《No Respawn》ARC 1: Chapter 20: The Rest is History
This isn't the last chapter, btw... Sorry for the long wait.
Chapter 20: The Rest is History
“Please wait outside. I want to talk with them…”
I couldn’t look at them as they leave. How can I be so stupid? All I needed to do was to say it, right?
“So you didn’t know?” Dad asked.
“No… Not even mom told me…”
“What did she say to you about Dianne?”
“She said… Not to be friends with that whore’s daughter…”
“I see… Monica is still angry with me… She even involved Dianne in our problems…”
“But how? You had that affair 15 years ago, right?” Miguel asked.
“No… I met her when Monica was pregnant…”
“With me…”
“Yes… I don’t have an excuse and I knew it was wrong… I dated Eva without telling her that I was already married… When she learned the truth, she just left. Until five years ago, I met her again. She wasn’t asking for my help, but she needed work, so I referred her to one of the companies I owned.”
“Your printing business…”
“Yes, that’s the one. I have the majority share so it was easy for me to get her to work there… and she also kept my personal books and filed my taxes.”
“And that’s how the affair started again?”
“No…” Dad shook his head. “It’s already over for us and she even kept Dianne from me. She told me that she had a lover, but he died before giving birth to her… I had doubts because I had a… strange feeling of connection with Dianne. Eva was good at avoiding the topic and if only she didn’t need my help, she wouldn’t come near me. I couldn’t explain it, so I tested her and it turns out, I’m her father…”
“When did you learn this?”
“I only learned that Dianne was my daughter 5 years ago… I only wanted to support my daughter and to be there for her… I confronted Eva about it, but she told me that she didn’t want to destroy my family. Of course, I told your mother about it and… we separated. She wouldn’t listen to me when I said that we no longer have an affair. I tried to tell you about it, but… You didn’t want to talk to me. I didn’t know what Monica told you, but Dianne told me that you’re pushing her away…”
“Even so… Please… help me. I don’t care about that now, just help me.” Miguel looked at him with teary eyes.
“I want to. I really do… But right now, we need everyone here… Like I said before, none of my scouts returned when I sent them to Pasig… I can’t afford the risk of losing more men and I can’t risk both you. I can’t lose you again… Please understand. This is my duty…”
Miguel wiped off his tears and left the office. I quickly followed him, I wanted to say something, but the words couldn’t leave my mouth.
“What happened?” Claire asked him.
“He can’t help me…”
“Are you still thinking about leaving?” Eric asked.
“I don’t know…”
Melissa stepped forward and placed her hand on his shoulder. “You should think about it carefully. We’re safe now… We don’t even know they’re still…”
Before Melissa could finish her sentence, Miguel looked down as he clenched his fist. “I will think about it…”
“Uhmmm… W-we should go to our house. It’s not that far from here. It’s big enough for all of us. I think…” I said to them.
“Yeah… We should take a break for the day.” Eric said.
When I led the rest of the group to dad’s house, Claire was trying to make him talk, but Miguel kept his silence. This is what I fear. If he knew the truth, he would hate me. After all, I was the reason why his parents separated. I fear that he’d also blame me for Dad’s decision not to help him.
After a few minutes walk, we finally reached Dad’s house. The house was like most of the houses in this part of Camp Aguinaldo. According to Dad, it was a government project. Low cost housing for soldiers. It wasn’t much and it’s a simple bungalow house without a second floor. I moved here two years ago after my mother died of cancer.
“So this is as far as I go. If you need anything, you know where to go.” Mina said. “Oh, and by the way, I found this Richard guy. He’s a volunteer and he’s on the east gate.”
“Really?” Eric asked.
“Yeah, he’s excited to meet his brother. Come. I’ll take you to him.”
“Thank you, Mina…” I said to her as she left.
I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I think I left the key in my bag at the restaurant. This wasn’t the first time. I always forget the key whenever I leave, so I have a back-up key hidden in the flower pot. I searched for the key and I was thankful that it was still there.
