《The Helena Chronicles》B1 — 22. Worse Than Expected
It took Helena ten minutes to walk to the gardens. She stumbled and fell a few times along the way, but she was slowly getting used to walking with electromagnetism. She didn’t meet many people along the way, only base personnel as their white clothing indicated.
Entering the garden through thick steel doors, she experienced an expel of warm air graze past her face and the sweet smell of greenery tingle her nose. Sun beat its radiance from the clear sky, but frozen moisture danced across the outside of the gigantic domed overlay.
A multitude of plants and trees she’d never seen before covered everything, tinted in a dully reflected ultraviolet light shining from suspended holsters to feed the vegetation. Helena could feel the humid atmosphere press against her skin as her body temperature rose. I’ll need a lot more water if I’m going to jog here, but they should have some kind of dispenser.
Her eyes followed a black paved path that trailed through the foliage, small clouded glass paneling followed its edges, lights for nighttime. I’m surprised there’s this large of a jungle in the middle of WITCH’s base and in this frozen landscape, but it’s colossal enough to fit it. I remember seeing thermal exhausts in the schematics, perhaps they use geothermal power.
Walking toward the path, she found it had steel sheeting below it. This’s why Kara wants me jogging here. The foliage was fairly thick, but the path seemed to be regularly cut back to provide ease of movement.
Walking across the path, she used Kara’s technique to try and make the journey smoother. Five minutes in, she heard panting behind her. Turning, she found Booker jogging around a bend in the path, moving toward her.
He wore some white jogging shorts and a t-shirt with pale white running shoes, shades still covering his eyes. His tanned skin shone with sweat as he steadily progressed forward. As he saw her, he grinned. “Little lass!” He panted. Catching up to her, he slowed to her pace, wiping at his brow. “How was your talk with the Boss?”
“Salutations, Bolisquirantis. It was illuminating.” Helena responded with a welcoming smile.
Booker’s brow furrowed. “You don’t have to call me by my full name. Just call me Booker.”
Helena nodded. “Very well, thank you for the company, Booker.”
Booker breathed a heavy sigh, slowing his respiratory. “Have you picked up your pace a little since last time?”
“I haven’t noticed. Do you think so?” Helena lied.
“You do seem a little faster.” Booker shot a grin down at her.
Frowning, Helena continued beside Booker as he went silent, focused on his breathing. It might be a good opportunity for me to get some information. It’s a perfect time actually, training and gaining the proper information I need. “Hmm, Booker, would you mind answering a few questions I have?”
Booker smirked. “Of course, the Boss did ask me to answer any questions you had.”
Thinking about how best to phrase her question, she asked, “What—is WITCH’s goals? What are they trying to achieve that requires their military?”
Booker licked his lips and sucked on his lower lip for a second before answering. “Well—it’s kind of complicated. Normally, most citizens, if you want to call them that, or people under WITCH control couldn’t talk about this. Because of my position and your current position as an SOP initiate into a Faction, it’s tolerated.”
“I see,” Helena nodded with a frown, “so, be careful who I discuss this with.”
“Sharp as always,” Booker chuckled. “So, in short, WITCH is masking as an authoritarian regime while at its core totalitarian. The Factions operate in a sort of authoritarian manner, each Faction has its purpose and duties, but each Prime is subject to the President and then you have the ultimate check to the Prime’s power, the Alpha.”
“So, Kara herself is chained to WITCH … even with her power, she’s still a slave to the President’s whims.” Helena muttered bitterly.
“Sad, but correct,” Booker nodded. “You have partnering organizations, like with some of the Houses, which aren’t trapped, but are in a mutually beneficial relationship with WITCH, such as Head Rephenald Felorne.”
“Then Eizea isn’t trapped by WITCH like I am…” Helena sighed.
Booker shook his head. “Nope, her group has special perks because of that. She took over the position after a few Primes died some years back. It was big news, that many Primes dying off … lots of speculation. Fatchna, Phantasm, Colin, the Boss, and Eizea all took their Prime seat near the exact same time.”
“That sounds like collusion.”
“A lot of people thought that too, but they do have the power to back it up. There are only three relatively long-standing Primes and Cassandra is the youngest of them. She’s been a Prime for ten years.”
“I see, but what are WITCH’s goals or if it’s a totalitarian regime, what’s Tenzen’s goals?” Helena pushed.
“Figured out the President’s name I see,” Booker chuckled with a shrug. “Well, it’s above my pay grade. I don’t even know if the Boss knows, truthfully. All we do is follow orders given to us down the pipeline. We have resources and land to defend from Tech and Augnecian invasion, we're currently in a war with the island tribes of the south seas, but it’s not like we throw all our resources at it. Mostly maintain order and follow orders, that’s our mission statement.”
