《Warlock's Gate [DROPPED]》Chapter 27: A Gift of Solace
Chapter 27: A Gift of Solace
Lennox scratched the cropped ash-blonde hair behind his ears and stared at the pile of wrapped parcels piled onto the small dining room table in Jarel’s apartment. “So, they gave you an advance—and you spent it all on clothes?”
“Clothes for Sonia,” Jarel muttered as he refolded the linen pants that his sister had deemed too big. “And I put aside enough to cover food, supplies, and a small cart for—"
“These are still too big!” Sonia announced as her frail hand shot through the curtain with another pair of rejected trousers.
“Alright, I’ll add that to the return pile,” Jarel said patiently as he took the garments, wound them up around his hand, and added them to the pile of clothes waiting to be folded.
“The shop owner is letting you return them?” Lennox asked with noted surprise.
“These are all the free samples Mrs. Birdie had on hand, and she insisted I take a few different sizes since I didn’t come with Sonia’s measurements,” Jarel explained, mumbling out the last part. The Ranger moved to the next stack of marked paper parcels, cut through the string with his Jabal Dagger, and carried over two more pairs of trousers to the corner. “They’ve all been worn before, so she cut me a pretty good deal and promised to buy back anything that didn’t fit. Here, Sonia, try these.”
Sonia's hand reached out, took the clothes, and disappeared behind the curtain hung in front of the bed.
“Maybe just take your sister to the market next time?” Lennox suggested as he studied the measurements written on the remaining parcels.
“Sonia can’t—” Jarel glanced towards the curtain as he fell silent. Then the Ranger held out his left palm flat and walked the fingers of his right hand across it. “She needs more time to rebuild her strength.”
“Ah.” The Guardian nodded, then pulled out a chair to sit down. “Well, when you two are done trying on clothes, I’ll take back what you want to return so you can focus on packing for tomorrow.”
Jarel gave Lennox a dubious look as he finished folding a pair of faded green pants. “Don’t you think it's strange that we’re leaving so soon after a Monster Surge? There will probably be plenty of Jabal Boars on the loose between here and Emberlight.”
“Well, if those boars were still grouped under an Elder Boar, then they might still be a threat, but the Sentinels did a pretty good job taking down all the Elder monsters yesterday. The rest have probably scattered on their way back to Jabal Mountain.”
The Ranger nodded as he folded another pair of pants and added both to the basket Mrs. Bridie had loaned him.
“These are still a little loose,” Sonia called out as she passed back the pair of trousers, “but I should be able to grow into them fairly soon.”
“Alright,” Jarel replied with an approving nod. “I’ll keep two to take with us.” He folded the pants with a bit more care and added them to a small blue travel chest already adorned by Sonia’s brush. The Ranger then moved back to the table to open another parcel. “These are the next size down, Sonia, so hopefully, they’ll do the trick.”
A sigh came from behind the curtain before Sonia held out a hand and accepted the offered garments. “Lenny is right. Next time take me shopping with you. These colors are all boring.”
The Ranger scowled at the Guardian, who chuckled and raised his hands apologetically.
“Neutral colors are better for travel,” Jarel explained as he folded his arms. “Easier to hide if you don’t stand out like a Pink Jellyfae.”
“Your brother’s right,” Lennox commented with a begrudging shrug, then turned his head as the sound of a carriage outside reached their ears. “Now, who could that be? And how in Euclid’s Balls did they manage to fit a carriage down this street?”
Jarel straightened and watched as the Guardian moved over to the apartment door and stepped outside.
“Looks like our new boss has come to pay us a visit?” Lennox called out from the door.
“Judge Owens?” Jarel moved swiftly towards the door. A glance past Lennox showed a carriage painted in red and orange with the black flame symbol of a phoenix.
“Nope, younger and definitely prettier,” Lennox muttered as the carriage door opened. A familiar low-ranked Fire Mage stepped down and glanced about the street uncertainly as the morning sun glinted off her golden copper-brown curls.
“What is she doing here?” Jarel muttered as he took in the two heavily armed Sentinels who accompanied her. ‘A Consultus Guardian and Destroyer from the look of it.’
“These fit,” Sonia called out from behind the curtains. “I’ll wear this gray one, and you can pack the brown.” She moved the curtain aside as Jarel returned to take the clothes from her hand. “Do we have company?”
“Ah—” Jarel looked from Sonia to Lennox, who was waving to someone below them in the street. “I guess so.”
Cassandra Owens glanced around the cramped apartment curiously as Consultus Ragna, the B-ranked Guardian that Judge Owens had assigned as her head bodyguard and team leader, wiped down the only chair in the apartment with her cloak.
“There you are, Praeditus,” Ragna said civilly as she too glanced across the cramped room at Lennox and Jarel with an expression of distaste.
“I apologize if I’ve come at a bad time,” Cassandra began nervously, drawing a look of disapproval from Ranga.
“Not at all, Praeditus,” Jarel responded in his usual soothing tone. The Ranger unfolded his arms and offered a polite nod. “I apologize for the mess. We’re in the middle of sorting through our things and packing for the journey.”
