《The Helena Chronicles》B1 — 21. Learning A New Technique
Helena stopped outside the yellow taped line and began examining her field. Throwing her static field under her feet, she tried to add resistance to the floor. Her legs wobbled and she flew off balance. Tumbling to the floor, she barely managed to catch herself.
Light laughing came echoing around the next corner. Helena hurriedly got to her feet and straightened her clothing as she continued to Kara’s room. As she turned the corner, her passive reception returned moments too late as she saw the bioactivity of three people rounding the corner.
She quickly sidestepped, dancing around them. I should have been using passive reception sooner, but my head still hurts… She found the three boys were the Banana Glee members. Booker hadn’t finished his explanation on them or their leader. In fact, she knew the least about this group.
“Look what we have here, boys.” The boy with a blue t-shirt said. “It’s that girl Booker was with.”
The boy with dark skin and curly hair nudged the boy next to him that had a yellow cap. “Yeah, that’s pretty high profile for some greenie and look how young she is. Don’t you think, Greg? Kara’s interested enough to send a Captain.” Booker’s a Captain? Why did Kara send him? He probably has a lot of other work to do himself.
Greg studied her for a moment, while the other two boys hovered around him. “What’s your name, little girl?” They were violent when they didn’t get their way at the cafeteria, even with high profile people around them. Greg seems to be their leader; what’s his rank?
“Helena.” She replied, while slowly putting a gap between them.
“So, what makes you so interesting?” The boy with the blue shirt asked as he stepped closer. The curly haired boy held out an arm to halt his advance. “C’mon Ted, give the little girl some space. She’s obviously frightened.”
“My bad, James,” Ted said with a sheepish grin as he backed off.
“So,” James said with a look down the hall, “just leaving the Dead Room, eh?”
Helena nodded silently. I could run, but I can tell these aren’t ordinary contestants. They could be recruiters, already SOP members like Talim and Ben. That means they’ve already passed a similar test I’m supposed to go through and even Kara thought it’ll be difficult for me. I can’t escape these three. I’ll have to talk my way out.
“Who could you have been meeting in the Dead Room? You’re brand new.” Ted asked with raised eyebrows.
“Kara wanted to speak with me. Is there a problem?” Helena asked with innocence.
The three boys looked shocked. Greg furrowed his brow. “Really, the electric eel herself wanted a little get-together.”
James whistled. “High profile, what did I say. Fatchna will want to hear about this”
Greg stood still with a twinkle in his eyes before a smirk lit his face and he bowed lightly. “Well then, we’ll be on our way … Lady Helena Vandred. I’m sure your performance will be spectacular.”
James and Tim gave sounds of recognition as they nodded and started to walk away with Greg, talking loudly. “So—that’s why Head Rephenald showed her respect, she’s a Noble!”
Helena watchfully followed their exit around the corner. Greg knew my name and my affiliation from the start. He wanted to see what I’d say once confronted. I really am in a dangerous game.
Continuing to Kara’s room, she tried several times to copy Kara’s fields without effect. Every attempt she completely lost control and fell to the tiled ground. She picked herself up for the fifth time with annoyance, she found her hair had gained a static charge. Extracting it, she pondered on her current calculations. I extend, push and it’s like the field collapses beneath my feet. What formula am I missing?
She stopped by the cafeteria to grab a water bottle and found all the recruiters and competitors had left. Not a single person was eating. Getting the bottle from a butler, she walked to her room. Entering, she scanned for the HCID and found it on the bed. Tossing the bottle onto the blankets, she jumped into the soft fabric.
Lying down, she pulled up the device and brought its cores under her control, realizing it was emitting a strange magnetic frequency she hadn’t felt before. It seemed to follow a pulsating pattern that reminded Helena a little of Kara’s manipulations. No … I did sense this shifting array back in the Dead Room. What’s it for?
Taking it out of sleep, the image popped up and asked for a name. She pensively examined the holographic screen. Kara would’ve given me a user account, but what name is it under? Typing the name Vix, she entered the command. A box appeared, pushing the others behind. It read:
Hey, my little Vixy! Your Lord and … hmm, that seems to be getting old. How about Florescent Wonder! Yeah! That sounds good … from the top!
Hey, my little Vixy <3! Your Florescent Wonder talking!
I’ve issued this little device just for you (am I nice or what)! For your thoughts, your password! It’s…“shockyfoxxyloxxylove.” Isn’t it cute!!
Now, I’m a little disappointed you didn’t ask about the ‘minor’ detail that your brother made a deal for your capture (I can’t blame you for it slipping your mind though >.> you had a pretty rough time)! And yes … I noticed your little online adventure! *wink wink*
To answer your now internal queries, yes, you CAN train under me … but the President thought it would be fun to see if you’d choose someone else … it’s not a breach in word since he told me to teach you a little … he’s such a weasel (gotta be polite *blah!*)...