“Really,” Helena sighed, “that’s all you know about a mission plan. So, at the whims of a dictator.”
“Basically, but the Primes each have certain things they try to uphold or accomplish. One reason why there’s always such bitterness between them, but for the most part there’s a stalemate, only Phantasm actively seeks to harm the Boss.”
“There’s something that I want to—discuss.” Helena frowned, stumbling a little as she messed up a calculation. “I gathered that Phantasm has some kind of grudge against Kara or the other way around, but am I in danger because of my connection to Kara?”
“Ack,” Booker cracked his neck a bit at her statement, his heart was hard to read while he was exercising, but she knew he thought it possible by its slight spasm. “I think—well, yeah, I’d say so. I mean, from what I’ve gathered there was some evidence to point Phantasm had a hand in your torture … that might be why the Boss has what few personnel she has at this base near you, little lass … only speculation though.”
“Does Kara not tell you much? I thought you were a Captain.”
“Yeah, but only things that pertain to my specific duties. She doesn’t blab to me about everything. Kara’s very secretive and does a whole lot of work behind the scenes to ease up our burdens within the Faction. She’s a one girl army … and takes on a full army role herself.”
Helena hummed thoughtfully at his response. Kara seems to take on a lot of responsibilities herself. Booker being nearby to guard me seems like a waste of resources. He must have more pressing things to do than always waiting for me as Kara sends him twidling his thumbs all around the base? Does she take on so much that she can give her members slack like this? He also said there aren’t that many members of her Faction at this base. What number is that exactly?
Her thoughts turned to Phantasm. His members seem to treat him like a king or god, with reverence. How would Phantasm react if I chose to join his Faction? Not that it sounds appealing from what I know so far, but how would he react or Kara for that matter? Betrayed most likely, from her statements, she expects me to join her, without a doubt.
Her vision rose as they ended their fifteen-minute jog. The path led to a large facility, opening into a courtyard. It stood three stories and extended back into the jungle. Outside the courtyard were several benches and metal contraptions that Helena presumed were for riding purposes.
There was a woman that appeared to be in her early twenties sitting on a bench. She had thick black hair that was woven into a ponytail and hung halfway down her back. She had a sculpted diamond shaped face with indented cheeks, tanned markless skin, slightly curved back forehead, and almond piercing lime green eyes, matching her own perfectly, with black high arched eyebrows. A thin bridged, straight slightly upturned nose, heavy lower lips that held a slight pucker and she was tall with an hourglass figure. The picture of beauty.
Her chosen attire was a tight, long green strapped dress. She sat cross-legged with her left hand on her lap, which held an HCID clasped to it. Her right played with the holographic images that danced across her vision. Her eyes snapped up as Helena and Booker came into sight.
Her prudent, confident, and cool demeanor fell apart as they neared. “Lady Vandred—Booker.” She stumbled out his name with a half held breath and Helena noted her bioelectrical signals a frenzied mess, but oddly held a methodical rhythm. Her entire body’s electrical structure moved in a strangely efficient pattern, more so than anyone she’d ever met. The only alteration being the flutter in her heart and constriction of her abdomen, her chest had quickened and quivered as she locked eyes with Booker.
She rose to her feet with haste, the green fabric swirling around her long elegant legs and her black heels sharply clicked against the building’s stone laid walkway. She licked her lips, which were far from dry and her hands darted behind her back, the hologram canceling.
Her nervous eyes shifted to Helena and she cleared her voice, regaining a semblance of her former self-assurance. “Ah—Lady Vandred, I presume your horrible attire is from that putrid girl. I’ll have to bring some more appropriate clothing to your wardrobe.”
She let the statement hang as she waited, but a small constriction hung in her throat as her eyes shifted to Booker for a slight second. Kara was right. It seems this woman does disrespect her and she’s acting quite strange. Why’s she so anxious and calling me a Lady, even though I’ve been cleared of my name and status?
Helena curtsied. “Salutations, would you happen to be the person Kara referred to in her email?”
“I imagine so.” The woman said, taking a deep breath, her chest pressing against her dress with the action as she held it.
Helena felt Booker’s vision move across the woman’s body and purse his lips, his tongue licking the inner lining of his mouth before gulping. His heart was beating like a drum and he started sweating again. He cleared his throat. “I’m going to continue with my jog.” Between his words, he took off at a swift pace.
