《Warlock's Gate [DROPPED]》Chapter 4: Lair of the Spider Queen
Chapter 4: Lair of the Spider Queen
Jarel Hugh. Nucleus (Feralis). Class (Ranger). Rank (C). Level (49) Ranger Jarel. Health: 24,254/24,254. Mana: 6,985/9,702. Experience till next level: 267,431/512,050. Status Effects: [Aura of Precision] and [Keen Senses]. Ranger Active Buff—Aura of Precision (Tier I) Identifies Vulnerable Points on targets equal to your rank or below. 40% chance to Identify a Vulnerable Point on targets one rank above you. 20% chance to Identify a Vulnerable Point on a target two ranks above you. [Aura of Precision] also increases your chance to inflict a Critical Hit by 25%. Ranger Active Buff—Keen Senses (Tier I) Alerts you whenever a potentially dangerous target is within 200 meters. Will detect any hidden targets within 100 meters if the target is equal to your rank or below.
‘Damn, what kind of Gromulus is it?’ Jarel gritted his teeth as the red flare in his vision continued to pulse at the corner of his eyes, indicating the hidden monster was somewhere behind them. The Ranger guided the trembling Cassandra further inside Cyren’s Lair without comment and watched the flare recede, then enlarge once more as their invisible stalker closed the distance. ‘Is it going to follow us inside? That’s unusual. Normally Gromulus don’t even wander in this deep. Why the hell can’t [Keen Senses] pinpoint its exact location yet?’
The Mage locked her feet against the ground as the murky white subterranean cave came fully into view. Jarel’s distracted gaze took in the sharp and sparkling walls of Crubal Crystals that filled the oval cave from one end to the next.
“W-where is it?” Cassandra whispered tensely. The Mage’s staff hit a loose rock on the floor and sent it skittering across the cavern ground until it snagged and held fast onto the carpet-webbed floor that covered the remains of human bones.
Jarel held back a laugh as he leaned in closer to the Mage’s ear and whispered. “Above us.”
Lennox turned a suddenly concerned face towards them. “Wait. Whatever you do, don’t—”
“Ahhh!” Cassandra screeched and leapt back as a long, tree-like limb reached down from the cavern ceiling to crush a webbed human skull. Lennox covered his left ear and swore softly while Jarel held onto the Mage, who looked determined to run all the way back to the dungeon entrance.
ALERT: The Queen of the Crystal Caverns has been roused from her slumber. She is quite hungry, and, alas, you carry the scent of her freshly fallen, slaughtered brood, so now she’s really pissed off. Best of luck surviving your encounter!
“Vkat is tkizzz?” Cyren crooned eerily as her enormous body slowly descended, and one leg became four, then six. “Maggotzzz that reek ov the blood of my kildren!” The Spider Queen Matriarch held her two front legs protectively across her blinking, glistening black eyes that scuttled from one human to the next in a calculating manner. Unlike the rest of her brood, Cyren was covered in a dull-blue protective crystal shell that concealed all but the underbelly of her glowing abdomen.
It wasn’t this protective spiked armor that covered the Spider Queen's body and legs which had terrified Cassandra, but rather the pale upper torso, arms, and humanoid head attached to the Matriarch’s carapace just above the arachnid’s six eyes.
‘Because a spider the size of a latrine wasn’t terrifying enough.’ Jarel kept a firm grip on Cassandra’s rigid form as he clenched his bow and stared at the Dungeon Boss.
Boss Monster—Crystal Spider Matriarch, Cyren. Rank (C). Level (47) Matriarch Spider Queen. Health: 120,269/120,269. Mana: 15,803/15,803. Armor Defense Bonus: 31% Status Effects: [Matriarch’s Ward]. Boss Skill—Matriarch’s Ward (Tier II) An Attribute that is given only to Elite Dungeon and Gate Monsters. +10% Physical Defense. +5% Skill Defense. +5% Status Resistance.
“Hello, Legs!” Lennox called out with a snicker as he banged the Jabal Mace against his Adamantine Shield. “Did you miss me?”