Sooo … make sure to glance over the data I sent you! Oh and FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE! Anywhoo, to grab the information, you’ll have to download the email app. You don’t have to go over the profile names of my team yet. You really should be practicing that technique I showed you (I giggle as I imagine every fall you took with vivid detail … I wasn’t peeping?!) Topaz Brilliance out!! KISSES!!!
The corners of Helena’s mouth twitched. She changes her style little by little. She’s right though, I can’t believe my brother’s demands slipped my mind. So, Kara wants to train me … all the attention she’s showing me, it’s like she’s begging for it … why? Her head tilted as she failed to come up with an answer. Realizing her action, she righted her head. I need to break this habit! Kara picked up on it in an instant and I bet there are others just as observant as her in WITCH.
Inputting the password, Helena watched the main holographic image display. She quickly began to scan the hard drive for information. The only thing active on the device was the server link. Activating it, she found a window pop-up with downloadable apps. She hummed. So, this is a brand new device and I can put anything I want onto it.
Probing the addresses linked to the device, she smiled. This device isn’t being monitored unless it’s by the main administrators … of course, maybe Kara is monitoring me with her previous comment. I don’t know if I could catch her programming … she’s so much stronger than me.
She began downloading the only application she’d immediately need, the email program. Opening it, she typed Vix as the name and her previous password. The window expanded to show three email links. They read Kara’s Crew, Training Schedule, and Last Minute Thoughts.
Kara said not to be worried about knowing her members right away. First opening the training schedule, she read its contents:
Hey Vixy! It’s me again! You know … your Yellow Knight with a Glimmering Lightning Stallion!
I know that you’re a little-lost sheep right now (makes my heart thump with a sudden urge to kiss your dimpled cheeks!!), alas, I’m super busy (HATE YOU SEVEN PULPS!!)
So, I decided to write you a little training schedule.
This is what I did a few days before my first contest (I DID NOT FAIL!! REMEMBER THAT … I just … didn’t make it to the end—you know … stupid reasons that don’t need to be mentioned … yeah … I’M ELECTRIC!!)
For your schedule, you will … STUDY ART FOR TWENTY-TWO HOURS STRAIGHT! Then get a vast two hours of sleep and BACK TO YOUR FINE ARTS STUDY (Aren’t I talented!!)
^.^ — >.> — o.o WHY WOULD YOU THINK I’M BOSSY … oh … I AM A BOSS!! Joking!! I know you think I’m fantabulous!!
*Blows a kiss*
Helena lifted an eyebrow as she finished. Kara must have time if she can write these kinds of letters. So, she wants me to study the paintings without any practical training?
Backtracking to the emails, she brought up Last Minute Thoughts:
Hey Vixy, it’s the Deity of Dedication!
I do remember telling you to just study art in that secluded, dark, and oppressive room … well, when I put it like that. NEVERMIND!! I know I told you no more hints … but after talking with you and giving it a little thought, I understand that you may need some more … applied training.
So, as of now, I want you to go around the room and look for a formula that suddenly catches your interest. Once you’ve gone over it, I want you to click this drop box below for further instruction … I’ll know if you cheat! BOW DOWN MORTALS BEFORE MY ALL SEEING EYE! *hehehe*
---> Hidden Information <---
Humming, Helena set the device down and scooted off the bed. She’s much more fundamental in this note. Walking around the room, she began studying the paintings and still, nothing popped out at her. Glancing down, one of the rugs algorithms seemed to leap out.
She stretched before bending down to examine it, brushing her hair out of the way. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but she’d witnessed these kinds of numbers in the Dead Room with Kara. Had it been from the random magnetic waves, Kara’s field pushing against mine, or her walking technique?
Unconsciously she cocked her head as she thought; she went over the calculations and added them to formulas. Thinking back on Kara’s example, Helena found a particular scene floating to mind. The moment Kara landed. The electrostatic tether touched the ground and gave the iron bars embedded into the stone floor an opposite charge to her personal static field. I’ve tried that and it keeps falling apart as my static field touches the resistance of the polarized rod. What am I doing wrong?
Adding the mat’s algorithm to her calculations, she lifted off the ground and moved to the green wall. Placing her foot against it, she added the calculation to the iron rods and pushed her static field against it. With a sharp spark, she found her foot stuck. Something’s changed, it caused a spark? She tried to remove her foot and found it wouldn’t budge. I’m not even adding any more Focus to the charge, yet my foot’s stuck. It’s progress, but how do I get my foot off? Maybe if I add the algorithm to my field, it’ll release. She gave the calculation to her static field and shrieked as a large discharge expelled from under her foot, sending her flying backward across the floor.
