《Warlock's Gate [DROPPED]》Chapter 5: Stealing Experience
Chapter 5: Stealing Experience
Fire Mage Cassandra has received 164 damage from [Ancienter Poison II].
“Fuck!” Lennox growled as he released the Jabal Mace that slammed against the ground with a thud as the Guardian reached for the pouch at his belt beneath his Adamantine Shield. “Do you know how much these cost?”
“Lennox, if she dies—we don’t get paid!” Jarel snarled as he turned towards the Guardian with an outstretched hand.
“Fuck—at this rate, I’m not even going to break even,” the Guardian grumbled as he shoved the vial into the Ranger’s waiting hand.
Item—Ether Antidote. Grade (C). Quality (Lesser) An Antidote that blocks 5% of all poison effects for 6 minutes.
“You don’t have anything better?” Jarel demanded incredulously.
“Hey! You know I’m in a tight spot with the dice halls at the moment!” Lennox shifted his olive-green eyes away from the Ranger’s piercing gaze and gestured towards the limp Mage. “If you have nothing better to offer, then you better hurry and use this!”
Fire Mage Cassandra has received 164 damage from [Ancienter Poison II].
Jarel grimaced and quickly snapped the small etched glass twist-top off between his teeth. Lennox pressed his hand and fist together in what might have been a prayer as the Ranger parted Cassandra’s lips and poured the purple fluids into the paralyzed girl’s mouth.
“She’s not swallowing it,” Jarel whispered tensely as he lifted the still half-full vial.
“Because she’s paralyzed! We need a recovery potion!” Lennox snapped, already digging in his pouch.
“No, wait!” Jarel’s turquoise-blue eyes slid past the Guardian towards the immobilized Spider Matriarch. “We need to give her body's central nervous system a boost. If we kill—”
Critical Hit!
An ᚢᛜᚲᚾᛟᚹᚾ ᛖᚾᛏᛁᛏᛃ has inflicted 56,526 damage to Matriarch Spider Queen.
Congratulations! You have Triumphed over Crystal Cavern’s Spider Matriarch, Cyren!
You have vanquished Matriarch Spider Queen. Rank (C). Level (47).
Congratulations! Challenger Ranger Jarel has defeated a Dungeon Matriarch and obtained 115,625 experience.
Congratulations! Challenger Guardian Lennox has defeated a Dungeon Matriarch and obtained 115,625 experience.
Congratulations! Challenger Mage Cassandra has defeated a Dungeon Matriarch. Dungeon Boss was two ranks higher than the challenger. Experience boosted by 100%. Challenger Mage Cassandra has obtained 231,250 experience.
Congratulations! Fire Mage Cassandra has reached level 19!
Congratulations! Fire Mage Cassandra has reached level 20!
Congratulations! Fire Mage Cassandra has reached level 21!
Congratulations! Challenger ᚢᛜᚲᚾᛟᚹᚾ ᛖᚾᛏᛁᛏᛃ has defeated a Dungeon Matriarch and delivered the killing blow. Challenger ᚢᛜᚲᚾᛟᚹᚾ ᛖᚾᛏᛁᛏᛃ has obtained ᚢᛜᚲᚾᛟᚹᚾ experience.
“What in Dolion’s blistering asshole is going on?” Lennox bellowed, already standing with his weapon gripped tightly at his side.
Jarel rose to a knee, the Mage propped against his leg with one arm, while he unhooked his bow and scanned the empty cavern around the boss.
‘What the hell was that notification? That’s the first time I’ve seen—Wait—’
Fire Mage Cassandra has received 122 damage from [Ancienter Poison II].
‘Damn it, and she’s still taking damage!’
ALERT: The following items have been looted from Matriarch Spider Queen’s corpse by ᚢᛜᚲᚾᛟᚹᚾ ᛖᚾᛏᛁᛏᛃ.
Item—Monster Core. Grade (D). Quality (Lesser).
Jarel's racing heart came to a screeching halt as the final piece of the puzzle clicked into place. ‘Monsters don’t loot!’
“Lennox! It’s a Kill Stealer!”
“You fucking Gromulus shit eater!” Lennox stormed towards the defeated Matriarch’s corpse while Jarel carefully laid Cassandra down on the dungeon floor and checked her status.
