《Re:Lovely》Chapter 1: Days 1-5 ~The Most Legendary Stick~


Day ~1~

After suffering the shock of having her soul gouged from its place Noel quickly opened her eyes yet saw nothing, she even began to panic thinking something had gone wrong. Quickly putting her mind to the task Noel calmed down and considered everything that had just happened. I've been reborn? The sudden revelation that she must be an unborn child made Noel shiver. Her senses were dulled but the unmistakable sensation of being completely submerged isn't something one can so easily mistake.

For what seemed like hours she continued to go over everything her visitor had said. Noel came to another shocking realization with relative ease. The books, they must have been given to her during the hospital stay for a reason. If the goddess was so keen on her having paid attention to the content... Oh god I hope not, that world was dangerous, even more so than mine...

Day ~2~

Noel had a bit more control of her new body and quickly discovered that she was, in fact, not human. Soft undeveloped scales encompassed her entire body. An entirely shocking amount of miniature razor-sharp teeth lined her gums. Her hands felt... foreign, odd. Returning her attention to the fact that she really had nothing else to do, Noel began to relish in the sensation of being submerged without drowning. After spinning around for a while longer she fell unconscious.

Day ~3~


Noel was rudely awakened by a loud cracking sound, followed by many more faint cracks. Noel quickly realized what was happening and followed suit by pushing against the confines of her small world. In less than a minute she was free and very displeased. Surrounding her were about twenty similar eggs as the one she had come out of. Noel's scales were a nice pale green color, and jagged little white claws protruded from her hands, like nails. The tail was gonna take some getting used to. Standing vigil though was a large, muscular level 96 Lizardman Warrior named Steve. He was sporting a dangerous looking iron falchion and buckler combo. Noel wasn't particularly displeased with the fact she'd been reborn a lizardman, or the fact that her first lizardman was named Steve and he was boldly wearing nothing but a loincloth, what displeased her was... the palm tree and coconuts. Left in a nearly catatonic state after inspecting her or rather his new nether regions, Noel collapsed and muttered repeatedly, over and over. "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"


Looking on from paradise, Elisabeth watched silently with anticipation as her mother was reborn. After a slight giggle she turned to Airi who was sipping on an ambrosia. "That was mean Airi, making mama a boy."

*Pfttttttt* Spitting her ambrosia all over the place Airi quickly stood up, "what!?... ooooh, oops."

The goddess shrugged and raised her left hand, *Snap* "There that should do the trick..."


You have met the requirements for a rare evolution.

Special requirements [Male Body], [Female Soul], [Goddess Intervention].

Will you [Evolve]?YesNo


Noel sighed with relief as her gender returned to female. A few moments later she examined her initial skills. As within her previous life [Psychometry] was obviously present, this allowed her to easily glean useful information from her surroundings. Levels, race, names and properties nothing seemed different from before. Aside from the obvious [Reptilian Hide], [Lizardman Language], [Sharp Teeth] and [Claws], Noel had unexpectedly been gifted with [Language Comprehension], [Text Comprehension], and [Divine Blessing: Ability Guidance]. The later three she suspected were Airi's doing. Silently thanking the odd goddess and choosing to mull over what ability guidance was at a later time, the severely exhausted Noel passed out.


~Day 4~

Shortly after waking up Noel was inspected and named by the burly lizardman she'd seen yesterday, Rea. Without complaint she watched as he did the same for all of the recently hatched children. By mid afternoon lizardmen children bounded back and forth across the recently cleaned incubation chamber. Rea estimated that they had been hatched with the physique of eleven to twelve year old children. Chalking it up to the fact that survival in the wild for anything smaller would be to difficult, she paid their unusually large newborn stature no further mind.

Ignoring the antics of children she exited the chamber for a few moments. Being picked up by the scruff of her neck and tossed back inside was not fun. Steve would pay for that. Some of the other hatchlings had seen her and in turn, also decided to pester Steve. As the now annoyed lizardman continued to deal with her fellow hatchlings Rea silently lurked past him and out of the chamber.