She slammed into the bedside wall gasping. The air in her lungs expelled from her mouth in a grunt. Lying on the ground, she coughed violently, trying to catch her breath. Finally regaining air, she picked herself off the floor, massaging her bruises. What was that? It repelled me so violently, but I didn’t even use that much Focus? Kara had been using more energy than that. How did she keep them so balanced?
Resting against the bed, she grabbed the water bottle and unscrewed it. Sighing, she drank the cool liquid. A thought popped into her head. Dropping the bottle from her lips, she held a small pool of water in her mouth and moved it around with her tongue. Of course, I need a mediator. That’s what the electricity around Kara’s feet is for. Kara used a third electromagnetic field between the two polarized areas.
It must also be used to keep her attached to the earlier polarized wall segment as she creates a new area with her next footstep. It seems complicated, but just like my reception, once practiced enough, it’ll become natural.
Walking to the wall, Helena tried charging her polarity to attract the iron railing in the wall but created a neutral field between the two charges. The area her foot touched shocked with a short burst of electricity and faded.
She smiled as she lifted her foot off the wall and found it trying to pull her back. It was like gravity had shifted and her body was attached to the field; her static field now being pulled into the wall. She placed her other foot on the wall and walked up a step. Her hair hung down with gravity.
Kara’s statement came to mind. Eventually, like me, you can move at mind-bending speeds with three degrees of freedom. This is very useful. She winced as she felt her Focus draining rapidly. I have to break the feed, but which one first? Cutting off the feed to the wall and her static field, she then released the neutral field.
She yelped as she dropped to her back, her hair flowing around her. Coughing as the air once again escaped her lungs, she regained her senses. Sighing with relief, she studied the wall from the floor. If I want to repel myself to a different area, I’ll need to cut the algorithm to the wall. If I want to stay firm against something, I’ll need to cut the formula to my static field and neutral field, simple enough.
Hopping back onto her bed, she brought up the HCID and activated the hidden information tab:
Heya, again, little Vixy!
I suspect that you just had a wonderful tumble … MY BED BETTER BE INTACT!!!
Well … I assume you’ve figured out how … TO WALK ON WALLS!! You little spider!
ON to training then … I want you to head over to the Botanical Garden. I’m sure your little snooping brain can find it on some digital feed (>.> …<.< I don’t know anything)!
Once you find your way, I want you to head into the back area. There should be a little structure. Pick out some clothing (they have EVERY size … believe me) and start that jog around the jungle track!!! Yup, you’ll be running for HOURS!
I have some people heading there to meet you and time your laps (DON’T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HOW YOU’RE SO FAST!! >.> … so, umm … she’s been waiting for a little bit (it has nothing to do with the disrespect she always shows me!!). *tehe*
From your Super Lady! Good luck my, little Vixy!!
P.S. A little (SUPER-SECRET) running trick … use your personal static field to keep your hair from bouncing around. Pretty simple to charge your hair, only giving it enough slack to bounce ever so slightly!
Helena grimaced. Physical training isn’t my strong suit. I do only have an eight-year-old's body, but this time I’ll be training my ability more than my physique. I’m still getting used to the combination of fields, so I should practice on my way over to the gardens.
Grabbing the HCID, Helena brought up the server apps and downloaded a map of the base. Bringing up the map, she raised an eyebrow. It was only slightly better than the map Ventre had given her.
Deleting the application, she brought up the devices command windows and searched the administrator names to find the one she’d created to hide her viruses. She couldn’t find it. Leaning back against the bed, she sighed. I was a little naive to think that it wouldn’t be caught by the network administrators. My third administrator account is still active, but I don’t want to risk its detection on just a map. Kara said she noticed my activity … and surprisingly didn’t get angry or call it out, she seemed to enjoy it...
Searching for her backdoor with little hope, she was shocked to find the Main Server open up to her. My masked backdoor is still in place? Entering into the user control panel, she thought for a moment and smiled. She created a new administrator account under the handle V.
Searching for newly appointed administrators, she found someone with just as many privileges as the network admins and to her surprise; the admin’s name was Jake. That same person I met earlier with the strange bioelectrical signals? It’s a possibility.
In his description, it said he’d been awarded the position by the President. Helena copied the description, pasting it into V and her money siphoning administrator’s information box. As long as they don’t question the President about the accounts, it shouldn’t be touched. Helena smirked and under a new mask linked her account to V’s. Any outside network activity she did on Vix, would be masked by V.
Downloading the Northern Base’s floor designs, she brought them up on display. Scanning through them, she found the Botanical Gardens near her. She also saw how big the base was. It was gigantic; stretching several kilometers and most of it was underground.
She tossed the HCID back onto the bed as she found pills scattered across the ground. The bottle must have broken when I was flung against the wall. Getting down on all fours, she began picking up the pills and placed them on the desk surface. Finished, she grabbed her bottle of water and exited the room. Making her way to the gardens, she tried to use electromagnetism to lighten her steps in preparations for the run.
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