Cassandra Owens. Nucleus (Ingenium). Class (Mage) Rank (E). Level (21) Fire Mage Cassandra. Health: 1,560/1,682. Mana: 306/306. Experience till next level: 48,879/77,000 Status Effects: [Ancienter Poison II] x3, [Paralysis II] and [Ether Antidote].
“Okay, Cassandra. You’re not going to die,” Jarel said with no small amount of relief as he pulled the Jellyfae Linen Robe hood under the recovering Mage’s head. “Just keep breathing—and I’ll be right back.”
The Ranger leapt up with an arrow already nocked to his bow as he circled the opposite side of Cyren. [Acrobatics II] helped him recover lost ground quickly so that he reached the back of the Matriarch Spider Queen’s corpse just in time to see a very human figure dive towards what looked like a giant hole into the Dementher Realm.
‘What the fuck kind of skill is that?’
Jarel recognized the D-Grade Dire Wolf Leather Armor; he had worn a set himself until he could finally afford to upgrade to Jabal Boar Leather Armor. The Ranger was also reasonably sure that the weapon the Kill Stealer clutched was a C-Grade Jabal Short Sword. For a moment, Jarel thought he saw a tinge of gold behind the black scarf the thief had wrapped carefully around their face and hair, but the Ranger was more concerned with stopping the little cunt from making a clean escape. Jarel smiled grimly as he pulled back on his bowstring and then released.
Ranger Active Skill—Tracking Arrow (Tier I) Deals 13% damage to target (+29% Bow Damage) and inflicts [Hunter’s Mark] on target. Status Effect—Hunter’s Mark A tracking spell that lasts for 48 hours. As long as the Ranger is within 600 meters of the marked target, they will be able to detect the general direction and distance to the marked target.
ALERT: Unique Ability [Shadow Arrow] has activated.
‘I have you now!’ Jarel grinned even as the arrow and thief disappeared behind the shrinking burning infernal circle that extinguished with a hiss and left a trail of crimson smoke that slowly unfurled as it dissipated into the still cavern air.
Lennox clambered to a stop and pointed his trembling mace at the space where the burning circle and thief had been. “Nestor’s twisted balls—who was that?”
“Calm down. I put a mark on them.”
Jarel shook his head silently and slowly lowered his bow.
“That corpse humping bastard stole our Monster Core!” the Guardian fumed as he turned back to Cyren. They both watched as the Matriarch’s abdomen hissed and splintered down from where the thief had made his cut and stolen the monster’s prized core. As arachnid flesh and skin melted away, a small pile of objects spilled out onto the dungeon floor. “Oh, well—guess that was all they wanted.”
“More like that’s all they had time to steal,” Jarel muttered as he turned and scanned the cavern to confirm that [Keen Senses] was no longer flagging any nearby monsters. ‘So that thief was the one following us here. They must have used a higher-tier cloaking skill. So not a Trion or Materia. A Consultus, maybe? But why the hell would a B-Ranker bother with such a low-tier dungeon.’
“Did you get a good look at the prick?” Lennox asked over his shoulder as the Guardian knelt to search through the pile of loot.
“Not really. Their face was pretty much covered up. Anything left worth taking?” Jarel asked hopefully as he scanned the floor for any arrows that could be reused. A disheveled head of copper curls quickly pulled the Ranger’s attention as the Mage wandered drunkenly around Cyren’s corpse.
“Our Praeditus is up,” Lennox commented gruffly with a glance in her direction. “Congrats on the three levels. You owe me a few Greater Antidotes Potions.”
“My head feels—funny,” Cassandra mumbled, either not listening or not registering the Guardian’s absurd overinflation. Jarel went with the latter after watching her calmly lean against the giant arachnid’s body.
‘Then again, Judge Owens probably wouldn’t even blink at the cost of a crate of high-grade potions.’
“That’s what happens when you level up too quickly,” The Ranger explained as he moved closer and frowned at the pile of loot Lennox had finished examining.
Item—Cyren’s Tears x4. Alchemy Agent. Grade (C).
Item—Spider Silk Thread x8. Crafting Ingredient. Grade (C).
Item—Crubal Crystal Shards x600. Alchemy Agent. Grade (D).
Item—Arachnid’s Fang x2. Crafting Ingredient. Grade (C).
Item—Arachnid’s Eyes x8. Crafting Ingredient. Grade (C).
Item—Festering Spider Egg x6. Alchemy Agent. Grade (D).
Armor—Damaged Blue-Steel Boots. Grade (D). Durability 20/50.