A ghoulish screech came from Cyren’s humanoid mouth as her arachnid eyes focused on the Guardian. The Spider Queen’s steady approach halted as her beady black eyes, which reflected Lennox’s armored figure, shifted from the Guardian’s mace to his shield. “You kave kome drezzzed vor battle, but your numberzzz are patketik!”
“You’re not exactly calling in an army though, Cyren,” the Guardian replied smugly. “Probably because I squished quite a few bugs on my way in here.”
[Provocation] Skill Success!
Guardian has inflicted [Rage] x1. Target’s [Rage] is at 10%.
Social Skill—Provocation Who says you need a weapon to inflict pain? If provoking a fight is what you live for, then fire away with that sharp (or blunt) tongue of yours. Just be sure that you’ll be the one walking away victorious. Note: Skill success or failure is determined by the intelligence of your target as well as the difference in rank.
The dark mirrors of the arachnid’s eyes shimmered blue before they turned to reflect the Ranger and then pointed a jagged front leg towards the trembling Mage behind him. “Tkat maggot is pretty but veak. Veed to me, and I vill let you live!”
“Wh-what—” Cassandra appeared to run out of words as the Guardian strode forward with another clang of his mace.
“Not a chance, Cyren,” Jarel replied in a flat tone.
“What do you need a new face for anyway?” Lennox remarked with a shake of his head. “Your Majesty is nothing but legs, eyes, and tits as far as the eye can see.”
[Provocation] Skill Success!
“Inzzzufferable maggot!” The arachnid’s black eyes burned with the guardian’s reflection once more as her cumbersome limbs inched forward.
“Watch your step, Lennox,” Jarel called out. Years of training beside the Guardian had rendered him deaf to his companion’s typically obscene language. ‘Still, it’s a shame. If you could just control your mouth outside the dungeon, Beatrix would put you back into vanguard rotation, and we wouldn’t have to do this shit.’
“Clear me a path already,” Lennox barked determinedly. The Guardian kept his Adamantine shield raised, his right arm and mace swayed lightly at his side while his armored boots and legs rocked impatiently at the edge of the arachnid’s webbed den. Cyren closed the gap steadily. The cavern’s crystalline lights glittered against the arachnid’s web spun armor of broken Crubal Crystals that covered her legs and body.
“Hold on a minute.” Jarel carefully removed his arm from around Cassandra’s waist, then pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked it, and focused his Ether mana down through his arms into the projectile.
Ranger Active Skill—Burning Arrow (Tier I) A Short Charge Skill that applies [Burning Arrow] to the Ranger’s next attack. [Burning Arrow] inflicts 11% fire damage (x3) to the target (+31% Bow Damage).
Jarel stepped carefully around Cassandra and aimed the now burning arrow at the webbed floor directly in front of the Guardian. The arrow sank into the carpet-like webbing with a soft clink. Flames erupted out in a blazing circle that ate a path through Cyren’s sticky barrier.
“Vky are you burning my kome!” The arachnid hissed. Her crystalline limbs suddenly increased in pace as she charged forward and sidestepped the Guardian, who walked calmly through the path of flames.
Kyle Lennox. Nucleus (Virtus). Class (Guardian). Rank (C). Level (53) Guardian Lennox. Health: 39,417/42,613 (35,511). Mana: 11,931/14,204. Experience till next level: 379,615/618,350. Status Effects: [Aura of Aggression] and [Knight’s Valor]. Guardian Active Buff—Aura of Aggression (Tier I) While [Aura of Aggression] is active, all Guardian Skills inflict a 10% stack of [Rage] on target for 5 minutes. All monsters with [Rage] above 50% will focus solely on the Guardian unless they receive damage above the current [Rage] count. Guardian Active Buff—Knight’s Valor (Tier I) Your battle has just begun, but your Valor and Fortitude are to be commended. You are the shield that protects the weak from oppression and obliteration. 10% increase to physical defense against all incoming attacks regardless of rank or debuff. 10% resistance to all status effects regardless of rank or debuff. 20% boost to health.