“Finally… I can really use some sleep without worries.” George said.
“Yeah, me too…” MangKaloy said as he took a pillow from his inventory. “Is it okay if we sleep in this room?”
“Sure…” I answered. “Make yourself at home. We have three bedrooms here, by the way…”
As George, Gerry and Mang Kaloy made their way to the bedroom, Miguel walked outside the house.
“Where are you going?” Claire asked.
“I want some time alone… Do a little walk, I guess..”
As Miguel left the house, Claire and others looked at me and pointed their head towards him. I didn’t know what to say to him. I was scared.
“Talk to him!” Melissa said as she pushed me outside the house.
I looked around to see where Miguel went. He was going back to where we came from. I followed him thinking that he might leave. I used my skill [Sneak]. As I followed him, Miguel stopped at the golf course and lit up a cigarette. He sat on the grass as he puffed a smoke.
I stood up and slapped myself as I walked towards him. As I sat on the ground, he looked at me.
Ever since the day he confessed his feelings to me, I was always nervous whenever he’s around.
“I-I’m sorry…” I said. “I’m sorry that I kept it from you…”
“I thought you would hate me…”
He chuckled as he threw away the cigarette. “Why do you think I would hate you?”
“I don’t know…“ I wrapped my arms around my knees. “Do you hate me?”
“Of course not.” He let out a deep sigh. ”I’m not angry with you and I don’t blame you about it.”
There was a long pause between us. Miguel closed his eyes as the soft breeze lifted his hair.
“Now it makes sense…” He said. “That’s why you kept rejecting me. It must be awkward for you, huh?”
“Y-yeah… I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry… I pushed you away… I thought… It’s just that... I’m an idiot.”
“I’m an idiot too…” I said to him.
“I guess we’re both idiots…” We laughed.
It’s been a long time since we laughed together. I didn’t know that he would accept me. I was afraid that if he learned the truth, he wouldn’t accept me and he would hate me. I was so glad that I was wrong.
“I’m sorry, Dianne…” He leaned towards me and embraced me. “I’m so sorry…”
“It’s o-okay…”I’ve been trying to hold back my tears. I couldn’t help, but cry.
"I'm so sorry..."
“O-okay…” I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed on his chest.
“I guess you never changed… You’re still a cry baby.”
“I-I’m not…”
“Yes, you are…” He chuckled.
I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I never wanted it to end, so I embraced him tightly. He never let go.
Looking back in the past, Miguel and I were good friends. When I was a kid, I never had friends and every kid I met would pick on me because I was much smaller and weaker than them. I was never good at making friends and I always played alone.
My mother raised me alone and I tried to ask her who my father was. She said that my father died before she gave birth to me. She didn’t have any pictures of him, so I didn’t know his face at that time.
We moved to Pasig because of her work and we rented a small apartment. One day, she took me to her client. We didn’t have someone to babysit me so we went together. My mom told me that her client’s house was just a few blocks from where we lived. That’s the time when I first met Miguel.
When I first saw him, his looks reminded me of those kids who bullied me. He looked more terrifying than those kids. Our parents told us to play with each other. I had no choice but to be left alone with him. He smiled at me and I was so scared. When I thought that he was going to hurt me, he handed me his toys and told me to play.
He asked me a lot of questions like what I want to do for fun, what to play, where I live, my favorite color and he even asked me to be his friend. He told me that nobody likes to play with him. He gave me his favorite toy so I could play with it. I told him that he can be my friend which made him very excited.
After that, we played a lot. Sometimes, he would visit me at our house and play with me. Miguel was my first friend. As time goes by, we grew up and attended the same school. Our friendship never changed. One thing that never changed was my shyness around other people. He even encouraged me to join school activities just to change my behavior.
I tried to join the gymnastics club and the coach said that I had the talent. Miguel was always there to support me and gave me courage.
