《Re:Lovely》Chapter 2: Days 6-12 ~Misadventures~


Day ~6~

Rea sat among the other curious children as they picked through various piles of mystery meat. This time she was determined to prod her morphine clouded memories of the hospital stay. Working as a proofreader she had absorbed all sorts of useful information about this world. Rea had been a little confused about her level being higher than the bigger, obviously stronger lizardmen until the particulars of ranking up and evolution came to mind. Humans, elves and the like could take jobs such as swordsman, archer, and mage. Ranking up came through normal training methods, like a mage using enough magic to become a high mage. Monsters on the other hand, once reaching level 100, can rank up and usually become a more powerful creature. The balance was that humans get stronger through jobs where as monsters rank up and evolve, so to speak.

The next question that went through Rea's mind was about lifespans. Obviously she'd want to evolve in a way that would allow her to gain a few hundred years. The problem was that at this point she had no clue what the average lifespans of lizards were, and raising any more of Steve's eyebrows probably wasn't very wise at the moment. Being a lizardman she probably wouldn't be able to access any human libraries either... books could be a valuable source of knowledge. Bored with this train of thought, and slightly annoyed at the surrounding children's gazes Rea decided to play with them for a while.

Ability [Grappling Lv. 1] learned.

Ability [Choke] learned.

Ability [Throw] learned.

At this point Rea was pretty darn sure what [Divine Blessing: Ability Guidance] was doing for her. While Rea once again offered Airi her sincere thanks playtime came to an abrupt end, Steve accompanied by Saul entered the chamber. After explaining that it was time for them to leave the confines of the incubation chamber, the children were abruptly hurried outside. As soon as Rea saw Saul pick one of her peers up by tail she'd realized this was another test. One after the other lizardlings were being thrown into the waterfall pools by their tail. Cringing at the thought of what she knows these lizards do in the water here, Rea took a deep breath and glared knowingly at Steve. The lizardman, feeling slightly annoyed with her, took less than a few seconds to sling Rea away. Saul and the other adults could only gape as Rea giggled happily while sailing through the air.


Steve looked at Saul, "Something is wrong with that child." Saul could only nod in agreement.

Rea was now fully submerged, the sensation was... different. Not quite like inside the egg, and not quite like swimming as a human. Cold barely affected her body now, and water just smoothly passed over seamlessly joined scales. In less than a few seconds she was swimming back towards the shore, determined to pass this test first. Upon reaching dry land she was congratulated by Saul himself this time, as he began to lead Rea away she turned back and stopped. Before Saul could ask her why Rea was gone.

Letting her brothers and sisters, these children drown... as a mother she couldn't do it. Determined to save as many of the annoying little buggers as she could Rea dove back in. Most of the other 22 lizardlings had already reached the surface and began to swim. Only three really seemed to be panicking. Realizing that they must have some natural affinity for water and this was, rather than a test, just some cruel way to thin out their numbers, Rea moved to assist.


Ability [Aquatic] learned.

Ability [Swimming] learned.

Ability [Minor Lung Capacity] learned.

Over the next several minutes Rea had somehow managed to drag them out, two of the lizardlings were fine. The other one, the last one, wasn't breathing. Rea was still hunched over him, thoughts of how she'd been in such a rush to win the contest that she hadn't bothered to think of the others swirled in her mind. An admonishing sense of self hate clouded her heart as she embraced the child's lifeless body. While Rea silently held the child close other lizardmen looked on confused, these trials were and always have been a way to thin out the weak. A scowl came over Saul's reptilian face, in moments the other two children she had helped were thrown back into the water. Rea watched as they both managed to swim this time. While a slight smile graced her snout Saul drew closer. Rea didn't fight back as the lizardman leader picked her up by the tail and retreated to the cave.

Saul made his way into an area she'd never seen before and with little effort a large stone boulder was moved aside. Rea realized what was about to happen as she saw the small confined area that had been revealed and braced herself. After the first few minutes in this dark, dank cell she'd been roughly thrown in, Rea's eyes began to adjust. There was nothing, roughly five feet by five with a low ceiling. Rea had been imprisoned. She could only guess as to what her fate would be at this point. As time went on she began to lose consciousness from hunger and thirst...