Jarel nocked his next arrow and stood his ground as Cyren barreled towards the Ranger and Mage, her hungry eyes focused on the trembling Praeditus. ‘Going for the easy target as usual.’ Jarel no longer cared if Cassandra held her ground or ran. His attention was focused on the Arachnid’s jagged legs, which spread to reveal her true mouth, a black mound of spider hair with two hooked white fangs that glistened above a widening gap of pink flesh.
The Ranger let out a breath of relief and frustration as Cyren suddenly lurched, stumbled, and nearly fell on one side. The Guardian’s focused attack on the second front limb on the Spider Queen’s right side had almost knocked her off her feet as it became tangled up in her back two right limbs.
Guardian Active Skill—Provoking Strike II (Tier II) A short charge skill that deals 38% damage to the target (+18% Mace Damage) and adds 20% [Rage] on target. If [Aura of Aggression] is active an additional 10% [Rage] is added.
5% of [Provoking Strike II] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Mace Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Guardian has inflicted 41% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 59% of leg defense remaining. 8/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 31%.
Guardian has inflicted [Rage] x3. Target’s [Rage] is at 50%.
“Sorry, Cyren,” Lennox said as he raised his mace and struck Cyren’s weakened leg with [Provoking Strike II] again. “Jarel’s more of an ass guy, so I’m going to need you to look this way.”
The Guardian’s third [Provoking Strike II] broke through the protective crystal barrier of the Spider Queen’s leg. Both of the Spider Matriarch’s mouths screeched out a shrill cry of pain as Cyren spun around and thrashed at her attacker.
Guardian has inflicted 41% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 0% of leg defense remaining. 7/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus has decreased to 29%.
Guardian has inflicted [Rage] x3. Target’s [Rage] is at 100%. [Rage] has reached maxed capacity.
As the Crubal Crystal armor cracked and shattered so too did the Matriarch Spider’s spindly leg that the makeshift armor had been fastened tightly to with a coating of web. Yet still, despite her lost limb, the Spider Queen’s health pool remained untouched.
“Lennox!” Jarel called out, inwardly fuming at the Guardian’s short-sighted actions as the Matriarch’s heavily armored back and abdomen filled his vision. “No, the other way around, remember?”
“What?” Lennox danced to his left so he could see the Ranger, then quickly raised his shield and braced his legs as Cyren’s front leg crashed against his shield.
Boss Skill—Jagged Strike III (Tier II) The Matriarch Spider Queen’s spear-like legs deal 42% damage to a target. Guardian Active Skill—Shield Reflect I (Tier II) Blocks 17% of incoming damage and reflects 8% back to the attacker (+16% Shield Damage).
17% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by [Shield Reflect I].
10% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
10% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by Adamantine Kite Shield. Durability reduced by 10. Adamantine Kite Shield durability is at 264/360.
The remaining 5% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by Jabal Heavy Armor. Durability reduced by 5. Jabal Heavy Armor durability is at 970/975.
Guardian received 0 damage from [Jagged Strike III].
5% of [Shield Reflect I] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Shield Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Guardian has inflicted 9% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 91% of leg defense remaining. 7/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 29%.
“Legs and Eyes!” Jarel shouted as the Ranger gestured at his own limbs and face.
“Oh.” Lennox sighed in frustration behind his kite shield. “Right, my bad. Can you light me another path?”
“Oh, for the love of Iris!” Jarel charged another [Burning Arrow] and fired it to the left of Cyren.
“Come on, Legs! A fat ass like you needs to earn her next meal. Up you get!” Lennox taunted, completely unfazed as Cyren’s humanoid head turned towards him with a twisted snarling shriek of fury.
[Provocation] Skill Success!
“I look vorvard to drinking the blood ov your komrades vrom your tiny zkull!” The Spider Matriarch hissed as she clambered back onto her feet. The right leg that Lennox had shattered dangled uselessly from a weakened sinew connected to the arachnid’s carapace. Cyren’s humanoid head glanced frantically at the flames consuming another section of her web, then returned to the Guardian, already delivering another punishing blow to the next right leg with [Provoking Strike II].