When I was 14, he changed. He started to get nervous whenever we’re together. He always blushed whenever I held his hand and he looked uneasy when we looked each other in the eyes. I didn’t understand at first, but I decided to ignore it. He’s like a brother to me.
When we were in second year, Mr. Arevalo went to our house to visit my mom. He frequently visited us for business and my mom looked uneasy. He was acting weird around me and my mom. That day, however, my mom cried as they talked. I asked her what’s wrong and she told me the truth.
Miguel told me that his parents separated and he knew that his father cheated. Despite the circumstances, he was still kind to me. I asked him if he hated my mother, but he told me that his opinion about my mother was irrelevant and we shouldn’t bother ourselves with their problem. I also asked him what else he learned. He was confused. I realized that he didn’t know the truth.
I wanted to tell him. But like I said, I was afraid that if I tell him the truth, he would hate me too. One day, one of our classmates, did a prank on Miguel and showed me his text message. I was with Miguel at that time when she showed me the message. I was shocked to learn that he also felt the same thing for me.
After that incident, he asked me if I felt the same way too. I only did what I thought was right, I rejected him. It was probably the hardest thing I did. He was depressed for a short time, but he didn’t stop to pursue me. He became depressed for a while when I lied and told him that I liked Eric.
I tried to do everything to kill off those feelings. I thought it was for the best since he tried to move on and asked other girls. Of course, I moved on too. When we were in senior year in high school, when I started to feel a distance between us.
It was the same year when my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. It turned out that she was already feeling sick a long time ago, but she didn’t go to a doctor for a check-up. After a year, she died. It was devastating and I was afraid that I’d be alone, but Miguel was there at my time of grief.
When my mother was buried, my father told me that he would try his best to make it up to me. He cried and he begged me to at least give him a chance to be a father to me. I never had a father before, so I gave him that chance. He was very supportive and like Miguel, he encouraged me to pursue my dream to be a gymnast.
Miguel became cold towards me since I rejected his offer to run away with him. Whenever I tried to speak to him, all of his replies were short, direct and emotionless. I couldn’t help, but longed for him to accept me and I never wanted him to hate me. I tried my best to talk to him and I never gave up.
Eric gave me a movie ticket and told me to give it to Miguel, so we could watch the movie together. When I went to Miguel’s house, his mother told me to never come back and to leave her son alone.
I never thought that Miguel would be angry at me when he learned that he missed the movie. I tried to give him the ticket, but he tore it apart. I thought that was it. He really hated me.When I was about to give up on him, the apocalypse happened. I was scared, but Miguel was brave and he even got wounded when he defended us against the goblins.
That was the time when he started to talk to me. When I thought that I would be useless since I wasn’t in the part of their plan, he told me that my contribution would be the most important. My job would be to go ahead of us and to scout in order to avoid the monsters on our way.
My heart leapt with joy when he told me that I was the only one who could do it and he needs me. Of course, I tried my best not to be afraid and he even praised me that I did a good job.
Anyway, the past didn’t matter because right now, he accepted me for who I am.
I couldn’t believe it. I felt like a jackass when I learned that Dianne was my sister. I shouldn’t have treated her like that. I can understand why Dianne never told me. She was afraid that if I knew the truth, I would hate her for it because she’s blaming herself for what happened.
You see, Dianne was extremely shy. She still has a hard time of expressing herself well. Her mother kept her isolated for so long and she became a magnet for bullies. There was one time when someone bullied her in school and she kept quiet about because she didn’t want to be a bother to me.
I understood why my mother hated Dianne and her mother. Three years before my parents separated, my mother saw my father and his mistress went together in a motel. That woman was only 18 years old, barely legal. I was just 12 years old at that time and my father was already 50. Of course, my father confessed that he cheated.
By some miracle, however, my mother forgave him and they went on with their marriage like nothing ever happened. Since then, I lost my respect for my father and I refused to talk to him. One day, my mother told me that he was cheating again and this time with his accountant which was Dianne’s mother. He was cheating right under her nose and he managed to keep the affair as a secret for years.
