned into a look of confusion as he made out the features beneath the black hood. There was something else there though. The expression didn’t quite reach his eyes, and Mar couldn’t help but feel that he sensed a trace of glee there in it’s place.
Mar decided on the same technique that had been so effective on the air mage. He pulled back his right arm and punched Darrik in the jaw, rocking his head to one side. For some reason it also felt so much better than when punched the air mage. Darrik didn’t stay down though. He grabbed Mar’s arm as he was going in for a second punch. Much to his surprise, he couldn’t overpower Mar here in the spirit realm, and the fist still collided with the side of his head, albeit with less energy.
Mar turned to look at Verona, wondering why she hadn’t jumped in. The water mage had gotten up, despite Mar’s warning and had re-engaged Verona once again. Worse, the air mage Mar had previously pummeled seemed to be regaining his strength and sitting up.
Darrik used the momentary distraction to his advantage. Just when Mar was beginning to feel confident in his victory Darrik’s arm started lighting up with fire magic, and Mar took a point-blank fireball directly in the chest.
Mar doubled over in pain, clutching at his chest. Verona had dealt with the water mage again, and the air mage was holding up his hands in submission. Verona was looking in Darrik’s direction and heading their way. Noticing her, Darrik did something odd.
He lifted his hand to his mouth and bit down hard. Even through the pain in his chest Mar was able to notice the distinctive red drops of blood welling up from Darrik’s injured hand. That was odd, there was no blood in the spirit realm. Then Darrik waved his hand in Verona’s direction and as the red droplets hit the ground a curtain of fire erupted from the stone.
Darrik hissed the trigger word to the same spell he’d used on Mar days ago, and the curtain of flame encircled the both of them.
Darrik clapped slowly as he stood, rubbing his jaw. He healed the blemishes in his manifestation as his hand passed over his features.
Mar shut out the pain so he could focus. Darrik repaired the damage to his manifestation, and so could he, all he had to do was focus. Just when Mar sensed his wounds were starting to heal, Darrik summoned up another fireball. Mar tried to dodge, but with his current injury he was too slow. The blast of fire magic to his chest sent Mar sprawling across the ground, bringing his head dangerously close to the edge of the blood-fire ring.
Darrik reached into his robes and plucked out the dagger.
Mar desperately shook the stone in his pocket, but nothing happened.
Darrik demanded. Then Darrik closed his eyes and clasped the dagger between both hands, mumbling to himself as if in prayer.
Jinn didn’t respond, though Mar kept shaking Jinn’s stone with his trembling hands.
Darrik unleashed another cruel blast of fire magic that hit Mar’s leg with the force of a sledge hammer, causing him to cry out in pain.
Darrik mocked.
Mar stuttered the thought out through the pain.
Darrik grinned.
Darrik screeched.
Mar could only gape at Darrik. This level of vitriol was something beyond what Mar had ever seen before. Any semblance of sanity Darrik maintained was stripped away and his hatred was palpable.
The knife fell from Darrik’s hand and clattered to the ground. It was soon followed by the rest of his body. When Darrik’s head hit the stone, Mar realized that the back half had been caved in. In it’s place was a massive chunk of rock.
Came a voice from outside the ring of fire.
The flames died down, revealing a figure that Mar recognized. It was the earth mage from the Pyrastern estate, who had been waiting in ambush for Mar and Yavin.
Verona looked at Darrik’s body curiously, which was rapidly dissipating into wild mana. The Realmstone should have whisked it away immediately. Then she looked at Mar’s tattered cloak, with the hood thrown back. Her eyes widened.
- In Serial46 Chapters
Twice Lived
Previously called Standard Reincarnation Story In a fraction of a moment, the Earth was no more. The planet was destroyed, and billions and billions of people were dead. And it was all an accident. This is the story of Elm. A regular American born once on earth and given a chance to be reborn again on a planet with magic and monsters and dungeons. Except that for Elm, this is far from the idealistic reincarnation into a loving family -- the standard story of a child raised by loving parents who teach him the ways of the world, Instead, Elm is born into a family of inquisitors. An order of nobility that is dedicated to hunting down and killing "Twice-Lived" -- the name society has for people like Elm who are reincarnated with all their memories of their past life intact. Disclaimer This story is: 1) Extremely violent and graphic. 2) Still in a rough draft stage. I see what I am writing more like a synopsis than a fully fledged story. I periodically will go back to flesh out earlier chapters, build characters, etc... If you find the words "Show don't tell," comforting accept that unfortunately, I'm not at that stage of the writing process yet. 3) At one point this story was called "Standard Reincarnation Story," and I had written an extremely off-putting description of the story. This was mostly to keep out people who would just read the silly first few chapters then rage quit as soon as the violent stuff got started. Since I just had my first .5 star rating (without a page read count increase) that technique is not working, so I might as well treat this as a regular fiction and try to get regular readers.
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Eunora Dawn is just a child. She was born a noble in the kingdom of Maeve, with 5 siblings and a shy personality. At a glance, her life was meant to be rosy. But, when Eunora unlocks the [System] on her 7th birthday, she gains more than she expected. Memories of her past life as a strong-willed and fulfilled woman flood her mind and all but overwrite her personality. Filled with existential dread and grief over losing her past loved ones, Eunora goes from an innocent child filled with hope for her family to someone who is just trying to keep herself afloat in a strange world that almost seems too awful to be true. With her sudden change in personality, as two individuals become one within Eunora, she has to find something she cares about. Anything. As long as it gets her out of bed. Eunora loved her life in the Before -and she’s not looking forward to growing up again. All Maeve has shown her is neglect and longing, and after living a life of privilege she’ll need to adjust. PSA: it's not a joke when it says her biggest struggle is getting out of bed! As with anything, the stakes eventually raise, but it's a slow-ish build up!
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He had been preparing for years. Finally, the time that he had invested paid off. His game studio had broke even and even started profiting. Quietly handing over his duties, after a few months he was finally free. The same day Azaan freed himself from his family business an entity that had been observing the planet for decades started unfolding its plan. Azaan finds himself thrown from one prison to another, even if he prefers this one. The world quietly starts changing as people slowly start gaining supernatural powers. Some use them for good, some for evil and some for pure profit. ------ This story will mostly be a slow burn, though I am considering including bits of time skips to reduce the repetitive stuff while also keeping up the pace. Synopsis will undergo if it can be bettered. ------ Tags and content warnings are mainly to give me creative freedom later on. This is my first novel ever, and English isn’t my native language, so please spare me, my lord/ladies. Any feedback is more than welcome with a bucketful of thanks.
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Hug Me ☑
" 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝. ". . .#3rd Place in BTS COFFEE AWARDS#3rd Place in BTS HEARTBEAT AWARDS#2nd Place in ARMY AWARDS Based on the Song : Hug Me by BTS V & J-HopeCover by : @-krystallion---[MAY 01,2020]#1 in hugme in onffa2020 in envieawards2020#ONFFA2020 #ENVIEAWARDS2020 #ARMYBOOKCLUB #MAKEITRIGHTAWARDS
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