“It looks like you just went on quite the healthy shopping spree,” Ragna observed as she picked up a paper-wrapped parcel. “Lady’s undergarments?”
“Those are for me,” Sonia interjected stiffly from her seat on the bed. The gray pants she had chosen to wear were baggy around her bare legs, and her pale toes peeked out beneath the linen fabric.
Ragna glanced over the pale, frail girl and narrowed her eyes on Sonia’s legs curiously. “Ahh yes, the cripple.”
“Is there a problem?” Lennox growled as he took a step forward.
“Not really. I was just wondering why we’re being forced to bring along extra baggage,” Ragna returned without missing a beat. “That’s all.”
Jarel grabbed Lennox’s arm and held the Guardian back before he could do anything stupid, though judging by the look of repressed anger on the Ranger’s face, he wouldn’t find it hard to let go.
“The money was for Jarel to do with as he wished,” Cassandra interrupted sharply as she offered Sonia a friendly smile. “I can only say how happy I am that your sister has recovered and will be joining us. I also wanted to extend an invitation for Sonia to ride with me in my carriage while we make our journey.”
“Praeditus!” Ragna protested. “Did you clear this with the Judge?”
“A carriage will be much more comfortable for Sonia, there’s plenty of room, and I could use someone to talk to,” Cassandra continued while pointedly ignoring Ragna. “The arrangement will also allow Jarel to stay close to his sister and me while we travel. That is—” the Fire Mage flushed as she glanced from Sonia to Jarel and then away hesitantly, “—if you would like to.”
Jarel turned to Sonia, who raised her brows and shrugged. The Ranger then turned back to Cassandra and offered a warm smile as he bowed politely at the waist. “We accept your generous offer, Praeditus.”
‘Oh, thank goodness.’ Cassandra let out a small sigh and quickly cleared her throat. The Fire Mage then turned and gestured to the Destroyer waiting outside the door. “Hans. Could you bring in the gifts?” Cassandra quickly turned to face the three pairs of eyes studying her curiously and hastily explained, “Ah—I brought these for you, Ranger Jarel.”
Jarel’s turquoise-blue eyes widened in disbelief as the Destroyer handed Cassandra a Scarlet Bow. The Fire Mage carried the beautiful bow over to the Ranger and offered it to him nervously.
“I’m told that a weapon is the most important tool for an Ingenium and Feralis Class Nucleus.”
“This is—too generous,” Jarel whispered even as he stared admiringly at the bow she held.
Weapon—Reinforced Scarlet Oak Longbow. Grade (C). Quality (Greater) Hewn from the branch of a great Scarlet Oak. A longbow that deals 32% physical damage to the target. Reinforced with an Endram Crystal for an additional 12% damage. Note: Long Bows have better accuracy for long-range targets and deal more damage to close-range targets than a Recurve Bow. However, charged skills will take additional time and mana to use.
“But not very practical for fighting monsters in a dungeon,” the Ranger added as he tore his eyes away from the shiny new weapon.
“But it would be preferable for fighting monsters out in the open while traveling,” Cassandra replied with wavering confidence. “Of course, if you prefer—the Recurve bow—”
“He’ll take it,” Lennox grunted as he grabbed the Scarlet Bow and shoved it into Jarel’s chest. “Thank you, Praeditus.”
Cassandra gave Lennox a slightly worried and uncertain look but relaxed as Jarel turned and tested out the bow’s weight and string. ‘As long as Jarel accepts it, I suppose that’s fine.’
“It’s a good bow, Praeditus. Thank you. I’ll make good use of it,” the Ranger said with another formal bow.
“Please, call me Cassandra!” the Fire Mage insisted with another blush. “We are to be party members from this point forward, and—I’m not really a Praeditus.”
Ragna appeared to choke on something irksome but wisely kept silent.
“Oh!” Cassandra hastily turned to take the black robe draped over Han’s arm. “This is our team cloak,” the Fire Mage explained as she turned the piece of fabric around to reveal the orange and red flame of a viper. “Since you gave up your Sentinel cloak—I wanted to give you—this as well—and—”
‘Oh, gods—why am I stammering so badly?’
“It’s part of the uniform for your new job,” Ragna cut in with a note of impatience. “So unless you’re off duty, wear it.”
“Ragna,” Cassandra hissed with a pointed look in the woman’s direction. “Maybe it would be better if you and Hans waited outside.”
Ragna looked ready to protest but then thought better of it as she turned to the Destroyer and nodded her head towards the door.
Cassandra let out a pent-up sigh of relief then blinked as she found herself awkwardly facing Lennox, Jarel, and Sonia. “I—wanted to ask a favor of Ranger Jarel while I was here—if that would be alright?”
Lennox pursed his lips and made a comical expression as he raised his eyebrows and turned in the Ranger’s direction. “Oh, I’m sure that would be no problem.”
“What favor?” Jarel asked with a note of caution.