“Kov dare you!” The Spider Matriarch shrieked as she raised her cracked Crubal Armored leg up and then thrust it towards Lennox’s Jabal Helmet. The Guardian danced back and deflected the arachnid’s armored leg away with his mace.
Guardian Active Skill—Parry II (Tier II) [Parry II] repels the Enemy attack and negates damage received by 9%. [Parry II] deals 14% damage to the target (+18% Mace Damage).
11% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by [Parry II].
10% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by [Knight’s Valor].
9% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by Reinforced Jabal Mace. Durability reduced by 9. Reinforced Jabal Mace durability is at 79/88.
The remaining 12% of [Jagged Strike III] was blocked by Jabal Heavy Armor. Durability reduced by 12. Jabal Heavy Armor durability is at 958/975.
Guardian received 0 damage from [Jagged Strike III].
5% of [Parry II] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Mace Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Guardian has inflicted 17% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 74% of leg defense remaining. 7/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 29%.
Immediately after averting Cyren’s leg with his mace, Lennox spun into his attack, shifting the full weight of his body and armor into the Adamantine Kite Shield that he brought crashing against the Arachnid's weakened leg.
Guardian Active Skill—Shield Smash II (Tier II) [Shield Smash II] inflicts 27% damage to the target (+16% Shield Damage). If [Shield Smash] impacts the target’s head, that target will receive a [Concussion] status penalty. Targets suffering from [Concussion] are susceptible to [Knock Down] abilities. If [Shield Smash] impacts the head, torso, or lower limbs of a target suffering from [Concussion], [Knockdown] will be applied. Note: Target’s suffering from [Knockdown] receive a negative 10% penalty to Armor Defense and cannot use Skills for 2 minutes.
5% of [Shield Smash II] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Mace Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Guardian has inflicted 28% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 46% leg defense remaining. 7/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 29%.
“Damn Ward,” Lennox growled as he edged back around and shield blocked yet another limb-size spider leg that attempted to take off his head.
Guardian has inflicted 9% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 37% of leg defense remaining. 7/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 29%.
“Nicely done!” Jarel called out in approval as Cyren’s face came back into view. The Spider Queen’s enlarged eyes glowed blue as they focused entirely on Lennox. The Ranger raised his already waiting bow and smiled as [Aura of Precision] lit up Cyren’s six frontal eyes perfectly. Jarel exhaled slowly as his nocked arrow flickered blue, signifying the Ranger’s next skill was ready. He released.
Ranger Active Skill—Focused Shot II (Tier II) A short-charge skill that inflicts 38% damage to the target (+29% Bow Damage).
The blue flash of light blurred towards Cyren, who instinctively raised a jagged frontal leg to protect her eyes.
Critical Hit Miss!
5% of [Focused Shot II] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Bow Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Ranger has inflicted 52% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 48% of leg defense remaining. 7/8 legs remaining. Armor Defense Bonus remains at 29%.
“Damn,” Jarel swore but smiled as Cyren’s attention barely shifted in his direction. “I’m going to need you to remove a few more legs over there!”
“Here comes the second one!” Lennox grunted as he delivered another crushing blow to the already warped right leg he had been applying himself to.
Guardian has inflicted 37% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 0% leg defense remaining. 6/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus has decreased to 27%.
“There we go! A few more broken limbs and we’ll have her on her back!” Lennox shouted enthusiastically before he repelled another [Jagged Strike III] with his mace.
Guardian has inflicted 17% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 83% of leg defense remaining. 6/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 27%.
Chipped fragments of Crubal Crystals filled the air as Guardian and Ranger hammered Cyren’s protective legs until another loud, sickening crack preceded the Spider Matriarch’s scream as the right third leg caved beneath the Guardian’s merciless Reinforced Jabal Mace.
Guardian has inflicted 31% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 0% of leg defense remaining. 5/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus decreased to 25%.
“Noo!” The giant Arachnid backed away, even as she floundered hopelessly on her right side against the ground. “I do not vant to die on an empty ztomach!”
“Sorry, no snacks for you today, your Majesty,” Lennox chuckled as he kicked another fallen leg out of his path.