My mother always told me to stay away from Dianne. She even said that she wouldn’t be surprised if my father was also fucking that whore’s daughter. At first, I was angry at my mom for saying that. Later on, when Dianne’s mother died.I told Dianne to run away with me. Well, I felt like we were like Romeo and Juliet at that time.
Of course, she refused. That was the time I gave up on her and I tried my best to avoid her. When I learned that Dianne moved and lived with my father. I didn’t really care nor I ever tried to hear my father’s side of the story. Yeah, I’m a fucking idiot…
Well, that’s all over now. Right now, I would try my best to make it up for Dianne. Remembering how I confessed to her makes me cringe...
“Come on, let’s go back.” I said to her.
After we had our talk, Dianne and I went back to their house. I couldn’t help, but worry about Jen and my mom. Why won’t my own father help me? He sacrificed his family and most of his life for the sake of serving the country. At least for once, he should try to act like a father to us. Anyway, he might change his mind. I would try to ask him again tomorrow.
As we walk, we heard a familiar ding sound and a blue screen appeared.
SYSTEM Update: Patch 2.00
To celebrate the 8th Day of the Merge, the SYSTEM implemented the following:
• Quest System Added
New Feature: Quest System
You can check your accepted quests through your Quest Progress Screen
To see your Quest Progress Screen, say “Open Quest Screen”. You can also abandon a quest by clicking ‘Abandon’ in the Quest Progress Screen.
Quests can be SYSTEM generated or given by a Faction Leader/Official or an NPC.
Quests are ranked from G (Lowest difficulty), F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS (Highest difficulty).
The difficulty of a quest given by a Faction Leader/Official and NPCs will be determined by the SYSTEM. Also, if the quest is too mundane, the SYSTEM will not recognize it.
The rewards for finishing a quest depend on the nature of the quest as determined by the SYSTEM. However, quests given by a Faction Leader/Official and NPCs will only have EXP reward upon completion, unless additional rewards are provided by the quest giver. The promised additional reward will be bound until the completion of the quest.
Quests can be shared amongst the party. If a new member joins the said party, he/she has an option whether to accept the quest or not.
Quests can be anything, but not limited to: Monster slaying, Dungeon clearing, Item collection, Boss hunt and Player bounty hunt.
• Faction System Added
New Feature: Faction System
To create a new faction, say ‘Create Faction: Faction name’. You can only create a faction if you have at least 29 members in your party. The party leader will be the default Faction Leader upon creation.
You can join an existing faction by invitation of a Faction Leader/Official and then, you must swear an oath of loyalty. (See Help Menu for the oath.)
To check your Faction Information, say ‘Open Faction Information Screen’. You may leave your current faction by joining another or the Faction Leader/Official remove you from the faction.
A member can be a Faction Leader/Official if they were voted by the members. A Faction Leader/Official can hold his/her office indefinitely unless agreed upon by the members or another player, whether a member or not, takes the position by force.
All members of a faction can use Faction Communication System and it can only be used once a day. There is no limit as to the distance of communication.
Factions can rule and impose its laws in its territories and holdings. They can also impose taxes on The Shop in their territory.
A faction can take over another faction’s territory through wars, treaties and agreements.
For the purpose of this update, all Shops and territories will be owned by the strongest faction in the area.
• The limit of the number of party members has been reduced to 30.
• Due to these changes, all parties consisting of more than 30 members will be automatically converted into factions.
• All level one players will become NPCs (Non-Participating Characters). All combat related skills of NPCs will be locked except for skills related to profession, race and other life skills such as [Observe]. The only way for an NPC to become a Player is to kill monsters and level up. However, it will be hard for an NPC to become level two.
• All NPCs cannot use combat related skill books.
• Fucking Rock has been removed from the Loot System. (Anyway, I’m done thinning out the number of players.)
