《Warlock's Gate [DROPPED]》Chapter 16: Iron Stance
Chapter 16: Iron Stance
“I’ll bet five Prum on the Commander. Any takers?”
“Oye, keep your shirt on, City Guard. That must be half your weekly wages!”
“Go kiss a Gromulus, you Sentinel bastard!”
Corbin scoffed at the banter from the bleachers behind him and rolled his shoulders reflexively beneath the training gear. As always, the Dementher material felt deceptively light, much lighter than his Blue Steel full plate armor. But Corbin knew from experience that while the Dregen Training Gear would protect him from taking any life-threatening damage inside the arena, he would still be leaving with quite a few bruises.
‘Up until now, I’ve only watched him spar with other Praeditus and a few Consultus. Taking on the Commander right after reaching Materia—forget landing a hit I’ll be lucky to last through two of his.’
“Right, rules for the match are as follows,” Consultus Milo shouted out as he jumped up to stand on his bleacher and address the crowd. “If Corbin gets knocked outside the arena’s barrier—he loses. If he stays within the barrier for all three rounds—he wins. I’ll take your bets now for those interested. That doesn’t include you, Lennox.”
“Prick,” an angry voice muttered as another Guardian that Corbin faintly recognized from his time in the Sentinel Guild rose from the bleachers and headed towards the exit.
“Eyes over here, Son,” John called out with a smug grin. “Barriers only twenty feet behind you. Feel free to step over it whenever you’ve had enough.”
Corbin cracked a smile and nodded back as he activated his first skill.
Guardian Active Skill—Knight’s Valor (Tier I) Your battle has just begun, Guardian, but your Valor and Fortitude are to be commended. You are the shield that protects the weak from oppression and obliteration. 10% increase to physical defense against all incoming attacks regardless of rank or debuff. 10% resistance to all status effects regardless of rank or debuff. 20% boost to health.
Corbin smiled as his health pool jumped from 18,223 to 21,868 and moved determinedly towards the centermost point of the arena marked by a circle of black sand. “If you don’t mind, Commander. I think I’ll start here.” The Guardian planted his feet and activated the only defensive stance he had gained since obtaining C-Rank.
Guardian Active Skill—Iron Fortress (Tier II) A stance that grants a 25% increase to physical defense and 45% resistance to all physical status effects. While under the effects of this stance, all debuffs below 45% are negated, but the Guardian cannot move. If the stance is broken, all defensive effects will disappear.
‘I may not be able to beat you head-on in a fight, Father, but I’ll be damned if you knock me out of this ring before the first round is over.’
John smirked as he paced around the Guardian, then returned to his starting point as he casually slung the giant mace over his shoulder. “Is that how you want to play it?”
“I’m ready when you are, old man,” Corbin replied through gritted teeth as he waited for the punishment he already knew he was in for.
‘You picked this method so that you and Beatrix could send me safely to Dawnskeep while also separating me from Fallon. I get it, but that’s all the motivation I need to win.’
“Well,” John replied casually as he glanced towards the guards on the raised pedestal beside the hourglass and bell. “No one can say you didn’t try.” The Commander gave the waiting men a nod, and the clear sound of the bell was greeted by encouraging shouts from the bleachers.
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Victorious Shout A debuff that reduces all incoming damage by 21% while increasing Phoenix Champion physical damage by 23%.
‘Oh, fuck me,’ Corbin held back a laugh as John launched forward, and the Commander’s giant mace swung violently towards the Guardian’s helmet. Corbin lifted his Jabal Shield instinctively and gritted his teeth as the impact of Phoenix Champion’s first attack sent a jolt of pain up his forearm, through his neck and shoulder, and down his spine.
‘I wonder if this would feel any different if I were wearing real armor instead of this Dementher rock?’
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Subjugating Strike IV (Tier IV) A heavy attack that deals 52% damage to an opponent (+67% 2H Mace Damage) (23% Victorious Shout) with a 40% to inflict [Knockdown]. Status Effect—Knockdown Puts your target on the ground for 4 minutes. Any charged skill or stance is automatically disrupted. Targets under the effect of knockdown cannot use skills and have their movement speed reduced by 11% for 5 minutes. Guardian Active Skill—Shield Reflect I (Tier II) Blocks 17% of all incoming damage and reflects 8% back to the attacker (+9% Shield Damage).
17% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by [Shield Reflect I].
10% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
25% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by [Iron Fortress]
29% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by Jabal Full plate Armor and Shield.
Guardian received 11,116 damage from [Subjugating Strike IV].
[Knockdown] was deflected by [Iron Fortress].
Phoenix Champion received 0 damage from [Shield Reflect I].
‘Euclid’s—Fist! I—felt that!’ Corbin groaned as his shield arm went numb from his hand to his shoulder. Beneath his plated armor, the Guardian’s heart hammered loudly as he cast a quick glance towards the blue bar above him where his health had plummeted from 21,868 to a mere 10,752. ‘[Knight’s Valor] gave me some leeway there, even if it is only a Tier I skill. But if this were a real fight, I’d be one hit away from dying.’
Corbin shook his head as he refocused on the arena, only to find that the Phoenix Champion was no longer in front of him. ‘Ahh—Shit!’ A not-so-subtle reminder to pay attention to his surroundings arrived as a shield slammed between the Guardian’s shoulder blades.
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Shield Stun II (Tier II) A shield attack that inflicts 39% damage to the target (+23% Shield Damage) (+23% Victorious Shout) with a 25% chance to inflict [Stun]. Stunned targets cannot move or use skills for 2 minutes.
10% of [Shield Stun II] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
25% of [Shield Stun II] was blocked by [Iron Fortress].
23% of [Shield Stun II] was blocked by Jabal Full plate Armor.
Guardian received 4,920 damage from [Shield Stun II].
[Stun] was deflected by [Iron Fortress].
“Ha!” Corbin laughed weakly as he struggled to draw in the air that had been forcefully expelled from his lungs. The blue health bar above the Guardians’ head dropped further down to 5,832 Health Points. ‘Well, that is the downside to using [Iron Fortress]. You can’t move or protect yourself from enemies at your back.’
“Now might be a good time to rethink your strategy,” the Commander called out as he casually swung his giant mace and circled the panting Guardian.
“Maybe,” Corbin admitted with a grimace. “But the point of this match wasn’t beating you or even staying above the red.” He drew in a deep breath and tested his still numb shield arm. “I told you, I like this spot. Dead center and—” he glanced down at his rooted feet, “—I haven’t moved a single inch yet.” A sideways glance at the hourglass revealed more than half of the first-round still remained.
John followed his son’s gaze and laughed. “So, you’re playing the long game. Alright. But you’re mistaken if you think I can’t hit harder.”
Corbin laughed and shook his head. “And here I thought you were going easy on me earlier when you went for a Tier II skill.” The Guardian’s smile quickly faded as a red aura flashed across the Phoenix Champion’s weapon and shield. “I guess not.”
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Holy Shield (Tier III) Defensive skills and attacks are increased by 30% for 10 minutes. Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Holy Blade (Tier IV) Offensive skills are increased by 45% for 10 minutes.
‘Damn it!’ Corbin grit his teeth as the Commander charged towards him behind the glittering Titanium shield. The Guardian barely managed to raise his Jabal Shield in time to meet the Phoenix Champion’s attack.
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Shield of Judgment I (Tier IV) Deals 52% damage to the target (+23 Shield Damage) (+23% Victorious Shout) (+30% Holy Shield) with a 40% chance to inflict [Fractured Armor I]. Status Effect—Fractured Armor Reduces the target’s total armor defense by 25% for 9 minutes.
17% of [Shield of Judgment I] was blocked by [Shield Reflect I].
10% of [Shield of Judgment I] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
25% of [Shield of Judgment I] was blocked by [Iron Fortress]
29% of [Shield of Judgment I] was blocked by Jabal Full plate Armor and Shield.
Guardian received 6,852 damage from [Shield of Judgment I].
ALERT: [Iron Fortress] stance has been broken.
[Shield of Judgment I] has inflicted [Fractured Armor] on Guardian.
‘No!’ Corbin dropped his chin and blinked down at his right knee that buckled beneath the Phoenix Champion’s monstrous strength. ‘Damn it!’ He blinked again and realized that he had slipped a few feet back from the black sand that marked the center of the arena. The Guardian exhaled sharply as he glanced towards the blue bar overhead that flickered into red at -1,639 Health Points.
“It’s—not over yet,” Corbin growled as he forced himself back on his feet. He wasn’t sure how his shield remained upright; he couldn’t feel the arm strapped to the kite shield, much less move it. The Guardian didn’t have the luxury of wondering how badly his limb had been damaged, not with the Commander’s giant mace closing in quickly towards his helmet.