“I—will be doing my first Ascension today,” Cassandra explained, unable to hide the nervousness in her voice as she played with the cloth belt of her robe.
“Oh, well. Congratulations!” Lennox said enthusiastically while looking mildly disappointed for some reason.
“Thank you. I wanted to ask—” Cassandra drew in a deep breath as she fought the urge to turn and flee, “—if Ranger Jarel—would accompany me through it.”
“No,” Jarel replied firmly.
Cassandra’s breath caught in her throat as an awkward silence filled the room.
“It’s best if another Ingenium guides you through your first Ascension, Praeditus—Cassandra,” Jarel added her name quickly after noticing the Fire Mage’s disappointed look.
‘Of course—he’s right. I shouldn’t have asked—'
“Thank you for the cloak,” Jarel said with a note of kindness as he stepped forward to take the black fabric from her hand. “I’m sure the Judge has chosen someone reliable to walk you through it. Just listen to their advice, and you’ll be alright.”
‘Is he—trying to reassure me?’
“Y-yes,” Cassandra murmured tiredly as the Ranger took a step back. “I’m sure they’ll be—qualified. I just—wanted someone there I knew—”
It might have been Cassandra’s imagination, but it looked as if Lennox reached over to touch the Ranger’s ass. Jarel’s face tensed up, and his mouth flickered into what might have been a snarl of rage before he tossed the cloak over his shoulder and edged away from the Guardian’s reach.
“We have to finish packing, Praeditus,” Jarel said firmly as he gestured to the piles of clothes, gear, and various household items that filled most of the floor space. “And my sister needs all my free time and help to get ready for the dangers we may all face on this journey.”
Cassandra swallowed back her disappointment and pressed her trembling hands together as she offered the Ranger, his sister, and Lennox a smile. “Of course, I understand. I will see you all tomorrow morning when we depart.”
‘Well, what did you expect? No one has time for someone like you.’
The Fire Mage blinked back the sharp reproach that echoed behind her ears and stammered out a hasty, “Good Night.” Cassandra was halfway down the stairs before she realized it was still morning. Her cheeks burned a bright red by the time she reached the carriage and hid inside.
Lennox slapped Jarel across the back of his head the moment the carriage pulled away.
“Oww!” Jarel snapped as he whirled around. “What the hell? And why in the three moons did you pinch my ass earlier?”
“Are you kidding?” the Guardian demanded incredulously. “Cassandra is the reason your sister is walking, I’m debt-free again, and we’re all getting the hell out of Highguard. Remember?”
“Yeah, so? It’s not like she needs me there,” Jarel grumbled, then frowned as he caught Sonia shaking her head. “Not you too, what?”
“It’s just—she looked—lonely—and a bit sad,” Sania replied evasively. “Like she needed a friend.”
Lennox crossed his arms and raised his brows with a look that seemed to say, ‘See, even the kid gets that you’re an asshole.’
“Cassandra will be fine,” Jarel growled defensively as he moved back to the table to resume folding and sorting through clothes. “And Sonia, you can spend as much time with her as you like on our journey to Emberlight.”
“Will she, though?” Lennox pressed. “You remember how nerve-wracking the first Ascension was? And how taxing it can be on one’s Health and Mana pool.”
Jarel dropped the lid of Sonia’s travel trunk with a little too much force as he hissed, “Shit.”
“But I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Lennox continued sarcastically. “It's not like the Praeditus would intentionally hurt one of their own by forcing them to Ascend too soon.”
‘Cassandra’s Mana pool was nowhere near ready to Ascend two days ago—if they don’t—’ Jarel shook his head and moved to open a parcel of boots that he carried over to Sonia. “She’s a Praeditus—she’ll be fine. Here, Sonia, make sure these fit.”
“Is an Ascension dangerous?” Sonia asked worriedly as Jarel lifted her left foot and slid a woolen sock over her cold, pale toes that had a little more pink than usual.
“No, not if you prepare yourself properly and—Arggh,” Jarel growled in frustration as he lowered Sonia’s foot and turned to glare at Lennox.
The Guardian raised a brow, then smirked as Jarel pushed away from the bed and hurriedly grabbed his gear, the new cloak Cassandra had given him but opted for his Black Ash Recurve bow instead of the Scarlet Oak Longbow. “I knew you’d make the right choice.”
“As long as you realize that this means you’ll be looking after Sonia while I’m gone. Do everything she tells you to, Lenny!” Jarel snarled as he hooked a full quiver onto his belt and left his cloak loose and to the side to make drawing his weapon and arrows easier.
Lennox snorted and waved a hand dismissively as the Ranger rushed to the door. “You heard him, Sonia. You’re the boss.”
“Then can you hand me the other sock and shoe?” Sonia replied without missing a beat. “I want to go for a walk.”
Jarel’s steps paused on the landing. The Ranger looked back worriedly at the apartment door as it swung shut. He closed his eyes, focused his thoughts, and continued down the stairs at a rapid pace.
‘I’ll just make sure Cassandra has everything she needs and then come straight back.’
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