• To review the changes, see Help Menu.
Another update? After I skimmed the message, I swiped the blue screen with my hand and removed it. I would just read it later in the Help Menu, since it didn't have a major effect on me.
“What does it mean?” Dianne asked.
“Nothing that concerns us.” I replied.
“How about them?” She pointed at the soldiers were rushing towards south.
“They’re probably being called for a meeting.” I said. “Let’s go. We shouldn’t bother them.”
When we reached dad’s house, we saw Claire practicing with her sword outside the house. Melissa was also practicing with her bow as she continuously shot ethereal arrows at the sand bag. I guess she found a way to grind her skill.
As soon as they saw us coming, they stopped and walked towards us.
“Did you see the update?” Melissa asked as she panted.
“Yeah, we did.”
“What do you think about it?”
“I don’t know and I don’t really care about it.” I answered.
“So... what’s your plan?” Claire asked.
“I’ll try to ask him again tomorrow. Maybe he’ll change his mind.”
Claire stood in front of me and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Look, I know how important your family is to you...”
As soon as Claire talked, her voice became muted. I tried my best to focus on her lips as it moved, but there was no sound coming out of it.
“...It’s dangerous out there... They… dead… Stay...”
Melissa and Dianne also said something, but like Claire, their voices were also muted. I heard some parts of what they said, but I couldn’t understand most of it.
“So are you still going to leave?” Claire asked.
“I... uhmmm...”
“Are you okay?” Dianne asked.
“I’m fine…” I answered. “I just need some rest… That’s all.”
I went inside the house to find a bed. I laid down on the bed. I looked at my wrist and stared at the reddish burnt mark. The mark was shaped like a hand and the cloaked man in my nightmare gave it to me. I changed my mind and went outside to meditate as I watched Claire with her training.
As I meditated, I focused my mana inside my body and checked my mana core. For the last few days, my mana core seemed to be normal. It’s still white in color and nothing’s changed. I could hear a faint whisper in the dark as I tried to think of a solution to keep the Dark Lord away from my mind. But the more I tried, the whispers only get stronger and clearer.
A few hours later, Eric came back with his brother, Richard. Unlike Eric, Richard wasn’t a popular guy. Although he’s already 24 years old, his height was about 4 feet and he has a more majestic beard than mine. He’s the one who enlightened me to the greatness of beards and that’s why I restrained myself from temptation of shaving.
Player: Richard Reyes Race: Human Level: 25 Faction: AFP Party: N/A
He’s a dwarf. Not a dwarf ‘dwarf’, but a human with dwarfism. I called him Gimli and he called me Fat Gandalf. This is why I loved going to Eric’s house. Richard was the coolest guy I’ve ever met. He’s even a greater nerd than I was and apparently, his level was much higher than any of us.
“Is that you, Miguel?” Richard asked.
“Yeah…” I replied. “Wow, you look taller!”
Claire, Melissa and Mina raised their eyebrows as they heard me while Eric was laughing hard at my greeting.
“Well, you still look like a fat ass Viking rapist.” Richard retorted.
“Where’s your axe, Gimli?” I asked as I pointed out his mage robe.
“I’m a mage like you, Gandalf.” He said with Gimli’s voice. “And this is my staff…”
I embraced him. “Glad to see you, Master Yoda.”
“Hmmm… Glad to see you too, I am, my fat padawan..”
I introduced him to the rest of the party. Richard winked at the girls. The girls tried their best to hide their disgust as he shook their hands. Did I already mention that he wasn’t a popular guy?
After that, I took out a bottle of rum and drank with him and Eric. Even though I wasn’t in the mood to drink, I forced myself as it may be the last drink I’ll ever have. I’m planning to leave in Camp Aguinaldo and I may not have an opportunity to drink with my friends again. Plus, it would help me keep my mind distracted from whatever shit the Dark Lord is cooking up fo me.
Melissa and Dianne wasn’t in the mood to drink and they went together somewhere to grind their skills. Claire went with them as she dragged her sand bag for training.