Jarel focused on the left front leg the Spider Queen had used to block him earlier and fired off [Focused Shot II] again, aiming directly for Cyren’s appendage.
5% of [Focused Shot II] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Bow Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Ranger has inflicted 48% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 0% of leg defense remaining. 4/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus decreased to 23%.
“That makes four!” Jarel grinned as the Crubal Armor cracked and crumbled beneath his arrow. “Lennox, take out the last one on her right side!” he shouted above Cyren’s shrieking wails. The Guardian grunted and obliged as he repositioned his shield and mace and stepped in closer to the wobbling Spider Matriarch. Cyren’s humanoid face twisted with malice as Lennox raised his weapon. A shimmering glow of toxic green that formed behind the arachnid’s fanged mouth caught Jarel’s attention as he quickly nocked another arrow. “Lennox, look out! Acid Spray!”
Boss Skill—Acid Spray (Tier II) Deals 32% damage to all target’s directly in front of the Matriarch Spider Queen and within eight feet. Targets caught by this spray will lose 50% armor defense.
“Fucking Bitch!” Lennox roared as he raised his shield and dove to the side.
A bubbling foam of green liquid spewed from the Spider Queen’s mouth and trailed after the fleeing Guardian.
“Turn her back around!” Jarel yelled as his arrow blazed a brighter blue.
“I’m not losing this damn shield just to make your job easier!” Lennox bellowed but skidded to a halt as he reached the edge of the burned spider web that threatened to entrap him if he continued further. “Althea’s teat!” The Guardian spun sharply and crouched behind the Adamantine Kite Shield as Cyren’s spray washed over him.
Cyren has inflicted [Ravaged Armor] on Guardian. Adamantine Kite Shield defense reduced by 48% for 10 minutes. Adamantine Kite Shield Durability reduced by 24%. Durability 167/360.
“That’s it! My cut is going up another fucking 15%,” Lennox spat as he quickly leapt to his feet and charged back across the hissing cavern floor with Cyren’s acidic spray following right at his heels.
“You’re an Ass!” Jarel replied, still focused on the blinking eyes above Cyren’s hose-like mouth. ‘Just a little more.’
“You’re coming down, Legs!” Lennox bellowed as his mace slammed into the Spider Queen’s quivering front right leg.
Guardian has inflicted 41% damage to Matriarch Spider Queen’s armored leg. 59% of leg defense remaining. 4/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus remains at 23%.
Behind the curtain of acid, Cyren wobbled unsteadily and almost lost her balance, the giant arachnid quickly spread out her remaining four limbs and adjusted her weight. Jarel exhaled slowly as [Keen Senses] highlighted the thin sliver of the arachnid’s open throat in a fuchsia-pink color. The Ranger’s fingers glided off string and nock as the blazing blue arrow streaked inside the Spider Queen’s open mouth.
Ranger Active Skill—Concussion Shot (Tier II) Long Charge Skill that deals 54% damage to the target (+29% Bow Damage) and interrupts any Active Skill. [Concussion Shot] also applies [Disorient] to targets of equal rank or lower. A disoriented target cannot use skills for 4 minutes.
Critical Hit!
5% of [Concussion Shot] was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
10% of Bow Damage was blocked by [Matriarch’s Ward].
Matriarch Spider Queen has received 81,783 damage from [Concussion Shot].
[Concussion Shot] has inflicted [Disorient] on Matriarch Spider Queen.
Matriarch Spider Queen. Health: 38,486/120,269. Mana: 4,109/15,803. Armor Defense Bonus: 23% Status Effects: [Matriarch’s Ward] and [Disorient].
“Yes! Choke on it, Cyren!” Lennox roared jubilantly as the Spider Queen gagged painfully around the shaft melting inside her throat. The monster’s humanoid limbs burned away as the corpse reached desperately towards the arachnid’s injured throat. Then the giant Spider Matriarch toppled onto her right side with its one remaining limb while green acid and blackened blood drooled between her hairy, glistening fangs onto the cavern floor.