Ability [Minor Stealth] learned.

What Rea's eyes now beheld, instead of the dank, dark, and misty incubation chamber, was a larger stone cave. Its natural curves led to a high ceiling covered in some rather impressive stalactites. The longer ones united with similarly sized stalagmites rising from the floor surrounding a small source of water that freely flowed through the cavern's edge. Rea closed her eyes and took in the fresh spring scent of stone and mist, her spirits rose even further as sounds of small critters echoed through the unseen recesses of her new home. The earthen stone ground beneath Rea's feet warmly guided every step she took. Having forgotten that she was somewhere she shouldn't be, Rea let out a sigh of content as she twirled around and laid flat across the ground. A new life, a new world.

"Aren't you an adventurous little one?" called a slightly raspy voice.

Rea opened her eyes and beheld a lizardman even larger than Steve, Level 6 [Lizardman Leader] Saul. Intricate and thick leather armor covered half his chest and lower body, steel gauntlets and boots covered his limbs. On his back, a rather large barbed spear. Feigning innocence she excitedly waltzed up to Saul and began to play with his boots. At that moment a familiar scent reached her nostrils, blood. Peering behind the warrior Rea observed various bits and pieces of other species beings dissected and roasted. The day's catch of horned rabbits, goblins, boars, and... adventurers. While holding back the urge to retch Rea was picked up once again and deposited in the incubation chamber.

Spacing out and contemplating the future Rea made an oath to herself. She wouldn't eat other sentient species of this world, anything capable of speaking, capable of emotion, unless it was necessary. She'd only kill other sentient beings when it was necessary. Violence with intelligent orcs, kobolds, elves, humans, gnomes, dwarves, even goblins and the like should be a last resort. Using her human morals as a guide Rea decided that she should live while always striving to do the right thing. Letting out a slight chuckle Rea drifted off to sleep. Survival is a priority, even before redemption. If they keep eating humans... I can't stay here.

~Day 5~

The next day sticks were handed out to all of the recent hatchlings.

Rea has obtained [Weapon-Staff] Long stick.

Steve looked around the room to make sure everyone was armed before announcing, "Last one standing gets to go outside."

Immediately understanding his intention Rea jabbed a male lizardling in the unmentionables with her weapon. One hit K.O, as soon as the room was in a full blown brawl she made use of her stealth to quietly avoid sight. One after the other lizard children fell from being bludgeoned or jabbed by staves. Rea chuckled a bit from misty shadows at the comical nature of this spectacle. Newborn children brawling with sticks really couldn't be called fighting, especially since the first to attack had showed them a very unsportsmanlike way to use their weapons.


When there were only three left standing Rea, much to Steve's surprise, emerged from her hiding place and swung her staff. With the first strike from behind a lizard fell and clutched his head in pain. The other two continued to attack each other as she easily knocked one off balance with a sweep. As there was only one opponent left Rea took her time using him to get accustomed to this new body. After several minutes the other child began to stumble from fatigue. Deciding it was time to finish the fight Rea ducked low under a wide swing and used her favorite new feature to sweep him off his feet. Of the initial 23 children, including herself, Rea was the only one left standing.

Ability [Tail Sweep] learned.

Rea smiled in satisfaction, she had noticed the other children's levels rising during the melee and assumed that hers must've done the same. *Ah!* Once again Rea was being lifted by the scruff of her neck. Steve carefully inspected the prodigious hatchling, "Well done little one, let's see to your reward."

Rea looked up at Steve and asked, "Whatsss do I getsss?"

*flomp* Steve stared at Rea in honest shock after dropping the little lizardman on her rear, "An unusual child... odd child."

Rea cocked her head and assumed that she wasn't supposed to be speaking yet, "What's wrong?"

"There’s something unusual in your eyes child, let us hope it's a good something. Come, follow along." Steve didn't seem to want to touch Rea anymore. Rea realized he must've gotten a glimpse of something unnatural in her, possibly the psychometry causing a side effect. Moments later she decided it would be best to avoid direct eye contact from now on.