Weapon—Damaged Blue-Steel Warhammer. Grade (D). Durability 20/100.
“Bah!” Lennox spat dismissively as he hefted the two-handed Blue-Steel Warhammer from the ground and turned it over with a look of disappointment. “Hardly worth what they’ll cost to repair.”
“Leave them,” Jarel replied as he turned to collect a dented arrow from the dungeon floor. “Let the Guild give them to novice blacksmiths to repair and then redistribute to Sentinels who need them.”
“You’re not serious! Like hell, I’m leaving any of this behind—”
“We made an agreement with Officer Cora not to take anything but the Monster Core,” the Ranger reminded him pointedly. “She’s not going to be very keen on letting us do this again if we screw her over. Besides, as you said, they’re not worth the cost to repair them.”
“Then what about Cyren’s Fangs? And that Spider Silk is at least worth 3 Prum—”
“No!” Jarel snapped.
“I had the strangest dream—” Cassandra mumbled as she rubbed her neck, “—or maybe it was a nightmare?” The Mage’s gem-green eyes turned slowly towards the sticky abdomen as she pulled her hand free and stared at the ghostly arachnid skin that clung to her palm and fingers.
Lennox blinked at her with a sudden expression of worry. “Please don’t—”
Jarel covered his ears as the Mage screamed again. Then he bolted after her as Cassandra whirled around and almost ran into another string of cobwebs.
‘By all the gods—this was not worth the 45 Prums Judge Owens promised us!’
Red flames embraced Fallon as she leapt through the waiting Dementher door, grinning from ear to ear. She shoved the D-Grade Monster core inside her pouch, then flinched as something struck her shoulder and blinding hot pain spread down her arm and back.
10% of [Tracking Arrow] was blocked by Dire Wolf Leather Armor.
Ranger Jarel has inflicted 867 damage to Warlock Fallon.
ALERT: [Tracking Arrow] has inflicted [Hunter’s Mark] on Warlock Fallon.
The whirlpool of red and black smoke suddenly vanished as Fallon’s bedroom reappeared. The Warlock missed the critical first step to her landing and bit back a scream as she crashed clumsily against the floor.
The iron hot poker jabbed deep into her shoulder ripped a strangled scream from Fallon’s throat as she rolled onto her knees, grabbed the bedpost, and sucked in a quick breath as she blinked back a sudden surge of tears. When she had composed herself enough to turn and look over her shoulder at the full-length mirror in the corner of the bedroom, Fallon took in the arrow shaft now embedded in her left shoulder.
‘I guess—I wasn’t fast enough.’
The Warlock looked away from the mirror and shook her head. With slow deliberate movements, she grabbed the bedpost and used it to regain her feet, then cradled her injured limb as she trudged unsteadily towards the desk under the barred bedroom window. Fallon gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and braced herself as she yanked the desk back. A leg squeaked faintly against the wooden floor panels. The Warlock ignored it as she leaned over the desk and fumbled about until she found a string that led to a small hole in the back leg. She quickly pulled the key free, yanked it sharply off the string, then used the key to unlock the left bottom drawer, which she quickly jerked open.
A clatter of potions lined neatly inside an old jewelry box came into view. Fallon grabbed the first bottle of red fluids and gripped it tightly as she sank into her chair, still fighting to breathe normally.
Item—Ether Health Potion. Grade (C). Quality (Greater) Restores 45% of total Health Pool. While an Ether Health Potion can restore your health, it can not repair broken bones.
“Asmodeus!” she hissed through the fog of pain, and the sharp burn stabbing through her back that screamed at Fallon to drink the damn potion already.
‘No—have to get the arrow out first. Fuck!’
A wisp of red smoke and sparks preceded the Dementher’s appearance as the Familiar assessed the panting Warlock with narrowed eyes.
“You hesitated because of the Mage,” Asmodeus said with a note of accusation.
'That's because I didn't know you would almost kill her.'
“I just—wanted to make sure—she’d be okay," Fallon replied through gritted teeth.
“And now you’re the one injured.”
The Warlock let out a weak laugh as she glanced towards the full mirror across the room to check her health.
Fallon Gaumond. Nucleus (Ingenium). Class (Warlock). Rank (D). Level (26) Warlock Fallon. Health: 1,842/2,709. Mana: 1,083/1,083. Experience till next level: 5,191/125,375. Status Effects: [Aura of Dissonance], [Infernal Gaze], and [Hunter’s Mark].