Jarel let out a quick sigh of relief as the tension in his gut and shoulders eased. He glanced over his shoulder for the first time to check on Cassandra and was relieved to find her still within the Dungeon Boss’s Lair. The Ranger was about to reevaluate his opinion of the Praeditus—until he realized that Cassandra had accidentally run into a dangling strand of spiderweb that now wound around the Mage’s hair, arms, and upper torso and prevented her from fleeing any further.
‘Well—at least she’s still in one piece,’ Jarel reasoned with a sigh as he drew a dagger from his belt and approached the tangled Mage.
Weapon—Jabal Dagger. Grade (C). Quality (Common) Forged from Ore mined from the Jabal Mountains. A sharp dagger that can be used for skinning and harvesting, but also deals enough damage to puncture the lungs or organs of a defenseless enemy. Deals 16% physical damage to the target.
Cassandra’s clammy face had gone a pale blue, though that might have been the light of the Crubal Crystals. Her gem-green eyes seemed especially enlarged and appeared not to notice the Ranger. Even as Jarel cut through the webs around her, the Mage continued to gaze with equal dread and fascination at the once-proud Matriarch Spider Queen.
“It’s alright now,” Jarel said reassuringly. “Lennox will finish off her legs. Then all you have to do is give her a good thwack on the head with your staff.”
Cassandra's gaze shifted away from the sounds of the Guardian merrily bashing at Cyren’s remaining limbs to give the Ranger a look that implied she thought he was mad.
“Trust me. You’ll want the last hit, Cassandra. Since this boss is two ranks higher than you, not only will you get Bonus exp for landing the killing blow, but you can add another 50% additional experience for each rank difference.”
Jarel laughed as Cassandra blinked rapidly, a calculator working behind her disheveled bangs and as the frozen expression of terror on her face thawed into confusion. He focused on cutting away the rest of the spiderweb attached to her, then stood back and returned the dagger to his belt.
0/8 legs remaining. Boss Armor Defense Bonus has decreased to 15%.
“Cyren,” Lennox said with a note of exhaustion as he yanked the Reinforced Jabal Mace out of the Arachnid’s last destroyed leg. “I can’t say it’s been a pleasure. You’re still an annoying cunt—but I very much look forward—to smashing your face personally—next time.”
[Provocation] Skill Success!
The arachnid’s large eyes burned a bright blue as green acid continued to seep from her ripped throat between two furry fangs the size of a child’s arm. Unable or unwilling to speak, the Spider Queen’s limbless body trembled as her eight blinking eyes glared at her oppressors in turn.
“Save it, Lennox,” Jarel called over to the Guardian in tired exasperation. “What about her back armor?”
“Not necessary. A good stab to the eyes is all the bitch needs at this point. Is your Praeditus ready yet? We need to push on before it gets much later.”
Jarel shook his head, turned back to Cassandra, and then motioned towards the immobilized Matriarch. “With that A-Grade Staff, one—maybe two more hits is all it will take,” the Ranger said reassuringly as the Mage twisted the staff in her hands anxiously. “You’ll be level 20, and you’ll have a D-Grade Monster Core that will allow you to progress to D-Rank.”
“Yes, I know, but—” Cassandra nervously brushed back sticky copper curls as her gem-green eyes moved restlessly towards the human torso affixed to Cyren’s head, which now slumped lifelessly against the Arachnid’s side.
“Yeah, ignore that. Some poor souls got trapped in here when the Dungeon first formed. Cyren likes to dress up with their corpses whenever she respawns,” Jarel said grimly.
The Mage’s complexion turned paler still as her attention remained focused on the limp human corpse. Jarel sighed, then strapped the Black Ash Bow over his shoulder and moved closer to the transfixed girl. He took Cassandra’s shoulders and gently but firmly pushed the Mage towards the last obstacle of her first Delve experience.
“If you want to become a Sentinel. If the path of a Hero is truly what you desire, then you will have to face far worse than this,” Jarel said resolutely as Cassandra’s stiff legs wobbled forward hesitantly. “Freezing up will get you killed. Don’t overthink what has to be done. When a Sentinel encounters a monster, they only have two choices.”