The woman let her breath out in a soft sigh as she stared after Booker a concerned look in her eyes. Swallowing, a small tremor seemed to run down her body as she turned back to Helena, her cool behavior returned. Helena was completely mystified. What kind of exchange was that? An awkward meeting and Booker takes off? It somewhat reminded her of Tamie and Rean, but she couldn’t puzzle it out.
“I apologize for my behavior. Did the wench not give me a name?”
Helena was slightly taken aback; she said it with such a straight face and casual tone. Does she not fear Kara’s power at all? Booker’s wholly respectful toward Kara, while this woman seems to hate her.
“I’m afraid not,” Helena replied as she approached her and held out her hand. “Salutations, I’m Helena and my handle is Vix.” Although, obviously she knows my circumstance since she knows my last name. Is this the Biokinetic Kara mentioned?
The woman hummed thoughtfully as she took her hand, she had long dainty fingers with perfect fingernails. As they touched, Helena sensed another quake through the woman’s nerve-system and a quick intake of breath. Her bioelectrical system had somehow shifted ever so slightly. She’s different than anyone I’ve met so far, it sort of reminds me of the Branch Family doctor's bioelectrical system … but much more unique. It makes sense if she’s a Biokinetic, she must be powerful.
“My name is Belesis. It’s a strange name, you can call me by whatever you find appropriate.” Her penetrating eyes darted around Helena’s body with careful inspection. She could go by Bel, Bele, or even Sis; the name sounds oddly appropriate. However, if her name is Belesis, it’s only natural that I respect it. It wasn’t a common name as it was a name associated with the Great Houses, meaning Caretaker, often given to honored servants.
Releasing her grip, Helena stepped back to lessen the strain on her neck. “Belesis is a lovely name; I’d be honored to address you as such.”
Helena was shocked to find her cheeks redden with a blush. This woman is indeed strange. “Would you be the Biokinetic that healed my wounds?”
Belesis stiffened and something deep passed through her reflected eyes as she nodded slowly. “I was the one that treated your wounds, they were severe. That detestable girl wouldn’t tell me who inflected them and half dragged me across the base before waking me. She brought me right to your marred body, I was quite appalled at your condition ... you seem to be doing better now.”
Helena swallowed with a pit entering her stomach. That’s a lot of healing for a single person to accomplish. She must be more proficient in her ability than any Biokinetic I’ve met. Yet, why would a person with a high amount of control over biological structures have such bodily reactions? Maybe I’m just not experienced enough to know the reasons.
“Thank you, Belesis.” Helena curtsied. “I’d be honored to call you by name. You paid me a great service and I will do my best to repay it.”
“No need to thank me.” Belesis’ face deepened further into crimson. “It is a part of my duty ... I was only forced to sleep two days after repairing every fiber of your body.”
“I apologize for inconveniencing you.” Helena quickly responded. What’s she getting at with these positive to negative statements? Does she want something from me and if so, why’s she blushing about it? Wait … I’ve been unconscious for more than two days!
“Oh—it’s quite alright. After all, I’m borrowing your eyes.” Belesis said with an uneasy shift. “They’re a bit odd, so I like them.” She’s what … wearing my eyes? Maybe she copied the DNA that makes up my eye color and applied it to her own? She’s also blushing and with increasing intensity, can she truly be ashamed or abashed? She should be able to control it with her ability...
Nodding thankfully, Helena said. “I’m flattered.”
“Oh—fantastic … that tyrant Kara towed me out of bed, by the hair, to time your jog.” Is this just a part of her personality, to portray events in an awkward manner? It seems like some kind of psychological condition, but for a Biokinetic?
“I was told to run and keep running,” Helena said with a light giggle, trying to ease the atmosphere.
“Oh—have I made you uncomfortable? I seem to be inefficient in—areas … I apologize.” Belesis’ expression saddened significantly.
“No, you just have a different way of speaking than I’m accustomed to. I enjoy it!” Helena said with a reassuring smile.
“Oh—you really do look cuter with dimples … I was skeptical and didn’t want to do it, but the vulture made me.” Vulture? She calls Kara by a new name with every reference.
“Well, I’m going to go change and start my run,” Helena said, trying to break away from the conversation.
She started playing with her thick black hair. “Okay, I’ll be here … wishing to be back at the Southern Base as I stare at videos of the sunny beach. It’s too cold here. Although, Booker’s here … oh, and Klen, but he’s annoying.”
Helena didn’t reply as she moved into the facility. An interesting character, she seems to have some kind of condition that forces her to talk negatively and she seems to be conscious of it, to some degree. Why not fix herself? Helena sighed. Then again … I have no idea what kind of processes she’d have to go through to alter that kind of condition. If she hasn’t then it means she can’t or won’t because of the possible consequences.
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