ALERT: Rare Ability [Double Nucleus] has activated.
Death does not become you, Virtus. Switching to Nucleus Class (Feralis).
A bolt of electric power snapped free at Corbin’s core. His heart seemed to stretch and contract as if being pulled apart by invisible hands. The Guardian coughed against his shield as he reached for his chest. Beneath the unexpected pain, Corbin struggled to breathe, barely registering the words that formed somewhere in the back of his mind as the world around him slowed to a snail's crawl. His body fell back gracefully as the giant mace swung harmlessly overhead. The Guardian was standing upright a second later as the Phoenix Champion stumbled forward slightly off balance by the missed attack.
‘Guess this means it's time for Plan B.’
ALERT: Unique Ability [Bloodthirsty] has been activated.
Unique Ability—Bloodthirsty Your health has dropped below 10%, but your fighting spirit remains unaffected. Movement Speed, Attack Speed, Perception, and Skill Damage are all increased by 25% for 2 minutes. All physical attacks have an increased 25% chance to land [Bleed]. Status Effect—Bleed The target’s artery has been ruptured. Target will receive 8% Bleed damage (x7).
‘Two minutes is all I need!’ Corbin’s body was already moving, spinning faster than he’d ever moved in medium or heavy armor before as his mace glided towards the exposed skin of the Commander’s neck beneath his helmet.
ALERT: Rare Ability [Double Nucleus] has been canceled.
No (Feralis) Class has been selected! Deferring to (Virtus) Guardian Class.
Guardian Active Skill—Provoking Strike II (Tier II) A short charge skill that deals 38% damage to target (+18% Mace Damage) (+25% Bloodthirsty) and adds 20% [Rage] on the target. If [Aura of Aggression] is active an additional 10% [Rage] is added.
Critical hit!
21% of [Provoking Strike II] was blocked by [Victorious Shout].
Phoenix Champion received 494,845 damage from [Provoking Strike II].
[Bloodthirsty] has inflicted [Bleed] x 7 on Phoenix Champion.
[Jabal Mace] has inflicted [Stunned] on Phoenix Champion.
Status Effect—Stunned Target is unable to move or use skills for 30 seconds.
The world continued to move slowly around him as Corbin watched the Phoenix Champion stagger forward beneath his attack. ‘What? No fucking way—he didn’t have his other defensive buffs up!’ A wave of giddy confusion and relief washed over the Guardian as he watched the numbers on his Father’s Health Bar drop from 824,742 down to 494,845. ‘Gaios fucking piss! He never leaves an opening—how?’
Corbin raised his shield warily as he circled the Commander and returned to the scattered black sand in the center of the arena. ‘No—it was a lucky break on my part. Neither of us would have expected that—rare ability—to activate when it did.’ With a resolved, calming breath Corbin shifted back into his original defensive stance and faced the dangerous glint in his father’s pine-green eyes. ‘Shit. He’s going to make me pay for that lucky hit the moment [Stunned] wears off.’
Phoenix Champion Larkin has received 65,979 damage from [Bleed].
“What—was that skill?” John growled as he strained to free his body. “[Bloodthirsty]? That’s not a Guardian skill.”
“Ah, so—you remember how my Nucleus is a bit weird?” Corbin said conversationally as he tested his still numb shield arm. “Something like that happened—again.”
“I told you not to mess with skills you don’t understand!” The Phoenix Champion bellowed. He staggered forward, suddenly released once more, and hefted his shield wearily before moving determinedly forward to face the Guardian.
‘It's not my fault I was born with a different Nucleus than the one you gave me!’ Corbin gritted his teeth and danced effortlessly out of the giant mace’s range. ‘I need to get ready. [Bloodthirsty] won’t last for the duration of this round.’ He side-stepped the Commander’s shield attack and pointed his mace towards the ground by his Father’s right foot.
Guardian Active Skill—Ether Shackle (Tier II) Target is rooted to the ground for five minutes. If [Shackle] is canceled by another skill, the target has a 30% chance to be inflicted by [Cripple]. Status Effect—Cripple Target’s movement speed is reduced by 15% for 10 minutes.
John let out an angry breath as he glanced down towards the dark purple vine coiled around his leg. “Ha! I was wondering when you were going to use that.”