Steve led Rea through the main area she had gotten a good feel for the day before and stopped once they approached a dank storehouse. The place smelled slightly of mold and she could see that much of what was here must've been looted from adventurers. Rea gave Steve an inquisitive look with which he replied to by stating that she could choose any three items from the piles of gear. Rea sported a grin that was entirely misplaced on a child... Steve ignored that. Using her psychometry she picked out three of the best quality items that suited her needs. A spear, chest armor, and an enchanted backpack that had been hidden under some impressive piles of gear.

Rea has obtained [Weapon-Spear] Mythril-tipped Ashwood Spear.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Armor] Cured Leather Bindings.

Rea has obtained [Storage] Enchanted Wyrmhide Field pack.

"Steve," she held out the spear and armor.

"What?" he gave her a confused look.

"Can you hold onto these for me until I grow a bit taller... oh never mind, I've got a pack I can keep them in."

*Bwahahahahaha* "Those won't fit in that tiny field pack child... what!?"

Steve gaped as the spear and armor effortlessly disappeared into the roughly seven inch long field pack she'd affixed to her waist. "I can go explore now?" she asked, aiming a childish grin at the winded lizardman.

"Yes, be back before sundown. Also don't stray too far from the cave, it's dangerous for a newborn to be outside alone... right take these as well. Just in case."

Rea has obtained [Medicine] Minor Healing Potion x6.

After taking a rough head count, and looking around the cave a bit more she assumed that her lizardman tribe numbered around 50-60 adults. Determined to not eat mystery meat again Rea quickly made her way to the cave's entrance. As she passed by two other Lizardmen, both lower levels than Steve, the child stopped in her tracks. Grinning from ear to ear Rea admired the placement of their home. The running stream had been coming from a waterfall not twenty feet to the south of her current location. That low hum she'd been hearing from inside was now a bellowing roar. The misty chamber and moldy smell now made much more sense to her. Out here she could see right into the heart of a thick wooded surrounding area. Pine-like trees still coming back to life from the past winter, an ideal season to hunt. Shrugging off some obscene sounds coming from lizardmen playing in their water source she trekked towards the woods. Rea had to pause for a moment though to admire a massive, seemingly endless mountain range on the western horizon, it had come into view behind of her as she got farther from the cave.

In a matter of minutes, through the use of her psychometry Rea tracked down a level 3 [Horned Rabbit]. After silently admiring its light brown fur and 14 cm long horn, Rea began her approach. Making use of the cover from some trees and a slanted portion of terrain she managed to get the element of surprise. Rea, having used violence pretty often in the last few years, easily managed to crush the rabbit without taking a fatal jab. She did realize though that no matter how easy that was all it would've taken was a single misstep to be impaled by the furry little critter. As much as eating raw meat offended some of her human sensibilities at the moment, Rea sort of found the red meat a bit appetizing. With no time to bother making a fire she went about enjoying her fresh meal. She figured it must be her new lizard-like traits kicking in that made the cute little critter so darn delicious.

Rea has obtained a Small Animal Horn!

Rea has obtained a Small Rabbit Pelt!

After the feast Rea came to the sudden realization that she was able to instinctively tell what her current level is. Happy to be sitting at a solid level 34 she began to scour her surroundings for another prey. Catching a glimpse of something level 32 through the treeline was not a pleasant experience. Erring on the side of caution seemed to be in her best interest at the moment. Packing away the leftovers she returned to her cave. After sundown Steve watched over Rea, once again impressed as she used some borrowed gear to notch and bind the small horn to her staff.

~Name your creation.

Without giving it much thought Rea replied nonchalantly.

Rea has obtained [Weapon-Spear] Horny Stick.

Steve sighed at the jovial little lizard as Rea contemplated the usefulness of various crafting abilities and their subsequent mastery. "I'm gonna play with my horny stick some before I go to sleep, thanks for letting me borrow your tools." The adult lizardman just sighed very deeply while waving goodbye.




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