Day ~7~

When she first woke up Rea remembered having stashed some of her rabbit meat away in the pack, after devouring the tasty morsel with enthusiasm Rea quietly laid back down on the rough stone floor.

Day ~8~

Ability [Satiety Mastery Lv. 1] learned.

Day ~9~


Day ~10~

As the scraping sound of stone meeting stone entered her ears Rea looked on, half fearful, half hopeful, what she saw was, Level 2 [Lizardman Chieftain] Steve. Eyes now wide open she could see that the once average looking lizardman warrior had become rather unique. Some very extreme blue markings ran all along his face and down his chest. That wasn't what made Rea grin though, Steve had on what was very obviously once Saul's armor and weapon. "What happened to Saul?"

Steve grinned, "I ate him."

"Ohhh... did you save any for me?" Rea held back an odd mix of emotion as Steve chuckled. He then picked her up in a gentle manner and carried her out of the confined space she'd been dying in for the past few days. After walking for a while Rea found herself in an uncharacteristically regal looking chamber. Vibrant silk lined the walls, a bed that looked entirely too comfortable lay dead center. Near the far wall was, as her psychometry told her, a masterwork table, chair, and chest. Even smoke rose from another corner but in her weakened state Rea really couldn't have been bothered to sate her curiosity at the moment. As he departed Steve scoffed and said he'd rearrange the room soon. Rea muttered that offensive perfume should be the first thing to leave.

From the ruckus they'd passed by on the way here Rea assumed Steve must have just eaten Saul before coming to her rescue. As Rea continued to ponder what was happening outside Steve returned with a platter of cooked rabbit and badger. After asking for water he quickly scurried off again as Rea tore into the feast. Downing nearly the entire platter and a jug of water, Rea passed out on the spot... for a few moments, before the mischievous new chieftain carried her over to the smoky side of the room and dropped her. *SPLASH*


Rea was rudely awakened by the rather pleasant feeling of a hot bath, something she'd nearly forgotten about. Too pleased to be angry at the lizardman she went about relaxing in the spring as he once again departed. Looking down Rea took notice of some peculiar looking stones called, Fire Spirit Stones. After snagging a few... and feeling thoroughly rejuvenated, Rea slowly made her way to the bed and proceeded to pass the heck out.

Ability [Chieftain's Daughter] learned.

Day ~11~

Upon inspecting her abilities the next morning and poking Steve with her, *cough cough* horny stick, Rea asked, "Chieftain's daughter?"

Swatting away the pointy object Rea was digging into his flank, Steve replied, "Saul announced death sentence, I stopped death sentence. Tribe angry, tribe appeased."

At that Rea shrugged it off and decided to go about her day, Steve passed back out. To her dismay Rea soon learned that only 13 of her peers had survived the third trial, a battle with the horned rabbit... Both of the ones she had managed to nearly get herself killed over had survived and gained [Loyalty-Rea]. Muttering a few curses at the passing wind Rea proceeded to leave the cave alone. Determined to raise her level and rank, maybe even arm the other lizardlings as quickly as possible she set about hunting. Her new and improved weapon, horny stick, made short work of horned rabbits. One well aimed strike or a couple of smacks were enough to end the jumpy buggers. Of course when she smacked them unconscious Rea simply used [Choke] to deal with the cute little critters.

Ability [Tracking Lv. 1] learned.

Ability [Impale] learned.

Ability [Carving Mastery Lv. 1] learned.

Rea has obtained Small Animal Horn x14!

Rea has obtained Cracked Animal Horn x3!

Rea has obtained Small Rabbit Pelt x17!

Rea has obtained Medium Animal Horn x3!

Rea has obtained Medium Rabbit Pelt x3!

One day and twenty rabbits later Rea was satisfied with her progression from level 37 to 51. Before heading home she decided it would be best to replace the now damaged weapon, and proceeded to seek out a better stick than her first one.

Rea has obtained [Weapon-Staff] Thick Pine Stick.