“I think that means I win the first round,” Corbin replied with a cautious grin. “You can either wait there for the last three minutes to run out or chase me with a crippled leg.”
Phoenix Champion Larkin has received 65,979 damage from [Bleed].
‘Or maybe [Bleed] will finish him—if this were a normal duel.’
The Commander chuckled as he glanced from his health bar towards the rapidly emptying hourglass. “Sorry, Son, as much as I would enjoy a second round, I did promise Beatrix that we’d be back before dinner got cold.”
“Ha!” Corbin wiggled the fingers of his shield arm and tried to find some comfort in the returning sensation of his limb as he gripped his mace and waited for the Phoenix Champion to make his move. ‘Alright, old man, let’s see what else you got.’
“Ahh, screw it!” John muttered as he hefted his giant mace and pointed it directly at the Guardian. “[Atonement]!”
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Atonement (Tier II) Removes one debuff or negative status effect from the Paladin and places it on their target. The effect and time limit of the transferred skill is reduced by half. Note: Only one skill can be transferred at a time. If a new skill is transferred, the previously removed skill will be immediately canceled.
“Ahh—Dementher’s ass!” Corbin growled as his right leg locked into place, ensnared by the dark ether vine.
Status Effect—Transferred [Ether Shackle] Target has been rooted in place for two minutes.
Phoenix Champion Larkin has received 52,784 damage from [Bleed].
"Oh, you can have that too!" John muttered with another casual wave of his mace.
Status Effect—Transferred [Bleed] Target has been inflicted by [Bleed] x2 for 4% damage.
ALERT: Unique Ability [Bloodthirsty] has expired.
“Looks like I’ll be finishing you off in the first round then,” the Commander noted with a pinch of smugness as he took a halting step forward and stopped. “Huh—” John looked down at his right leg that dragged behind him unsteadily as he took another step forward, “—I can’t believe that bloody skill landed.” The Phoenix Champion pointed his mace at Corbin again, and the Guardian let out a soft groan.
Status Effect—Transferred [Crippled] Target’s movement speed decreased by 7% for 5 minutes.
‘Of course!’ Corbin shifted immediately into [Iron Fortress]. He quickly activated [Shield Reflect I] and even managed to raise his Jabal Shield just enough to catch most of the giant mace that blurred into the side of his helmet.
Phoenix Champion Active Skill—Subjugating Strike IV (Tier IV) A short-charged heavy attack that deals 73% to the target (+67% 2H Mace Damage) (+23% Victorious Shout) (+45% Holy Blade) with a 40% chance to inflict [Knockdown].
17% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by [Shield Reflect I].
10% of [Subjugating Strike IV I] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
25% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by [Iron Fortress]
4% of [Subjugating Strike IV] was blocked by Jabal Full plate Armor and Shield.
ALERT: [Fractured Armor] has reduced total physical defense by 25%.
Guardian received 27,699 damage from [Subjugating Strike IV].
ALERT: [Iron Fortress] stance has been broken.
[Subjugating Strike IV] has inflicted [Knockdown] on Guardian.
Somewhere beneath the blur of information and eruption of pain in Corbin’s left ear, he was semi-conscious of the fact that he had gone airborne. Oddly enough, he didn’t feel the wind move or much of his body for that matter. Corbin could only make out the sharp contrast of the white sand from the arena as it spiraled into the dark night sky—until his helmet and shoulder crashed into the bleachers outside the protective barrier.
ALERT: Effects of [Dregen Training Gear] are negated outside the arena field.
10% of [Terrain Structure] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
Guardian has received 9,112 damage from [Terrain Structure].
ALERT: Severe internal swelling and bleeding detected!
Status Effects—Concussion Your armor has done its best to protect your fragile egg of a head, but alas, sometimes it's better to not get hit at all. -25% to all status. -50% to Movement Speed. -50% to Visibility. -30% to Health and Mana recovery.
‘I got hit—by the bleachers? Is that even possible?’
The clatter of feet on the bleachers around him rang through the fog in Corbin’s vision as hands reached down carefully to support his head and shoulders.
‘Fuck—if I’m in the bleachers—that means.’
“Is he alright?” A panicked voice shouted, far too close to the Guardian’s ear for comfort.