Two feet away from Cyren, whose labored breathing filled the silent cavern with an eerie keening whisper, Jarel let go of Cassandra’s shoulders.
“Sentinels can either run away and let the monster devour those we swore to protect,” the Ranger continued grimly. “Or they can stand and fight, giving it their all, until either the Sentinel or the monster is dead.”
“Sentinels don’t run,” Lennox added gruffly as he kicked aside a chunk of crystal-shell armor that had fallen off one of Cyren’s dismembered legs.
“Depends on the fight,” Jarel muttered and then shook his head. “In any case, it doesn’t hurt to grow stronger—even if you don’t want to make a living chasing Gates and clearing Dungeon Monsters.” The Ranger stood beside the Mage with both hands on his hips and nodded towards the immobilized head and torso of the Spider Queen. “Best to go for the eyes if you want to make it quick.”
Cassandra swallowed and blinked slowly as she raised the trembling Black Locust Staff until its Titanium tipped bottom pointed towards Cyren’s six frontal eyes.
“That’s it, steady—” Jarel murmured encouragingly, ready for the first bit of decent experience he and Lennox had gotten all night. ‘Hopefully, Cyren will drop a few more items so we can recoup any heavy losses from repairing our gear.’
After spending three hours guiding, prodding, and at times dragging the Mage through Crystal Spider Cavern Dungeon, Jarel was prepared for Cassandra to botch her first attempt at stabbing an eyeball the size of a cantaloupe. The Mage’s current Ether Fatigue stack was still at 5 after all. He was not prepared for Cassandra’s ear-splitting scream or her sudden desperate attempt to fling the priceless A-Grade staff that she had been hugging all morning away from her body.
Before Jarel could register what was wrong with the stupid little Mage now, his eyes narrowed in on Cassandra’s—rather odd staff. The weapon’s smooth, straight body now coiled as it latched onto the Mage’s right arm. Two glowing red eyes emerged from the staff’s flattening head that spread to reveal four sharp fangs and a serpent-like tongue.
“Euclid’s Nutsack!” Lennox croaked in stunned surprise.
‘No!’ Jarel’s mind screamed as his right hand blurred to the Jabal Dagger on his belt.
Ranger Active Skill—Acrobatics II (Tier II) Movement speed increased by 30% for 10 minutes. Resistance to Negative Status effects increased by 15% for 5 minutes.
Cassandra’s head turned sluggishly away from the viper’s fangs even as the monster lunged towards the Mage’s unguarded neck. Jarel’s Dagger glided smoothly towards the serpent’s neck just as the snake’s fangs sank deep into Cassandra’s pale skin.
‘Damn it.’ The Ranger gritted his teeth, then blinked as his dagger passed through the viper’s body as if Jarel were cutting through smoke. He skidded to a halt and whipped around as the Black Lotus Staff clattered to the cavern floor behind him unharmed. ‘What—An illusion?’
Critical Hit!
Fire Mage Cassandra has received 379 damage from [Viper’s Strike].
Dementher Active Skill—Viper’s Strike Inflicts 30% damage to the target and inflicts [Ancienter Poison II].
[Viper’s Strike] has inflicted [Ancienter Poison II] on Mage.
Status Effect—Ancienter Poison II Deals 13% poison damage (x6) to target for 7 minutes and inflicts [Paralysis II].
[Ancienter Poison II] has inflicted [Paralysis II] on Mage.
Status Effect—Paralysis II Target has been afflicted with paralysis and is unable to move or use skills for 4 minutes.
‘No. Definitely not an illusion.’
“Shiiiit!” Jarel’s voice screeched oddly against his ear as he pivoted and lurched forward to catch the already collapsing Mage. “Lennox! Antidote!”
Cassandra Owens. Nucleus (Ingenium). Class (Mage). Rank (E). Level (18) Fire Mage Cassandra. Health: 885/632 (1,264). Mana: 24/73 (146). Experience till next level: 2,000/54,900. Status Effects: [Ether Fatigue] x5, [Ancienter Poison II] x6, and [Paralysis II].