Happy to have found a larger, sturdier stick Rea made her way home for the day. Steve, once again zonked out from his new duties as chieftain, was already asleep. Rea had no qualms at all waking him up and getting his tools again. A few minutes later...

~Name your creation.

Without giving it much thought Rea, once again, replied nonchalantly.

Rea has obtained [Weapon-Spear] Big Horny Stick.

Steve let out an audible sigh from his face down position on the bed. After a few practice swings Rea proceeded to curl up next to her new father. That bed was darn comfy and she wasn't about to go back to the incubation chamber mats.

Day ~12~

The first thing Rea did today was make her way to the incubation chamber and pass out her remaining animal horns. She made sure to give the two loyal lizardlings medium sized horns. After the impromptu weaponry was passed out she went on to school them in the art of survival, as far as horned rabbits are concerned.

Ability [Pack Leadership] learned.

Ability [Barrel Roll] learned.

That done, Rea returned to the chieftain's chambers and decided to, without permission, delve into the secrets of a certain masterwork chest. Upon opening the chest Rea ignored things she'd probably get in trouble for taking, instead she removed a pile of five books.

Rea has obtained [Book] "First Volume (of two) of “The Path of a Swordsman".

Rea has obtained [Book] "Third Volume (of three) of "Mastery of Magic – Advanced Sorcery".

Rea has obtained [Book] "Misadventures Vol.1 "The Misadventures of a bored Succubus".

Rea has obtained [Book] "Recommended guide to Vestlei's Alphabet".

Rea has obtained [Book] "First Volume of "World Wandering Journal: From Vestlei to Unexplored Regions".

After inspecting them for a good minute Rea realized that she had no frickin' clue how to read them... she had hoped for English. Remembering her language and text abilities she'd been born with Rea figured it'd be worth a try to at least examine them for a while. Her efforts paid off, after only half an hour of banging her head against the side of a chest and looking at nonsensical squiggly gibberish...

Ability [Minor Human Vestlei-variant Text] learned.

Seeing as these were likely to have been plundered from adventurers she was not surprised to learn that it was the language of humans written here. Unfortunately minor comprehension really wasn't enough for her to make much sense of anything yet. Rea could get the basic idea of what the books were about now, but still... Back to banging my head I suppose

Three hours, two rabbits, one annoyed chieftain, two thousand and forty-six head bangs later...

Ability [Moderate Human Vestlei-variant Text] learned.

Now that she could read at an average level Rea was able to begin, she'd already picked which of the five to read first... the alphabet. Moving from her spot on the floor next to the chest Rea decided to take breather. Returning from a journey to the food stores with a plate of wild berries Rea disrobed, picked up her book, and dropped into the hot spring. A few minutes later Steve stopped by to check on the lizardling only to find that she was now, not frustrated and apparently reading the book... Scratching his scales Steve let out another sigh and left.

One hour, three plates of berries, a dozen shocked lizardmen, one very happy lizardling, and one book later...

Ability [Human Vestlei-variant Text] learned.

Ability [Minor Human Language] learned.

Ability [Relaxing Aura Lv. 1] learned.

Steve kindly asked Rea to put her clothes back on before she made any more trips to the food stores. Rea simply shrugged as though she couldn't be bothered and returned to her books. After skimming through and not finding them all that much useful Rea decided to store the swordsman and mage books. With her attention focused she was pretty excited about the world wandering book and not disappointed. Rea was happy to find that it was filled with all sorts of useful and juicy information, if only she could figure out exactly where she was. The map inside the book seemed to have been made by a skilled cartographer, whom she assumed to have also been the author.

Seeing as old habits die hard Rea saved the best for last, with her spirits high she delved head first into [Book] "Misadventures Vol.1 "The Misadventures of a bored Succubus". Once again, she was not disappointed. The book was everything she had hoped it would be and more. On one particular occasion she had decided to read a passage aloud in lizardman tongue for Steve to hear... he almost burned it. Not wanting to read through the entire book at once Rea packed it away and returned to the chest. After talking it over with Steve she plundered the chest to her heart's content. The previous leader, Saul, had been gathering shiny things that the lizardmen themselves really had no use for. Basically plenty of gems and gold, a few spirit stones, and some rare metals.




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