“So… can you show me your spells?” I asked.
Richard stood up and raised his mini-staff. He took five pieces of rocks from the ground and ignited it. He began to juggle the rocks in the air as he showed off his magic.
“I can only do Earth and Fire. I’m still saving up for Wind and Water.” He answered.
“Wow... You have a good control.” I said as I raised the bottle.
Richard took the bottle from my hand and drank while juggling. “Ahh… I love rum!”
“Come on, Miguel. Show him your magic.” Eric said.
I stood up and raised my staff. I used [Earth Manipulation] and grabbed a chunk of huge debris from the ruined house in front of us. I shaped it into a lifesize statue of me on Rembrandt’s self-portrait pose. It took me for almost an hour to finish it. I was a bit drunk, so my stupidity was rising to the danger level. I placed the statue in front of dad’s house and marvelled at it.
“Holy shit!” Richard said as he dropped the flaming rocks to the ground. “That’s… a wonderful art!”
“A masterpiece!” Eric added.
“Well, Lee-Hyun is my inspiration in this particular work of art.”
“So original…” Richard said as he clapped. “And narcissistic too.”
“It’s so wonderful…” Eric said.
I bowed. “Thank you…”
George, Gerry and Mang Kaloy were already awake and they also joined us. Beth went off somewhere to find the other three girls. It was already night when we finished three bottles of rum and we resorted to drinking beer.
I felt that I was getting too drunk and I might passed out. I was afraid to sleep again so, I closed my eyes and used [Cure Disease] on my body. I broke down any ethanol in my bloodstream and ejected it through my sweat to cure my drunkenness. When I tried to stand up, it seemed that it worked as I could walk straight and the world wasn’t spinning anymore.
I told them that I was too drunk to continue and I went inside the house. I took a quick bath to remove the stench of alcohol from my body. After that, I dressed up and I noticed that the girls were back. I sat on the couch beside Claire and meditated.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine…”
“So you already moved on. Huh?”
Claire let out a sigh. “I’m still sad, but there’s no point crying about it and doing nothing.”
“I see… Where did you went off to anyway?” I asked.
“We just looked around… Oh, and we went shopping.” She replied.
“Shopping? What did you buy?”
As she grabbed her bag in her inventory, I opened my eyes and stopped meditating. I was curious to find out what she bought in this apocalyptic market.
“Here it is…” She handed me a necklace with a silver heart shaped pendant. “I bought that one for you.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think of a reason why would she buy a necklace for me. “You bought me a necklace?”
Her lips slightly frowned. “That’s a magic item.”
Silver Necklace of Lesser Agility Armor Rating: 0 Durability: 10/10 Bonus: Increases your AGI by 2 A silver necklace rune-enchanted by Juan Emmanuel. Increases AGI by a small amount.
So that’s what runes are for. I inspected the pendant and there’s a small strange character inscribed on it. I couldn’t read it, but it’s obvious that it’s from another language and definitely, not from Earth. I wondered what’s the character for Intelligence.
“It’d be more lovely if the stat increase is INT.” I asked.
Claire crossed her arms. “I think you need more stamina. You’re like a dying horse everytime we practice.”
As I wore the necklace, she reached out her hand and cupped it. “20 Silver Coins.” She said in serious tone.
“You’re charging me for this?”
“What? Do you think it’s for free?!” Claire narrowed her eyes and moved her fingers back and forth. “Pay up…”
Of course… What other reasons would she have to buy me a necklace? Duh? Anyway, her scam was the oldest trick in the book and it happened that I mastered the art of scamming too.
“Sure... I’ll pay.” I said as I also cupped my hand to her. “If you give me back my book.”
“What book?” She asked.
“You think I didn’t know that you took my book? I tried to ask the others about the book, but they don’t have it which leaves…” I said as I raised my eyebrows. “Anyway, I know for a fact that you have that habit in the library…”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Claire denied it and shrugged.