“Clear off and give us some space, will you!” Milo’s authoritative but frantic voice rang through the smog of voices. “Corbin! Hey buddy, you awake? Don’t try to move for a bit, alright? Has anyone got a recovery potion on them? Lieutenant Forest, your cape, we can use that as a litter for now.”
“I have a recovery potion here, Captain.”
“Toss it over then, Sentinel. Jarel, keep his head and neck steady. You three, help me turn him over. Keep that cape nice and tight!”
The bleachers moved as an unfamiliar man with brilliant blue eyes came into focus above Corbin’s blinking eyes. The stranger, dressed as a Sentinel, looked rather concerned.
‘That—can’t be good.’
“Fuuck!” Corbin groaned sluggishly as the men finished rolling him onto a rather poor stretcher. The Guardian focused on the bow strapped to the Sentinel’s back. ‘A Ranger then.’
“Okay, good job. Hold up while I give him this,” Milo said before coming into focus with a vial of purple fluid.
“Fallon is—gonna be so—pissed at me.”
“Yeah, we’ll talk about that later buddy, drink this,” Milo urged as he lowered the opened potion bottle to the dazed Guardian’s lips.
Item—Ether Recovery Potion. Grade (C). Quality (Greater) An ether potion that reduces all debuffs and negative status effects by 40%. Note: If the potion's effectiveness is greater than the removed condition(s), then the remaining % will be applied to Recovery Status and increase Health and Mana recovery rate.
ALERT: Ether Recovery Potion has removed [Bleed] and two other negative debuffs. Vision and Movement Speed are still reduced by 10% each.
“Okay. We should be able to move him now,” Milo called out as he shifted and moved to grab the material beside Corbin’s right shoulder. “Get ready to lift!”
The Ranger disappeared from view as the men supporting the litter made their way carefully down from the dented bleachers.
Corbin Larkin. Double Helix Nucleus (Virtus) (Feralis). Class (Guardian). Rank (C). Level (46) Health: 12,757/21,868 (18,223). Mana: 7,289/7,289. Experience till next level: 172,895/438,625 Status Effects: [Knight’s Valor] and [Concussion]
“Doing alright down there, Son?” John’s voice filtered through the blurred sea of faces as Corbin squinted, trying to figure out which looming gray shadow belonged to the Commander as his vision slowly returned.
“Yeah—Peachy,” the Guardian grumbled and quickly grimaced. Apparently, moving his jaw wasn’t helping the pain still trying to break out of his skull.
“Let’s get him up,” the Ranger supporting his head said with a gentle slap to Corbin’s shoulder.
“What the hell were you thinking, Commander?” Milo hissed angrily at the Phoenix Commander, who caught hold of Corbin’s hand and hoisted the unsteady Guardian to his feet. “Hey! Go easy on him! That was a recovery potion, not a freaking potion of Althea’s Blessing.”
A wave of nausea rocked through Corbin’s stomach as he fought to remain upright. He’d suffered from one or two bad cracks to the head before and knew he was in for one hell of a night if he didn’t get to the temple before it closed.
‘Guess that means Beatrix will just have to wait a little while longer.’ It was a shallow, petty victory, but Corbin needed something positive to focus his thoughts on after such a demoralizing defeat.
“I think I know what’s best for my son, Consultus!” John growled as he placed a steadying grip around Corbin’s shoulders as the Guardian wobbled unsteadily towards the bleachers. “Now, who here would be willing to ride over to the temple to assist me in purchasing a Blessing from the Mender?”
“I’ll go! Commander!” The Sentinel Ranger that had helped Corbin earlier quickly shot up his hand.
John glanced the man over with a frown. “Preferably someone above the Materia Rank.”
“I’ll do it,” Milo growled as he hopped down the bleachers beside them. “Materia Jarel, you’re welcome to come with me.”
“Yes—Thank you, Captain!” The Ranger responded with a hint of surprise before he hurriedly joined the Captain as the rest of the Sentinels and City Guard scattered to either begin training or turn in for the night.
John eyed the Ranger and Milo, then shrugged as he nodded towards the arena entrance. “Help me get him to the back, Garrison. I have the 200 Prums you need in my office.”
“But—” the Ranger spoke up hesitantly. “A Blessing is only 150 Prums—”
“I am aware, Materia. The extra 50 Prums are to split between the two of you,” the Commander replied with a dismissive wave, then quickly caught hold of Corbin as the dazed Guardian headed determinedly towards the blurred dancing flames of torches by the arena’s exit.
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