“Hey--at least I got two levels out of that!” Fallon observed with a pained smile.
“Yes, killing a boss one rank above you will do that,” the Dementher commented dryly. “I should go back and blind that archer for daring to injure my Warlock!”
Fallon glanced up sharply as her Familiar turned towards an already opening Dementher door. “Wait!”
Asmodeus glanced back at her. His abyssal black eyes narrowed and at Fallon’s hunched posture and appeared to register her predicament as the Dementher let out a long, disappointed sigh. “Let’s get that arrow out first, shall we?”
“Thank you!” Fallon whispered gratefully, then yanked down the scarf still wrapped around her head and shoved the clumped fabric between her teeth. Several lines of sweat trickled down her cheek as the Dementher perched on the desk beside his injured Master and stretched his long slender nose towards the arrow in the Warlock’s back.
Fallon glanced in the full-length mirror again and shivered as the Dementher’s head grew in size. The skull beneath the deer’s head shifted and stretched, becoming more demonic as a mouth of glistening teeth spread wide like the mouth of a crocodile. The two elongated front fangs pressed against her shoulder as a long black serpent-like tongue wrapped itself around the source of the Warlock’s pain. A moment later, and the burning pressure against Fallon’s shoulder blade noticeably eased as the Dementher retracted his tongue and mouth.
Dementher’s Active Skill—Gluttony (Tier III) Target is consumed by the Dementher’s insatiable hunger. All targets below the Dementher’s rank are reduced to ash. It’s not a painless death, but it is quick. That’s—something...
“You can drink the potion now, Warlock.”
Fallon looked away as the monstrous face shrank back into that of a fawn. She hastily lifted the shaking glass to her teeth and twisted off the cap.
Because of the dangerous nature of delving, special bottles were crafted to hold the precious ether potions that were often the deciding factor between life and death. Hot Sand and Crubal Crystal were melted and forged together into a material that would not break if dropped or smashed. The neck of the vial was etched with two opposing cross-hatched lines that kept the fluids inside but made twisting the top off—even with one arm if necessary—easily possible. The idea and financing to develop this lifesaving technique had come from the Mage’s Tower, where research was just as vital to a Mage’s future as delving and monster slaying.
As the last of the tangy flavor made its way down her throat, Fallon shoved the empty bottle back into her drawer and exhaled in relief under the immediate effects.
Ether Health Potion has restored 1,219 Health.
Fallon took a deep breath in and exhaled tiredly as she closed the desk drawer, locked it, and returned the key to its hidden string. Asmodeus hopped off the desk as the Warlock pushed it back against the wall and winced as one of the legs screeched against the floor. With a tired sigh, Fallon leaned against the Grayfern wood to stare blankly through the fused bars and square beveled glass at the streak of golden sunlight rising just above a lake of rooftops that ended against the east wall of Highguard City.
“You better give that Monster Core to me for safekeeping, Warlock,” Asmodeus murmured suddenly, pulling Fallon’s tired attention to the Dementher now stretched out on her bed.
“Why?” she asked, frowning as she pulled the object of tonight’s reckless efforts from her pouch.
“Because your father is on his way upstairs, and I believe that he’s headed for your room.”
“Oh—Nestor’s Mercy!”
Quick as lightning, the Warlock threw the Monster Core to Asmodeus, who caught it perfectly between his canine teeth and then unceremoniously swallowed it down. Fallon barely spared her Dementher a second glance as she ripped off her sword belt, slid the Jabal Short Sword back into its sheath, and tossed both underneath her bed. The Warlock promptly vaulted over the hastily made blankets and sheets to tear open her wardrobe and snatch out a large black and gold night robe that she hastily pulled over the Dire Wolf Leather armor she was wearing.
Fallon had just tightened the cord of her bathrobe when the frame of her bedroom door splintered open as the interior lock snapped free and skipped across the carpet of purple violets and green vines to bounce off the leather boots peeping out beneath the Warlock’s robes.
Fallon stared at the bent door bolt and grimaced as the intimidating aura of a true Praeditus, otherwise known as an A-Ranker, flooded the bedroom with an ominous sense of doom.
“Fallon Hester Gaumond! Where have you been?”
The imperious tone of Praefectus Xander Gaumond, Leader of Highguard’s Merchant Banker’s Guild, rattled against the bedroom walls and windows as Fallon lifted her gaze from the floor to face her father.
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