“Anyway, I’m done with that book anyway. You can keep my book in exchange for this. Deal?”
Claire let out a sigh. “Fine…”
Although the book cost me more fortune than the necklace, I think it was a fair deal since I already got the knowledge I needed from that book and I already took notes in my notebook. I noticed that Claire was also wearing a silver necklace. I stared at it for a while and noticed that it was of the same design.
I couldn’t help, but wonder if what she said was true when I introduced her to my father. I was too distracted to react when she said that she was my girlfriend. What the hell was she thinking? Maybe her move back in the convenience store was just to tease me, but what about the condoms?
Girls were hard to understand. If there’s an encyclopedia about women’s thinking, there would be a hundred volumes and all of it would be blank. Anyway, I found it inappropriate to ask her. I’ll give her more time. It’s only been yesterday since she found out what happened to her family.
I continued to meditate for the rest of the day as Claire took out my book in her inventory and read it. I guess she had no more reason to hide the book from me.
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Divinity: Against The Godly System
Bracelet of Immortality, the mysterious sealed item that needed 26 fragments to completely unseal. Every unsealing giving an incredible power to the user.
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The Hellish Incursion Part II: Canis Infernum
There was a loud sound of bang, then there was silence. Those were the final things Ifrit remembered before he woke up in a cold prison, naked and disoriented. He remembered a sharp, agonizing pain, then the shock of his body hitting a cold body of water. However, as he escaped from his predicament, he found that his revival came at the worst possible time. The Hellish Incursion had started, and it had been three years since the tragic event on the Bridge to Summinat. He found an unexpected help from a former foe, along with rescuing a new ally that would also find that he had a purpose in the whole affair, regardless whether he could see or not.On the other side of the story, Lilac continued her own adventure with Albert and Eshdar in finding more advantages for the surface and their allies to win the Hellish Incursion and save the world from demonic takeover. She became involved with the preparations of a war that could possibly determine the fate of the surface world, along with surprises from her past and help that crossed over boundaries of space and time. This is the second part of the Hellish Incursion, continuing the story of Ifrit Schelkz and Lilac Rezmirn.
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Fat Boy Hero
Rueben Burger is a high school student and he is severely obese. He also suffers from a penchant for doing the right thing even if it means placing himself in a difficult or compromising position. Which is how Rueben finds himself in an apartment that is larger on the inside than it should be, about to be fired at by a weapon he has never seen the likes of in a building that is on fire. Super powers! The result of his sojourn in the burning building. Now Rueben has a few decisions to make. Does he become the hero he has always dreamed of being, or does he stay out of the fight to keep his Grandmother safe? Does Rueben give up his power to be the skinny kid he has desperately longed to be? Find out this and much more in the first book of the Fat Boy Hero Series. -History of FBH- Fat Boy Hero is a story long in the making. The idea came from my love of hero stories, but the lack of relatable heroes. By that i mean there were no, or few heroes that dealt with weight gain. Something I have and am dealing with after leaving the Marine Corps. So Fat Boy Hero was born. Check out the link below to listen to an episode of The Round Table Podcast where I brainstormed the idea with the hosts and special guest Michael underwood. http://www.roundtablepodcast.com/2013/03/workshop-episode-53-guest-host-michael-r-underwood/ This book is a side project and will be updated as time permits. I hope you do not find this too off-putting.
8 152 - In Serial11 Chapters
A new name, new system, new life, what could possibly go wrong? Everything, that's for sure. Mistakes turned to regrets, regrets turned to loathing, loathing turned into something sinister. That's were I was currently was. Now, an opportunity arises amidst the cesspool of sin, my time has arrived. My chance for fame and glory starts today.
8 51 - In Serial11 Chapters
Cinder x Male Reader: Volume 2
After Cinder and Y/N betrayed Salem and took over Remnant, what lies ahead?
8 107 - In Serial5 Chapters
8 229