- In Serial15 Chapters
Exceptional Normalcy (A Pokemon Fanfiction)
Follow the story of a man whose name cannot be recalled. He will find himself in a place that should not exist, in a world much different than our own. What can he possibly do when even his own memories are taken from him and the only thing remeaning is a slight feeling of loss. When he finds himself in a body different than his own. What will he possibly find on his journey as he overcomes the challenges thrown at him? ___________________________________________________ This is a Pokemon fan fiction. I do not own Pokemon and will not make any profit whatsoever from this story. I write this story for fun and will make many mistakes. The updates on this story will also be very irregular. You have been warned.
8 162 - In Serial100 Chapters
Divine Locket
A locket filled with mysterious origins. A young boy with a sorry fate. A world with countless opportunities accompanied by dangers. How far can one reach before finally settling into history? Join the discord server to help out! https://discord.gg/H53rFmN Ps. Everything posted here are rough drafts. Releases/week = 7chaps/week A slightly more edited version is on www.webnovel.com.
8 62 - In Serial14 Chapters
Overdone Book Titles
Every single fucking story in existence on WattPad has practically the same names. It's fucking annoying.Highest ranking #830 in Non-Fiction.
8 60 - In Serial49 Chapters
Ancient Wife [ DANMEI MTL ]
[ WARNING UNOFFICIAL EDITED BOOK COVER ONLY FOR THIS ] Dear Reader, Please Read the Following;; THIS IS F-A-N-E-D-I-T-E-D-M-T-L / FAN EDITED MTL; BEWARE OF MISTAKES IN ENGLISH, GRAMMAR AND PHRASES!; FOR OFFLINE READING PURPOSES ONLY; THE BOOK IS ONLY OWNED BY THE AUTHORS AND PUBLISHER.====[ GONG MC/ MAIN 1/ MAIN ATTACK - TRANSMIGRATED TO ANCIENT TIMES - PHEASANT - COMMONER LIFE - SWEET PET - BUSINESS, PLANTING SYSTEM + MORE TO UD...]Author: Devil SmileStatus: CompletedChapters: 103 w/Extra====Liang Han didn't expect to travel to another world, and he became a second-rate person who hates dogs. As an ancient peasant with a hard life, the only thing that is fortunate is that he can find a man to live in an upright and honest life, but unfortunately, there are too many stains on his body, and it is not easy to marry a daughter-in-law.This is a story about helping the locals to get rich and well-off while working hard to change their daughter-in-law's outlook.===One sentence: Strive to Clean Up Your Life
8 174 - In Serial41 Chapters
The Wandering.
Highest rank of #1 IN GHOST."Spirits wander this town. They always have."Shari Davenport, haunted with the demons of her past, must return to the town of her childhood: Sachem Bay, a ghost town stained with the pain history has left behind. This small Virginian town has a trend for people going missing and dying, and now the mystery that has haunted the town for decades is finally beginning to unravel in the hands of a hopeful few...A horror Novella.© 2018 Billy Waugh
8 210 - In Serial53 Chapters
Jake the Panty-Ripper (Book 1, the Phantoms MC Series)
Maya, an innocent nurse, finds herself forced to accept protection from the Phantoms motorcycle gang, specifically the dangerous, irresistible biker, Jake Ford. *****Maya, a kind nurse, has a normal life and a normal boyfriend, Sebastian. But one day she drops off a letter to a prison for a patient under her care, and finds herself being watched over by a dangerous, handsome biker. It turns out Maya is under the protection of Jake Ford, and despite her feelings for Sebastian, she can't resist the pull of Jake's strong arms, dark looks and chequered past. Soon criminals are coming after her, and Jake is the only one who can keep her safe. Will Maya hide behind her good-girl reputation, or let go and lose herself in the passionate world of Jake Ford?Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains scenes of violence and sexual activity, which may be triggering for some readers.[[word count: 150,000-200,000 words]]Cover designer: Ren T.Photographer: Michelle LancasterModel: Jaxon Human
8 206